What really is the relevancy of the released Fusion GPS transcript...?

OMG! A Presidential candidate had staff that met with foreign leaders!

Obama takes campaign trail overseas - CNN.com

Trump said he and his campaign had "no contact with Russia". Obviously that isn't true. Why lie about something so obviously false? Pathology.
Contact with Russia is LEGAL, shitforbrains.
Any contact of any kind?

Whose is shitforbrains now?
What else is in your fantasy world?

Says delusional loon.
I am having so much fun watching RUSSIA! blow up the Democratic Party here in its final weeks.
Trump said he and his campaign had "no contact with Russia". Obviously that isn't true. Why lie about something so obviously false? Pathology.
Contact with Russia is LEGAL, shitforbrains.
Any contact of any kind?

Whose is shitforbrains now?
What else is in your fantasy world?

Says delusional loon.


Weatherman's original position was the same as Trump's; that there was no Russia contact at all.

Since that turned out to be a lie, Weatherman shifted the tactic to one that contact with Russia isn't illegal.

So that's a pretty big parameter shift. Going from adamantly saying no contact, to saying there was contact but it wasn't illegal? What kind of shit is that? Fuck you.
I said there was no contact at all?
Yet more lies. All you have is lies, lies and more lies.
I'm kinda under the notion that Feinstein released that transcript to
protect herself and the other dems on that committee.

She's trying to show the electorate that they've acted like they've
acted because of his sworn testimony. Remember the Committee
now has the Bank records, so we'll know who was paying who.

The first question that will come to mind is why did any branch
of government pay Fusion or Steele, if Steele was sitting in their
office wanting to talk for free?

Feinstein's running for cover and has set up the Head of Fusion
for perjury charges to hold the GOP at bay, to keep them from
offering him a deal to rat out the DNC, FBI and the entire Obama

The government didn't pay Steele or Simpson. So you're completely wrong on your facts there, pal. They wanted to talk to the FBI because they uncovered "a crime in progress"; namely Trump and the GOP accepting Russian election assistance. When the Trumpanzees in the FBI silenced them, they went to McCain and begged him to release the info. Obviously he didn't.
Oh hum.
FBI reimbursed some expenses of dossier author - CNNPolitics

Reimbursing expenses isn't the same thing as paying someone to do something.

So once again, you act as a sophist; you deliberately obfuscate and manipulate in order to produce a false conclusion; one that crumbles the moment its put under the slightest scrutiny.

BTW - one of Simpson/Steele's Russian contacts was murdered in Russia.
Trump said he and his campaign had "no contact with Russia". Obviously that isn't true. Why lie about something so obviously false? Pathology.
Contact with Russia is LEGAL, shitforbrains.
Any contact of any kind?

Whose is shitforbrains now?
What else is in your fantasy world?

Says delusional loon.


Weatherman's original position was the same as Trump's; that there was no Russia contact at all.

Since that turned out to be a lie, Weatherman shifted the tactic to one that contact with Russia isn't illegal.

So that's a pretty big parameter shift. Going from adamantly saying no contact, to saying there was contact but it wasn't illegal? What kind of shit is that? Fuck you.

Trump said he and his campaign had "no contact with Russia". Obviously that isn't true. Why lie about something so obviously false? Pathology.
Contact with Russia is LEGAL, shitforbrains.
Any contact of any kind?

Whose is shitforbrains now?
What else is in your fantasy world?

Says delusional loon.
I am having so much fun watching RUSSIA! blow up the Democratic Party here in its final weeks.
You’re having fun being delusional? Or are you having fun lying your ignorant butt off? Which is “fun” for you?
Oh wow, a NY Times editorial.
The Onion is more factual.

And who wrote it??? - Dog .. You are SUCH a loser and an even worse liar. :smile:

He's a sophist.

Weatherman is well aware of the events and the timeline regarding the Russian investigation.

He's aware that the FBI was investigating those ties prior to the Steele Dossier.

He's aware that the meeting in June 2016 at Trump Tower took place and wasn't about just "adoptions".

He's aware that Trump had extensive business dealings with Russia and that members of his own campaign, his family, and the GOP also had communication and contact with Russia.

He's pretending he's not aware of these things because that's what sophists do.
OMG! A Presidential candidate had staff that met with foreign leaders!

Obama takes campaign trail overseas - CNN.com

Trump said he and his campaign had "no contact with Russia". Obviously that isn't true. Why lie about something so obviously false? Pathology.
It's not so much that. Of course Trump is trying to distract from his contacts with Russia. They may have been legal, maybe not. But Trump's the president.

Grassley and Graham said Steele was "shopping" his dossier around the world and it had false charges. Steele was NOT shopping his research; he GAVE it to the FBI when he thought a crime might be involved. He did what people are SUPPOSED to do. And for that, two GOP senators wanted him prosecuted. Feinstein said "not in America."

Whether Steele's report can be verified is a whole other matter. It appears at this point that he DID have human sources for anything he put in his report. And Simpson made clear that human sources are always subject to subjective judgments. It's up to who gets the report to use it. And the FBI got it.

You do realize that there have been 7 investigations over this so far over two years costing taxpayers Millions of dollars and that they have found absolutely nothing, right?

But you keep believing in Hillary Clinton's Festering Vagina, or Opera's Massive Sinkhole of a Anal Cavity. You and your idiotic party are doing nothing but digging your own graves. You are going to get slaughtered in 2018, 2020, and Mike Pence will probably get 8 years as POTUS as well.

I hereby drink a virtual toast to 16 years of GOP dominance and to the demise of The Most Corrupt Political Party, That Party of Slavery, Racism and Identity Politics, The Party of Tax and Spend, and Abuse of Power. The Rotting Democrat Party, that destroyed itself from the inside out, when they let The disease that is Clinton and Obama take it over.

Last edited:
I'm kinda under the notion that Feinstein released that transcript to
protect herself and the other dems on that committee.

She's trying to show the electorate that they've acted like they've
acted because of his sworn testimony. Remember the Committee
now has the Bank records, so we'll know who was paying who.

The first question that will come to mind is why did any branch
of government pay Fusion or Steele, if Steele was sitting in their
office wanting to talk for free?

Feinstein's running for cover and has set up the Head of Fusion
for perjury charges to hold the GOP at bay, to keep them from
offering him a deal to rat out the DNC, FBI and the entire Obama
the interview was conducted by gopers and dems together.

What the hell does that have to do with anything?

The GOP has been consistent that this whole charade is bull shit.
It is the Dems that are claiming there is something to see here.

Feinstein knows that and also may know more now that the Bank
records are in their hands.

I can picture her in a month or so of making some grandstand
announcement of bipartisan action against the head of Fusion on his
lying to them and for demanding the DOJ bring immediate charges
against him.

It'll be all according to script from that point forward.
I said there was no contact at all?
Yet more lies. All you have is lies, lies and more lies.

Trump said there was no contact and you parrot Trump, ergo...

So if you're now saying that there was contact with Russia, then you're admitting Trump lied about it.
I'm kinda under the notion that Feinstein released that transcript to
protect herself and the other dems on that committee.

She's trying to show the electorate that they've acted like they've
acted because of his sworn testimony. Remember the Committee
now has the Bank records, so we'll know who was paying who.

The first question that will come to mind is why did any branch
of government pay Fusion or Steele, if Steele was sitting in their
office wanting to talk for free?

Feinstein's running for cover and has set up the Head of Fusion
for perjury charges to hold the GOP at bay, to keep them from
offering him a deal to rat out the DNC, FBI and the entire Obama

The government didn't pay Steele or Simpson. So you're completely wrong on your facts there, pal. They wanted to talk to the FBI because they uncovered "a crime in progress"; namely Trump and the GOP accepting Russian election assistance. When the Trumpanzees in the FBI silenced them, they went to McCain and begged him to release the info. Obviously he didn't.
Oh hum.
FBI reimbursed some expenses of dossier author - CNNPolitics

Reimbursing expenses isn't the same thing as paying someone to do something.

So once again, you act as a sophist; you deliberately obfuscate and manipulate in order to produce a false conclusion; one that crumbles the moment its put under the slightest scrutiny.

BTW - one of Simpson/Steele's Russian contacts was murdered in Russia.
Reimbursing expenses isn't the same thing as paying someone to do something.

Say what? FBI paid Fusion GPS for nothing in return? Where do I get in on this deal?

You spinning of lies is most entertaining.
I'm kinda under the notion that Feinstein released that transcript to
protect herself and the other dems on that committee.

She's trying to show the electorate that they've acted like they've
acted because of his sworn testimony. Remember the Committee
now has the Bank records, so we'll know who was paying who.

The first question that will come to mind is why did any branch
of government pay Fusion or Steele, if Steele was sitting in their
office wanting to talk for free?

Feinstein's running for cover and has set up the Head of Fusion
for perjury charges to hold the GOP at bay, to keep them from
offering him a deal to rat out the DNC, FBI and the entire Obama

The government didn't pay Steele or Simpson. So you're completely wrong on your facts there, pal. They wanted to talk to the FBI because they uncovered "a crime in progress"; namely Trump and the GOP accepting Russian election assistance. When the Trumpanzees in the FBI silenced them, they went to McCain and begged him to release the info. Obviously he didn't.
Oh hum.
FBI reimbursed some expenses of dossier author - CNNPolitics

Reimbursing expenses isn't the same thing as paying someone to do something.

So once again, you act as a sophist; you deliberately obfuscate and manipulate in order to produce a false conclusion; one that crumbles the moment its put under the slightest scrutiny.

BTW - one of Simpson/Steele's Russian contacts was murdered in Russia.
Still waiting for transcripts vs Republican lies.
The GOP has been consistent that this whole charade is bull shit.
It is the Dems that are claiming there is something to see here.

Because the GOP's involved. Per the Manafort notes from the 2016 Trump Tower meeting y'all previously denied even happened, the topic of the "active sponsors of the RNC". Now, why would that topic come up for discussion in a meeting with Kremlin agents at Trump Tower? Simple; because Russia was helping bankroll the GOP!

Feinstein knows that and also may know more now that the Bank
records are in their hands.

Bank records that show what? What do you think these bank records show? Because Steele and Simpson got bank records on Trump, and they couldn't pinpoint from where some of his money was coming from inside Russia. This statement of yours is just vague enough where you can muddy the waters, but specific enough that you can make innuendos. That tactic's by design...it's an Active Measure.

I can picture her in a month or so of making some grandstand
announcement of bipartisan action against the head of Fusion on his
lying to them and for demanding the DOJ bring immediate charges
against him.It'll be all according to script from that point forward.

Why would she do that? The transcript doesn't reveal anything negative about Simpson or Steele. But it does sure reveal plenty negatives about Trump and the GOP.
The GOP has been consistent that this whole charade is bull shit.
It is the Dems that are claiming there is something to see here.

Because the GOP's involved. Per the Manafort notes from the 2016 Trump Tower meeting y'all previously denied even happened, the topic of the "active sponsors of the RNC". Now, why would that topic come up for discussion in a meeting with Kremlin agents at Trump Tower? Simple; because Russia was helping bankroll the GOP!

Feinstein knows that and also may know more now that the Bank
records are in their hands.

Bank records that show what? What do you think these bank records show? Because Steele and Simpson got bank records on Trump, and they couldn't pinpoint from where some of his money was coming from inside Russia. This statement of yours is just vague enough where you can muddy the waters, but specific enough that you can make innuendos. That tactic's by design...it's an Active Measure.

I can picture her in a month or so of making some grandstand
announcement of bipartisan action against the head of Fusion on his
lying to them and for demanding the DOJ bring immediate charges
against him.It'll be all according to script from that point forward.

Why would she do that? The transcript doesn't reveal anything negative about Simpson or Steele. But it does sure reveal plenty negatives about Trump and the GOP.
Someday (soon, I hope) we will find out WHO within the Trump entourage originally started to spill the beans to the FBI about Trump's ties to Russian oligarchs' money......Steele's so-called dossier was a SECOND source for the FBI.
(I don't think it was Papadapolous, btw.)
I said there was no contact at all?
Yet more lies. All you have is lies, lies and more lies.

Trump said there was no contact and you parrot Trump, ergo...

So if you're now saying that there was contact with Russia, then you're admitting Trump lied about it.
So what? You can keep your doctor too!

Everyone please take note of this tactic Weatherman employs:

Having no good answer for Trump lying about contacts with Russia, Weatherman exercises whataboutism to drag Obama into this over Obamacare, which was a piece of legislation and not something he campaigned on. And also, entirely true. Not one single Conservative fake Obamacare victim actually lost their doctor because of the law. It's part of that "fog of controversy" about the bill that Pelosi was referring to when she said "we have to pass it so you know what's in it, outside the fog of controversy"
The GOP has been consistent that this whole charade is bull shit.
It is the Dems that are claiming there is something to see here.

Because the GOP's involved. Per the Manafort notes from the 2016 Trump Tower meeting y'all previously denied even happened, the topic of the "active sponsors of the RNC". Now, why would that topic come up for discussion in a meeting with Kremlin agents at Trump Tower? Simple; because Russia was helping bankroll the GOP!

Feinstein knows that and also may know more now that the Bank
records are in their hands.

Bank records that show what? What do you think these bank records show? Because Steele and Simpson got bank records on Trump, and they couldn't pinpoint from where some of his money was coming from inside Russia. This statement of yours is just vague enough where you can muddy the waters, but specific enough that you can make innuendos. That tactic's by design...it's an Active Measure.

I can picture her in a month or so of making some grandstand
announcement of bipartisan action against the head of Fusion on his
lying to them and for demanding the DOJ bring immediate charges
against him.It'll be all according to script from that point forward.

Why would she do that? The transcript doesn't reveal anything negative about Simpson or Steele. But it does sure reveal plenty negatives about Trump and the GOP.
View attachment 170921

Trump lied about having contacts with Russia.

The GOP lied about Trump's contacts with Russia; turns out his contacts were also their contacts.

"Active sponsors of the RNC" discussed at a meeting with Kremlin agents? Why?
I'm kinda under the notion that Feinstein released that transcript to
protect herself and the other dems on that committee.

She's trying to show the electorate that they've acted like they've
acted because of his sworn testimony. Remember the Committee
now has the Bank records, so we'll know who was paying who.

The first question that will come to mind is why did any branch
of government pay Fusion or Steele, if Steele was sitting in their
office wanting to talk for free?

Feinstein's running for cover and has set up the Head of Fusion
for perjury charges to hold the GOP at bay, to keep them from
offering him a deal to rat out the DNC, FBI and the entire Obama

The government didn't pay Steele or Simpson. So you're completely wrong on your facts there, pal. They wanted to talk to the FBI because they uncovered "a crime in progress"; namely Trump and the GOP accepting Russian election assistance. When the Trumpanzees in the FBI silenced them, they went to McCain and begged him to release the info. Obviously he didn't.
Oh hum.
FBI reimbursed some expenses of dossier author - CNNPolitics
oh hum
Ultimately, the FBI did not pay Steele. Communications between the bureau and the former spy were interrupted as Steele’s now-famous dossier became the subject of news stories, congressional inquiries and presidential denials, according to the people familiar with the arrangement...

FBI once planned to pay former British spy who authored controversial Trump dossier
I said there was no contact at all?
Yet more lies. All you have is lies, lies and more lies.

Trump said there was no contact and you parrot Trump, ergo...

So if you're now saying that there was contact with Russia, then you're admitting Trump lied about it.
So what? You can keep your doctor too!

Everyone please take note of this tactic Weatherman employs:

Having no good answer for Trump lying about contacts with Russia, Weatherman exercises whataboutism to drag Obama into this over Obamacare, which was a piece of legislation and not something he campaigned on. And also, entirely true. Not one single Conservative fake Obamacare victim actually lost their doctor because of the law. It's part of that "fog of controversy" about the bill that Pelosi was referring to when she said "we have to pass it so you know what's in it, outside the fog of controversy"
So how did I know you could not find on Republican lie when the testimony was released?

Oh yeah, RUSSIA! is just another fabricated lie by Democrats meant to deceive the American people.
having read the dossier, I have always wondered why Steele is referred to by Trump cultists as a liar for stating that Trump's Russian ties to oligarchs' money was so beyond reality....................BUT, these same Trump cultists neglect this:

In 2008, Donald Trump Jr. attended a real estate conference, where he stated that

Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.
I'm kinda under the notion that Feinstein released that transcript to
protect herself and the other dems on that committee.

She's trying to show the electorate that they've acted like they've
acted because of his sworn testimony. Remember the Committee
now has the Bank records, so we'll know who was paying who.

The first question that will come to mind is why did any branch
of government pay Fusion or Steele, if Steele was sitting in their
office wanting to talk for free?

Feinstein's running for cover and has set up the Head of Fusion
for perjury charges to hold the GOP at bay, to keep them from
offering him a deal to rat out the DNC, FBI and the entire Obama

The government didn't pay Steele or Simpson. So you're completely wrong on your facts there, pal. They wanted to talk to the FBI because they uncovered "a crime in progress"; namely Trump and the GOP accepting Russian election assistance. When the Trumpanzees in the FBI silenced them, they went to McCain and begged him to release the info. Obviously he didn't.
Oh hum.
FBI reimbursed some expenses of dossier author - CNNPolitics
oh hum
Ultimately, the FBI did not pay Steele. Communications between the bureau and the former spy were interrupted as Steele’s now-famous dossier became the subject of news stories, congressional inquiries and presidential denials, according to the people familiar with the arrangement...

FBI once planned to pay former British spy who authored controversial Trump dossier
Again, where is the testimony vs the lie?

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