What policies should be implemented to address racism in the country?

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I am right and you are wrong again a simple fact if no black slaver had sold blacks to whites there would have been no black slaves in the US. DIRECT link.
Which doesn't not absolve white Americans of choosing to breed and sell generation after generation after generation of slaves here in America.

I'm not here trying absolve slavers of any race or stripe, it's you deplorable morons who keep coming here trying to defend the actions of white slavers.
If you think black people in this country should be grateful to slavers then you're a racist and a moron. They should be grateful to the Black and White Civil rights activists who won them their equality. If you're a racist and too ashamed to admit it then you're a coward and for that I am grateful because I don't want harmony with racists and deplorable mutants. I want to take their country from them and drive their culture towards extinction.

WHat about the white majority that agreed with the arguments of the civil rights activists and thus supported candidates and policies to accordingly?

Do they get credit?
If people just stop fucking talking about it all the fucking time...it would be more-or-less gone within a generation.

Go to Canada?
They almost never mention race.
Unless it's in America or some BLM silliness.
Result - hardly any racism there.

In America?
They won't shut the fuck up about it.
Racism talk everywhere.
Not chattel slavery. Slavery as a product of conflict and skirmishes existed but those slaves were either eventually killed, married into the people, or traded back for their own people. Chattel slavery turned people into cattle on an industrial scale and exploded slavery all throughout the world and its impact on Africa is undeniable to all but the most dishonest of assclowns.
What a moron.

Read the Bible sometime, dipshit.
Which doesn't not absolve white Americans of choosing to breed and sell generation after generation after generation of slaves here in America.

I'm not here trying absolve slavers of any race or stripe, it's you deplorable morons who keep coming here trying to defend the actions of white slavers.
You are racist.
You are lying AGAIN, leftard.

I've never defended a slaver EVER, in my whole entire life.

YOU are a racist fuckwit.
So you agree George Washington was a piece of shit slaver and shouldn't be venerated by our society?
Not chattel slavery. Slavery as a product of conflict and skirmishes existed but those slaves were either eventually killed, married into the people, or traded back for their own people. Chattel slavery turned people into cattle on an industrial scale and exploded slavery all throughout the world and its impact on Africa is undeniable to all but the most dishonest of assclowns.
Slavery as a result of conquest and defeated enemies was no less cruel and horrific.

See how well the slaves fare in China, or how well they fared in Russian, Japanese, and German "Work Camps" during WWII.

In Africa where Chattel Slavery began, it began with defeated enemies being sold into bondage to other Africans, Egyptians, Asians and Europeans.

We can even wind that clock back further to slavery in the Americas long before Europeans even arrived, particularly in South and Central America and China where it is said that one slave died for every rock in the Great Wall and that those who died building the wall were thrown on the foundations and rock piles as they were built up to forever become a part of "The Wall".

Your argument is specious and uninformed at best.
We often get bogged down and navel gaze over what extent racism affects groups or doesn't, but what actual solutions do people have? People on the right love citing King with "content/character over color" but don't tell us how to get there. Meritocracy is only a platitude if it isn't enforced. It's like hoping and wishing that people won't commit homicide against one another. Without homicide laws and measures, it's a pipe dream.

1) The electoral system.


Because EVERYTHING boils down to the electoral system.

The US's FPTP system leads to the two corrupt political parties manipulating close races with loads of money, it stops third parties getting in because they can't get a majority of the votes, leads to negative voting because a lot of people hate BOTH PARTIES, but have to decide which one they hate the least and vote for them.

Countries with Proportional Representation are more likely to have less corruption, more sensible policies.

Politicians know they could easily lose their seats if they don't connect with the voters because voters know they can change their vote and IT WILL COUNT.

So, instead of ridiculous policies, politicians would actually have to do their job.

2) everything beyond this doesn't matter. If 1) doesn't happen, nothing else will get done. If 1) does happen, it'll probably sort itself out in a short period of time.
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