What policies should be implemented to address racism in the country?

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The most obvious example of institutionalized racism in this country is affirmative action. It should be eliminated immediately and we should base our society on merit, instead.
The Special Privileges for Diploma Dumbos

Especially because it's never objected to, even worse Affirmative Action is college being for teenagers who are afraid to grow up. Those no-talent brown-noses live no differently from the way young-adult slackers do staying in their parents' basement, earning a childish living to eke out a dreary and psychologically damaging existence. Unpaid education puts inferior people in superior positions.

All these outrageous racial policies are emphasized to distract us from our own subservient position in being asked to sacrifice our youth to serve plutocratic parasites, who give their own sons allowances that give them an adequate income as students. Daddy also pays the tuition, which is itself a distracting issue, since it really means that Daddy buys his heir a job.
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Wherever this is applied, women start having fewer children and raise those they have much better. Nothing more practical than that.
Young minds exposed to elegant thought and art always produce abundantly for their culture.
Superficial prejudices are swept away with the transmission of empathetic metaphors.
Independent thought is enabled.
Everyone gains.
The University Is the Source of All Common Delusions

Those courses are a jobs program for the useless nerds who teach them.
Heck they are trying to solidify the lies via the Disinformation Governance Board. No telling what lies we will receive once the government implements this crap.
Accepting What You're Told Proves You've All Been Subject to a Ministry of Truth for Decades

The Bi-den government has a surplus of employees, so the Ministry of Truth, instead of censoring, can flood the Netrix with hired posters who will reinforce the strongest lie of all (because none of you will object to it), which is the claim that racism is morally and scientifically wrong. Oh, and history will never forgive you for not realizing that the Commie Goon MLK's charge that it is stupidly about the color of skin is a strawman.
Using racism to address racism doesn't make sense to me.

And the federal government paying for installing intersection cameras in my city that has never seen a terrorist as part of the War on Terror didn't make sense to me, but we did it anyway.

What policies should be implemented to address racism in the country?​

1. Exterminate all Democrats in political offices.
2. Abolish all laws geared towards favoritism to races and colors.
3. Reorganize the entire welfare system to ONLY help native born Americans on unemployment, while they find another job. Which is what it was meant for.
There are those that pretend unintelligent prejudice does not exist and then there are those who pretend that individual responsibility does not exist. How could genuine debate take place between such absurdity?

What policies should be implemented to address racism in the country?​

The GOP dissolves
Middle-ground Democrats create a party that becomes the new right-wing major party
True Leftwingers retain the Democratic party.

That's about it. Any power is taken out of the racist's (GOP) hands.
It was democrats, not republicans who hung on to the bitter end to keep slavery and Jim Crow laws alive.

It's democrats fomenting racism today, not republicans.

You need to pull your head out of your ass and come into the light with the adults and quit barking out rote talking points from the DNC as though they had any semblance of or resemblance to facts.
The Right has to stop enabling the racism that DOES exist by denying it, downplaying it, dismissing it and ignoring it.
Your problem is that none of us are doing that.

Racism certainly lives on and always will in all likelihood but it isn't Republicans as a party that are fomenting or practicing it.
We often get bogged down and navel gaze over what extent racism affects groups or doesn't, but what actual solutions do people have? People on the right love citing King with "content/character over color" but don't tell us how to get there. Meritocracy is only a platitude if it isn't enforced. It's like hoping and wishing that people won't commit homicide against one another. Without homicide laws and measures, it's a pipe dream.
You must be a leftie. Only a leftie would think this way. ^^^

Newsflash: homicides still happen, with or without laws.

Racism still happens, with or without laws or social credits.
It was democrats, not republicans who hung on to the bitter end to keep slavery and Jim Crow laws alive.

It's democrats fomenting racism today, not republicans.

You need to pull your head out of your ass and come into the light with the adults and quit barking out rote talking points from the DNC as though they had any semblance of or resemblance to facts.
That funny. Cause every time I call those old Democrats like Robert E. Lee, Jefferson Davis and Nathan Bedford Forrest pieces of human shit it's always conservative Republicans who take offense.
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