What Really Divides Us?

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Americans depend on the Federal Government for everything and that dependence is deepening as time goes by.

There's no going back, the middle class will become a distant memory and the poor will become enslaved to the Federal Government.

The rich will continue to amass wealth, although they will be a smaller segment of the population, until someone utters "let them eat cake".

Then the end will come and America can begin a new cycle.
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In a free market, businesses that discriminate lose customers, goodwill, and valuable employees – while rational businesses flourish by choosing the most qualified employees and selling to all willing buyers.

Jim Crow spent 100 years proving that this is not true. Ron Paul is fantasizing and ignoring reality.

Exactly how was Jim Crow an example of the free market?
Quick question............does that mean we should take out all the speed limit signs and just let anyone drive any speed they want? After all, speed limits limit the individual's right to get to where they are going as fast as they want, right? I mean, who doesn't mind someone driving 75 mph down their residential street?

While you're at it, let's legalize DUI, because after all, that limits the individuals right to get drunk and make it home, right?

These examples are ridiculous. Having individual rights doesn't mean you have carte blanche to do what ever you want. You don't have the right to engage in behavior that can physically harm someone in the name of individual rights, but you already knew that, so why waste our time asking the question?
Quick question............does that mean we should take out all the speed limit signs and just let anyone drive any speed they want? After all, speed limits limit the individual's right to get to where they are going as fast as they want, right? I mean, who doesn't mind someone driving 75 mph down their residential street?

While you're at it, let's legalize DUI, because after all, that limits the individuals right to get drunk and make it home, right?

These examples are ridiculous. Having individual rights doesn't mean you have carte blanche to do what ever you want. You don't have the right to engage in behavior that can physically harm someone in the name of individual rights, but you already knew that, so why waste our time asking the question?

Okay then.......we limited the rights of corporate shareholders to make obscene profits until Bush Jr. de-regulated a lot of the Wall St. stuff.

Result? Stockmarket crash.

We limited the rights of BP to drill anywhere and any way they wished. Regulations were removed and BP was able to maximize profits by drilling shoddy wells.

Result? Deepwater Horizon disaster.

Yeah.....tell me again how it's bad to limit individuals.
It is the federal government that champions the rights of the individual not the states. State laws tend to protect the majority not the minority. So when it comes to race or sex discrimination, hate crimes, or protection of workers, don't expect the state to take the lead. Some will surely argue that this is an intrusion by the feds. I believe it is a necessary intrusion to protect individual liberties.

“That the desires of the majority of the people are often for injustice and inhumanity against the minority, is demonstrated by every page of the history of the whole world”
John Adams

In the aftermath of the Lott debacle, we must not allow the term "states’ rights" to be smeared and distorted into code words for segregationist policies or racism. States’ rights simply means the individual states should retain authority over all matters not expressly delegated to the federal government in Article I of the Constitution....


thank you Ron Paul for ignoring the elephant in the room (and most of American history): Most every racist policy/law/asshole in the US, has been hidden behind 'State's Rights'

this kind of stuff is why most reasonable people back away from the Paul family, even when they are making valid points. Their arguments are always laced with other points unspoken.

And those policies are outed as they infringe on INDIVIDUAL rights. What the OP is referring to is the loss of that INDIVIDUAL rights aspect in favor of the group mentality mindset that would sacrifice those right in the name of the whole. In the end that can only lead to bondage.

Bondage? did you forget what site you are on or are you multi-tasking?


The Civil Rights Acts were a compromise. You cannot say you support the acts but not part of them.

That would be like saying, you support the US Constitution but not the Bill of Rights.
Okay then.......we limited the rights of corporate shareholders to make obscene profits until Bush Jr. de-regulated a lot of the Wall St. stuff.

Result? Stockmarket crash.

We limited the rights of BP to drill anywhere and any way they wished. Regulations were removed and BP was able to maximize profits by drilling shoddy wells.

Result? Deepwater Horizon disaster.

Yeah.....tell me again how it's bad to limit individuals.

You're talking about corporate conglomerates. What does that have to do with individual rights?

Furthermore, there is no such thing as an "obscene" profit. That's a term molded from jealousy and envy. In a free society you are free to earn as much as your skills and abilities allow. The Federal government caused the Wall Street crash when they started forcing banks to lend to people who had no business being lent to. As far as BP goes, the Feds had been given them a clean bill of health year after year. Both BP and the Federal government were derelict in their duties. But again, I don't see what any of this has to do with individual rights.
There are tons of things that divide us. Instead of dwelling on them, we should focus on what unites us. Because it's unity that we need.

And we can't be united until individuals take on the responsibility for their own lives. Individuals need to develop the virtues necessary to survive.

all we need is luv


We need much more than just love. We need honesty, integrity, courage, thrift, patience, humility, diligence etc.

The only effective government is self government. The only way to unite is by every individual governing themselves. Kind of ironic isn't it?
thank you Ron Paul for ignoring the elephant in the room (and most of American history): Most every racist policy/law/asshole in the US, has been hidden behind 'State's Rights'

this kind of stuff is why most reasonable people back away from the Paul family, even when they are making valid points. Their arguments are always laced with other points unspoken.

And those policies are outed as they infringe on INDIVIDUAL rights. What the OP is referring to is the loss of that INDIVIDUAL rights aspect in favor of the group mentality mindset that would sacrifice those right in the name of the whole. In the end that can only lead to bondage.

Bondage? did you forget what site you are on or are you multi-tasking?


The Civil Rights Acts were a compromise. You cannot say you support the acts but not part of them.

That would be like saying, you support the US Constitution but not the Bill of Rights.
Where did I say I do not support the civil rights movement? Where are you getting this? I am against special interest bullshit that the government is pushing these days and the inane elephant statement without including why that does not work. It is individual rights that are important here. I have no issues with EO and civil right laws, I have issues with laws and practices that DEFINE THEMSELVES by race. A law that states you will not discriminate based on race is good. One that says you cannot discriminate against blacks is not. The former protects us all and the latter is a special interest group boondoggle. Today, we look at race FIRST to tell ourselves that we are guarding against racism when in fact we are PERPETRATING it with that action.

I was unaware that you were all to childish to deal with the word bondage. Apologies, I mistook this group for adults for a minute.
Quick question............does that mean we should take out all the speed limit signs and just let anyone drive any speed they want? After all, speed limits limit the individual's right to get to where they are going as fast as they want, right? I mean, who doesn't mind someone driving 75 mph down their residential street?

While you're at it, let's legalize DUI, because after all, that limits the individuals right to get drunk and make it home, right?

These examples are ridiculous. Having individual rights doesn't mean you have carte blanche to do what ever you want. You don't have the right to engage in behavior that can physically harm someone in the name of individual rights, but you already knew that, so why waste our time asking the question?

Okay then.......we limited the rights of corporate shareholders to make obscene profits until Bush Jr. de-regulated a lot of the Wall St. stuff.

Result? Stockmarket crash.

We limited the rights of BP to drill anywhere and any way they wished. Regulations were removed and BP was able to maximize profits by drilling shoddy wells.

Result? Deepwater Horizon disaster.

Yeah.....tell me again how it's bad to limit individuals.

Are you that dense? Wall street was not an issue with to little regulation or regulation at all as a matter of fact. Government involvement in general caused that situation. Uncle Sam was purchasing loans that the market made without any real check on the system. If the government was simply not purchasing the loans there would not be a problem at all. Show me what regulations Bush removed that caused the meltdown. Reference that as well.
There are tons of things that divide us. Instead of dwelling on them, we should focus on what unites us. Because it's unity that we need.

And we can't be united until individuals take on the responsibility for their own lives. Individuals need to develop the virtues necessary to survive.

all we need is luv


We need much more than just love. We need honesty, integrity, courage, thrift, patience, humility, diligence etc.

The only effective government is self government. The only way to unite is by every individual governing themselves. Kind of ironic isn't it?

It is ironic. Most people struggle to keep "honesty, integrity, courage, thrift, patience, humility, diligence etc." in the forefront of their daily lives.

what do you think that says about the human condition?

I think it highlights both sides of the human experience, nature and nurture.
It doesn't help the black race to have the democratic party coddle them and reinforce falsehoods for pure political gain.
Many things leading us to our house divided

Poltical and social philosophies are in part is to blame, without doubt, but there's also just the reality that too many of us are just in need and see no way of advancing, too.

Angry and frustrated and frightened people tend to invent enemies based on their own prejudices and POVs.

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