What Real Successes Have the GOP had in the 21st Century??

The economy was doing pretty well during the Bush administration until 2008 when democrats gained the majority. The first thing on the agenda was appointing Barney Frank chairperson of the powerful "House Banking Committee" which had oversight responsibility for "Fannie Mae". Under his leadership (or lack of it) Fannie collapsed bringing down the world economy with it. Nobody ever asked Frank what the hell he was doing because the media was (and still is) in the back pocket of the democrat party. Was it the most notorious "October surprise" in history or just incompetence?
Dude, don’t lie like that.

Are you George santos?

I can't think of any at all

Bush inherited a balanced budget, passed trillions in useless do nothing spending bills that blew up the balanced budget and led to minimal economic growth. Then Bush started 2 wars and totally mismanaged those wars resulting in total devastation for America. Bush then crashed the economy epically, leaving America in ruin.

Trump inherited a US annual deficit of $587B, passed massive spending bills like Bush, blew up the deficit viciously, had a weak low growth economy (only +2.13% GDP growth in 2019) and then blew up the budget worse with $3.1T deficit in 2020 (Biden has dropped that all the way down to $1.1T in 2022). Trump also failed miserably at a world health crisis with the US having the most cases and most deaths in the entire world. Trump also incited a riot at the Capitol based on total lies.

Republicans like to fabricate success, but I see no real deal big boy successes from Bush or Trump, only failures, blow ups, riots, impeachments, deficits, recessions, and weak low GDP growth.
Where are the GOP successes?

I can't think of any at all

Bush inherited a balanced budget, passed trillions in useless do nothing spending bills that blew up the balanced budget and led to minimal economic growth. Then Bush started 2 wars and totally mismanaged those wars resulting in total devastation for America. Bush then crashed the economy epically, leaving America in ruin.

Trump inherited a US annual deficit of $587B, passed massive spending bills like Bush, blew up the deficit viciously, had a weak low growth economy (only +2.13% GDP growth in 2019) and then blew up the budget worse with $3.1T deficit in 2020 (Biden has dropped that all the way down to $1.1T in 2022). Trump also failed miserably at a world health crisis with the US having the most cases and most deaths in the entire world. Trump also incited a riot at the Capitol based on total lies.

Republicans like to fabricate success, but I see no real deal big boy successes from Bush or Trump, only failures, blow ups, riots, impeachments, deficits, recessions, and weak low GDP growth.
Where are the GOP successes?

They saved the nation in 2016...or at least Trump did, that may carry him/them for the rest of the century.
Very simply… Neither Administration was even slightly Conservative ideologically or in its actions. A Conservative administration would have nuked the entire Middle East on September 12, 2001. We never would have been in those wars. We wouldn’t have had the people entering the country to bring COVID here. As for the economy, that’s not the a government’s problem… as they don’t have a legitimate mandate to get involved in private business.

That's who conservatives elected. You don't get to elect people president and then distance yourselves from them when they fail.
That's who conservatives elected. You don't get to elect people president and then distance yourselves from them when they fail.
Yeah, you do. You acknowledge your mistake and move on. Unless you're so egotistical and arrogant, it is impossible for you to admit you are wrong.

They have

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Yeah, you do. You acknowledge your mistake and move on. Unless you're so egotistical and arrogant, it is impossible for you to admit you are wrong.

They have


I didn't say you can't admit you're wrong for electing someone.
That's who conservatives elected. You don't get to elect people president and then distance yourselves from them when they fail
No. That’s who REPUBLICANS elected. The last Conservative POTUS was a Democrat… Andrew Jackson.

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