What really happens after death?

No need to choose. Do what religionists typically do; believe in the religion your parents gave you as the predominant religion.

And actually, Christianity is a new, syncretic religion in terms of the religions that preceded it and from which Christianity co-opted it's theology.

Yep - cafeteria christians - believe the parts you like and conveniently ignore what you don't like.

As long as you MYOB and don't hurt others, believe whatever gets you through the night.

(Except that many religious beliefs do indeed hurt others.)
PUPPETS,TOOLS FOOLS FOR satan!!! beware the cost!!!

You post like you are paid to turn people against religion.
Yep - cafeteria christians - believe the parts you like and conveniently ignore what you don't like.

As long as you MYOB and don't hurt others, believe whatever gets you through the night.

(Except that many religious beliefs do indeed hurt others.)
PUPPETS,TOOLS FOOLS FOR satan!!! beware the cost!!!

You post like you are paid to turn people against religion.

you post like you are a tool,fool,puppet of satan!!!

And actually, Christianity is a new, syncretic religion in terms of the religions that preceded it and from which Christianity co-opted it's theology.

as previously demonstrated....no....our religion doesn't include pregnancy by mummified dildos......
so many new religions.....however shall we choose.....

And actually, Christianity is a new, syncretic religion in terms of the religions that preceded it and from which Christianity co-opted it's theology.

as previously demonstrated....no....our religion doesn't include pregnancy by mummified dildos......

your purpose on earth is to seek truth=GOD and the ONLY place you will find real TRUTH is in GOD'S WORD!!!
I wonder why it is that normally it is those whose politics fall to the left are more likely to believe in nothing. They will claim that it is because their minds tell them the idea of God or an afterlife are not logical.

However, I think it is due to sheer arrogance. That because they cannot perceive the possibility, that the possibility itself is ridiculous, rather than, that they simply are incapable of grasping the possibility.

There is too much that goes in life that cannot be explained that it makes any sense at all to assume you have the answers. I say the same for hyper religious people, but at least they believe in something greater than themselves, which to me is a sign of humility.

The truly arrogant people on this planet are those that assume that if there exists or occurs something they cannot explain, it MUST have been caused or created by a magical sky wizard. The running theme with this sky wizard is that, although benevolent and all-forgiving and ever merciful, he (and it is male, every single time, because a womyn would never commit such atrocious acts of senseless violence) habitually and often times ritualistically murders, genocides, and tortures his own creations. From throwing the first two living people out of the Garden of Eden, to the undeserved destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, to Jonah being half-digested by a whale, and even the crucifixion of Jesus (who never existed, by the way), the "god" of the Abrahamic religions is revealed to be heartless, cruel, and downright evil. And you theists think that this horrid creature is the one who is responsible for atoms, gravity, and the pH scale?

There is no higher power on this earth today than President Obama. Deal with it, creationists.
GOD says=That man is a fool who says to himself, “There is no God!” Anyone who talks like that is warped and evil and cannot really be a good person at all.Psalm 14:1===Only a fool would say to himself, “There is no God.” And why does he say it? Because of his wicked heart, his dark and evil deeds. His life is corroded with sin. PSALM 53:1 and you???
I wonder why it is that normally it is those whose politics fall to the left are more likely to believe in nothing. They will claim that it is because their minds tell them the idea of God or an afterlife are not logical.

However, I think it is due to sheer arrogance. That because they cannot perceive the possibility, that the possibility itself is ridiculous, rather than, that they simply are incapable of grasping the possibility.

There is too much that goes in life that cannot be explained that it makes any sense at all to assume you have the answers. I say the same for hyper religious people, but at least they believe in something greater than themselves, which to me is a sign of humility.

The truly arrogant people on this planet are those that assume that if there exists or occurs something they cannot explain, it MUST have been caused or created by a magical sky wizard. The running theme with this sky wizard is that, although benevolent and all-forgiving and ever merciful, he (and it is male, every single time, because a womyn would never commit such atrocious acts of senseless violence) habitually and often times ritualistically murders, genocides, and tortures his own creations. From throwing the first two living people out of the Garden of Eden, to the undeserved destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, to Jonah being half-digested by a whale, and even the crucifixion of Jesus (who never existed, by the way), the "god" of the Abrahamic religions is revealed to be heartless, cruel, and downright evil. And you theists think that this horrid creature is the one who is responsible for atoms, gravity, and the pH scale?

There is no higher power on this earth today than President Obama. Deal with it, creationists.

I'm agnostic, you moron. BTW, what sock are you?
so many new religions.....however shall we choose.....

And actually, Christianity is a new, syncretic religion in terms of the religions that preceded it and from which Christianity co-opted it's theology.

as previously demonstrated....no....our religion doesn't include pregnancy by mummified dildos......

As previously demonstrated, yes, Christianity stole much of its core theology from earlier religions and Canaanite Pagan Polytheism.

You do realize that the OT is Hebrew scripture, right? Why not return it to its owners?
And actually, Christianity is a new, syncretic religion in terms of the religions that preceded it and from which Christianity co-opted it's theology.

as previously demonstrated....no....our religion doesn't include pregnancy by mummified dildos......

As previously demonstrated, yes, Christianity stole much of its core theology from earlier religions and Canaanite Pagan Polytheism.

You do realize that the OT is Hebrew scripture, right? Why not return it to its owners?

lol....actually, when I suggested that you demonstrate it the last time you disappeared.....and we didn't "steal" the OT.....it a part of the communication that the God we worship has given all of humanity......
as previously demonstrated....no....our religion doesn't include pregnancy by mummified dildos......

As previously demonstrated, yes, Christianity stole much of its core theology from earlier religions and Canaanite Pagan Polytheism.

You do realize that the OT is Hebrew scripture, right? Why not return it to its owners?

lol....actually, when I suggested that you demonstrate it the last time you disappeared.....and we didn't "steal" the OT.....it a part of the communication that the God we worship has given all of humanity......

lol.... actually, you might want to do some research on the religion you were given. You will be shocked to learn where the OT of the bibles comes from. You should return it to its owners.

What communication from the gods do you have? If you had ever learned about the religion you were given, you would understand that the many writers of the various bibles never claimed to have voices from the gods. The bibles were penned entirely by men.
As previously demonstrated, yes, Christianity stole much of its core theology from earlier religions and Canaanite Pagan Polytheism.

You do realize that the OT is Hebrew scripture, right? Why not return it to its owners?

lol....actually, when I suggested that you demonstrate it the last time you disappeared.....and we didn't "steal" the OT.....it a part of the communication that the God we worship has given all of humanity......

lol.... actually, you might want to do some research on the religion you were given. You will be shocked to learn where the OT of the bibles comes from. You should return it to its owners.

What communication from the gods do you have? If you had ever learned about the religion you were given, you would understand that the many writers of the various bibles never claimed to have voices from the gods. The bibles were penned entirely by men.

Hollie, I realize that the fact you lack an understanding of my religion hasn't kept you from criticizing it in the past......however, given how many times you have made claims you discover you can't back up, I'm surprised you have the nerve to keep making claims.....now, if you would care to actually give an example of how my religion stole from some Canaanite polytheistic paganism, feel free to give me something to disprove.....disproving things idiots post is why I'm here......
lol....actually, when I suggested that you demonstrate it the last time you disappeared.....and we didn't "steal" the OT.....it a part of the communication that the God we worship has given all of humanity......

lol.... actually, you might want to do some research on the religion you were given. You will be shocked to learn where the OT of the bibles comes from. You should return it to its owners.

What communication from the gods do you have? If you had ever learned about the religion you were given, you would understand that the many writers of the various bibles never claimed to have voices from the gods. The bibles were penned entirely by men.

Hollie, I realize that the fact you lack an understanding of my religion hasn't kept you from criticizing it in the past......however, given how many times you have made claims you discover you can't back up, I'm surprised you have the nerve to keep making claims.....now, if you would care to actually give an example of how my religion stole from some Canaanite polytheistic paganism, feel free to give me something to disprove.....disproving things idiots post is why I'm here......

I realize that self entitled "prophets" don't like to be corrected for their lack of knowledge, but I'm here to help.

Do a search on the origins of Judaism. As Christianity later co-opted much of Hebrew theology, and even stole Hebrew scripture, you will begin the process of learning the roots of Christianity.

You will feel like an idiot for having such a complete lack of knowledge regarding the religion you were given, but, pearls before swine your prophet'ness.
as previously demonstrated....no....our religion doesn't include pregnancy by mummified dildos......

As previously demonstrated, yes, Christianity stole much of its core theology from earlier religions and Canaanite Pagan Polytheism.

You do realize that the OT is Hebrew scripture, right? Why not return it to its owners?

lol....actually, when I suggested that you demonstrate it the last time you disappeared.....and we didn't "steal" the OT.....it a part of the communication that the God we worship has given all of humanity......

That's a convenient out. Someone points out stories in the Judeo-Christianity tradition that are the same as those in older religions and you can just say "God gave everyone that story" instead of having to deal with the idea that maybe, just maybe, the Jews who wrote the Old Testament or the Christians who wrote the New Testament simply borrowed someone else's stuff, gave it a new coat of paint, and called it a day.
lol.... actually, you might want to do some research on the religion you were given. You will be shocked to learn where the OT of the bibles comes from. You should return it to its owners.

What communication from the gods do you have? If you had ever learned about the religion you were given, you would understand that the many writers of the various bibles never claimed to have voices from the gods. The bibles were penned entirely by men.

Hollie, I realize that the fact you lack an understanding of my religion hasn't kept you from criticizing it in the past......however, given how many times you have made claims you discover you can't back up, I'm surprised you have the nerve to keep making claims.....now, if you would care to actually give an example of how my religion stole from some Canaanite polytheistic paganism, feel free to give me something to disprove.....disproving things idiots post is why I'm here......

I realize that self entitled "prophets" don't like to be corrected for their lack of knowledge, but I'm here to help.

Do a search on the origins of Judaism. As Christianity later co-opted much of Hebrew theology, and even stole Hebrew scripture, you will begin the process of learning the roots of Christianity.

You will feel like an idiot for having such a complete lack of knowledge regarding the religion you were given, but, pearls before swine your prophet'ness.

Judaism's origins are outlined in the book of Genesis......Christianity, like Judaism, worships YHWH, the creator, whose story begins with creation.....nothing predated creation.....
I wonder why it is that normally it is those whose politics fall to the left are more likely to believe in nothing. They will claim that it is because their minds tell them the idea of God or an afterlife are not logical.

However, I think it is due to sheer arrogance. That because they cannot perceive the possibility, that the possibility itself is ridiculous, rather than, that they simply are incapable of grasping the possibility.

There is too much that goes in life that cannot be explained that it makes any sense at all to assume you have the answers. I say the same for hyper religious people, but at least they believe in something greater than themselves, which to me is a sign of humility.

The only thing that humans have going for them is their connection and their desire to be connected to the Divine.

You remove that, you've got nothing but disgusting, rutting animals. Who brutally rape and kill their own.

In other words, progressives.
As previously demonstrated, yes, Christianity stole much of its core theology from earlier religions and Canaanite Pagan Polytheism.

You do realize that the OT is Hebrew scripture, right? Why not return it to its owners?

lol....actually, when I suggested that you demonstrate it the last time you disappeared.....and we didn't "steal" the OT.....it a part of the communication that the God we worship has given all of humanity......

That's a convenient out. Someone points out stories in the Judeo-Christianity tradition that are the same as those in older religions and you can just say "God gave everyone that story" instead of having to deal with the idea that maybe, just maybe, the Jews who wrote the Old Testament or the Christians who wrote the New Testament simply borrowed someone else's stuff, gave it a new coat of paint, and called it a day.

/shrugs....so far, someone tried to claim that stories from the Christian tradition were the same as older religions and it turned out to be a total misrepresentation.....the virgin birth of Isis being the only example claimed so far......maybe, if you want to continue to claim it you should document a legitimate example......I find most of the stuff pasted from AtheistsRUS websites are simply situations of sheer fabrications of ancient myth.....
lol....actually, when I suggested that you demonstrate it the last time you disappeared.....and we didn't "steal" the OT.....it a part of the communication that the God we worship has given all of humanity......

That's a convenient out. Someone points out stories in the Judeo-Christianity tradition that are the same as those in older religions and you can just say "God gave everyone that story" instead of having to deal with the idea that maybe, just maybe, the Jews who wrote the Old Testament or the Christians who wrote the New Testament simply borrowed someone else's stuff, gave it a new coat of paint, and called it a day.

/shrugs....so far, someone tried to claim that stories from the Christian tradition were the same as older religions and it turned out to be a total misrepresentation.....the virgin birth of Isis being the only example claimed so far......maybe, if you want to continue to claim it you should document a legitimate example......I find most of the stuff pasted from AtheistsRUS websites are simply situations of sheer fabrications of ancient myth.....

You have already proven in the past that you don't even have a serious familiarity with your own scriptures, let alone what their origins might be.
Your credibility in matters of scripture does not exist.
That's a convenient out. Someone points out stories in the Judeo-Christianity tradition that are the same as those in older religions and you can just say "God gave everyone that story" instead of having to deal with the idea that maybe, just maybe, the Jews who wrote the Old Testament or the Christians who wrote the New Testament simply borrowed someone else's stuff, gave it a new coat of paint, and called it a day.

/shrugs....so far, someone tried to claim that stories from the Christian tradition were the same as older religions and it turned out to be a total misrepresentation.....the virgin birth of Isis being the only example claimed so far......maybe, if you want to continue to claim it you should document a legitimate example......I find most of the stuff pasted from AtheistsRUS websites are simply situations of sheer fabrications of ancient myth.....

You have already proven in the past that you don't even have a serious familiarity with your own scriptures, let alone what their origins might be.
Your credibility in matters of scripture does not exist.

lol....."I don't have to provide a legitimate example because you didn't know who Sarah's father was".....sound argument there, Clyde....
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I don't spend any time listening to these idiots any more.

Nobody else does either. Usmb is becoming a wasteland because of crap like this that poses as serious discussion.

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