What policies should be implemented to address racism in the country?

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Wrong slavery in Africa PREDATES Whites
Not chattel slavery. Slavery as a product of conflict and skirmishes existed but those slaves were either eventually killed, married into the people, or traded back for their own people. Chattel slavery turned people into cattle on an industrial scale and exploded slavery all throughout the world and its impact on Africa is undeniable to all but the most dishonest of assclowns.
I began this conversation by pointing out that America would be far more harmonious today if we never had slavery because there would be few if any black people living here

And the few who do get here would be the better class of people than we have in the ghettos today who are descendants of slaves
Yes, I remember you sharing your sad fantasy with me. I thought it was hilarious and revealing in how little control you and your lot have over America's changing demographics. 😂
Not chattel slavery. Slavery as a product of conflict and skirmishes existed but those slaves were either eventually killed, married into the people, or traded back for their own people. Chattel slavery turned people into cattle on an industrial scale and exploded slavery all throughout the world and its impact on Africa is undeniable to all but the most dishonest of assclowns.
And yet blacks WILLINGLY sold slaves to whites KNOWING they would never see home again. Like I said isnt it special that you blacks make excuses for your own slavery history
Yes, I remember you sharing your sad fantasy with me
My sad little fantasy?

I thought we both agreed that slavery was bad

I guess I changed your mind about that by pointing out how lucky slavery was for blacks born in America today
My sad little fantasy?

I thought we both agreed that slavery was bad

I guess I changed your mind about that by pointing out how lucky slavery was for blacks born in America today

Nope. That's still also not logically consistent. I'm sure if you keep trying you'll get it eventually. 🤣🤣🤣

Nope. That's still also not logically consistent. I'm sure if you keep trying you'll get it eventually. 🤣🤣🤣
I dont know what else to say that might nudge you back to reality

You’ve been beaten and you didnt even feel it
Yes you have you have repeatedly said black slavers were not as bad as white slavers and that white slavers caused more damage then black slavers, Reminder retard EVERY black slave that whites had they BOUGHT from black slavers.
Bad the way you're using it is a distinction of morality. Damage on the other hand can be quantifiable. All acts of slavery are equally bad in a moral sense. Chattel slavery was more devastating to African communities and cultures than any slavery that occurred as a result of tribal conflict both in number of slaves and the resulting devastation to the remaining population.
They were masters because they were more violent and hateful. They took what they wanted and killed anyone that tried to stop them.
Not civilised.

Yeah they did what EVERY. OTHER. GROUP. DID. They were just better at it.
Not chattel slavery. Slavery as a product of conflict and skirmishes existed but those slaves were either eventually killed, married into the people, or traded back for their own people. Chattel slavery turned people into cattle on an industrial scale and exploded slavery all throughout the world and its impact on Africa is undeniable to all but the most dishonest of assclowns.

Slavery on a grand scale was the norm in Africa long before the white man ever showed up.
Useless platitudes. Wanna know how to end my alcoholism? Stop talking about it? Lol retard.
that might be the dumbest comparison ever…and totally misses the mark.

Alcoholism is your issue, personal…racism is how others think.

You can control yourself by not drinking…you can’t control or legislate how others think
Slavery on a grand scale was the norm in Africa long before the white man ever showed up.
Which is not an arguments that refutes European chattel slavery and colonialism had a disastrous affect on the African continent and its many communities.
Each end of the political spectrum should hold its own tribe accountable.

The Left has to stop coddling and lowering standards for minorities and screaming RACISM at everything that moves.

The Right has to stop enabling the racism that DOES exist by denying it, downplaying it, dismissing it and ignoring it.

The two ends feed into the other with their behaviors. We won't have an "honest conversation on race" unless and until that stops.

Who will hold the moderates accountable? How about we get the moderates to hold hands, and then the left and right can use them as a tug-of-war rope!
Do away with any and all discrimination and PREFERENTIAL TREATMENT.

Make America a MERITOCRACY

Bad the way you're using it is a distinction of morality. Damage on the other hand can be quantifiable. All acts of slavery are equally bad in a moral sense. Chattel slavery was more devastating to African communities and cultures than any slavery that occurred as a result of tribal conflict both in number of slaves and the resulting devastation to the remaining population.
LOL every SINGLE slave in White hands got there by being sold by black slavers.
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