What policies should be implemented to address racism in the country?

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By 2008 most of our race issues were all but eliminated. Obama and the rest of the dem's had to make electing Obama all about race even being so bold as to say that any democrat who didn't vote for him in the primaries was probably a low intellect blue collar racists.

That worked so well for them they've accelerated it every since and we're worse off in race relations today than we were in the fifties and sixties.
Yes. Democrat strategists decided that “racism” was the way to win elections, amd it’s taken on a life of its own. They’ve really gone overboard the past couple of years, making everything about race, blaming all of blacks’ problems on white supremacists, excluding whites from consideration for prestigious roles, cramming CRT nonsense down kids’ throats, and so forth. They’ve gone too far, too fast, and now the majority population is pushing back.

The Dems have indeed set race relations back to the 1950s.
Yes. Democrat strategists decided that “racism” was the way to elections. But they’re really gone overboard the past couple of years, making everything about race, blaming all of blacks’ problems on white supremacists, excluding whites from consideration for prestigious roles, cramming CRT nonsense down kids’ throats, and so forth. They’ve gone too far, too fast, and now the majority population is pushing back.

The Dems have indeed set race relations back to the 1950s.
For them it's not overboard, it's purposeful and by intent.

The more anarchy we have the more likely people are to demand the heavy hand of gov't step in and crush it.

Democrats love to create problems that will encourage people to demand every more meddling in our lives by gov't.
For them it's not overboard, it's purposeful and by intent.

The more anarchy we have the more likely people are to demand the heavy hand of gov't step in and crush it.

Democrats love to create problems that will encourage people to demand every more meddling in our lives by gov't.
Can you imagine the violence and riots that are about to ensue when the liberals don’t get their way? It will make Jan 6 look like a day at the beach

1) First, in June, when the SCOTUS announces it is reversing the unconstitutional ruling of Roe v Wade, they will set the country on fire. They could go on for several weeks.

2) Then, in November, when American patriots hand them a mid-term shellacking, they will kick back up and riot in the streets for another few weeks.

3) Then, next June, when the SCOTUS reigns down hard on the racist anti-white and anti-Asian college admissions policies, there will be another round of riots. If the Floyd case is any indication, the Marxist BLM will embark on another Summer of Thugs.
Can you imagine the violence and riots that are about to ensue when the liberals don’t get their way? It will make Jan 6 look like a day at the beach

1) First, in June, when the SCOTUS announces it is reversing the unconstitutional ruling of Roe v Wade, they will set the country on fire. They could go on for several weeks.

2) Then, in November, when American patriots hand them a mid-term shellacking, they will kick back up and riot in the streets for another few weeks.

3) Then, next June, when the SCOTUS reigns down hard on the racist anti-white and anti-Asian college admissions policies, there will be another round of riots. If the Floyd case is any indication, the Marxist BLM will embark on another Summer of Thugs.
Sure, it's going to be the summer of 2020 all over again but probably even more violent and bloodier.
Sure, it's going to be the summer of 2020 all over again but probably even more violent and bloodier.
I live right outside DC. We’ve had leftists march through the neighborhood before, screaming “F the Borders” and other worthy causes. We hired private security when BLM had a protest two blocks from my house.

I probably should keep my car in the garage, too. The liberals have forced the police to be wimps, and now crime is on the upswing. Car theft is rampant.
There is no law, no program, no exec order to address racism. You cant change what people believe unless you address them courteously and have open discussion

Progressives with their never endig YOUR A RACIST, THATS RACIST, this fireplug is racist...that dogs ass is racist....they are making racism and the justification for it that much more volatile
Never ending black tv commercials many of which when having a white man, hes kissing another white or black man...its apparent to anyone with a brain they are designed to denigrat white people

They make it worse not better...

Until progressives learned white people do not feel obligated for slavery...because we werent even close to being alive and that 80 yr old white men when slavery existed...
How long is slavery going to be used as an excuse for modern educated black men and women for being unsuccessful.....how much longer obviously they want it to go on forever

Stoke the fires of racism and be careful the flames dont come to burn your ass

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH..and I know lots of democrats that feel the same way.
Racism should carry the death penalty.
Racism should carry the death penalty.
So if someone calls a black guy the n-word, he should be killed? Would this punishment extend to bigotry against other minorities, or do you think blacks should get special protection?

Asking for a friend.
You want them moving into your neighbor hood? Or are you imagining this happening to other people?
So long as they move-in as individuals rather than a displaced fortress garrison a number of them would be welcome in most neighborhoods - including mine.
So long as they move-in as individuals rather than a displaced fortress garrison a number of them would be welcome in most neighborhoods - including mine.

Yeah, this is why I'm not a centrist. I have no desire to let hte government try to fix urban dysfunction by spreading it to my community.
I live right outside DC. We’ve had leftists march through the neighborhood before, screaming “F the Borders” and other worthy causes. We hired private security when BLM had a protest two blocks from my house.

I probably should keep my car in the garage, too. The liberals have forced the police to be wimps, and now crime is on the upswing. Car theft is rampant.
Just run a chain or cable to a tree or something else solid and run it to the tow points. They may get the car but they won't get any further than the end of the chain/cable. :auiqs.jpg:
Nothing cowardly about it, you're just trying to move the bar because you don't like the facts.

Slavery was the norm for the last 40,000 years of human existence until the end of the 19th Century. You can't judge people living in 1860-1870 by the today's moral standards. By the standards of the day, slavery was basically a morally neutral institution.
Time doesn't have moral standards you fucking idiot, people do. I judge slavers, rapists and murderers by my own standards not time's standard. In any time there are always competing moral beliefs as there are today. Is abortion moral or not? The answer to that isn't dependent on what time your in, but on your own moral standards. I'm sure the slaves didn't think the raping, murdering and selling off of their family members was morally neutral.
I don't know how any of those individuals voted following the war after the question of slavery was settled forever.
Then maybe crack a history book you stupid fuck because all the Founders agreed to legalize slavery in their society when they signed the Constitution.
What I do know is that it was the Democratic party that was the party of Slavery, Jim Crow and the generations of abuse that blacks suffered for decades and who fought tooth and nail against ending slavery, Jim Crow, Integration, and equal rights for blacks in the US until time caught up with them and overwhelming public opinion forced them to change.
So wait, are we supposed to judge or not judge people from the 1800s? You seem awfully confused.
Time doesn't have moral standards you fucking idiot, people do. I judge slavers, rapists and murderers by my own standards not time's standard. In any time there are always competing moral beliefs as there are today. Is abortion moral or not? The answer to that isn't dependent on what time your in, but on your own moral standards. I'm sure the slaves didn't think the raping, murdering and selling off of their family members was morally neutral.

Then maybe crack a history book you stupid fuck because all the Founders agreed to legalize slavery in their society when they signed the Constitution.

So wait, are we supposed to judge or not judge people from the 1800s? You seem awfully confused.

Standards do change with time. You have the mind of a child, if you can't get that.
Less people

Pedophilia was once legal. Do we have more or less pedophilia now that it is outlawed? We have less you idiot.
That's rich.

This is your friendly neighborhood liberal talking.

"Pedophilia was once legal".

Oh yeah?

When, pray tell?

In Greece in the 5th century BC?

Do we have more or less since then? We have the same. It's just that fewer people act on it. I like to think that's because we're not nearly as depraved as the ancient Greeks or Romans YET - but thanks to the amoral libtards we might be getting there.
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