What policies should be implemented to address racism in the country?

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You disagree because you want to categorize programs meant to help black Americans as discriminatory and thus invalid, but helping people isn't racist.
We definitely look at discrimination differently. You think it is okay to give something to someone because of their skin color and I don't. I guess we are going to have to agree to disagree on this one.
Excluding blacks was/is racist. It was as simple as that. However, I don't think I am going to convince you as you admitted you are okay with treating people differently based on skin color and you don't think that is racist, but I disagree and think it is.
Let me try this a different way and use an analogy to explain it to you as if you were a particularly simple child.

Let's say a white nationalist walked into a black church and murdered a bunch of the congregation. And let's say it was found by the Court that the government was in some way responsible for this atrocity and is ordered to financially compensate the victims. Is the pay out racist because all the victims happen to be black?

Likewise if an act or law was passed targeted at helping victims of historical housing segregation obviously those recipients would be black and not white because blacks were the historical victims of housing discrimination and whites the beneficiaries.
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Let me try this a different way and use an analogy to explain it to you as if you were a particularly simple child.

Let's say a white nationalist walked into a black church and murdered a bunch of the congregation. And let's say it was found by the Court that the government was in some way responsible for this atrocity and is ordered to financially compensate the victims. Is the pay out racist because all the victims happen to be black?

Likewise if a act or law was passed targeted at helping victims of historical housing segregation obviously those recipients would be black and not white because blacks were the historical victims of housing discrimination and whites the beneficiaries.
"Historical" being the operative word. We know who the victims in the church were. Who are the "historical victims" of housing segregation and how many are still alive?
PS The Irish were victims of housing segregation in the early 1900's. We would need to pay them too.
Let me try this a different way and use an analogy to explain it to you as if you were a particularly simple child.

Let's say a white nationalist walked into a black church and murdered a bunch of the congregation. And let's say it was found by the Court that the government was in some way responsible for this atrocity and is ordered financially compensate the victims. Is the pay out racist because all the victims happen to be black?

Likewise if a act or law was passed targeted at helping victims of historical housing segregation obviously those recipients would be black and not white because blacks were the historical victims of housing discrimination and whites the beneficiaries.
Sorry, but your comparison doesn't work. These are not the same thing, or as similar as you are trying to portray. Again, we are going to have to disagree as I think giving or denying based on race is discriminatory, and you do not. No matter how many coats of paint you try and add to it that isn't going to change the facts.
"Historical" being the operative word. We know who the victims in the church were. Who are the "historical victims" of housing segregation and how many are still alive?
PS The Irish were victims of housing segregation in the early 1900's. We would need to pay them too.
Considering legal redlining wasn't ended until 1977 quite a lot actually.
Sorry, but your comparison doesn't work. These are not the same thing, or as similar as you are trying to portray. Again, we are going to have to disagree as I think giving or denying based on race is discriminatory, and you do not. No matter how many coats of paint you try and add to it that isn't going to change the facts.
Your insistence that they aren't the same thing isn't much of an argument. Do you disagree with the basic fact that black Americans were the victims of racist government housing policies?
We often get bogged down and navel gaze over what extent racism affects groups or doesn't, but what actual solutions do people have? People on the right love citing King with "content/character over color" but don't tell us how to get there. Meritocracy is only a platitude if it isn't enforced. It's like hoping and wishing that people won't commit homicide against one another. Without homicide laws and measures, it's a pipe dream.
I think the voters right bill is the only thing. If you don't have the right to vote you got nothing.
It's would be called the National Housing Act and it helped subsidize white middle class home ownership after the great depression. It was a wonderful program of generational wealth creation coupled with the VA Housing benefits after WW2 and it is largely responsible for the white middle class we have today. Unfortunately and predictably it's implementation left out black Americans, including black veterans returning home from WW 2 and instead cemented black Americans into the segregated ghettos that they mostly still reside in today.
Passed by the democrats too!
There's no scientific evidence to support this claim.
OLD SCHOOL: Manifest Destiny
NEW AGE: Many Fuzzy Desktops

The decadent academic scientists worship Nature, which is the enemy of science and must be tamed or changed in order to serve evolved races, who are the only ones who have the genetic capacity to deal with it. It inevitably follows that the jealous nerd losers take the same primitive anti-science view of Afram savages.

"The Noble Savage." How ironic; there is nothing noble about nobility either. That degenerate class loves to wallow in the muck, so it deplores and hates all other White people. Its most destructive tactic is to turn unevolved races loose on its White enemies.
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