What policies, specifically, has Trump pushed or promoted that is racist against Blacks?

Sorry Nostra Your head is as hard as a rock All you can do is deny deny deny ,,,, what is obvious to most educated people Trump is a liar a crook a racist and degenerate Also a republican But once again I repeat myself

Now I heard, "If you don't believe Trump is racist even though I keep stating it over and over, then that just means you're STUPID and I can't talk to you . . . which is lucky because it means I can run away from any demands that I prove my bullshit!"
cecilie what I said to nostra goes for you too Trump is a racist scum and you refuse to admit it

Eddiew, what I said about your bullshit stands whether you spew it at Nostra or me. You're still one of the biggest wastes of oxygen on the board.

Thanks for proving that you have no proof.
Sorry Nostra Your head is as hard as a rock All you can do is deny deny deny ,,,, what is obvious to most educated people Trump is a liar a crook a racist and degenerate Also a republican But once again I repeat myself

Now I heard, "If you don't believe Trump is racist even though I keep stating it over and over, then that just means you're STUPID and I can't talk to you . . . which is lucky because it means I can run away from any demands that I prove my bullshit!"
cecilie what I said to nostra goes for you too Trump is a racist scum and you refuse to admit it

Eddiew, what I said about your bullshit stands whether you spew it at Nostra or me. You're still one of the biggest wastes of oxygen on the board.

Thanks for proving that you have no proof.
Now that's one thing you beat me at
And BTW since when do trump and his band of schmucks need proof?? Do they give any?
Sorry Nostra Your head is as hard as a rock All you can do is deny deny deny ,,,, what is obvious to most educated people Trump is a liar a crook a racist and degenerate Also a republican But once again I repeat myself

Now I heard, "If you don't believe Trump is racist even though I keep stating it over and over, then that just means you're STUPID and I can't talk to you . . . which is lucky because it means I can run away from any demands that I prove my bullshit!"
cecilie what I said to nostra goes for you too Trump is a racist scum and you refuse to admit it

Eddiew, what I said about your bullshit stands whether you spew it at Nostra or me. You're still one of the biggest wastes of oxygen on the board.

Thanks for proving that you have no proof.
He is incapable of coming up with a coherent response to the OP, so all he has left is lashing out at his betters with Dimwinger talking point BS he has been fed by his handlers.
Read em and weep nostra
Trump has a long history of racist controversies
Here’s a breakdown of Trump’s history, taken largely from Dara Lind’s list for Vox and an op-ed by Nicholas Kristof in the New York Times:

  • 1973: The US Department of Justice — under the Nixon administration, out of all administrations — sued the Trump Management Corporation for violating the Fair Housing Act. Federal officials found evidence that Trump had refused to rent to black tenants and lied to black applicants about whether apartments were available, among other accusations. Trump said the federal government was trying to get him to rent to welfare recipients. In the aftermath, he signed an agreement in 1975 agreeing not to discriminate to renters of color without admitting to discriminating before.
  • 1980s: Kip Brown, a former employee at Trump’s Castle, accused another one of Trump’s businesses of discrimination. “When Donald and Ivana came to the casino, the bosses would order all the black people off the floor,” Brown said. “It was the eighties, I was a teenager, but I remember it: They put us all in the back.”
  • 1988: In a commencement speech at Lehigh University, Trump spent much of his speech accusing countries like Japan of “stripping the United States of economic dignity.” This matches much of his current rhetoric on China.
  • 1989: In a controversial case that’s been characterized as a modern-day lynching, four black teenagers and one Latino teenager — the “Central Park Five” — were accused of attacking and raping a jogger in New York City. Trump immediately took charge in the case, running an ad in local papers demanding, “BRING BACK THE DEATH PENALTY. BRING BACK OUR POLICE!” The teens’ convictions were later vacated after they spent seven to 13 years in prison, and the city paid $41 million in a settlement to the teens. But Trump in October 2016 said he still believes they’re guilty, despite the DNA evidence to the contrary.
  • 1991: A book by John O’Donnell, former president of Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino in Atlantic City, quoted Trump’s criticism of a black accountant: “Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day. … I think that the guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault, because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that. It’s not anything they can control.” Trump at first denied the remarks, but later said in a 1997 Playboy interview that “the stuff O’Donnell wrote about me is probably true.”
  • 1992: The Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino had to pay a $200,000 fine because it transferred black and women dealers off tables to accommodate a big-time gambler’s prejudices.
  • 1993: In congressional testimony, Trump said that some Native American reservations operating casinos shouldn’t be allowed because “they don’t look like Indians to me.”
  • 2000: In opposition to a casino proposed by the St. Regis Mohawk tribe, which he saw as a financial threat to his casinos in Atlantic City, Trump secretly ran a series of ads suggesting the tribe had a “record of criminal activity [that] is well documented.”
  • 2004: In season two of The Apprentice, Trump fired Kevin Allen, a black contestant, for being overeducated. “You’re an unbelievably talented guy in terms of education, and you haven’t done anything,” Trump said on the show. “At some point you have to say, ‘That’s enough.’”
  • 2005: Trump publicly pitched what was essentially The Apprentice: White People vs. Black People. He said he “wasn’t particularly happy” with the most recent season of his show, so he was considering “an idea that is fairly controversial — creating a team of successful African Americans versus a team of successful whites. Whether people like that idea or not, it is somewhat reflective of our very vicious world.”
  • 2010: In 2010, there was a huge national controversy over the “Ground Zero Mosque” — a proposal to build a Muslim community center in Lower Manhattan, near the site of the 9/11 attacks. Trump opposed the project, calling it “insensitive,” and offered to buy out one of the investors in the project. On The Late Show With David Letterman, Trump argued, referring to Muslims, “Well, somebody’s blowing us up. Somebody’s blowing up buildings, and somebody’s doing lots of bad stuff.”
  • 2011: Trump played a big role in pushing false rumors that Obama — the country’s first black president — was not born in the US. He even sent investigators to Hawaii to look into Obama’s birth certificate. Obama later released his birth certificate, calling Trump a ”carnival barker.” (The research has found a strong correlation between “birtherism,” as this conspiracy theory is called, and racism.) Trump has reportedly continued pushing this conspiracy theory in private.
  • 2011: While Trump suggested that Obama wasn’t born in the US, he also argued that maybe Obama wasn’t a good enough student to have gotten into Columbia or Harvard Law School, and demanded Obama release his university transcripts. Trump claimed, “I heard he was a terrible student. Terrible. How does a bad student go to Columbia and then to Harvard?”
For many people, none of these incidents, individually, may be totally damning: One of these alone might suggest that Trump is simply a bad speaker and perhaps racially insensitive (“politically incorrect,” as he would put it), but not overtly racist.

We're supposed to weep over something you found on Vox? I weep that gullible dimwits like you are treated the same as intelligent people.

All you did was repeat the same old list of rumors and "I want to believe this means he's racist!" bullshit you've been parroting this whole time.
And BTW since when do trump and his band of schmucks need proof?? Do they give any?

You do know that you're not talking to President Trump right now, right?

You made an assertion, we asked you to prove it, now you're babbling about Trump never proving anything. Could you possibly connect to reality for five minutes?
Bunker Boy racist Trump began his obvious racism in the New York real-estate business he inherited from his father when he was forced into a settlement in a discrimination case brought by the Federal Government for racial discrimination.

Bunker Boy entered Presidential politics via promotion of birtherism against America's first President of African American heritage.

His Golden Escalator announcement of his running for President is now famous for its racist anti-Mexican focus.

Having a policy against Mexican illegal immigration is not racist.

It is a valid policy position, and only a race baiting asshole would claim otherwise.
You are distorting his racist rant which was recognized internationally and intellectually as a racist rant. Only tea bagger slurping sucking trumpoholics believe the nonsense rhetoric in your post.

THat being against Mexican illegal immigration, that even saying the word, in correct context, is seen as "Racist"

is proof that you people are fucked in the head, not that Trump or his policy is racist.

You are in the midst of a mass hysteria, similar to a witch hunt. With "Racists" substituted for witches.

Try to wake up.
If you were paying attention these people will never wake up. They believe only a democrat can have friends of another race. They live in a alternate reality. Maybe one day when a democrat runs under racial equality then after the election does nothing but getting him self rich these democrats will awake. But don't count on it. The same people fall for it to re-elect him again. Some for 40 years, as Waters who hasn't done anything for her district but lives in a four and a half million dollar mansion not even in her district and is still re-elected. Has anyone in her district even asked how she affords this on her pay? No, just follows the lie republicans are all racist. The advancements of minorities of Trump's never happened. Can anyone show me any advances made by democrats to minorities or any any one else. The democrat is someone unable to make it in life without democrats voting them other peoples' money. They don't mind the party leaders voting against the Constitution giving them more power because they traded their rights for that chump change a long time ago. Plus they need one dictating their life. Not control freaks as their leaders but controlled freaks and ones as Pelosi and Waters agree Here obama explains it best
How has Donald Trump been racist against the black community? Specific actions and policies.
He never has. As a matter of fact I don't think he has ever said a racist remark. What I figure America has more than average of stupid. And you know what they say about stupid.
Sorry Nostra Your head is as hard as a rock All you can do is deny deny deny ,,,, what is obvious to most educated people Trump is a liar a crook a racist and degenerate Also a republican But once again I repeat myself

Now I heard, "If you don't believe Trump is racist even though I keep stating it over and over, then that just means you're STUPID and I can't talk to you . . . which is lucky because it means I can run away from any demands that I prove my bullshit!"
cecilie what I said to nostra goes for you too Trump is a racist scum and you refuse to admit it

Eddiew, what I said about your bullshit stands whether you spew it at Nostra or me. You're still one of the biggest wastes of oxygen on the board.

Thanks for proving that you have no proof.
Now that's one thing you beat me at

Apparently, evolving into a higher life form is also something I beat you at.
....I've linked before how the left and blacks are exactly like nazis....
Yeah, that's for sure.

The way they so passionately support a loud, brash, pugilistic, nationalistic, narcissistic strongman of European descent who enthralls millions by promising to rid them of millions of undesirables and save the country...

... oh wait, that isn't them.
here it is--airtight:
'''''The SA (also known as stormtroopers or brownshirts) were instructed to disrupt the meetings of political opponents'''''
Sturmabteilung (SA)

blacks DISRUPTING political meetings of opponents!!

many etc links
BOOOOM baby --airtight
We all know tramp wants to disband and defund the ACA, HUD, Snap.
Your linked article does not mention race. Poor whites and Hispanics would be affected also.
Because they think it. That is it. Funny how no one called him racist before he ran for president. In fact it was usually just the opposite. He received awards for his help to the black community

And the fines for not renting to those of color. The Lawsuits for exempting those of color. Comon, he's a racist who's been whitewashed. If he thinks he can make a buck by demonizing a race, he's already done it. Without that, he wouldn't be PResident today.
Funny how you fail to mention that those properties were actually under his fathers control at the time, that he was the one that set policy.

And you failed to mention that not only was Fred Trump listed as a defendant for those actions, Donald J Rump was also listed as a defendant.


Donald Trump’s long history of racism, from the 1970s to 2019

  • 1980s: Kip Brown, a former employee at Trump’s Castle, accused another one of Trump’s businesses of discrimination. “When Donald and Ivana came to the casino, the bosses would order all the black people off the floor,” Brown said. “It was the eighties, I was a teenager, but I remember it: They put us all in the back.”
  • 1988: In a commencement speech at Lehigh University, Trump spent much of his speech accusing countries like Japan of “stripping the United States of economic dignity.” This matches much of his current rhetoric on China.
  • 1989: In a controversial case that’s been characterized as a modern-day lynching, four black teenagers and one Latino teenager — the “Central Park Five” — were accused of attacking and raping a jogger in New York City. Trump immediately took charge in the case, running an ad in local papers demanding, “BRING BACK THE DEATH PENALTY. BRING BACK OUR POLICE!” The teens’ convictions were later vacated after they spent seven to 13 years in prison, and the city paid $41 million in a settlement to the teens. But Trump in October 2016 said he still believes they’re guilty, despite the DNA evidence to the contrary.
  • 1991: A book by John O’Donnell, former president of Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino in Atlantic City, quoted Trump’s criticism of a black accountant: “Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day. … I think that the guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault, because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that. It’s not anything they can control.” Trump at first denied the remarks, but later said in a 1997 Playboy interview that “the stuff O’Donnell wrote about me is probably true.”
  • 1992: The Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino had to pay a $200,000 fine because it transferred black and women dealers off tables to accommodate a big-time gambler’s prejudices.
  • 1993: In congressional testimony, Trump said that some Native American reservations operating casinos shouldn’t be allowed because “they don’t look like Indians to me.”
  • 2000: In opposition to a casino proposed by the St. Regis Mohawk tribe, which he saw as a financial threat to his casinos in Atlantic City, Trump secretly ran a series of ads suggesting the tribe had a “record of criminal activity [that] is well documented.”
  • 2004: In season two of The Apprentice, Trump fired Kevin Allen, a black contestant, for being overeducated. “You’re an unbelievably talented guy in terms of education, and you haven’t done anything,” Trump said on the show. “At some point you have to say, ‘That’s enough.’”
  • 2005: Trump publicly pitched what was essentially The Apprentice: White People vs. Black People. He said he “wasn’t particularly happy” with the most recent season of his show, so he was considering “an idea that is fairly controversial — creating a team of successful African Americans versus a team of successful whites. Whether people like that idea or not, it is somewhat reflective of our very vicious world.”
  • 2010: In 2010, there was a huge national controversy over the “Ground Zero Mosque” — a proposal to build a Muslim community center in Lower Manhattan, near the site of the 9/11 attacks. Trump opposed the project, calling it “insensitive,” and offered to buy out one of the investors in the project. On The Late Show With David Letterman, Trump argued, referring to Muslims, “Well, somebody’s blowing us up. Somebody’s blowing up buildings, and somebody’s doing lots of bad stuff.”
  • 2011: Trump played a big role in pushing false rumors that Obama — the country’s first black president — was not born in the US. He even sent investigators to Hawaii to look into Obama’s birth certificate. Obama later released his birth certificate, calling Trump a ”carnival barker.” (The research has found a strong correlation between “birtherism,” as this conspiracy theory is called, and racism.) Trump has reportedly continued pushing this conspiracy theory in private.
  • 2011: While Trump suggested that Obama wasn’t born in the US, he also argued that maybe Obama wasn’t a good enough student to have gotten into Columbia or Harvard Law School, and demanded Obama release his university transcripts. Trump claimed, “I heard he was a terrible student. Terrible. How does a bad student go to Columbia and then to Harvard?”
Fred was listed as was Donald because the properties had passed to Donald by the time the law suit was filed. But when the problems happened they were under Fred and his policies.
I do have to give you credit you for trying to drag up every conspiracy you could find. I see you did not bother to list all the praise he received from prominent black leaders. Awards he received for his help with blacks. The fact he put up a black woman in his Trump Towers for free for years.
But hey thay doesn't fit your narrative does it.

I am impressed that you can cover for Rump and expect others to buy the con.
I am impressed that you think anyone has to cover for him but fail to understand that Biden needs someone to cover for him on a daily basis. I find it funny that the democrat party is not only so inclusive that out of all the candidates they settled for an old white guy with Alzheimer's. They don't care about qualifications for a Vice President they only care about sex and skin color.
But yet you (I use the word with a bit of sarcasm) "people" want to paint someone else as racist.

Paint someone else? Hell, Rump brings his own drop cloths. Once again, you are taking a Rump trait and then claiming everyone else has it and he is lilly white. Not lilly white, maybe Tangy Orange but never lilly white.
I have yet to see you answer the question in the OP.

Got anything? :abgg2q.jpg:

Daryl Kunt never has anything intelligent to say.
How has Donald Trump been racist against the black community? Specific actions and policies.
The best proof is in the pudding.

Black unemployment hits highest rate in more than a decade ...
thehill.com › latino › 501325-black-unemployment-hit...

Jun 5, 2020 - Black unemployment hit its highest rate in a decade in May,

The unemployment rate fell to 13.3% in May after almost surpassing 15% in April.

the employment rate for blacks ticked up, from 16.7 to 16.8 percent.

Unemployment in general hit the worst point since WWII, dumbass!
PROG-news reported Trump said some white supremacists are good people. That's it in a nutshell.

PROGS aren't a rational people. They're emotional, popular means a lot to them.

They always knowingly and willingly OMIT the full text of his statement that includes,

“and I'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists,
because they should be condemned totally”

Isn’t it interesting that is always omitted by the lying left wing corporate media and lying liberal Dims?
They always knowingly and willingly OMIT the full text of his statement that includes,

“and I'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists,
because they should be condemned totally”

Isn’t it interesting that is always omitted by the lying left wing corporate media and lying liberal Dims?

I find it even more interesting they cut out video to suit their narratives. That and color only matters when it sells.

I find it even more interesting they cut out video to suit their narratives. That and color only matters when it sells.


They are willfully ignorant. Happily exploited. It’s fucked up.

The real facts are all out there for anyone to examine.

Go to source data and unedited video. It’s not difficult.

They don’t want the facts to fuck up their bullshit narrative.
They always knowingly and willingly OMIT the full text of his statement that includes,

“and I'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists,
because they should be condemned totally”

Isn’t it interesting that is always omitted by the lying left wing corporate media and lying liberal Dims?

They are filthy liars. All of them.

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