What´s going on in Texas?

That blog entry is dated 5-2. My hope is that, by now, the idiot RWs know that the United States is not going to invade the United States.

OTOH, they're being led by such mental midgets as Louis Gohmert and Chuck Norris and it IS Texasss. Apparently they don't know that the US military has always conducted training maneuvers.
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Many on the right, of course, will try to propagate any lie perceived to give them a political advantage, regardless how moronic.
Here is the latest news about Texas:

AUSTIN (The Borowitz Report) – In a deepening humanitarian crisis, residents of the city of Austin report that they are completely surrounded by Texas, a situation that locals are calling “dire.”

Austin has traditionally enjoyed freedoms as a semi-autonomous region, hosting film festivals and literary events without the interference of its hostile neighbors, but there are growing fears that those days may be coming to an end.

Alarmingly, citizens of Austin report, extremists within the city limits have taken over the Capitol Building and installed a militant government with dominion over its residents.

In recent days, Austin has made desperate requests for assistance to the U.S. military, which will be conducting exercises in Texas in July.

The city is hoping that the United States will use its military might to liberate the isolated municipality and transform it into an independent state along the lines of Kurdistan.

But those who live in this besieged city are growing increasingly desperate as they await military aid. In the words of one resident, “We feel so alone here.”
We really should not be too hasty about condemning Texas for their marching away from the USA, either by war with the military or succession. I look on the bright side. if they became a separate country, we would never again have to fear having a president from Texas!
Texas is a shining example of right wing paranoia and a piss poor educational system. Just too dumb for words. When Cruz and Gohmert represent your state you know it's time to give up.

"Texas is already a part of the US! You know what they call it when an army unit invades a piece land that is already owned by that country? Nothing. Because it can’t happen. You can’t invade territory you already own."


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