What Should Trump's First Tariffs Be?


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
Article I, Section 8 of the US Constitution grants Congress the power to "regulate Commerce with foreign Nations".

However, over the years, Congress has delegated a lot of that power to the President.

In short, the President can impose tariffs, and Congress can do little about it.

Trump has threatened to impose tariffs on US companies which manufacture overseas. However, that would be extremely damaging to our economy.

What would be better is if Trump imposed tariffs on imported petroleum products. We don't have US producers of oil making petroleum products overseas. So the only entities harmed by tariffs on petroleum products would be furriners. Like OPEC. Like Russia.

Not crude. We don't produce heavy crude here. But we do make gasoline. So let's put tariffs on gasoline and other petroleum products.

This would have three positive impacts.

1) It would help domestic producers of petroleum products.

2) It would exacerbate the current oil glut.

3) Exacerbating the oil glut would crush Putin even more. His country has been in a deep recession since oil dropped below $60, putting a major crimp in his imperialist aims. Let's keep him there.

There is no reason for oil prices to rise unless Trump fucks us all in the ass to help his puppeteer Putin.
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Here is a web site which shows how many barrels of petroleum products we import each year: U.S. Liquefied Petroleum Gases Imports

26 million barrels of Finished Motor Gasoline. Half a million from Russia.

And that's just gasoline.
A liberal advocating an attack on big oil, I'm shocked. /sarcasm * infinity
I am proposing something that would benefit American oil companies, retard, and hurt OPEC. Win/win.

And I am a lifelong Republican conservative. Try again.
I'd put up a 20% tariff for the rest of the world...Our businesses should be able to compete at that rate within our borders finally.
I'll wait until Trump has a chance to learn all the details. Only then will we know who should be paying what.
The last time we had major trade restrictions, it was on foreign steel and Japanese cars

It resulted in an era of the worst American cars ever built, as the US car companies took advantage of the lack of competition to build crap and jack up prices.

That's the kind of result that trade wars bring about.
We export refined gasoline and diesel fuel. What the fuck are you talking about? Stupid lieberals.
Nowhere near what we import, and not to OPEC. Stupid rubes.

Finished Motor Gasoline Exports by Destination

As you can see, we export 663,000 gallons, compared to importation of 26 million.

We exported 1,1 million barrels of gasoline a day in December. WTF are you talking about?

US refiners export record amounts of gasoline, diesel
Article I, Section 8 of the US Constitution grants Congress the power to "regulate Commerce with foreign Nations".

However, over the years, Congress has delegated a lot of that power to the President.

In short, the President can impose tariffs, and Congress can do little about it.

Trump has threatened to impose tariffs on US companies which manufacture overseas. However, that would be extremely damaging to our economy.

What would be better is if Trump imposed tariffs on imported petroleum products. We don't have US producers of oil making petroleum products overseas. So the only entities harmed by tariffs on petroleum products would be furriners. Like OPEC. Like Russia.

Not crude. We don't produce heavy crude here. But we do make gasoline. So let's put tariffs on gasoline and other petroleum products.

This would have three positive impacts.

1) It would help domestic producers of petroleum products.

2) It would exacerbate the current oil glut.

3) Exacerbating the oil glut would crush Putin even more. His country has been in a deep recession since oil dropped below $60, putting a major crimp in his imperialist aims. Let's keep him there.

There is no reason for oil prices to rise unless Trump fucks us all in the ass to help his puppeteer Putin.

"Idiot" is far too kind of a word for you, Guno.

Massive Butthurt has burned away the 30 IQ points you once had.
He should hit China with a 50% import Tariff. Tell China to fuck off as he does it!
That would harm domestic
We export refined gasoline and diesel fuel. What the fuck are you talking about? Stupid lieberals.
Nowhere near what we import, and not to OPEC. Stupid rubes.

Finished Motor Gasoline Exports by Destination

As you can see, we export 663,000 gallons, compared to importation of 26 million.

We exported 1,1 million barrels of gasoline a day in December. WTF are you talking about?

US refiners export record amounts of gasoline, diesel
Yep, I stand corrected.

In my first link, I had annual. The second link defaulted to barrels per day.

Whatever we import in the form of refined products, we can produce here. If we stop imports with tariffs, this would increase domestic production of those products. All the money going to foreign companies making those products would go to domestic companies.
I'd put up a 20% tariff for the rest of the world...Our businesses should be able to compete at that rate within our borders finally.

You really want to hurt American farmers apparently.

And Boeing.

Because every country we charge a 20% tariff on, will charge American exports at least a 20% tariff.

You are calling for a Trade War.
A liberal advocating an attack on big oil, I'm shocked. /sarcasm * infinity

Spot on!

I was so shocked you coulda knocked me over with a wrecking ball. I wonder, should I waste my time to explain once more how the various levels of government receive more money in taxes on the sale of each gallon of gasoline than the oil companies make in profit? Should I waste the few remaining moments of my life to explain one more time that many companies, including Coke, have a much larger profit margin than oil companies? Nah, let the delusional ultra-liberal jerks feel good about making statements they know nothing about. They need a whipping boy to make themselves seem important and Big Oil is the the Democrats' favorite target. Perhaps in a few hundred years, they will be able to figure it out and say WTF was I thinking.

Sorry, ultra-libs, I'd like to 'splain it to you all but I'm just too old for this shit and it's time for Judge Judy.

Ultra-liberals, you gotta love 'em. They are so damn entertaining.
He should hit China with a 50% import Tariff. Tell China to fuck off as he does it!
That would harm domestic
We export refined gasoline and diesel fuel. What the fuck are you talking about? Stupid lieberals.
Nowhere near what we import, and not to OPEC. Stupid rubes.

Finished Motor Gasoline Exports by Destination

As you can see, we export 663,000 gallons, compared to importation of 26 million.

We exported 1,1 million barrels of gasoline a day in December. WTF are you talking about?

US refiners export record amounts of gasoline, diesel
Yep, I stand corrected.

In my first link, I had annual. The second link defaulted to barrels per day.

Whatever we import in the form of refined products, we can produce here. If we stop imports with tariffs, this would increase domestic production of those products. All the money going to foreign companies making those products would go to domestic companies.

Whatever we import in the form of refined products, we can produce here.

But why? If it makes financial sense to import refined products, import it.

If we stop imports with tariffs, this would increase domestic production of those products.

And raise the cost. Silly idea.
2001 the US steel industry wanted a 40% hike on Chinese steel .. in 03, 43 lifted all tariff's and our rust belt in now a fucking ghost belt.

start there.

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