What really happens after death?

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
What Happens After Death? New Theory Suggests Consciousness Moves To Another Universe |

A book titled “Biocentrism: How Life and Consciousness Are the Keys to Understanding the Nature of the Universe“ has stirred up the internet, because it contained a notion that life does not end when the body dies, and it can last forever. The author of this publication, scientist Dr. Robert Lanza who was voted the 3rd most important scientist alive by the NY Times, has no doubts that this is possible.
Beyond Time and Space

Lanza is an expert in regenerative medicine and scientific director of Advanced Cell Technology Company. Before, he had been known for his extensive research which dealt with stem cells, he was also famous for several successful experiments on cloning endangered animal species.

But not so long ago, the scientist became involved with physics, quantum mechanics and astrophysics. This explosive mixture has given birth to the new theory of biocentrism, which the professor has been preaching ever since. Biocentrism teaches that life and consciousness are fundamental to the universe. It is consciousness that creates the material universe, not the other way around.


Whatcha think?
Is it possible for the body to die but the soul to remain trapped within the body?

What keeps the soul anchored to the body so it does not escape a living body by accident? What mechanism frees the soul from the body once the body dies?

I think Biocentrism is some wacky form of non-theism misapplying science like Young Earth creationist and Christian Apologists do.
I think when you die it's a transformation into another form of being or another plane of existence. I don't necessarily believe in the whole Heaven and Hell thing, but I do believe there is more to life than just this.
I believe that when you die your consciousness is basically asleep until Judgement day when God will call forth all the dead and either provide you with a new perfect body or consign you to permanent death.
We briefly have a type consciousness after death because we're accustomed to our senses of sight, smell, touch, etc. This gradually fades as our life energy (spirit?) dissipates. That energy is eventually swept away and scattered amongst the universe from where it originated.


The end.
When I die, my brain will cease to function. Whether or not I have a soul and ascend to some other plane of existence is debatable, but considering there is no data either way regarding that, let's go with what I know. I will die, my brain stops, and whatever makes me me is gone. I suspect it is like going to sleep one last time where I lose consciousness, but I won't dream and won't wake up and will have no further thoughts.

Physically, I will likely rot and/or be eaten by something. There is an off chance that I will become a fossil, but I doubt it as I intend to give my body to a forensic body farm where they just dump me in the woods and see how long it takes for critters to eat me and use that information for science.

Even though my body will be gone, the cool thing is that the atoms that make up my body are effectively eternal. I will return to the great pool of atoms that all living things use. The hydrogen and oxygen and carbon and sodium and calcium and a few dozen other elements will be recycled again and again and again for the next several billion years. In time the Sun will cease fusing hydrogen and expand and devour the inner solar system, including the Earth. My atoms will join with the sun and cool. And so it will stay, forever.

Kind of neat to think that in some way at least, I am eternal.
Truth!!!= for believers to be absent from the body is to be present with the LORD. For unbeliving sin loving GOD rejectors their place is hell.
Truth!!!= for believers to be absent from the body is to be present with the LORD. For unbeliving sin loving GOD rejectors their place is hell.
=== TAKE A LONG LOOK AT A MAN IN THE ALL TO REAL HELL=== JESUS says==There was a certain rich man,” Jesus said, “who was splendidly clothed and lived each day in mirth and luxury. 20 One day Lazarus, a diseased beggar, was laid at his door. 21 As he lay there longing for scraps from the rich man’s table, the dogs would come and lick his open sores. 22 Finally the beggar died and was carried by the angels to be with Abraham in the place of the righteous dead.The rich man also died and was buried, 23 and his soul went into hell. There, in torment, he saw Lazarus in the far distance with Abraham.

24 “‘Father Abraham,’ he shouted, ‘have some pity! Send Lazarus over here if only to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, for I am in anguish in these flames.’

25 “But Abraham said to him, ‘Son, remember that during your lifetime you had everything you wanted, and Lazarus had nothing. So now he is here being comforted and you are in anguish. 26 And besides, there is a great chasm separating us, and anyone wanting to come to you from here is stopped at its edge; and no one over there can cross to us.’

27 “Then the rich man said, ‘O Father Abraham, then please send him to my father’s home— 28 for I have five brothers—to warn them about this place of torment lest they come here when they die.’

29 “But Abraham said, ‘The Scriptures have warned them again and again. Your brothers can read them any time they want to.’

30 “The rich man replied, ‘No, Father Abraham, they won’t bother to read them. But if someone is sent to them from the dead, then they will turn from their sins.’

31 “But Abraham said, ‘If they won’t listen to Moses and the prophets, they won’t listen even though someone rises from the dead.’” luke 16:31
Truth!!!= for believers to be absent from the body is to be present with the LORD. For unbeliving sin loving GOD rejectors their place is hell.

Funny--I want to be cremated.

So I will burn, GISMY. I will burn--well, at least my dead body will burn.
What really happens after death?

No souls, no consciousness, no spirit energy, no mystical mumbo jumbo, no sky wizards, just nothing. I can't believe people who've avoided falling prey to the "dead guy on a stick" desert cults could actually believe in life after death. Ridiculous.
What really happens after death?

No souls, no consciousness, no spirit energy, no mystical mumbo jumbo, no sky wizards, just nothing. I can't believe people who've avoided falling prey to the "dead guy on a stick" desert cults could actually believe in life after death. Ridiculous.


What Happens After Death? New Theory Suggests Consciousness Moves To Another Universe |

A book titled “Biocentrism: How Life and Consciousness Are the Keys to Understanding the Nature of the Universe“ has stirred up the internet, because it contained a notion that life does not end when the body dies, and it can last forever. The author of this publication, scientist Dr. Robert Lanza who was voted the 3rd most important scientist alive by the NY Times, has no doubts that this is possible.
Beyond Time and Space

Lanza is an expert in regenerative medicine and scientific director of Advanced Cell Technology Company. Before, he had been known for his extensive research which dealt with stem cells, he was also famous for several successful experiments on cloning endangered animal species.

But not so long ago, the scientist became involved with physics, quantum mechanics and astrophysics. This explosive mixture has given birth to the new theory of biocentrism, which the professor has been preaching ever since. Biocentrism teaches that life and consciousness are fundamental to the universe. It is consciousness that creates the material universe, not the other way around.


Whatcha think?

so many new religions.....however shall we choose.....
What Happens After Death? New Theory Suggests Consciousness Moves To Another Universe |

A book titled “Biocentrism: How Life and Consciousness Are the Keys to Understanding the Nature of the Universe“ has stirred up the internet, because it contained a notion that life does not end when the body dies, and it can last forever. The author of this publication, scientist Dr. Robert Lanza who was voted the 3rd most important scientist alive by the NY Times, has no doubts that this is possible.
Beyond Time and Space

Lanza is an expert in regenerative medicine and scientific director of Advanced Cell Technology Company. Before, he had been known for his extensive research which dealt with stem cells, he was also famous for several successful experiments on cloning endangered animal species.

But not so long ago, the scientist became involved with physics, quantum mechanics and astrophysics. This explosive mixture has given birth to the new theory of biocentrism, which the professor has been preaching ever since. Biocentrism teaches that life and consciousness are fundamental to the universe. It is consciousness that creates the material universe, not the other way around.


Whatcha think?

so many new religions.....however shall we choose.....

No need to choose. Do what religionists typically do; believe in the religion your parents gave you as the predominant religion.

And actually, Christianity is a new, syncretic religion in terms of the religions that preceded it and from which Christianity co-opted it's theology.
What really happens after death?

No souls, no consciousness, no spirit energy, no mystical mumbo jumbo, no sky wizards, just nothing. I can't believe people who've avoided falling prey to the "dead guy on a stick" desert cults could actually believe in life after death. Ridiculous.



To those that have allowed satan to blind them anything about GOD IS JUST FOOLISHNESS to them. They are lost.

No need to choose. Do what religionists typically do; believe in the religion your parents gave you as the predominant religion.

And actually, Christianity is a new, syncretic religion in terms of the religions that preceded it and from which Christianity co-opted it's theology.

Yep - cafeteria christians - believe the parts you like and conveniently ignore what you don't like.

As long as you MYOB and don't hurt others, believe whatever gets you through the night.

(Except that many religious beliefs do indeed hurt others.)

No souls, no consciousness, no spirit energy, no mystical mumbo jumbo, no sky wizards, just nothing. I can't believe people who've avoided falling prey to the "dead guy on a stick" desert cults could actually believe in life after death. Ridiculous.



To those that have allowed satan to blind them anything about GOD IS JUST FOOLISHNESS to them. They are lost.

made up scary monsters make you myths no more real
I wonder why it is that normally it is those whose politics fall to the left are more likely to believe in nothing. They will claim that it is because their minds tell them the idea of God or an afterlife are not logical.

However, I think it is due to sheer arrogance. That because they cannot perceive the possibility, that the possibility itself is ridiculous, rather than, that they simply are incapable of grasping the possibility.

There is too much that goes in life that cannot be explained that it makes any sense at all to assume you have the answers. I say the same for hyper religious people, but at least they believe in something greater than themselves, which to me is a sign of humility.
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so many new religions.....however shall we choose.....

No need to choose. Do what religionists typically do; believe in the religion your parents gave you as the predominant religion.

And actually, Christianity is a new, syncretic religion in terms of the religions that preceded it and from which Christianity co-opted it's theology.

Yep - cafeteria christians - believe the parts you like and conveniently ignore what you don't like.

As long as you MYOB and don't hurt others, believe whatever gets you through the night.

(Except that many religious beliefs do indeed hurt others.)
PUPPETS,TOOLS FOOLS FOR satan!!! beware the cost!!!

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