What policies should be implemented to address racism in the country?

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Can you imagine the violence and riots that are about to ensue when the liberals don’t get their way? It will make Jan 6 look like a day at the beach

1) First, in June, when the SCOTUS announces it is reversing the unconstitutional ruling of Roe v Wade, they will set the country on fire. They could go on for several weeks.

2) Then, in November, when American patriots hand them a mid-term shellacking, they will kick back up and riot in the streets for another few weeks.

3) Then, next June, when the SCOTUS reigns down hard on the racist anti-white and anti-Asian college admissions policies, there will be another round of riots. If the Floyd case is any indication, the Marxist BLM will embark on another Summer of Thugs.
BLM is history. It doesn't exist any more. It's founders are about to be indicted for fraud and wire fraud (and eventually tax fraud too).

Any riots from this point forward, are entirely and solely the responsibility of the Democrats
Time doesn't have moral standards you fucking idiot, people do. I judge slavers, rapists and murderers by my own standards not time's standard. In any time there are always competing moral beliefs as there are today. Is abortion moral or not? The answer to that isn't dependent on what time your in, but on your own moral standards. I'm sure the slaves didn't think the raping, murdering and selling off of their family members was morally neutral.

Then maybe crack a history book you stupid fuck because all the Founders agreed to legalize slavery in their society when they signed the Constitution.

So wait, are we supposed to judge or not judge people from the 1800s? You seem awfully confused.
My, my, my.,.. a Woke Little Princess... angry and lips all a-quiver over the suggestion that you can't always judge historical folk by modern standards... :laugh:


Cancel-Culture at its best worst... spawned from Descendant Victim-itis... mental illness to be avoided and ignored...
My, my, my.,.. a Woke Little Princess... angry and lips all a-quiver over the suggestion that you can't always judge historical folk by modern standards... :laugh:


Cancel-Culture at its best worst... spawned from Descendant Victim-itis... mental illness to be avoided and ignored...
You too. I use logic, dipshit, not emotion. If you want to infer time has standards then explain morality as a property of time in a way that is logical.
Gee, maybe you ought to crack a book?

Cultural anthropology is your friend
So you can't? I thought so. That shit doesn't make any sense. Time doesn't have standards, people do and standards are never universal in any time. Do you think the slaves thought it was morally okay for slavers to rape, murder and sell them? Even today standards very wildly depending on where you are. Some places abortion is perfectly moral and legal and others illegal and punished by death. Some people think homosexuality is perfectly moral some think homosexuality should be punished by being stoned to death or thrown off the roofs of buildings. Which one of those standards is the standards of our time?
So you can't? I thought so. That shit doesn't make any sense. Time doesn't have standards, people do and standards are never universal in any time. Do you think the slaves thought it was morally okay for slavers to rape, murder and sell them? Even today standards very wildly depending on where you are. Some places abortion is perfectly moral and legal and others illegal and punished by death. Some people think homosexuality is perfectly moral some think homosexuality should be punished by being stoned to death or thrown off the roofs of buildings. Which one of those standards is the standards of our time?
Are you still bitching about slavery?

Get a life why doncha
You still bothered by it? Good. 😄
If we are talking about slavery in America yes I’m pissed

but black people born in this country should be very grateful

Without slavery 150 years ago America would be a far more harmonious country today
So you can't? I thought so. That shit doesn't make any sense. Time doesn't have standards, people do and standards are never universal in any time. Do you think the slaves thought it was morally okay for slavers to rape, murder and sell them? Even today standards very wildly depending on where you are. Some places abortion is perfectly moral and legal and others illegal and punished by death. Some people think homosexuality is perfectly moral some think homosexuality should be punished by being stoned to death or thrown off the roofs of buildings. Which one of those standards is the standards of our time?
You are an ignorant liberal.

Crack a book

Study the history of consciousness.

Study the development of moral standards, as they relate to the enlargement of the ventromedial prefrontal cortex of the human brain over the last several thousand years

You sound like the armchair philosopher who's never actually studied any philosophy.
If we are talking about slavery in America yes I’m pissed

but black people born in this country should be very grateful

Without slavery 150 years ago America would be a far more harmonious country today
If you think black people in this country should be grateful to slavers then you're a racist and a moron. They should be grateful to the Black and White Civil rights activists who won them their equality. If you're a racist and too ashamed to admit it then you're a coward and for that I am grateful because I don't want harmony with racists and deplorable mutants. I want to take their country from them and drive their culture towards extinction.
You are an ignorant liberal.

Crack a book

Study the history of consciousness.

Study the development of moral standards, as they relate to the enlargement of the ventromedial prefrontal cortex of the human brain over the last several thousand years

You sound like the armchair philosopher who's never actually studied any philosophy.
If you actually read those books you'd have no trouble forming an argument and explaining it in a logical manner. You obviously haven't read shit. 😄
If you think black people in this country should be grateful to slavers then you're a racist and a moron. They should be grateful to the Black and White Civil rights activists who won them their equality. If you're a racist and too ashamed to admit it then you're a coward and for that I am grateful because I don't want harmony with racists and deplorable mutants. I want to take their country from them and drive their culture towards extinction.
Without slavery you would be herding goats in africa instead of currying them in America
Without slavery you would be herding goats in africa instead of currying them in America
Without slavery you have no idea what Africa would be like today, or even what America would like today. That's obviously logical to most people. Less so I guess for ignorant racists. 😄
Without slavery you have no idea what Africa would be like today, or even what America would like today. That's obviously logical to most people. Less so I guess for ignorant racists. 😄
Without slavery you would know from personal experience what africa would be like today
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