What Really Happened At Kent State?

Road Runner

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Jun 16, 2021
I'm an Ohioan and the Kent State incident happened two decades before I was born, but the reason why I'm asking about it is one of the survivors is coming to speak at our local library.

So, I watched this documentary last night and it seems to be very one-sided. I mean, there has to have been a reason that the national guard fired upon them. Not to mention the fact that the crowd was throwing things at them. Things just aren't adding up to me. 😕

I mean, there has to have been a reason that the national guard fired upon them

The National Guard got outflanked by an angry mob and their escape was blocked by a fence.
Instead of firing warning shots, they fired into the crowd.

Some of those killed were not even in the mob

Four dead in OHIO
Some dirty hippies got ventilated.

I'm an Ohioan and the Kent State incident happened two decades before I was born, but the reason why I'm asking about it is one of the survivors is coming to speak at our local library.

So, I watched this documentary last night and it seems to be very one-sided. I mean, there has to have been a reason that the national guard fired upon them. Not to mention the fact that the crowd was throwing things at them. Things just aren't adding up to me. 😕

Shit happens. Some say a breaking lightbulb was mistaken for unfriendly gun fire. Who know?

It was a different time. There had been protests all over the country, some making BLM demonstration/riots look tame, and many state run college campuses being nexus for events that unfolded while an unpopular war was taking place overseas, drafting young men, many to their death.

Eight years later, would find me in uniform, armed to the teeth to prevent another civil disturbance, part of the only single unit with live rounds personally carried, often loaded, out of 1,500 plus other troops or to ensure that a city did not burn. The memory of Kent State still relatively fresh, as well as the past of the city we were in, had the desired effect. Do not trust all those soldiers guarding infrastructure, and you definitely do not want to try your luck, when that Cav Troop reactionary force shows up at a scene. Mayors and Governors meant for order to be maintained.
Shit happens. Some say a breaking lightbulb was mistaken for unfriendly gun fire. Who know?

It was a different time. There had been protests all over the country, some making BLM demonstration/riots look tame, and many state run college campuses being nexus for events that unfolded while an unpopular war was taking place overseas, drafting young men, many to their death.

Eight years later, would find me in uniform, armed to the teeth to prevent another civil disturbance, part of the only single unit with live rounds personally carried, often loaded, out of 1,500 plus other troops or to ensure that a city did not burn. The memory of Kent State still relatively fresh, as well as the past of the city we were in, had the desired effect. Do not trust all those soldiers guarding infrastructure, and you definitely do not want to try your luck, when that Cav Troop reactionary force shows up at a scene. Mayors and Governors meant for order to be maintained.

You served? Oh and it sounds like you're saying that everybody was at fault then.
The true question is why is it unknown what caused the shooting in the first place? There just had to have been a motive.
I agree although the college kids the most from what I saw, I couldn't remember if you served though.
Still, the bottom line at Kent State was due to undisciplined, improperly led, briefed, and poorly controlled by Officers, and NCO cadre, resulting in a horrendous outcome. When you carry firepower, you are responsible or bad things happen. It is still remembered.

Why do you think Governors and Mayors are today, reluctant to request the assistance of National Guard troops, that fall under control of a state's Department of the Military, not under local civilian control or training. Very high on the minds of guardsmen from outside an area or city, is the thought, they didn't ask to be there, putting it on the line, and come what may, they plan to go back to their wives families and jobs after the operation is over. Probably better disciplined now, with lessons learned, but still break glass, only in the event of emergency, as they are under control of military men, not politicians, seeking re-election.
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White 6 Did you serve lol I wanted to thank you for your services if you did but I just can't seem to get your attention with that question. XD

You mean some American citizens were murdered by the National Guard.

Completely unprovoked? I don't think so. Hence my question about the motive.
White 6 Did you serve lol I wanted to thank you for your services if you did but I just can't seem to get your attention with that question. XD

Completely unprovoked? I don't think so. Hence my question about the motive.
Of course, I did, over 20 years Officer and enlisted, CONUS and Europe, honorably retired. Thanks for the continuing checks and healthcare. :cool:
Of course, I did, over 20 years Officer and enlisted, COMUS and Europe, honorably retired. Thanks for the continuing checks and healthcare. :cool:

Nice!! And because I don't want to derail my own thread, I have to post on your profile who you reminded me of when I couldn't get you to respond for nothing!! 😆
The inexperienced 2LT in command of the troops and his men were under heavy pressure by the mob.

Somebody in the crowed fired what sounded like a starter pistol.

The officer ordered a volley.

The results are known.,
I'm an Ohioan and the Kent State incident happened two decades before I was born, but the reason why I'm asking about it is one of the survivors is coming to speak at our local library.

So, I watched this documentary last night and it seems to be very one-sided. I mean, there has to have been a reason that the national guard fired upon them. Not to mention the fact that the crowd was throwing things at them. Things just aren't adding up to me. 😕

A massacre happened at Kent state period.
A massacre happened at Kent state period.

If that happened today, you would be cheering.

Remember when the left were the ones who didn't trust the government, but not the right?

I do. And you sure seem to be fond of your precious government, don't you? That woman being shot at the Jan. 6 protest probably made you smile, didn't it?

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