What really is the relevancy of the released Fusion GPS transcript...?

Oh wow, a NY Times editorial.
The Onion is more factual.

And who wrote it??? - Dog .. You are SUCH a loser and an even worse liar. :smile:

He's a sophist.

Weatherman is well aware of the events and the timeline regarding the Russian investigation.

He's aware that the FBI was investigating those ties prior to the Steele Dossier.

He's aware that the meeting in June 2016 at Trump Tower took place and wasn't about just "adoptions".

He's aware that Trump had extensive business dealings with Russia and that members of his own campaign, his family, and the GOP also had communication and contact with Russia.

He's pretending he's not aware of these things because that's what sophists do.
OMG! A Presidential candidate had staff that met with foreign leaders!

Obama takes campaign trail overseas - CNN.com

Trump said he and his campaign had "no contact with Russia". Obviously that isn't true. Why lie about something so obviously false? Pathology.
Contact with Russia is LEGAL, shitforbrains.
Yeah, asking for you to quote the alleged lies versus the testimony would be trying to obfuscate and conflate events to you leftards.

I already quoted five things from the dossier that you avoided completely on this thread.

The reason? You're a sophist.
Got anything that even remotely violated the law?

So you've gone from "no contact with Russia" to "contact with Russia isn't illegal"? Well yes, it is illegal if you're coordinating with them the release via Wikileaks of illegally obtained and hacked documents from the DNC.

Want to move those goalposts any further?
Contact with Russia is LEGAL, shitforbrains.

But Trump said there was "no contact with Russia". So if contact with Russia isn't illegal, why did Trump lie about it?

And furthermore, it most certainly is illegal to conspire with a hostile foreign power to coordinate the release of illegally hacked documents from the DNC. Why didn't the Trump team -anyone from them or the GOP- notify the FBI that Russia had hacked documents and approached their campaign about them? How come it took a tip from an Australian diplomat to the CIA to get the FBI involved?
Oh wow, a NY Times editorial.
The Onion is more factual.

And who wrote it??? - Dog .. You are SUCH a loser and an even worse liar. :smile:

He's a sophist.

Weatherman is well aware of the events and the timeline regarding the Russian investigation.

He's aware that the FBI was investigating those ties prior to the Steele Dossier.

He's aware that the meeting in June 2016 at Trump Tower took place and wasn't about just "adoptions".

He's aware that Trump had extensive business dealings with Russia and that members of his own campaign, his family, and the GOP also had communication and contact with Russia.

He's pretending he's not aware of these things because that's what sophists do.
OMG! A Presidential candidate had staff that met with foreign leaders!

Obama takes campaign trail overseas - CNN.com

Trump said he and his campaign had "no contact with Russia". Obviously that isn't true. Why lie about something so obviously false? Pathology.
Contact with Russia is LEGAL, shitforbrains.
Any contact of any kind?

Whose is shitforbrains now?
Oh wow, a NY Times editorial.
The Onion is more factual.

And who wrote it??? - Dog .. You are SUCH a loser and an even worse liar. :smile:

He's a sophist.

Weatherman is well aware of the events and the timeline regarding the Russian investigation.

He's aware that the FBI was investigating those ties prior to the Steele Dossier.

He's aware that the meeting in June 2016 at Trump Tower took place and wasn't about just "adoptions".

He's aware that Trump had extensive business dealings with Russia and that members of his own campaign, his family, and the GOP also had communication and contact with Russia.

He's pretending he's not aware of these things because that's what sophists do.
OMG! A Presidential candidate had staff that met with foreign leaders!

Obama takes campaign trail overseas - CNN.com

Trump said he and his campaign had "no contact with Russia". Obviously that isn't true. Why lie about something so obviously false? Pathology.
It's not so much that. Of course Trump is trying to distract from his contacts with Russia. They may have been legal, maybe not. But Trump's the president.

Grassley and Graham said Steele was "shopping" his dossier around the world and it had false charges. Steele was NOT shopping his research; he GAVE it to the FBI when he thought a crime might be involved. He did what people are SUPPOSED to do. And for that, two GOP senators wanted him prosecuted. Feinstein said "not in America."

Whether Steele's report can be verified is a whole other matter. It appears at this point that he DID have human sources for anything he put in his report. And Simpson made clear that human sources are always subject to subjective judgments. It's up to who gets the report to use it. And the FBI got it.
And who wrote it??? - Dog .. You are SUCH a loser and an even worse liar. :smile:

He's a sophist.

Weatherman is well aware of the events and the timeline regarding the Russian investigation.

He's aware that the FBI was investigating those ties prior to the Steele Dossier.

He's aware that the meeting in June 2016 at Trump Tower took place and wasn't about just "adoptions".

He's aware that Trump had extensive business dealings with Russia and that members of his own campaign, his family, and the GOP also had communication and contact with Russia.

He's pretending he's not aware of these things because that's what sophists do.
OMG! A Presidential candidate had staff that met with foreign leaders!

Obama takes campaign trail overseas - CNN.com

Trump said he and his campaign had "no contact with Russia". Obviously that isn't true. Why lie about something so obviously false? Pathology.
Contact with Russia is LEGAL, shitforbrains.
Any contact of any kind?

Whose is shitforbrains now?

More of his sophism; he tries to boil everything down to the simplest of absolutes because that's what sophists do. He did it yesterday by trying to pretend that awful memo written by that Google employee who was shitcanned was simply him saying "men and women are different." Of course, there's more to it than that simplicity. He knows what he's doing. It's the same thing Ted Cruz does.

Another leftist talking point fails and bites the dust. Remember the Fusion GPS trolls wouldn't appear at their public hearing and insisted on a closed-door appearance but now "suddenly" the transcripts had to be released.

Top Senate Judiciary Democrat releases transcript of Fusion GPS interview

Do you hope the reader would not open the link? I did, and I fully understand why the D. Sen. did what she did. The R's are seeking to protect their party, and in doing so protect Trump&Co. I don't doubt for a minute that Grassley has been protecting Trump from day one, and in my opinion, he is obstructing justice.
Another leftist talking point fails and bites the dust. Remember the Fusion GPS trolls wouldn't appear at their public hearing and insisted on a closed-door appearance but now "suddenly" the transcripts had to be released.

Top Senate Judiciary Democrat releases transcript of Fusion GPS interview

Do you hope the reader would not open the link? I did, and I fully understand why the D. Sen. did what she did. The R's are seeking to protect their party, and in doing so protect Trump&Co. I don't doubt for a minute that Grassley has been protecting Trump from day one, and in my opinion, he is obstructing justice.
Waiting for you leftards to quote the testimony versus Republican "lies" is getting boring.
Oh wow, a NY Times editorial.
The Onion is more factual.

And who wrote it??? - Dog .. You are SUCH a loser and an even worse liar. :smile:

He's a sophist.

Weatherman is well aware of the events and the timeline regarding the Russian investigation.

He's aware that the FBI was investigating those ties prior to the Steele Dossier.

He's aware that the meeting in June 2016 at Trump Tower took place and wasn't about just "adoptions".

He's aware that Trump had extensive business dealings with Russia and that members of his own campaign, his family, and the GOP also had communication and contact with Russia.

He's pretending he's not aware of these things because that's what sophists do.
OMG! A Presidential candidate had staff that met with foreign leaders!

Obama takes campaign trail overseas - CNN.com

Trump said he and his campaign had "no contact with Russia". Obviously that isn't true. Why lie about something so obviously false? Pathology.
It's not so much that. Of course Trump is trying to distract from his contacts with Russia. They may have been legal, maybe not. But Trump's the president.

Grassley and Graham said Steele was "shopping" his dossier around the world and it had false charges. Steele was NOT shopping his research; he GAVE it to the FBI when he thought a crime might be involved. He did what people are SUPPOSED to do. And for that, two GOP senators wanted him prosecuted. Feinstein said "not in America."

Whether Steele's report can be verified is a whole other matter. It appears at this point that he DID have human sources for anything he put in his report. And Simpson made clear that human sources are always subject to subjective judgments. It's up to who gets the report to use it. And the FBI got it.

Also, the FBI confirmed most of what he told them because they had an "inside source in the Trump campaign". That source was most likely George Papadopolous who was the one who first spilled the beans that Russia had dirt on Hillary to that Australian diplomat around May 2016. So most, if not all, of what Steele and Simpson had provided the FBI had already been confirmed by the FBI thanks to the "inside source" (re: Papadopolous).
And who wrote it??? - Dog .. You are SUCH a loser and an even worse liar. :smile:

He's a sophist.

Weatherman is well aware of the events and the timeline regarding the Russian investigation.

He's aware that the FBI was investigating those ties prior to the Steele Dossier.

He's aware that the meeting in June 2016 at Trump Tower took place and wasn't about just "adoptions".

He's aware that Trump had extensive business dealings with Russia and that members of his own campaign, his family, and the GOP also had communication and contact with Russia.

He's pretending he's not aware of these things because that's what sophists do.
OMG! A Presidential candidate had staff that met with foreign leaders!

Obama takes campaign trail overseas - CNN.com

Trump said he and his campaign had "no contact with Russia". Obviously that isn't true. Why lie about something so obviously false? Pathology.
Contact with Russia is LEGAL, shitforbrains.
Any contact of any kind?

Whose is shitforbrains now?
What else is in your fantasy world?
Another leftist talking point fails and bites the dust. Remember the Fusion GPS trolls wouldn't appear at their public hearing and insisted on a closed-door appearance but now "suddenly" the transcripts had to be released.

Top Senate Judiciary Democrat releases transcript of Fusion GPS interview

Do you hope the reader would not open the link? I did, and I fully understand why the D. Sen. did what she did. The R's are seeking to protect their party, and in doing so protect Trump&Co. I don't doubt for a minute that Grassley has been protecting Trump from day one, and in my opinion, he is obstructing justice.

I've been saying this whole time that the Russia stink doesn't stop at Trump; I believe it to infect every level of the GOP. I think it goes all the way down to the state and local level too.
I'm kinda under the notion that Feinstein released that transcript to
protect herself and the other dems on that committee.

She's trying to show the electorate that they've acted like they've
acted because of his sworn testimony. Remember the Committee
now has the Bank records, so we'll know who was paying who.

The first question that will come to mind is why did any branch
of government pay Fusion or Steele, if Steele was sitting in their
office wanting to talk for free?

Feinstein's running for cover and has set up the Head of Fusion
for perjury charges to hold the GOP at bay, to keep them from
offering him a deal to rat out the DNC, FBI and the entire Obama
I'm kinda under the notion that Feinstein released that transcript to
protect herself and the other dems on that committee.

She's trying to show the electorate that they've acted like they've
acted because of his sworn testimony. Remember the Committee
now has the Bank records, so we'll know who was paying who.

The first question that will come to mind is why did any branch
of government pay Fusion or Steele, if Steele was sitting in their
office wanting to talk for free?

Feinstein's running for cover and has set up the Head of Fusion
for perjury charges to hold the GOP at bay, to keep them from
offering him a deal to rat out the DNC, FBI and the entire Obama
the interview was conducted by gopers and dems together.
I'm kinda under the notion that Feinstein released that transcript to
protect herself and the other dems on that committee.

She's trying to show the electorate that they've acted like they've
acted because of his sworn testimony. Remember the Committee
now has the Bank records, so we'll know who was paying who.

The first question that will come to mind is why did any branch
of government pay Fusion or Steele, if Steele was sitting in their
office wanting to talk for free?

Feinstein's running for cover and has set up the Head of Fusion
for perjury charges to hold the GOP at bay, to keep them from
offering him a deal to rat out the DNC, FBI and the entire Obama

The government didn't pay Steele or Simpson. So you're completely wrong on your facts there, pal. They wanted to talk to the FBI because they uncovered "a crime in progress"; namely Trump and the GOP accepting Russian election assistance. When the Trumpanzees in the FBI silenced them, they went to McCain and begged him to release the info. Obviously he didn't.
I'm kinda under the notion that Feinstein released that transcript to
protect herself and the other dems on that committee.

She's trying to show the electorate that they've acted like they've
acted because of his sworn testimony. Remember the Committee
now has the Bank records, so we'll know who was paying who.

The first question that will come to mind is why did any branch
of government pay Fusion or Steele, if Steele was sitting in their
office wanting to talk for free?

Feinstein's running for cover and has set up the Head of Fusion
for perjury charges to hold the GOP at bay, to keep them from
offering him a deal to rat out the DNC, FBI and the entire Obama
the interview was conducted by gopers and dems together.

More sophism from the right; they are hoping everyone is as intellectually lazy as they are. Like weatherman posting a link to the story about Feinstein releasing the transcript.
I'm kinda under the notion that Feinstein released that transcript to
protect herself and the other dems on that committee.

She's trying to show the electorate that they've acted like they've
acted because of his sworn testimony. Remember the Committee
now has the Bank records, so we'll know who was paying who.

The first question that will come to mind is why did any branch
of government pay Fusion or Steele, if Steele was sitting in their
office wanting to talk for free?

Feinstein's running for cover and has set up the Head of Fusion
for perjury charges to hold the GOP at bay, to keep them from
offering him a deal to rat out the DNC, FBI and the entire Obama
Yep. RUSSIA! is imploding, and going to create a lot of casualties in the Democratic party.
He's a sophist.

Weatherman is well aware of the events and the timeline regarding the Russian investigation.

He's aware that the FBI was investigating those ties prior to the Steele Dossier.

He's aware that the meeting in June 2016 at Trump Tower took place and wasn't about just "adoptions".

He's aware that Trump had extensive business dealings with Russia and that members of his own campaign, his family, and the GOP also had communication and contact with Russia.

He's pretending he's not aware of these things because that's what sophists do.
OMG! A Presidential candidate had staff that met with foreign leaders!

Obama takes campaign trail overseas - CNN.com

Trump said he and his campaign had "no contact with Russia". Obviously that isn't true. Why lie about something so obviously false? Pathology.
Contact with Russia is LEGAL, shitforbrains.
Any contact of any kind?

Whose is shitforbrains now?
What else is in your fantasy world?

Says delusional loon.
I'm kinda under the notion that Feinstein released that transcript to
protect herself and the other dems on that committee.

She's trying to show the electorate that they've acted like they've
acted because of his sworn testimony. Remember the Committee
now has the Bank records, so we'll know who was paying who.

The first question that will come to mind is why did any branch
of government pay Fusion or Steele, if Steele was sitting in their
office wanting to talk for free?

Feinstein's running for cover and has set up the Head of Fusion
for perjury charges to hold the GOP at bay, to keep them from
offering him a deal to rat out the DNC, FBI and the entire Obama

The government didn't pay Steele or Simpson. So you're completely wrong on your facts there, pal. They wanted to talk to the FBI because they uncovered "a crime in progress"; namely Trump and the GOP accepting Russian election assistance. When the Trumpanzees in the FBI silenced them, they went to McCain and begged him to release the info. Obviously he didn't.
Oh hum.
FBI reimbursed some expenses of dossier author - CNNPolitics
OMG! A Presidential candidate had staff that met with foreign leaders!

Obama takes campaign trail overseas - CNN.com

Trump said he and his campaign had "no contact with Russia". Obviously that isn't true. Why lie about something so obviously false? Pathology.
Contact with Russia is LEGAL, shitforbrains.
Any contact of any kind?

Whose is shitforbrains now?
What else is in your fantasy world?

Says delusional loon.


Weatherman's original position was the same as Trump's; that there was no Russia contact at all.

Since that turned out to be a lie, Weatherman shifted the tactic to one that contact with Russia isn't illegal.

So that's a pretty big parameter shift. Going from adamantly saying no contact, to saying there was contact but it wasn't illegal? What kind of shit is that? Fuck you.

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