What policies should be implemented to address racism in the country?

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But democrats are racist too. Even Bernie said no reparations for Negroes, only Jews. Woke progressives are still a minority, a majority of libs are still classical libs. That is to say, very racist/indifferent to racism. When I was homeless in Boston, those crackers didn't give a shit. Actions speak louder than words, they oppose all the measures the true progressives want. The Moderate Liberal is no different than the red state conservative.

They are neither moderate, not liberal.
It was democrats, not republicans who hung on to the bitter end to keep slavery and Jim Crow laws alive.

It's democrats fomenting racism today, not republicans.

You need to pull your head out of your ass and come into the light with the adults and quit barking out rote talking points from the DNC as though they had any semblance of or resemblance to facts.
Come on Texan, where you at you coward? You guys certainly like to call out Democrats as the party for fighting till the end over slavery, and for starting the KKK and implementing Jim Crow (and they were) but you clowns can never call out any of these Confederate/KKK pieces of shit by name. So who were they? Was Robert E Lee, Jefferson Davis and Nathan Bedfrod Forrest a few of those piece of shit Democrats you were talking about?

Come on Texan, where you at you coward? You guys certainly like to call out Democrats as the party for fighting till the end over slavery, and for starting the KKK and implementing Jim Crow (and they were) but you clowns can never call out any of these Confederate/KKK pieces of shit by name. So who were they? Was Robert E Lee, Jefferson Davis and Nathan Bedfrod Forrest a few of those piece of shit Democrats you were talking about?

Coward? My lengthy career as an operator says otherwise.
Coward? My lengthy career as an operator says otherwise.
Your cowardly dodging of the question says otherwise. 😄 You could very well be making that up. I'm not making it up that so far you've been to much of a coward to say whether Robert E Lee, Jefferson Davis or Nathan Bedford Forrest were a few of those piece of shit slaving Democrats you were talking about. Still afraid to answer Nancy boy? You're the one who brought it up.
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You must be a leftie. Only a leftie would think this way. ^^^

Newsflash: homicides still happen, with or without laws.

Racism still happens, with or without laws or social credits.
Silly. You'd have even more if it were legal.
We often get bogged down and navel gaze over what extent racism affects groups or doesn't, but what actual solutions do people have? People on the right love citing King with "content/character over color" but don't tell us how to get there. Meritocracy is only a platitude if it isn't enforced. It's like hoping and wishing that people won't commit homicide against one another. Without homicide laws and measures, it's a pipe dream.


1. End all race based programs, such as giving points to blacks students applying for university.

2. Immigration ban till we get on top of this diversity problem.

3. Making calling someone a wacist, a social taboo. (unless they self identify as racist)
Silly. You'd have even more if it were legal.
So you’re saying that there would be even more hate crimes against Jews* if they weren’t labeled hate crimes, and charged as such? i don’t think so. It’s like the scorpion and frog fable: it’s in their nature.

*I use Jews as an example because on a per- capita basis, there are more hate crimes against them then against blacks. I myself was victimized twice - once with the word JEW keyed in large letters across the hood of a brand new car. You honestly think the antisemites who did that would have been deterred If it wasn’t labeled a hate crime? It’s still against the law, and they did it anyway.
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We often get bogged down and navel gaze over what extent racism affects groups or doesn't, but what actual solutions do people have? People on the right love citing King with "content/character over color" but don't tell us how to get there. Meritocracy is only a platitude if it isn't enforced. It's like hoping and wishing that people won't commit homicide against one another. Without homicide laws and measures, it's a pipe dream.
Break up the Urban Plantations through accelerated gentrification in order to end Black Fortress Mentality, to end One-Party Rule, and scatter the hood rats.
Break up the Urban PlantationsZX.2

Break up the Urban Plantations through accelerated gentrification in order to end Black Fortress Mentality, to end One-Party Rule, and scatter the hood rats.

You want them moving into your neighbor hood? Or are you imagining this happening to other people?

Break up the Urban Plantations through accelerated gentrification in order to end Black Fortress Mentality, to end One-Party Rule, and scatter the hood rats.
From what I understand, blacks object when whites move into their neighborhoods.
If one's position on bullshit "reparations" (free shit) determines racism, then I NEVER want racism to end.
Reparations would never end. It would become the bribe of the campaign season:

Primary candidate one: I will give $270 a month to the blacks to any black earning less than $75,000!

Candidate two: I‘ll see your amount, but raise you in the income limit. Blacks earning as much as $100,000 will get it.

Candidate 3: I’ll see you and raise you in the amount: $500 a month!

And so on and so on. The winning candidate is the one who can steal as much from whites and give it to blacks.

(Of course, they will be losing the white vote. There will be some major calculations being figured.)
.Break up the Urban Plantations through accelerated gentrification in order to end Black Fortress Mentality, to end One-Party Rule, and scatter the hood rats.

You want them moving into your neighbor hood? Or are you imagining this happening to other people?

From what I understand, blacks object when whites move into their neighborhoods.

Look at this collection of morons! 🤣 These three posts back to back are just amazing in the most hilarious way. I don't know if you guys imagine me to be angry because I like to call the Founders "slaving pieces of shit" and argue about racism but I honestly don't do it out of anger. I do it because the simple truth in that statement and the way it angers racist white Americans tickles the fuck out of me as does the inanity I witness daily from you morons here on this site. Stupidity like the 3 posts above. Just the simple incongruity between them should make everyone who reads them bust their gut laughing their asses off. Let's take a moment to examine this wonderful bit of stupidity in all its glory.

It starts off with Kondor3 who says, "Break up the Urban Plantations". For anyone confused Urban Plantations are the inner city ghettos that Republicans like to accuse Democrats of keeping Black Americans locked into. Ghetto's are obviously bad and undesirable and so ostensibly we're to be angry at Democrats for doing this awful thing of keeping Black Americans in these inner city hell holes, but he continues. "Accelerate gentrification (the process by which wealthy people buy up property in poor neighborhoods and push those poor people out) in order to end Black Fortress Mentality and One-Party Rule." Immediately his internal logic starts to break down. At first Black people were the victims of white Democrats being held on their Plantation and then suddenly its Black people themselves who have locked themselves away in inner cities. He concludes with "scatter the hood rats", which if you were paying attention would make you stop and think, well why? If they are "hood rats" maybe keeping them on that Plantation was a good thing. Our next poster raises that very point. "You want them moving into your neighborhood?", Correll asks him. "Or are you imagining this happening to other people?". Clearly he doesn't want the "Hood Rats" next to him. Is he a closeted Democrat? After all it was Democrats who locked them away on these Plantations, right? Maybe he's confused about his identity? I hear that's common among Democrats... 😄 And finally we come to Lisa558 who apparently didn't see that it was actually Correll who didn't want blacks coming into his neighborhood and Democrats who originally locked them away in these Plantations because they didn't want blacks next to them. So we have one poster confused about the internal logic of his own argument. Another confused about his political identity. And another confused by the basic history of American segregation. How could you not be having a good time watching these clowns make such fools of themselves? 😂
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... You guys certainly like to call out Democrats as the party for fighting till the end over slavery, and for starting the KKK and implementing Jim Crow (....

Because they DID, and the democrats still use race as a political tool to this day.
Because they DID, and the democrats still use race as a political tool to this day.
And the Republican Party and certainly the Southern Conservative portion of it still revere those slaving piece of shit Democrats like Robert E. Lee, Jefferson Davis and Nathan Bedfrod Forrest. Listen, if you want to throw old white Southern Conservative pieces of shit under the bus, I'm certainly not going to be the one to stop you. 😄 I gather you're okay with teaching school children that Robert E Lee and Jefferson Davis and Nathan Bedfrod Forrest were slavers and pieces of shit who fought to keep blacks on actual Plantations?
Silly. You'd have even more if it were legal.

You miss the point.

No one cares if it's legal or not.

Lefties are under the persistent delusion they're going to change human nature through legislation.

Or indoctrination, as the case may be.

But it ain't gonna happen.

Human nature hasn't changed in ten thousand years.

And it won't change in the next ten thousand either.
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