What rightwingers can’t seem to grasp about Trump’s “shitholes” statement


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Yes, arguably those countries are shitholes in terms of their functioning economies.

That isn’t the point, however. The economy is one thing, but he also insulted the culture and the people themselves. Why is it so hard for this 71 year old 8th grader to just show some basic respect for other nations regardless of what they are and how they are perceived?
Yes, arguably those countries are shitholes in terms of their functioning economies.

That isn’t the point, however. The economy is one thing, but he also insulted the culture and the people themselves. Why is it so hard for this 71 year old 8th grader to just show some basic respect for other nations regardless of what they are and how they are perceived?

The reason their economies are shit is the fact that their cultures are shit. For one thing, they have a high tolerance for corruption. Their politicians loot the federal treasuries, and they just shrug their shoulders. The reason Haiti is a shithole is the fact that it's populated by Haitians.

Anyone who believes cultures are equal is a certified politically correct imbecile. No leftwing theory could be more absurd than that.
Yes, arguably those countries are shitholes in terms of their functioning economies.

That isn’t the point, however. The economy is one thing, but he also insulted the culture and the people themselves. Why is it so hard for this 71 year old 8th grader to just show some basic respect for other nations regardless of what they are and how they are perceived?

How many uneducated Haitians live with you?
Shut the F*ck Up

Exactly. Bomb em, steal their relief funds, exploit the hell out of them. But whatever you do, don't call them a bad name or the Liberals will scream for your head.

Ironically --- bombing 'em, stealing their resources, exploiting them, sending your military in to fuck with them nineteen times even before you got around to recognizing them (because they're black), occupying them for two decades and then economically blockading them is exactly HOW you turn them into a shithole.

To be complete, that's just Step One. Step Two is to sit on your golden throne bleating "look what they did to their country! Maybe we should invade them yet again".
No we're just glad that we have a President that questions the purpose of the White Man's Burden (see my sig pic). Why do we need to bear the burden to civilize and rehabilitate these people from shithole countries...countries that have been shitholes for over a millennia.

The never ending White Man's Burden, been going on since the Greco-Roman times. They people will never be civilized. Time to give up after trying for the last 2500 years.
Yes, arguably those countries are shitholes in terms of their functioning economies.

That isn’t the point, however. The economy is one thing, but he also insulted the culture and the people themselves. Why is it so hard for this 71 year old 8th grader to just show some basic respect for other nations regardless of what they are and how they are perceived?
Their culture is precisely what made those places shitholes. What purpose does it serve to protect terrible cultures? The KKK would run this nation today if we didn't bring shame to their ideas. Shame is a powerful tool. We all need to use it to fix other broken cultures.
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Yes, arguably those countries are shitholes in terms of their functioning economies.

That isn’t the point, however. The economy is one thing, but he also insulted the culture and the people themselves. Why is it so hard for this 71 year old 8th grader to just show some basic respect for other nations regardless of what they are and how they are perceived?
Who gives a fuck?

If the shoe fits...your country is a shithole.

Exactly. Bomb em, steal their relief funds, exploit the hell out of them. But whatever you do, don't call them a bad name or the Liberals will scream for your head.

Ironically --- bombing 'em, stealing their resources, exploiting them, sending your military in to fuck with them nineteen times even before you got around to recognizing them (because they're black), occupying them for two decades and then economically blockading them is exactly HOW you turn them into a shithole.

To be complete, that's just Step One. Step Two is to sit on your golden throne bleating "look what they did to their country! Maybe we should invade them yet again".

When did we bomb Haiti or steal its resources? "Exploiting" is totally meaningless, so I won't waste my time getting you to explain how we did that.

United States occupation of Haiti - Wikipedia

Between 1911 and 1915, Haiti was politically unstable: a series of political assassinations and forced exiles resulted in six presidents holding office during this period.[3] Various revolutionary armies carried out the coups. Each was formed by cacos, or peasant militia from the mountains of the north, or who invaded along the porous Dominican border. They were enlisted by rival political factions under the promises of money, which would be paid after a successful revolution, and the opportunity to plunder.[citation needed]​

That sounds like a country that is already a shithole.
Yes, arguably those countries are shitholes in terms of their functioning economies.

That isn’t the point, however. The economy is one thing, but he also insulted the culture and the people themselves. Why is it so hard for this 71 year old 8th grader to just show some basic respect for other nations regardless of what they are and how they are perceived?
Who gives a fuck?

If the shoe fits...your country is a shithole.

And you’re a deplorable. Yet you got the vapors when Hillary said that.
Liberals call Pres. Trump a racist for not seeing the beauty of Haitian culture. .... :cool:


Which is what America would look like if the Cons got their way and eliminated the Epa and environmental laws .

Exactly. Bomb em, steal their relief funds, exploit the hell out of them. But whatever you do, don't call them a bad name or the Liberals will scream for your head.

Ironically --- bombing 'em, stealing their resources, exploiting them, sending your military in to fuck with them nineteen times even before you got around to recognizing them (because they're black), occupying them for two decades and then economically blockading them is exactly HOW you turn them into a shithole.

To be complete, that's just Step One. Step Two is to sit on your golden throne bleating "look what they did to their country! Maybe we should invade them yet again".

When did we bomb Haiti or steal its resources? "Exploiting" is totally meaningless, so I won't waste my time getting you to explain how we did that.

United States occupation of Haiti - Wikipedia

Between 1911 and 1915, Haiti was politically unstable: a series of political assassinations and forced exiles resulted in six presidents holding office during this period.[3] Various revolutionary armies carried out the coups. Each was formed by cacos, or peasant militia from the mountains of the north, or who invaded along the porous Dominican border. They were enlisted by rival political factions under the promises of money, which would be paid after a successful revolution, and the opportunity to plunder.[citation needed]​

That sounds like a country that is already a shithole.

I didn't say "we", Finger boy. The bombing was the image I riffed off of, the exploiting part of another post.

Most of the rest applies though. First we didn't recognize the second independent republic in the Americas, after our own, for its first fifty-eight years, because of racism. Even before we finally did in 1862 --- it required the Civil War to start to happen --- we were already sending the military there, nineteen times including the 1880s when Benjamin Harrison tried to take over land for a military base. Then there was a whole military occupation lasting nineteen years during which we rewrote laws to enable us to land-grab. When that was finally over not one, not two but three Presidential administrations had the place blockaded.

But hey we could certainly cite other 'shitholes' that we did bomb and/or steal its resources. And then later look back and pretend the place just popped up like that and we had nothing to do with it.

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