What policies should be implemented to address racism in the country?

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You are just wrong. Both would be considered racist. However, then you tell me what it would be called if a white person did the same thing?
It's would be called the National Housing Act and it helped subsidize white middle class home ownership after the great depression. It was a wonderful program of generational wealth creation coupled with the VA Housing benefits after WW2 and it is largely responsible for the white middle class we have today. Unfortunately and predictably it's implementation left out black Americans, including black veterans returning home from WW 2 and instead cemented black Americans into the segregated ghettos that they mostly still reside in today.
Thanks for your admission of being racist. You should not be assuming my skin color and where I live ;).
No one cares bro. Your accusations of wacism doesn't affect me. You have failed to support your argument and there's one more "racist" out there.
It's would be called the National Housing Act and it helped subsidize white middle class home ownership after the great depression. It was a wonderful program of generational wealth creation coupled with the VA Housing benefits after WW2 and it is largely responsible for the white middle class we have today. Unfortunately and predictably it's implementation left out black Americans, including black veterans returning home from WW 2 and instead cemented black Americans into the segregated ghettos that they mostly still reside in today.
Not really what I asked, but guess what... Per your post you admit the above was racist. Why was it racist? Because it excluded certain races (Black Americans) from taking advantage. Just like it would if you did the same thing today, but left out any other race of Americans.
Not really what I asked, but guess what... Per your post you admit the above was racist. Why was it racist? Because it excluded certain races (Black Americans) from taking advantage. Just like it would if you did the same thing today, but left out any other race of Americans.
What was racist about the National Housing Act was that it forced black Americans into segregated urban ghettos, not that it helped whites struggling from the great depression aquire homes. Who is suggesting we expand white poverty in our efforts to increase black home ownership?

The Right has to stop enabling the racism that DOES exist by denying it, downplaying it, dismissing it and ignoring it.

Thats just a generalized statement

Unless you can be more specific I dont think you will ever get anyone other than your wacko lefty friends to agree with you

Are parents who oppose CRT racists?

How about people who are against the Black LIES Matter agenda?

The Right has to stop enabling the racism that DOES exist by denying it, downplaying it, dismissing it and ignoring it.

Thats just a generalized statement

Unless you can be more specific I dont think you will ever get anyone to agree with you other than your wacko lefty friends to agree with you

Are parents who oppose CRT racists?

How about people who are against the Black LIES Matter agenda?
You're not going to understand this, but just for fun.

I strung you along so that you would do what I knew you would ultimately do: You denied that racism exists, just as I said in the OP.

You're like a little, wet, wormy thing rolling around in my mental Petri dish: Poke, observe, poke, observe, poke, observe. Flush.

What you enablers of racism think of me is irrelevant. Maybe that will one day sink into your skulls. Or maybe not. Whichever.
Ban / outlaw Democrats' fear-mongering, lies, and 100+ year-old tactic of branding everything and everyone opposed to them / their agenda 'racists'.

Not possible, though....
Do Democrats believe blacks leaving them in droves to be 'racist'??

One policy is black males impregnating then wandering off and doing it over and over again
Cold hard fact that crushes libbie make pretend therefore racist I’m sure

The Right has to stop enabling the racism that DOES exist by denying it, downplaying it, dismissing it and ignoring it.

Thats just a generalized statement

Unless you can be more specific I dont think you will ever get anyone other than your wacko lefty friends to agree with you

Are parents who oppose CRT racists?

How about people who are against the Black LIES Matter agenda?
Buy Lotsa Mansions is fraud on dummies
I strung you along so that you would do what I knew you would ultimately do: You denied that racism exists, just as I said in the OP.
I have not denied racism

But you cant just issue blanket arrest warrants for white conservatives and fill in the specifics when you see fit

Thats what the radical left does

you claim to be better than them

But so far you no different from them at all
What was racist about the National Housing Act was that it forced black Americans into segregated urban ghettos, not that it helped whites struggling from the great depression aquire homes. Who is suggesting we expand white poverty in our efforts to increase black home ownership?
Excluding blacks was/is racist. It was as simple as that. However, I don't think I am going to convince you as you admitted you are okay with treating people differently based on skin color and you don't think that is racist, but I disagree and think it is.
Ban / outlaw Democrats' fear-mongering, lies, and 100+ year-old tactic of branding everything and everyone opposed to them / their agenda 'racists'.

Not possible, though....
Heck they are trying to solidify the lies via the Disinformation Governance Board. No telling what lies we will receive once the government implements this crap.
We often get bogged down and navel gaze over what extent racism affects groups or doesn't, but what actual solutions do people have? People on the right love citing King with "content/character over color" but don't tell us how to get there. Meritocracy is only a platitude if it isn't enforced. It's like hoping and wishing that people won't commit homicide against one another. Without homicide laws and measures, it's a pipe dream.
Start by ending all affirmative action and race based programs and maybe a national campaign on all forms of media to encourage people to quit screaming at each other and start talking to one another.
Excluding blacks was/is racist. It was as simple as that. However, I don't think I am going to convince you as you admitted you are okay with treating people differently based on skin color and you don't think that is racist, but I disagree and think it is.
You disagree because you want to categorize programs meant to help black Americans as discriminatory and thus invalid, but helping people isn't racist.
Start by ending all affirmative action and race based programs and maybe a national campaign on all forms of media to encourage people to quit screaming at each other and start talking to one another.
Yes, and I’ve said the same thing repeatedly - having worked in admissions and seen first-hand how biased colleges are toward blacks and against whites and Asians. The pretzel-twisting they do to justify admitting blacks with a 3.1 or 3.2 and OKish scores and rejecting Asians with 3.6 and 3.7 and excellent scores is racism on steroids.

The sad thing is that when I’ve suggested abolishing race-based admissions standards - I’d support a program that recognizes high-achieving students from disadvantaged backgrounds - I am called a racist and white supremacist (by liberals of course). I remain incredulous that liberals consider race-based admissions to be non-racist, and the elimination of race-based admissions to be racist.

Like elsewhere, they have it backwards.
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