What really is the relevancy of the released Fusion GPS transcript...?

Another leftist talking point fails and bites the dust. Remember the Fusion GPS trolls wouldn't appear at their public hearing and insisted on a closed-door appearance but now "suddenly" the transcripts had to be released.

Top Senate Judiciary Democrat releases transcript of Fusion GPS interview

Multiple places:
  1. Steele went to Rome, gets debriefed by the FBI, and learns in the debriefing that the FBI, in September 2016, has a "voluntary" source inside the Drumpf campaign. So this means the Fusion GPS Steele Dossier did not prompt the FBI investigation. We can speculate that the voluntary source inside the Drumpf campaign was most likely George Papadopolous. (Transcript pages 175-176)

  2. Simpson was handed Manafort's contemporaneous notes from the June 9, 2016 Drumpf Tower meeting with the Russians. In those notes is a reference to a Cypriot holding company to engage in inward investment into Russia, along with the note "active sponsors of the RNC," Dick Cheney's press secretary, and finally, adoptions. The rot seems to infect the GOP as well as Drumpf, making this a larger criminal conspiracy and would explain why Republicans were trying to levy criminal accusations against Steele and Simpson - they were uncovering that the conspiracy didn't stop at Drumpf. (Transcript pages 261-264)

  3. Carter Page lost money with the Russians, was really mad about sanctions, and apparently had been an espionage suspect under investigation by the FBI FOR YEARS preceding the election. (Transcript pages 240-242)

  4. Fusion GPS concluded early in their investigation that Drumpf has serious ties to Russian organized crime, including money in his companies from "Kazakhstan, among other places, and that some of it you just couldn't account for." (Transcript pages 67-70)

  5. The very first memo within the dossier discusses that Drumpf and his inner circle accepted a regular flow of intelligence from the Kremlin. (Transcript pages 154-155)
You're making it to easy.
But that's OK.
Good job!

I like the part on 159 about the threat of Trump being blackmailed by the Russians.

The Felix Sater stuff is what's going to get him. Sater's got ties to Russian Organized Crime.
Fusion GPS Fails to Block Congressional Bid for Bank Records
stupid shit RW's, everything they carp about end up biting them in the ass, you would think they would learn to sit down and stfu, but noooooooooooooooooo .. they're stone brain idgets.
Fusion said they wanted the public not to hear their testimony, shitforbrains.

Gotta Link shitforbrains?
If you leftards had any knowledge of events you'd be conservatives.

Fusion GPS co-founder strikes agreement to testify before House Russia investigators - CNNPolitics

He agreed to testify behind closed doors because that's what Chuck Assley wanted.
After hearing Republicans lie about the testimony - they wrote a scathing op-ed demanding transcript release.
Fusion GPS co-founders slam GOP's 'fake investigations' into Trump camp's Russia ties - CNNPolitics
You lose
Fusion said they wanted the public not to hear their testimony, shitforbrains.

Gotta Link shitforbrains?
If you leftards had any knowledge of events you'd be conservatives.

Fusion GPS co-founder strikes agreement to testify before House Russia investigators - CNNPolitics

He agreed to testify behind closed doors because that's what Chuck Assley wanted.
After hearing Republicans lie about the testimony - they wrote a scathing op-ed demanding transcript release.
Fusion GPS co-founders slam GOP's 'fake investigations' into Trump camp's Russia ties - CNNPolitics
You lose
Again, quote the lies versus the testimony.
Fusion said they wanted the public not to hear their testimony, shitforbrains.

Gotta Link shitforbrains?
If you leftards had any knowledge of events you'd be conservatives.

Fusion GPS co-founder strikes agreement to testify before House Russia investigators - CNNPolitics

He agreed to testify behind closed doors because that's what Chuck Assley wanted.
After hearing Republicans lie about the testimony - they wrote a scathing op-ed demanding transcript release.
Fusion GPS co-founders slam GOP's 'fake investigations' into Trump camp's Russia ties - CNNPolitics
You lose

People like Weatherman are trying to obfuscate and conflate events regarding the investigation into Trump's Russia ties because they're obviously carrying water for him.
Oh wow, a NY Times editorial.
The Onion is more factual.

And who wrote it??? - Dog .. You are SUCH a loser and an even worse liar. :smile:

He's a sophist.

Weatherman is well aware of the events and the timeline regarding the Russian investigation.

He's aware that the FBI was investigating those ties prior to the Steele Dossier.

He's aware that the meeting in June 2016 at Trump Tower took place and wasn't about just "adoptions".

He's aware that Trump had extensive business dealings with Russia and that members of his own campaign, his family, and the GOP also had communication and contact with Russia.

He's pretending he's not aware of these things because that's what sophists do.
Fusion said they wanted the public not to hear their testimony, shitforbrains.

Gotta Link shitforbrains?
If you leftards had any knowledge of events you'd be conservatives.

Fusion GPS co-founder strikes agreement to testify before House Russia investigators - CNNPolitics

He agreed to testify behind closed doors because that's what Chuck Assley wanted.
After hearing Republicans lie about the testimony - they wrote a scathing op-ed demanding transcript release.
Fusion GPS co-founders slam GOP's 'fake investigations' into Trump camp's Russia ties - CNNPolitics
You lose

People like Weatherman are trying to obfuscate and conflate events regarding the investigation into Trump's Russia ties because they're obviously carrying water for him.
Yeah, asking for you to quote the alleged lies versus the testimony would be trying to obfuscate and conflate events to you leftards.
Yeah, asking for you to quote the alleged lies versus the testimony would be trying to obfuscate and conflate events to you leftards.

I already quoted five things from the dossier that you avoided completely on this thread.

The reason? You're a sophist.
Oh wow, a NY Times editorial.
The Onion is more factual.

And who wrote it??? - Dog .. You are SUCH a loser and an even worse liar. :smile:

He's a sophist.

Weatherman is well aware of the events and the timeline regarding the Russian investigation.

He's aware that the FBI was investigating those ties prior to the Steele Dossier.

He's aware that the meeting in June 2016 at Trump Tower took place and wasn't about just "adoptions".

He's aware that Trump had extensive business dealings with Russia and that members of his own campaign, his family, and the GOP also had communication and contact with Russia.

He's pretending he's not aware of these things because that's what sophists do.
OMG! A Presidential candidate had staff that met with foreign leaders!

Obama takes campaign trail overseas - CNN.com
Oh wow, a NY Times editorial.
The Onion is more factual.

And who wrote it??? - Dog .. You are SUCH a loser and an even worse liar. :smile:

He's a sophist.

Weatherman is well aware of the events and the timeline regarding the Russian investigation.

He's aware that the FBI was investigating those ties prior to the Steele Dossier.

He's aware that the meeting in June 2016 at Trump Tower took place and wasn't about just "adoptions".

He's aware that Trump had extensive business dealings with Russia and that members of his own campaign, his family, and the GOP also had communication and contact with Russia.

He's pretending he's not aware of these things because that's what sophists do.
Weather tutu is just a partisan bullshitter. You're right he knows the timeline.

All the release of Steele's interview is about was that Grassley and Graham have used the DOJ for political purposes in referring Steele for prosecution. We don't do that in America.
Oh wow, a NY Times editorial.
The Onion is more factual.

And who wrote it??? - Dog .. You are SUCH a loser and an even worse liar. :smile:

He's a sophist.

Weatherman is well aware of the events and the timeline regarding the Russian investigation.

He's aware that the FBI was investigating those ties prior to the Steele Dossier.

He's aware that the meeting in June 2016 at Trump Tower took place and wasn't about just "adoptions".

He's aware that Trump had extensive business dealings with Russia and that members of his own campaign, his family, and the GOP also had communication and contact with Russia.

He's pretending he's not aware of these things because that's what sophists do.
OMG! A Presidential candidate had staff that met with foreign leaders!

Obama takes campaign trail overseas - CNN.com

Trump said he and his campaign had "no contact with Russia". Obviously that isn't true. Why lie about something so obviously false? Pathology.

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