What portion of your income goes to the government?

Doesn't depend on where it came from, unless the investor stole the money or it's being invested by a non-profit or a church, it was subject to taxes before he/she/it invested it. Even with deferred taxes (like 401K, IRA's) that principle still gets taxed.

Even if you don't buy shit it gets taxed again by inflation, that's why small investors have to put their money into riskier investments than they otherwise would (so they have a shot at a rate of return that exceeds the rate of inflation).

Inheritance ?
It's taxed, the person that is passing it on pays taxes on it (when they earned it) and possibly again by the federal estate tax if the amount exceeds the exemption limit.

Only the gains are taxed . The money u earned and thru in is not retaxed .
Same shit, different day the money you inherited was taxed before you inherited it and it is RETAXED if you exceed the estate tax exemption limit (currently $5.42 million).

Like interest on a savings account .
What don't you get about the fact that the principle was already taxed before it went into a savings account? and it's still taxed even after it goes into the savings account by inflation.

There are lots of causes to inflation. You can't just say it's a hidden tax.

That being said, all income sources face the same hit . Why do right wingers only seem to care about cap gains?

There's only one cause of inflation: government creating money out of inflation. In fact, that process is what the term actually referes to: debasing the currency. The resulting change in prices is simply an effect of inflation.
There are lots of causes to inflation.
Er.. no.. in a fiat currency system like we have there is only one cause of inflation, policies and actions emanating from the central bank; in our case the Federal Reserve which directly controls the expansion of the money supply (inflation) or the contraction of the money supply (deflation). The intensity of the effects of inflation (e.g. rising prices) are variable depending on what actions other actors in the economy take but the source is always the same.

You can't just say it's a hidden tax.
Sure I can because that is exactly what it is and always has been in fiat currency systems, government devalues the currency (in our case by issuing new debt and selling it to the Fed) in order to provide itself revenue to fund whatever it is that those in charge want to do but are too afraid to face the wrath of the people to raise visible taxes to accomplish.

The net effect on the citizenry is that the buying power of their currency is eroded which is for all intents and purposes a tax, the intensity of the erosion effect is variable, in that the first people/organizations to get their hands on newly "printed" money can deploy it before the negative effects of inflation (i.e. rising prices) hit the general economy while those who get it last bear the full brunt of the negative effects (known as the distribution effect of inflation) this facilitates the transfer of wealth from the lowest end of the economic scale to the top end of the economic scale.

Why do right wingers only seem to care about cap gains?
dunno, you'll have to ask a right winger that one, however based on my experience your premise is inaccurate.

Natural disasters can cause inflation .
You seriously expect people to answer that and answer it honestly...on a message board?

Here's what you do: Look at the tax tables to find how much you paid last year, divide it by your income for last year, and that will be the percentage of tax you paid.


That is just income taxes! Lets include all taxes such as sales tax, new car tax, etc.

The net amount? In other words, the amount you pay in vs. the value of the services you receive in return?
How do you calculate the value of the services you receive versus the quality of those services? Or do we iggy that....

If you pay someone 20 bucks to plow your driveway, you 'lose' money to the snowplow guy, but you get a service in return, so your net loss is effectively zero.

If you pay county taxes, and among other things the county plows the roads, are you out money?
what if you pay someone 20 bucks and still have to shovel your own driveway while they sat and ate your food and watched.
Did you get value out of your 20 dollars?
Natural disasters can cause inflation .
Lucy you got some 'xplainin' to do......


Ok. Hurricanes or whatever takes out the local main crop . Causing a chain reaction of higher costs due to supply / demand disruption. Leading to inflation .
Er..um... inflation isn't higher prices Timmy, inflation is the expansion of the money supply higher prices are an effect of inflation, so no natural disasters cannot cause inflation.
You seriously expect people to answer that and answer it honestly...on a message board?

Here's what you do: Look at the tax tables to find how much you paid last year, divide it by your income for last year, and that will be the percentage of tax you paid.


That is just income taxes! Lets include all taxes such as sales tax, new car tax, etc.

The net amount? In other words, the amount you pay in vs. the value of the services you receive in return?
How do you calculate the value of the services you receive versus the quality of those services? Or do we iggy that....

If you pay someone 20 bucks to plow your driveway, you 'lose' money to the snowplow guy, but you get a service in return, so your net loss is effectively zero.

If you pay county taxes, and among other things the county plows the roads, are you out money?
what if you pay someone 20 bucks and still have to shovel your own driveway while they sat and ate your food and watched.
Did you get value out of your 20 dollars?

I accept that I pay for some things that I don't benefit from. Such as your tax breaks for your kids.
That is just income taxes! Lets include all taxes such as sales tax, new car tax, etc.

The net amount? In other words, the amount you pay in vs. the value of the services you receive in return?
How do you calculate the value of the services you receive versus the quality of those services? Or do we iggy that....

If you pay someone 20 bucks to plow your driveway, you 'lose' money to the snowplow guy, but you get a service in return, so your net loss is effectively zero.

If you pay county taxes, and among other things the county plows the roads, are you out money?
what if you pay someone 20 bucks and still have to shovel your own driveway while they sat and ate your food and watched.
Did you get value out of your 20 dollars?

I accept that I pay for some things that I don't benefit from. Such as your tax breaks for your kids.
I know its hard to believe but I have to agree with you 100%.
there should be no tax break for children. It makes no sense, it moves the burden of educating them to those that dont have kids.
Ive never agreed with it. and to be honest, if they got rid of welfare, or at least made it an option to donate a portion of your income to it instead of just forcing it from you, I would not take many of the deductions I currently do. I want my deductions to offset the taxes that go to worthless causes.
Natural disasters can cause inflation .
Lucy you got some 'xplainin' to do......


Ok. Hurricanes or whatever takes out the local main crop . Causing a chain reaction of higher costs due to supply / demand disruption. Leading to inflation .
Er..um... inflation isn't higher prices Timmy, inflation is the expansion of the money supply higher prices are an effect of inflation, so no natural disasters cannot cause inflation.
The fed has been expanding the money supply for eight years...no inflation to speak of. Certainly not enough for tha cheap shit Obabble to increase my old soldiers pension or my SS...the prick.
Natural disasters can cause inflation .
Lucy you got some 'xplainin' to do......


Ok. Hurricanes or whatever takes out the local main crop . Causing a chain reaction of higher costs due to supply / demand disruption. Leading to inflation .
Er..um... inflation isn't higher prices Timmy, inflation is the expansion of the money supply higher prices are an effect of inflation, so no natural disasters cannot cause inflation.
The fed has been expanding the money supply for eight years...no inflation to speak of.
*SIGH* Inflation IS the expansion of the money supply, your assertion is self contradicting.
While I pay far more in income taxes than the middle class does, I still have far more money left in my pocket each month. I also intentionally live in a state that has no state income tax which protects my income from the greedy state moochers. And after I pay the max into social security I get a nice windfall from not having to pay that as well. And to be mean I vote no on all spending increase measures.
Natural disasters can cause inflation .
Lucy you got some 'xplainin' to do......


Ok. Hurricanes or whatever takes out the local main crop . Causing a chain reaction of higher costs due to supply / demand disruption. Leading to inflation .

That's not inflation. The word means the value of a currency is reduced everywhere it's used, not just in some locality.
Well, let me see what those taxes pay for
-The roads we drive on
-The police that keeps them safe
-The regulations that demand clean air, water and food for you.
-A world class super power in science and research
-For most people a chance to send your kids to school
-The most powerful military on earth

Yes, republicans, lets give it all up. Talk about destroying this country!!! And all at the same time the top 1% pay a very low percentage and get away with highway murder.
Well, let me see what those taxes pay for
-The roads we drive on
-The police that keeps them safe
-The regulations that demand clean air, water and food for you.
-A world class super power in science and research
-For most people a chance to send your kids to school
-The most powerful military on earth

Yes, republicans, lets give it all up. Talk about destroying this country!!! And all at the same time the top 1% pay a very low percentage and get away with highway murder.

That accounts for about 20% of what we pay in taxes. The rest goes to transfer payments of one kind or another. Also, the schooling children get is almost worthless, and I dispute the notion that people couldn't provide it without the government.
Well, let me see what those taxes pay for
-The roads we drive on
-The police that keeps them safe
-The regulations that demand clean air, water and food for you.
-A world class super power in science and research
-For most people a chance to send your kids to school
-The most powerful military on earth

Yes, republicans, lets give it all up. Talk about destroying this country!!! And all at the same time the top 1% pay a very low percentage and get away with highway murder.

That accounts for about 20% of what we pay in taxes. The rest goes to transfer payments of one kind or another. Also, the schooling children get is almost worthless, and I dispute the notion that people couldn't provide it without the government.

Defense alone is about half of your tax dollars. They do a really good job of hiding defense spending in other parts of the budget.
Natural disasters can cause inflation .
Lucy you got some 'xplainin' to do......


Ok. Hurricanes or whatever takes out the local main crop . Causing a chain reaction of higher costs due to supply / demand disruption. Leading to inflation .

That's not inflation. The word means the value of a currency is reduced everywhere it's used, not just in some locality.
Natural disasters can cause inflation .
Lucy you got some 'xplainin' to do......


Ok. Hurricanes or whatever takes out the local main crop . Causing a chain reaction of higher costs due to supply / demand disruption. Leading to inflation .
Er..um... inflation isn't higher prices Timmy, inflation is the expansion of the money supply higher prices are an effect of inflation, so no natural disasters cannot cause inflation.

From wiki

In economics, inflation is a sustained increase in the general price level of goods and services in an economy over a period of time.[1] When the price level rises, each unit of currency buys fewer goods and services. Consequently, inflation reflects a reduction in the purchasing power per unit of money – a loss of real value in the medium of exchange and unit of account within the economy.[2][3] A chief measure of price inflation is the inflation rate, the annualized percentage change in a generalprice index (normally the consumer price index) over time.[4] The opposite of inflation is deflation.
Well, let me see what those taxes pay for
-The roads we drive on
-The police that keeps them safe
-The regulations that demand clean air, water and food for you.
-A world class super power in science and research
-For most people a chance to send your kids to school
-The most powerful military on earth

Yes, republicans, lets give it all up. Talk about destroying this country!!! And all at the same time the top 1% pay a very low percentage and get away with highway murder.
Natural disasters can cause inflation .
Lucy you got some 'xplainin' to do......


Ok. Hurricanes or whatever takes out the local main crop . Causing a chain reaction of higher costs due to supply / demand disruption. Leading to inflation .

That's not inflation. The word means the value of a currency is reduced everywhere it's used, not just in some locality.
Natural disasters can cause inflation .
Lucy you got some 'xplainin' to do......


Ok. Hurricanes or whatever takes out the local main crop . Causing a chain reaction of higher costs due to supply / demand disruption. Leading to inflation .
Er..um... inflation isn't higher prices Timmy, inflation is the expansion of the money supply higher prices are an effect of inflation, so no natural disasters cannot cause inflation.

From wiki

In economics, inflation is a sustained increase in the general price level of goods and services in an economy over a period of time.[1] When the price level rises, each unit of currency buys fewer goods and services. Consequently, inflation reflects a reduction in the purchasing power per unit of money – a loss of real value in the medium of exchange and unit of account within the economy.[2][3] A chief measure of price inflation is the inflation rate, the annualized percentage change in a generalprice index (normally the consumer price index) over time.[4] The opposite of inflation is deflation.

I see now why you are confused, you're looking at price inflation as the definition when the subject under discussion was monetary inflation (e.g. the hidden tax which is imposed by central bankers in conjunction with government borrowing/spending) here's a better source for you that should clarify it: What is the Real Definition of Inflation? , in economic circles it's monetary inflation (expansion of the money supply) that is synonymous with the word "inflation", rising prices (aka currency devaluation) is a result of inflation not inflation itself (pick up any credible text book on economics, banking or monetary policy and you'll see what I mean; personally I would recommend; Money, Banking and Financial Markets by Cecchetti & Schoenholtz, excellent book).

I've always disliked the fact that the Central Bank intentionally attempts to confuse the public by publishing inflation as synonymous with price increases (so they can avoid any culpability in it's cause in the mind of John Q. Public), not to mention that their centerpiece aggregate intentionally excludes food and energy.
Well, let me see what those taxes pay for
-The roads we drive on
-The police that keeps them safe
-The regulations that demand clean air, water and food for you.
-A world class super power in science and research
-For most people a chance to send your kids to school
-The most powerful military on earth

Yes, republicans, lets give it all up. Talk about destroying this country!!! And all at the same time the top 1% pay a very low percentage and get away with highway murder.

That accounts for about 20% of what we pay in taxes. The rest goes to transfer payments of one kind or another. Also, the schooling children get is almost worthless, and I dispute the notion that people couldn't provide it without the government.

Defense alone is about half of your tax dollars. They do a really good job of hiding defense spending in other parts of the budget.
No it isn't, numskull. Defense accounts for 18% of the federal budget.

What's the point of arguing with a complete ignoramus like you who doesn't know the basic facts of any issue?

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