What policies should be implemented to address racism in the country?

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Because they ARE the modern day southern confederate culture.
The Confederate culture was a white racist ethno state and today's Democratic party is the most multicultural, multi-ethinic political party in America so I can see certainly... 😆 see ... 😄 how you could confuse the two... 😂
They merely traded the slavery of the plantation, for the slavery of the welfare state. Either way, the entire democrat philosophy is keep the black population down.
I'm a black voter and a Democrat and so are over 90% of all black voters. I don't know if you know this but slaves were prevented from leaving Plantations by force, are you suggesting the whites in the Democratic party are forcing us to vote Democrat against our will? Because I can tell you if you were confused about it or something, they're not.
The Confederate culture was a white racist ethno state and today's Democratic party is the most multicultural, multi-ethinic political party in America so I can see certainly... 😆 see ... 😄 how you could confuse the two... 😂

I'm a black voter and a Democrat and so are over 90% of all black voters. I don't know if you know this but slaves were prevented from leaving Plantations by force, are you suggesting the whites in the Democratic party are forcing us to vote Democrat against our will? Because I can tell you if you were confused about it or something, they're not.
Living in 160 years ago is pure emotion and until you start thinking and realize the futility of holding people of 160 years ago accountability to today’s Far More Enlightened social mores then you will remain in perpetual victim misery.
The Confederate culture was a white racist ethno state and today's Democratic party is the most multicultural, multi-ethinic political party in America so I can see certainly... 😆 see ... 😄 how you could confuse the two... 😂

I'm a black voter and a Democrat and so are over 90% of all black voters. I don't know if you know this but slaves were prevented from leaving Plantations by force, are you suggesting the whites in the Democratic party are forcing us to vote Democrat against our will? Because I can tell you if you were confused about it or something, they're not.

Drug addicts are not forced to take drugs. Guess why the fist dose is always free?
Your cowardly dodging of the question says otherwise. 😄 You could very well be making that up. I'm not making it up that so far you've been to much of a coward to say whether Robert E Lee, Jefferson Davis or Nathan Bedford Forrest were a few of those piece of shit slaving Democrats you were talking about. Still afraid to answer Nancy boy? You're the one who brought it up.
Nothing cowardly about it, you're just trying to move the bar because you don't like the facts.

Slavery was the norm for the last 40,000 years of human existence until the end of the 19th Century. You can't judge people living in 1860-1870 by the today's moral standards. By the standards of the day, slavery was basically a morally neutral institution.

I don't know how any of those individuals voted following the war after the question of slavery was settled forever.

What I do know is that it was the Democratic party that was the party of Slavery, Jim Crow and the generations of abuse that blacks suffered for decades and who fought tooth and nail against ending slavery, Jim Crow, Integration, and equal rights for blacks in the US until time caught up with them and overwhelming public opinion forced them to change.
Common sense?

No, it's liberal delusion.

War on drugs?



Your laws don't work You have to keep spending my money to throw people in jail, and even then your laws don't work
Less people
Common sense?

No, it's liberal delusion.

War on drugs?



Your laws don't work You have to keep spending my money to throw people in jail, and even then your laws don't work
Pedophilia was once legal. Do we have more or less pedophilia now that it is outlawed? We have less you idiot.
Nothing cowardly about it, you're just trying to move the bar because you don't like the facts.

Slavery was the norm for the last 40,000 years of human existence until the end of the 19th Century. You can't judge people living in 1860-1870 by the today's moral standards. By the standards of the day, slavery was basically a morally neutral institution.
Lots and lots (and lots) of people in the 1800s knew that slavery was morally wrong.

1. End all race based programs, such as giving points to blacks students applying for university.

2. Immigration ban till we get on top of this diversity problem.

3. Making calling someone a wacist, a social taboo. (unless they self identify as racist)
We really should freeze all immigration for at least 10 years with the exception of such things as military families so people have time to actually assimilate.

Some people actually are racists and need to be called out for it, particularly those who constantly use it to foment race based violence.

BLM and ANTIFA would be two great examples.
Lots and lots (and lots) of people in the 1800s knew that slavery was morally wrong.
Well yes, if that were not the case we'd have not fought a war to end the practice.

Until the end of the civil war thought it was not a settled question.

Some people and groups are always going to be ahead of the curve when it comes to enlightenment and some will be behind it.
From what I understand, blacks object when whites move into their neighborhoods.
People often self segregate because as a rule people are more comfortable with people they identify with be that race, religion, or home country in the case of immigrants, it's not just blacks.

When it comes to people of different races and who speak different languages there's a natural inclination towards distrust and to consider those people as invaders when they move in breaking up the self segregating community.
There is no law, no program, no exec order to address racism. You cant change what people believe unless you address them courteously and have open discussion

Progressives with their never endig YOUR A RACIST, THATS RACIST, this fireplug is racist...that dogs ass is racist....they are making racism and the justification for it that much more volatile
Never ending black tv commercials many of which when having a white man, hes kissing another white or black man...its apparent to anyone with a brain they are designed to denigrat white people

They make it worse not better...

Until progressives learned white people do not feel obligated for slavery...because we werent even close to being alive and that 80 yr old white men when slavery existed...
How long is slavery going to be used as an excuse for modern educated black men and women for being unsuccessful.....how much longer obviously they want it to go on forever

Stoke the fires of racism and be careful the flames dont come to burn your ass

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH..and I know lots of democrats that feel the same way.
There is no law, no program, no exec order to address racism. You cant change what people believe unless you address them courteously and have open discussion

Progressives with their never endig YOUR A RACIST, THATS RACIST, this fireplug is racist...that dogs ass is racist....they are making racism and the justification for it that much more volatile
Never ending black tv commercials many of which when having a white man, hes kissing another white or black man...its apparent to anyone with a brain they are designed to denigrat white people

They make it worse not better...

Until progressives learned white people do not feel obligated for slavery...because we werent even close to being alive and that 80 yr old white men when slavery existed...
How long is slavery going to be used as an excuse for modern educated black men and women for being unsuccessful.....how much longer obviously they want it to go on forever

Stoke the fires of racism and be careful the flames dont come to burn your ass

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH..and I know lots of democrats that feel the same way.
By 2008 most of our race issues were all but eliminated. Obama and the rest of the dem's had to make electing Obama all about race even being so bold as to say that any democrat who didn't vote for him in the primaries was probably a low intellect blue collar racists.

That worked so well for them they've accelerated it every since and we're worse off in race relations today than we were in the fifties and sixties.
The Confederate culture was a white racist ethno state and today's Democratic party is the most multicultural, multi-ethinic political party in America so I can see certainly... 😆 see ... 😄 how you could confuse the two... 😂

I'm a black voter and a Democrat and so are over 90% of all black voters. I don't know if you know this but slaves were prevented from leaving Plantations by force, are you suggesting the whites in the Democratic party are forcing us to vote Democrat against our will? Because I can tell you if you were confused about it or something, they're not.

Clearly you have never read a history book.
And the Republican Party and certainly the Southern Conservative portion of it still revere those slaving piece of shit Democrats like Robert E. Lee, Jefferson Davis and Nathan Bedfrod Forrest. Listen, if you want to throw old white Southern Conservative pieces of shit under the bus, I'm certainly not going to be the one to stop you. 😄 I gather you're okay with teaching school children that Robert E Lee and Jefferson Davis and Nathan Bedfrod Forrest were slavers and pieces of shit who fought to keep blacks on actual Plantations?
Teachers are supposed to teach, not indoctrinate students with their own opinions.
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