What really happened on 9/11 ?

We all know you don't have the game to debate your idiotic claims of planted bombs, lightpoles, cabs, cab drivers, etc and why the supposed conspirators would add such things to their "inbox" totally unnecessarily.

Please continue on with the graphics though.

All of the wreckage was consistent with AA77. As it was. As it is. As it always will be.

YOU ARE A LIAR! :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

There is nothing consistent with in the wreckage that indicates that it was AA77. What a load of crap.


Let's see if your small mind can answer these questions:

Why, after all these years, haven't we seen any clear photos of the "plane" that struck the Pentagon?
Nobody was photgraphing the building with a high speed camera at the time when the plane hit most likely:

It's possible that the plane's port engine was knocked off when it hit this generator:
The other engine was found in the Pentagon so we know where it came from.

There is:

They were destroyed in the fireball the world saw.

Are you saying it should have been torn up by something that didn't hit it?

A Boeing 757 is 60 tons and IF a Boeing 757 struck the Pentagon, it would leave 60 tons of scrap, NOT A FEW PIECES.
There was significant wreckage found, engines, landing gear, bodies, pieces of fuselage, etc... Your denial is silly.

There is NO PROOF AT ALL that a Boeing 757 struck the Pentagon on 9/11. YOU ARE WRONG, HAVE BEEN WRONG, AND WILL CONTINUE TO BE WRONG! Deal with it.

The facts whisper much louder than your lies.

Now that I've answered your questions, answer mine:

Why would conspirators add in unnecessary persons/parties when they didn't have to. The contention is that a missile or a global hawk did the damage to the Pentagon. It's your fairy tale so you'll have to pick a fantasy and stick to it.

Whatever you come out with; please tell us why the angle of the attack wasn't increased to miss the light poles or the vector changed to side-step them? Because if you take them out of the equation; you don't have to worry about employing people to plant them in broad daylight, you don't have to worry about including a cabbie, a cab, a story about the cab, cars on the road, etc. You don't have to plant explosives to damage a generator outside of the Pentagon etc...

We'll get to your explanation about what happened to the passengers, the real AA77, the phone calls, how the wreckage was made to look like AA77, and all of the other hurdles you have to clear to be somewhere in the ballpark of believable later. For right now, please tell us why they would include all of the above when they didn't have to.

Your move dickless.

I see Eyes Wide Open has mouth shut tight when he is asked to explain very basic planning principles. He shouldn't feel bad; nobody can explain the light poles from the twoofer side of the argument.
Too bad you can't use the same rationale when discussing the fall of the WTC buildings.
You fucks think that no false flag attack was done to the US on behalf of the Zionist and American traitors hell bent on war are the delusional ones.
yes dear.....
btw that's not rationale, it's physics the rest of your rant is the same non evidence babble you spew endlessly.

The physics of the WTC doesn't make sense, just like the damage at the Pentagon doesn't, now just because no one knows exactly what, or how these events occurred in their entirety, doesn't mitigate all the other conspicuous shit that led up to the attack, and certainly does not lesson the plans the PNAC and it's signatories agreed to, some of which were in Bush's administration, and held positions of authority that may have helped the false flag plan along, and facilitate in its cover up, which included the "new Pearl Harbor" event needed to trick the Americans, and the world into the BS war on "terror", that only benefited the fake state of Israhell.

The facts are clear for those who want to see them, that the whole 9-11 attack was a false flag, and that now the very same lies are being thrown about, by traitors, including within the media, and even internet message and comments sections, concerning Iran, in hopes that the constant pressure will once again force America and her people to capitulate, and send her sons and daughters to be placed
in front of, and be used as cannon fodder for Israel.

Of course you know the deceit and the lies regarding the 9-11 false flag attack that you believe and defend, must be continued by any means necessary to keep the reality of the big picture hidden.

Unfortunately for you and your treasonous ilk, people who extricate themselves from the MSM and Washington "think tanks", talking heads, and chicken hawks, and take the time to study history regarding Israel, and false flag attacks, while also earnestly, and honestly researching certain elements of the 9-11 attacks, and the physics, and science within it, will eventually come to the same conclusion, primarily that the official explanation is pure bullshit, especially since the governments version you so staunchly defend can not stand up to in depth scrutiny and investigation of the facts.

Even many that were in the 9-11 commission have admitted they were mislead and were hampered in their investigation. All one has to do is review who had control of the investigation (cover up) to realize why.
You fucks see the possible placement of light poles in certain spots to facilitate such a devious plot as an absurdity, while ignoring the other logistical, physical, and scientific inconsistencies and illogical conclusions that are strewn throughout your OCT fantasy you so dogmatically adhere to.
35 Reasons Micro-Nukes Were Utilized to Demolish the WTC Cores on 9/11

Editors Note: Micro-Nukes were likely used at the base core in conduction with nano-thermite and C4. Multiple demolitions were used.

Here are the reasons:
1.Heat generation at ground zero for six months (china syndrome)

2.Inability to quench ground zero heat with water

3.Red hot/molten steel at ground zero

4.Missing core columns from ground zero (vaporized during destruction)

5.Spreading of sand at ground zero consistent with attempts to limit radiation

6.Washing of steel recovered from pile consistent with radiation decontamination

7.Extreme security for ground zero steel shipments consistent with limiting access to radioactive steel

8.Extreme security at ground zero, limiting exposure, view of devastation

9.Extreme pulverization of WTC concrete into very fine particles

10.Disappearance of over one thousand human bodies from WTC debris

11.Disappearance of furniture, phones, filing cabinets and computers from WTC debris

12.Disappearance of elevator doors, office doors, office cubicle walls, toilets and sinks from WTC debris

13.Several floor fragments fused together in “meteorite” object

14.Bone fragments sprayed into Bankers Trust upper floor during destruction

15.Multiple blast waves during destruction of tower

16.Large fireballs during initiation of WTC1 destruction

17.Small backpack-sized fission nukes exist

18.Fission-nuke technology well-established

19.Low efficiency of fission nukes ensures leftover radioactive fragments and China syndrome

20.EMP formation during tower destruction (exploding cars, partial burning)

21.Description of heat in WTC blast cloud

22.Extensive cover-up of ground zero air by EPA

23.High rate of cancers, including thyroid cancer typically associated with radiation exposure, in ground zero responders

24.Melted, hanging skin in WTC survivor Felipe David in absence of fire

25.Vaporized press and crumpled steel door in WTC basement reported by Pecoraro

26.Steel beam bent in U, without cracking, evidence of extreme high temps

27.Steel beam bent in U has layer of molten metal on surface

28.Extreme overall devastation of two massive towers and blasted out Ground Zero aftermath

29.Appearance of fantastical, nonsensical DEW theory by likely govt agents– uses evidence of nukes (EMP, extreme pulverization of tower into dust) but denies nukes at all costs

30.Appearance of fantastical, nonsensical thermite (super nano-thermite) theory by likely govt agents– uses evidence of nukes (molten steel, china syndrome) but denies nukes at all costs

31.Small iron microspheres found by Jones et al in WTC dust— evidence of steel vaporization by high temps of nukes

32.Pyroclastic debris cloud during WTC destruction

33.Upwards jutting debris trails reminiscent of debris trails formed during underground nuke test

34.Small bright flashes during destruction of both towers

35.Extremely compacted ground zero debris

this video backs up what you posted as well.You got to love the logic of the trolls here that jet fuel fires caused this much heat and caused all the cars to look like that.:lol::lmao::lmao:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QA9r9sHXs8A&feature=related]Amongst The Rubble (What they don't want you to see) 9/11 - YouTube[/ame]

911 inside job, here is additional proof to back-up what you have posted and also what I have posted as well indicating that the WTC were brought down with mini-nukes.

Pictures Prove Mini Nukes Caused 9-11 Devastation

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAKfBA8lBYg]WTC 1 4 Base Explosions - YouTube[/ame]
so it's not just nano nukes it's a combo pack?:lol::lol:
"Editors Note: Micro-Nukes were likely used at the base core in conduction with nano-thermite and C4. Multiple demolitions were used. " -some twoffer ass hat...
only a few small problems with that..
1.no blast wave...
2.a "nano nuke" would melt or set off c4 and thermite prematurely rendering it useless.
3.no higher than normal background radiation detected
4.no non naturally occurring radiation found
5. the editor or author of this steaming pile is an illiterate :he uses conduction :Definition of CONDUCTION
1: the act of conducting or conveying
2a : transmission through or by means of a conductor; also : the transfer of heat through matter by communication of kinetic energy from particle to particle with no net displacement of the particles — IE NO EXPLOSION....ASSHATS.
1: the act or an instance of conjoining : the state of being conjoined : combination <working in conjunction with state and local authorities>
2: occurrence together in time or space ::lol::lol:
Does anyone know how the 2 mini-nukes destroyed the towers without either one of them cracking the "bathtub" retaining wall and letting the Hudson River flood the basements? Or sending atomic fire down the PATH subway tunnels?
good question..rat

41:16 On the southern tip of Manhattan, surrounded by water, huge retaining walls were built below the World Trade Center to hold back the ocean and Hudson River. The &#8220;bathtub,&#8221; as it was called, held 7 levels of parking garages, maintenance rooms and the New Jersey PATH train station.
41:37 After September 11th, the 3-foot-thick slurry walls were found to have shifted up to 18 inches inward.
41:49 Construction worker: &#8220;These walls are coming in. These wall hold back the river, so if these wall cave in, this place is going to get flooded out be the river.&#8221;
41:57 Let&#8217;s think about this. A pancake collapse should have left the foundations in place. They had always borne the weight of 110 floors. But something happened in the sub-basements to disrupt them.

9/11 Mysteries Viewer's Guide
good question..rat

41:16 On the southern tip of Manhattan, surrounded by water, huge retaining walls were built below the World Trade Center to hold back the ocean and Hudson River. The “bathtub,” as it was called, held 7 levels of parking garages, maintenance rooms and the New Jersey PATH train station.
41:37 After September 11th, the 3-foot-thick slurry walls were found to have shifted up to 18 inches inward.
41:49 Construction worker: “These walls are coming in. These wall hold back the river, so if these wall cave in, this place is going to get flooded out be the river.”
41:57 Let’s think about this. A pancake collapse should have left the foundations in place. They had always borne the weight of 110 floors. But something happened in the sub-basements to disrupt them.

9/11 Mysteries Viewer's Guide

The "bathtub" did not support the weight of the towers. It was built surrounding the entire complex. The towers had their own support structure built on footings going down to the bedrock.

There was wreckage and all of it was consistent with AA Flight 77.:lol::lol::lol:


We all know you don't have the game to debate your idiotic claims of planted bombs, lightpoles, cabs, cab drivers, etc and why the supposed conspirators would add such things to their "inbox" totally unnecessarily.

Please continue on with the graphics though.

All of the wreckage was consistent with AA77. As it was. As it is. As it always will be.

but not positively identified as such ..because of the pick up truck of pieces displayed there where no serial numbered parts recovered that could positively identify the craft...
bullshit:With the above overwhelming evidence it is clear that Boeing 757-223 Serial number 34602, registration N644AA, was flown into the Pentagon and disintegrated into relatively small pieces on September 11th 2001. The aircraft insurers paid out on 14th January 2002 and the aircraft registration was cancelled due destroyed.
The Facts Concerning Flight AA77 and the Pentagon.
Bullshit........... cancer yes, Radiation and emp that would have gone along with a Nuke....Sorry didn't happen.......

You should be demoted to private for your ignorance. Radiation and emp that would have gone along with a Nuke....Sorry DID happen! Maybe if you didn't believe Bush's lies, then maybe you could see the truth, but that's doubtful.

Monday, April 4th, 2011 | Posted by Veterans Today
9/11 NUKE DEMOLITION PROOF: Firefighters Radiation Cancers “Off the Scale”

By Daily Mail Reporter

Firefighters who recovered bodies at Ground Zero are developing cancer at a faster rate than those who worked before the atrocity, medical officials have revealed.

A seven-year study by the New York Fire Department has claimed that there are ‘unusual rises’ in the number of cancer cases among firefighters who worked in the aftermath of 9/11.

Some types of cancer among 9/11 firefighters are even ‘bizarrely off the charts’, according to sources who have seen the as-yet-undisclosed federal-funded study.

Dr. David Prezant, the Fire Department’s chief medical officer, has reportedly said that cancer cases across ‘all ranks’ of the FDNY who worked at Ground Zero are ‘up significantly’.

It is thought that the report – due to be officially disclosed in time for the 10th anniversary of the terror attacks in September – cites unusual rises in leukemia, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and multiple myeloma.

The report also states increases in esophageal, prostate and thyroid cancers.

Although officials have yet to confirm the increase, sources who attended a recent steering-committee meeting said Dr. Prezant’s report will document the cancer increase.

One source told the New York Post: ‘The only conclusion that could have been reached was that there was an increase in the cancer rate for firefighters after 9/11.’

Minutes of the meeting quote Prezant as saying that ‘we have completed our seven-year cancer study’ and that he planned to present it to the fire unions.

A doctor from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health is said to have asked Dr. Prezant: ‘In the past, you mentioned about the rates before being somewhat similar — what led to the change that you noted the increase?’

Prezant said researchers have compiled medical records for three years and had access to state cancer registries, though New York’s is three years behind.

Dr. Prezant reportedly told the group: ‘Those things keep adding cases

The report would be the first to document a cancer-rate increase among rescue and recovery workers.

The city recently settled lawsuits by 10,000 WTC workers, more than 600 of whom have developed cancer.

But officials have so far insisted there is no scientific proof that Ground Zero smoke and dust caused cancer.

An FDNY spokesman gave a statement for Dr. Prezant, saying: ‘The study is ongoing, and no conclusions have been reached on whether cancer rates have increased for firefighters.’

But fire union bosses in New York have expressed their concern about the findings.

Al Hagan, head of the fire-officers union, told the New York Post: ‘I’m led to believe that the numbers for those cancers across all ranks in the Fire Department of people who worked at Ground Zero is up significantly, and we’re all very concerned about it, as are our families.’

Steve Cassidy, president of the firefighters union, said Ground Zero’s ‘toxic stew’ has proven lethal.

He said: ‘It’s a fact that New York City firefighters are dying of cancer in record numbers.

‘We have buried 10 firefighters in just the last 15 weeks, seven with cancer. On Sept. 10, 2001, they were young, healthy firefighters.’

In 2007, doctors at Mt. Sinai Medical Center, which monitors World Trade Center rescue workers, noted blood cancers like multiple myeloma, which normally strikes in the 60s or 70s, were being found in relatively young officers.

The New York state Health Department has confirmed that 345 Ground Zero workers have died of various cancers as of June 2010.

Any Idiot can copy a blog.....Doesn't make it true....... We know that the cancer rates are up.... Show me scientific unbiased proof of radiation from a nuke......
another small thing the slap dick family singers are missing is why have the "object" hit the pentagon at all ?most all modern missiles have proximity sensors and do an air burst to maximize damage. the damage of the pentagon is inconsistent for explosives
the damage on the pentagon is a plane or a very big cannon ball..
Bullshit........... cancer yes, Radiation and emp that would have gone along with a Nuke....Sorry didn't happen.......

You should be demoted to private for your ignorance. Radiation and emp that would have gone along with a Nuke....Sorry DID happen! Maybe if you didn't believe Bush's lies, then maybe you could see the truth, but that's doubtful.

Monday, April 4th, 2011 | Posted by Veterans Today
9/11 NUKE DEMOLITION PROOF: Firefighters Radiation Cancers &#8220;Off the Scale&#8221;

By Daily Mail Reporter

Firefighters who recovered bodies at Ground Zero are developing cancer at a faster rate than those who worked before the atrocity, medical officials have revealed.

A seven-year study by the New York Fire Department has claimed that there are &#8216;unusual rises&#8217; in the number of cancer cases among firefighters who worked in the aftermath of 9/11.

Some types of cancer among 9/11 firefighters are even &#8216;bizarrely off the charts&#8217;, according to sources who have seen the as-yet-undisclosed federal-funded study.

Dr. David Prezant, the Fire Department&#8217;s chief medical officer, has reportedly said that cancer cases across &#8216;all ranks&#8217; of the FDNY who worked at Ground Zero are &#8216;up significantly&#8217;.

It is thought that the report &#8211; due to be officially disclosed in time for the 10th anniversary of the terror attacks in September &#8211; cites unusual rises in leukemia, non-Hodgkin&#8217;s lymphoma and multiple myeloma.

The report also states increases in esophageal, prostate and thyroid cancers.

Although officials have yet to confirm the increase, sources who attended a recent steering-committee meeting said Dr. Prezant&#8217;s report will document the cancer increase.

One source told the New York Post: &#8216;The only conclusion that could have been reached was that there was an increase in the cancer rate for firefighters after 9/11.&#8217;

Minutes of the meeting quote Prezant as saying that &#8216;we have completed our seven-year cancer study&#8217; and that he planned to present it to the fire unions.

A doctor from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health is said to have asked Dr. Prezant: &#8216;In the past, you mentioned about the rates before being somewhat similar &#8212; what led to the change that you noted the increase?&#8217;

Prezant said researchers have compiled medical records for three years and had access to state cancer registries, though New York&#8217;s is three years behind.

Dr. Prezant reportedly told the group: &#8216;Those things keep adding cases

The report would be the first to document a cancer-rate increase among rescue and recovery workers.

The city recently settled lawsuits by 10,000 WTC workers, more than 600 of whom have developed cancer.

But officials have so far insisted there is no scientific proof that Ground Zero smoke and dust caused cancer.

An FDNY spokesman gave a statement for Dr. Prezant, saying: &#8216;The study is ongoing, and no conclusions have been reached on whether cancer rates have increased for firefighters.&#8217;

But fire union bosses in New York have expressed their concern about the findings.

Al Hagan, head of the fire-officers union, told the New York Post: &#8216;I&#8217;m led to believe that the numbers for those cancers across all ranks in the Fire Department of people who worked at Ground Zero is up significantly, and we&#8217;re all very concerned about it, as are our families.&#8217;

Steve Cassidy, president of the firefighters union, said Ground Zero&#8217;s &#8216;toxic stew&#8217; has proven lethal.

He said: &#8216;It&#8217;s a fact that New York City firefighters are dying of cancer in record numbers.

&#8216;We have buried 10 firefighters in just the last 15 weeks, seven with cancer. On Sept. 10, 2001, they were young, healthy firefighters.&#8217;

In 2007, doctors at Mt. Sinai Medical Center, which monitors World Trade Center rescue workers, noted blood cancers like multiple myeloma, which normally strikes in the 60s or 70s, were being found in relatively young officers.

The New York state Health Department has confirmed that 345 Ground Zero workers have died of various cancers as of June 2010.

Boy you nailed it there.Gomer Pyle Ollie really SHOULD be demoted to private.I mean Gomer Pyle himself wasnt as near as pathetic as Ollie here is and the sad part about it is Ollie is real unlike Gomer Pyle.:lol::lol:

Wildcat,Eyes Wide Open I encourage you again not to reply to Gomer Ollie,Moron In The Hat,Dawgshit,and Candyass.they all know just as well as we do that that it was an inside job.They are paid trolls sent here by their handlers to try and derail any 9/11 truth discussion and just waste your time,dont take the bait anymore.You have heard the old saying.:trolls:

Now if whitehall was still here posting then him i would say go ahead and reply .He is just a brainwashed Bush dupe in denial and afraid.He doesnt troll here constantly all the time like they do so he is just in denial and doesnt know what went down.those trolls I mentioned do.
Last edited:
Bullshit........... cancer yes, Radiation and emp that would have gone along with a Nuke....Sorry didn't happen.......

You should be demoted to private for your ignorance. Radiation and emp that would have gone along with a Nuke....Sorry DID happen! Maybe if you didn't believe Bush's lies, then maybe you could see the truth, but that's doubtful.

Monday, April 4th, 2011 | Posted by Veterans Today
9/11 NUKE DEMOLITION PROOF: Firefighters Radiation Cancers “Off the Scale”

By Daily Mail Reporter

Firefighters who recovered bodies at Ground Zero are developing cancer at a faster rate than those who worked before the atrocity, medical officials have revealed.

A seven-year study by the New York Fire Department has claimed that there are ‘unusual rises’ in the number of cancer cases among firefighters who worked in the aftermath of 9/11.

Some types of cancer among 9/11 firefighters are even ‘bizarrely off the charts’, according to sources who have seen the as-yet-undisclosed federal-funded study.

Dr. David Prezant, the Fire Department’s chief medical officer, has reportedly said that cancer cases across ‘all ranks’ of the FDNY who worked at Ground Zero are ‘up significantly’.

It is thought that the report – due to be officially disclosed in time for the 10th anniversary of the terror attacks in September – cites unusual rises in leukemia, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and multiple myeloma.

The report also states increases in esophageal, prostate and thyroid cancers.

Although officials have yet to confirm the increase, sources who attended a recent steering-committee meeting said Dr. Prezant’s report will document the cancer increase.

One source told the New York Post: ‘The only conclusion that could have been reached was that there was an increase in the cancer rate for firefighters after 9/11.’

Minutes of the meeting quote Prezant as saying that ‘we have completed our seven-year cancer study’ and that he planned to present it to the fire unions.

A doctor from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health is said to have asked Dr. Prezant: ‘In the past, you mentioned about the rates before being somewhat similar — what led to the change that you noted the increase?’

Prezant said researchers have compiled medical records for three years and had access to state cancer registries, though New York’s is three years behind.

Dr. Prezant reportedly told the group: ‘Those things keep adding cases

The report would be the first to document a cancer-rate increase among rescue and recovery workers.

The city recently settled lawsuits by 10,000 WTC workers, more than 600 of whom have developed cancer.

But officials have so far insisted there is no scientific proof that Ground Zero smoke and dust caused cancer.

An FDNY spokesman gave a statement for Dr. Prezant, saying: ‘The study is ongoing, and no conclusions have been reached on whether cancer rates have increased for firefighters.’

But fire union bosses in New York have expressed their concern about the findings.

Al Hagan, head of the fire-officers union, told the New York Post: ‘I’m led to believe that the numbers for those cancers across all ranks in the Fire Department of people who worked at Ground Zero is up significantly, and we’re all very concerned about it, as are our families.’

Steve Cassidy, president of the firefighters union, said Ground Zero’s ‘toxic stew’ has proven lethal.

He said: ‘It’s a fact that New York City firefighters are dying of cancer in record numbers.

‘We have buried 10 firefighters in just the last 15 weeks, seven with cancer. On Sept. 10, 2001, they were young, healthy firefighters.’

In 2007, doctors at Mt. Sinai Medical Center, which monitors World Trade Center rescue workers, noted blood cancers like multiple myeloma, which normally strikes in the 60s or 70s, were being found in relatively young officers.

The New York state Health Department has confirmed that 345 Ground Zero workers have died of various cancers as of June 2010.

Boy you nailed it there.Gomer Pyle Ollie really SHOULD be demoted to private.I mean Gomer Pyle himself wasnt as near as pathetic as Ollie here is and the sad part about it is Ollie is real unlike Gomer Pyle.:lol::lol:

Wildcat,Eyes Wide Open I encourage you again not to reply to Gomer Ollie,Moron In The Hat,Dawgshit,and Candyass.they all know just as well as we do that that it was an inside job.They are paid trolls sent here by their handlers to try and derail any 9/11 truth discussion and just waste your time,dont take the bait anymore.You have heard the old saying.:trolls:

Now if whitehall was still here posting then him i would say go ahead and reply .He is just a brainwashed Bush dupe in denial and afraid.He doesnt troll here constantly all the time like they do so he is just in denial and doesnt know what went down.those trolls I mentioned do.

You are totally right 9/11 Inside Job.

Dumb-shits like the one's you have named do nothing but attack anyone who speaks out against the so-called "official version of 9/11" or should I say the OFFICIAL LIE. They do it because as you pointed out they are paid to do it, hence they are "puppets".

Everything that Gomer Ollie,Moron In The Hat,Dawgshit,and Candyass has posted belongs in the crapper. After all, they are all FULL OF SHIT ON ANYTHING REGARDING 9/11!!!

You should be demoted to private for your ignorance. Radiation and emp that would have gone along with a Nuke....Sorry DID happen! Maybe if you didn't believe Bush's lies, then maybe you could see the truth, but that's doubtful.

Monday, April 4th, 2011 | Posted by Veterans Today
9/11 NUKE DEMOLITION PROOF: Firefighters Radiation Cancers “Off the Scale”

By Daily Mail Reporter

Firefighters who recovered bodies at Ground Zero are developing cancer at a faster rate than those who worked before the atrocity, medical officials have revealed.

A seven-year study by the New York Fire Department has claimed that there are ‘unusual rises’ in the number of cancer cases among firefighters who worked in the aftermath of 9/11.

Some types of cancer among 9/11 firefighters are even ‘bizarrely off the charts’, according to sources who have seen the as-yet-undisclosed federal-funded study.

Dr. David Prezant, the Fire Department’s chief medical officer, has reportedly said that cancer cases across ‘all ranks’ of the FDNY who worked at Ground Zero are ‘up significantly’.

It is thought that the report – due to be officially disclosed in time for the 10th anniversary of the terror attacks in September – cites unusual rises in leukemia, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and multiple myeloma.

The report also states increases in esophageal, prostate and thyroid cancers.

Although officials have yet to confirm the increase, sources who attended a recent steering-committee meeting said Dr. Prezant’s report will document the cancer increase.

One source told the New York Post: ‘The only conclusion that could have been reached was that there was an increase in the cancer rate for firefighters after 9/11.’

Minutes of the meeting quote Prezant as saying that ‘we have completed our seven-year cancer study’ and that he planned to present it to the fire unions.

A doctor from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health is said to have asked Dr. Prezant: ‘In the past, you mentioned about the rates before being somewhat similar — what led to the change that you noted the increase?’

Prezant said researchers have compiled medical records for three years and had access to state cancer registries, though New York’s is three years behind.

Dr. Prezant reportedly told the group: ‘Those things keep adding cases

The report would be the first to document a cancer-rate increase among rescue and recovery workers.

The city recently settled lawsuits by 10,000 WTC workers, more than 600 of whom have developed cancer.

But officials have so far insisted there is no scientific proof that Ground Zero smoke and dust caused cancer.

An FDNY spokesman gave a statement for Dr. Prezant, saying: ‘The study is ongoing, and no conclusions have been reached on whether cancer rates have increased for firefighters.’

But fire union bosses in New York have expressed their concern about the findings.

Al Hagan, head of the fire-officers union, told the New York Post: ‘I’m led to believe that the numbers for those cancers across all ranks in the Fire Department of people who worked at Ground Zero is up significantly, and we’re all very concerned about it, as are our families.’

Steve Cassidy, president of the firefighters union, said Ground Zero’s ‘toxic stew’ has proven lethal.

He said: ‘It’s a fact that New York City firefighters are dying of cancer in record numbers.

‘We have buried 10 firefighters in just the last 15 weeks, seven with cancer. On Sept. 10, 2001, they were young, healthy firefighters.’

In 2007, doctors at Mt. Sinai Medical Center, which monitors World Trade Center rescue workers, noted blood cancers like multiple myeloma, which normally strikes in the 60s or 70s, were being found in relatively young officers.

The New York state Health Department has confirmed that 345 Ground Zero workers have died of various cancers as of June 2010.

Boy you nailed it there.Gomer Pyle Ollie really SHOULD be demoted to private.I mean Gomer Pyle himself wasnt as near as pathetic as Ollie here is and the sad part about it is Ollie is real unlike Gomer Pyle.:lol::lol:

Wildcat,Eyes Wide Open I encourage you again not to reply to Gomer Ollie,Moron In The Hat,Dawgshit,and Candyass.they all know just as well as we do that that it was an inside job.They are paid trolls sent here by their handlers to try and derail any 9/11 truth discussion and just waste your time,dont take the bait anymore.You have heard the old saying.:trolls:

Now if whitehall was still here posting then him i would say go ahead and reply .He is just a brainwashed Bush dupe in denial and afraid.He doesnt troll here constantly all the time like they do so he is just in denial and doesnt know what went down.those trolls I mentioned do.

You are totally right 9/11 Inside Job.

Dumb-shits like the one's you have named do nothing but attack anyone who speaks out against the so-called "official version of 9/11" or should I say the OFFICIAL LIE. They do it because as you pointed out they are paid to do it, hence they are "puppets".

Everything that Gomer Ollie,Moron In The Hat,Dawgshit,and Candyass has posted belongs in the crapper. After all, they are all FULL OF SHIT ON ANYTHING REGARDING 9/11!!!


Real shame that there are so many dumb asses out there who can't handle the truth...
Don't bother to respond one of us will just show you more facts......... Unlike 911 nutjob who only comes in here to call names and give wild eyed opinions....
good question..rat

41:16 On the southern tip of Manhattan, surrounded by water, huge retaining walls were built below the World Trade Center to hold back the ocean and Hudson River. The “bathtub,” as it was called, held 7 levels of parking garages, maintenance rooms and the New Jersey PATH train station.
41:37 After September 11th, the 3-foot-thick slurry walls were found to have shifted up to 18 inches inward.
41:49 Construction worker: “These walls are coming in. These wall hold back the river, so if these wall cave in, this place is going to get flooded out be the river.”
41:57 Let’s think about this. A pancake collapse should have left the foundations in place. They had always borne the weight of 110 floors. But something happened in the sub-basements to disrupt them.

9/11 Mysteries Viewer's Guide

The "bathtub" did not support the weight of the towers. It was built surrounding the entire complex. The towers had their own support structure built on footings going down to the bedrock.


of one thing I am certain the structure in this picture did not collapse into a pile of dust and rubble in secs from relatively small fires or a hole be punched into it....
good question..rat

41:16 On the southern tip of Manhattan, surrounded by water, huge retaining walls were built below the World Trade Center to hold back the ocean and Hudson River. The “bathtub,” as it was called, held 7 levels of parking garages, maintenance rooms and the New Jersey PATH train station.
41:37 After September 11th, the 3-foot-thick slurry walls were found to have shifted up to 18 inches inward.
41:49 Construction worker: “These walls are coming in. These wall hold back the river, so if these wall cave in, this place is going to get flooded out be the river.”
41:57 Let’s think about this. A pancake collapse should have left the foundations in place. They had always borne the weight of 110 floors. But something happened in the sub-basements to disrupt them.

9/11 Mysteries Viewer's Guide

The "bathtub" did not support the weight of the towers. It was built surrounding the entire complex. The towers had their own support structure built on footings going down to the bedrock.


of one thing I am certain the structure in this picture did not collapse into a pile of dust and rubble in secs from relatively small fires or a hole be punched into it....
Go away, idiot.
good question..rat

41:16 On the southern tip of Manhattan, surrounded by water, huge retaining walls were built below the World Trade Center to hold back the ocean and Hudson River. The &#8220;bathtub,&#8221; as it was called, held 7 levels of parking garages, maintenance rooms and the New Jersey PATH train station.
41:37 After September 11th, the 3-foot-thick slurry walls were found to have shifted up to 18 inches inward.
41:49 Construction worker: &#8220;These walls are coming in. These wall hold back the river, so if these wall cave in, this place is going to get flooded out be the river.&#8221;
41:57 Let&#8217;s think about this. A pancake collapse should have left the foundations in place. They had always borne the weight of 110 floors. But something happened in the sub-basements to disrupt them.

9/11 Mysteries Viewer's Guide

The "bathtub" did not support the weight of the towers. It was built surrounding the entire complex. The towers had their own support structure built on footings going down to the bedrock.


of one thing I am certain the structure in this picture did not collapse into a pile of dust and rubble in secs from relatively small fires or a hole be punched into it....
:lol::lol: can you say falsely minimizing the damage? ....I knew you could..
wtc 1& 2 had severe fire and impact damage over several acres (each floor was an acre square) asshat!
good question..rat

41:16 On the southern tip of Manhattan, surrounded by water, huge retaining walls were built below the World Trade Center to hold back the ocean and Hudson River. The “bathtub,” as it was called, held 7 levels of parking garages, maintenance rooms and the New Jersey PATH train station.
41:37 After September 11th, the 3-foot-thick slurry walls were found to have shifted up to 18 inches inward.
41:49 Construction worker: “These walls are coming in. These wall hold back the river, so if these wall cave in, this place is going to get flooded out be the river.”
41:57 Let’s think about this. A pancake collapse should have left the foundations in place. They had always borne the weight of 110 floors. But something happened in the sub-basements to disrupt them.

9/11 Mysteries Viewer's Guide

The "bathtub" did not support the weight of the towers. It was built surrounding the entire complex. The towers had their own support structure built on footings going down to the bedrock.


of one thing I am certain the structure in this picture did not collapse into a pile of dust and rubble in secs from relatively small fires or a hole be punched into it....

You're right. The structure in this picture collapsed when the rest of the 100 story building fell down on top of it.

The rest of the building fell due to large multi-story fires and broken & damaged columns caused by crashing a huge commercial jet into them at 400+ mph.
Boy you nailed it there.Gomer Pyle Ollie really SHOULD be demoted to private.I mean Gomer Pyle himself wasnt as near as pathetic as Ollie here is and the sad part about it is Ollie is real unlike Gomer Pyle.:lol::lol:

Wildcat,Eyes Wide Open I encourage you again not to reply to Gomer Ollie,Moron In The Hat,Dawgshit,and Candyass.they all know just as well as we do that that it was an inside job.They are paid trolls sent here by their handlers to try and derail any 9/11 truth discussion and just waste your time,dont take the bait anymore.You have heard the old saying.:trolls:

Now if whitehall was still here posting then him i would say go ahead and reply .He is just a brainwashed Bush dupe in denial and afraid.He doesnt troll here constantly all the time like they do so he is just in denial and doesnt know what went down.those trolls I mentioned do.

You are totally right 9/11 Inside Job.

Dumb-shits like the one's you have named do nothing but attack anyone who speaks out against the so-called "official version of 9/11" or should I say the OFFICIAL LIE. They do it because as you pointed out they are paid to do it, hence they are "puppets".

Everything that Gomer Ollie,Moron In The Hat,Dawgshit,and Candyass has posted belongs in the crapper. After all, they are all FULL OF SHIT ON ANYTHING REGARDING 9/11!!!

Boy you nailed it there.Gomer Pyle Ollie really SHOULD be demoted to private.I mean Gomer Pyle himself wasnt as near as pathetic as Ollie here is and the sad part about it is Ollie is real unlike Gomer Pyle.:lol::lol:

Wildcat,Eyes Wide Open I encourage you again not to reply to Gomer Ollie,Moron In The Hat,Dawgshit,and Candyass.they all know just as well as we do that that it was an inside job.They are paid trolls sent here by their handlers to try and derail any 9/11 truth discussion and just waste your time,dont take the bait anymore.You have heard the old saying.:trolls:

Now if whitehall was still here posting then him i would say go ahead and reply .He is just a brainwashed Bush dupe in denial and afraid.He doesnt troll here constantly all the time like they do so he is just in denial and doesnt know what went down.those trolls I mentioned do.


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