What should the highest income tax rate be?

What should the highest individual tax rate be? Note: Public Vote

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Diamond Member
Dec 1, 2010
For the richest, most evil bastard in the country, what should their maximum income tax rate be?

I say 10%, that's enough for God.

I favor the Fair Tax, but this question assumes we don't change tax systems.

EDIT: Per an excellent point from iamwhatiseem, my intent in the ranges is that your rate is somewhere in that range. I did not mean you are OK with the entire range. I didn't want to get carried away with the number of choices.
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I would not have any objection to a 15% tax rate.. But that would have to be used to fund all levels of Government, Federal, State, and Local.
Taxing a man's labor is immoral.

If the federal government lived within the confines of the enumerated powers in the Constitution as was originally intended, there would be no need for an income tax.

I understand that puts a cramp in the central planners plans...
I favor the Fair Tax

If we first repeal the 16th amendment, I'd go along with that.

Agreed. That's my fear too that we end up with both a sales tax and an income tax. Actually we need to ban more then the income tax. Payroll, business and other taxes as well as they are all included in the Fair Tax.
I think around 18% flat tax. Standard deduction for incomes under about $25,000 and then all one rate. Every dollar earned is taxed exactly the same. Now THAT is fair taxation.
I favor the Fair Tax

If we first repeal the 16th amendment, I'd go along with that.

Agreed. That's my fear too that we end up with both a sales tax and an income tax. Actually we need to ban more then the income tax. Payroll, business and other taxes as well as they are all included in the Fair Tax.

Except Fair Tax sucks for a variety of reasons.
For the richest, most evil bastard in the country, what should their maximum income tax rate be?

I say 10%, that's enough for God.

I favor the Fair Tax, but this question assumes we don't change tax systems.

I say we have a two-tier tax system.

Whatever Patriotic Americans have to pay, dimocrap scum should pay twice as much.

Talk about paying your 'Fair Share'?

Are the 50% of the population paying NOTHING contributing their fair share?

I think not.

Maybe they could contribute to society by cleaning up places like Dee-Troit. Especially since they're the ones that caused it anyway.
If we first repeal the 16th amendment, I'd go along with that.

Agreed. That's my fear too that we end up with both a sales tax and an income tax. Actually we need to ban more then the income tax. Payroll, business and other taxes as well as they are all included in the Fair Tax.

Except Fair Tax sucks for a variety of reasons.

Such as?

All taxes are built into the price of the products we buy except the death. Taxing economic activity directly with a "flat" tax cannot be exceeded regarding it's ability to not negatively affect economic activity.

Your flat tax for example helps foreign companies over American, companies that automate over those that hire employees, and companies that offshore production over keep production in the US. I'm a true capitalist, I don't want to punish those companies either. But I certainly don't want taxes to drive production off shore or companies to automate, I want economic efficiency to drive that decision.
Agreed. That's my fear too that we end up with both a sales tax and an income tax. Actually we need to ban more then the income tax. Payroll, business and other taxes as well as they are all included in the Fair Tax.

Except Fair Tax sucks for a variety of reasons.

Black market concerns?

Since taxes are already built into the price of the product we buy, why would it be any different?
I am curious to see how many Libs here will be honest and will check off
the 90-100% box...

Honest? Them? Not likely, just like how when you ask who is a liberal and everyone of them claims to be a moderate.

A big part of how they will rationalize their deceit is that no matter what tax rate they pick, the next time they will want it higher. It will end up being a 100% tax because they will never say enough.

Maybe I should have phrased the question, where would you stop? What tax rate would you never support? Though they'd not grasp that and do the same thing probably.
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Black market concerns?

Since taxes are already built into the price of the product we buy, why would it be any different?

Not sure. Wondering what Rabbi's objections are. Some think a black market would grow under a fair tax, to avoid remitting the tax.

I agree people argue that, but they are the ones who don't grasp our current tax system and that companies don't pay taxes, they collect them. So if you remove a tax, and replace it with the same tax, prices don't change.

I know you said you could support it, I'm not trying to argue with you.

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