What really is the relevancy of the released Fusion GPS transcript...?

Say what? FBI paid Fusion GPS for nothing in return? Where do I get in on this deal?

First of all, they approached the FBI with information that the FBI already had thanks to Papadopolous.

Second of all, what does the FBI paying anything related to Steele and Simpson's work have to do with the work they produced that Trump Quislings in the FBI kept from Comey?

Thirdly, what is your point regarding the reimbursement/payment?

SYou spinning of lies is most entertaining.

The only thing you've done this thread is exercise sophistry.
Funny how both THE FBI and JOHN McCAIN had the Fake Russian Dossier at the same time, isn't it?

And then the wiretaps began.
So how did I know you could not find on Republican lie when the testimony was released?

The lie is that they had contact with Russia while denying they didn't! The lie is that they accepted assistance from Russia while denying they didn't.

Don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining.

Oh yeah, RUSSIA! is just another fabricated lie by Democrats meant to deceive the American people.

If it's such a fabrication, how come Republicans didn't want to release the transcript of Simpson's testimony?
Even better is how FUSION GPS testimony shows THE DNC, HIllary Clinton and FUSION GPS were all in COLLUSION with THE MEDIA to promote FALSE NARRATIVES during THE ELECTION!
Fusion said they wanted the public not to hear their testimony, shitforbrains.

Gotta Link shitforbrains?
If you leftards had any knowledge of events you'd be conservatives.

Fusion GPS co-founder strikes agreement to testify before House Russia investigators - CNNPolitics

He agreed to testify behind closed doors because that's what Chuck Assley wanted.
After hearing Republicans lie about the testimony - they wrote a scathing op-ed demanding transcript release.
Fusion GPS co-founders slam GOP's 'fake investigations' into Trump camp's Russia ties - CNNPolitics
You lose
Why did they want the testimony behind closed doors? Answer smart ass?
Fusion said they wanted the public not to hear their testimony, shitforbrains.

Gotta Link shitforbrains?
If you leftards had any knowledge of events you'd be conservatives.

Fusion GPS co-founder strikes agreement to testify before House Russia investigators - CNNPolitics

He agreed to testify behind closed doors because that's what Chuck Assley wanted.
After hearing Republicans lie about the testimony - they wrote a scathing op-ed demanding transcript release.
Fusion GPS co-founders slam GOP's 'fake investigations' into Trump camp's Russia ties - CNNPolitics
You lose
Why did they want the testimony behind closed doors? Answer smart ass?

They ultimately didn't. In their NYT Op-Ed, they called for the committee to release the transcripts. So what they might have wanted in the past is irrelevant now.
can someone explain why the FBI would brief Fusion on what they supposedly had.....sounds like criminal collusion

Because Fusion approached them with evidence of an active crime being committed.
You still dont share any info idiot.....

WTF are you talking about? Is this post of yours just an Active Measure? Meaning, you intended to write something illiterate and vague to distract from the topic?

Of course you share info if there's a crime being committed. Thing is, FBI already had most of what Simpson and Steele gave them.
can someone explain why the FBI would brief Fusion on what they supposedly had.....sounds like criminal collusion

Because Fusion approached them with evidence of an active crime being committed.
You still dont share any info idiot.....

WTF are you talking about? Is this post of yours just an Active Measure? Meaning, you intended to write something illiterate and vague to distract from the topic?

Of course you share info if there's a crime being committed. Thing is, FBI already had most of what Simpson and Steele gave them.
Can you walk into a law enforcement office say you saw something about such and such a crime and then ask hey show me what else you have.......LLMMAAOOOO...think much
I'm kinda under the notion that Feinstein released that transcript to
protect herself and the other dems on that committee.

She's trying to show the electorate that they've acted like they've
acted because of his sworn testimony. Remember the Committee
now has the Bank records, so we'll know who was paying who.

The first question that will come to mind is why did any branch
of government pay Fusion or Steele, if Steele was sitting in their
office wanting to talk for free?

Feinstein's running for cover and has set up the Head of Fusion
for perjury charges to hold the GOP at bay, to keep them from
offering him a deal to rat out the DNC, FBI and the entire Obama
the interview was conducted by gopers and dems together.
by their staffers...not the senators themselves....many R's on the committee never even bothered to read the testimony
Funny how both THE FBI and JOHN McCAIN had the Fake Russian Dossier at the same time, isn't it?

And then the wiretaps began.
what wiretaps began?


America deserves to hear Obama's wiretap tapes, just like America deserved to hear Nixon's Tapes.
Can you walk into a law enforcement office say you saw something about such and such a crime and then ask hey show me what else you have.......LLMMAAOOOO...think much

So...your argument is that because the FBI told Fusion that the information they gave them was something they already have, then that means...what?
Can you walk into a law enforcement office say you saw something about such and such a crime and then ask hey show me what else you have.......LLMMAAOOOO...think much

So...your argument is that because the FBI told Fusion that the information they gave them was something they already have, then that means...what?
Thats not what your post claimed............

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