What should U.S. policy be towards the Ukraine conflict?

And it should remain so. The only thing that should be changed is a defence policy that should not be relied almost exclusively on the US. Europe should bear its share also.
Europe does not have the right to decide anything in NATO. Europe should be under NATO control and do what they are told from the US (according to the Monroe Doctrine)
As heartless as it may appear, I want to know what US national interests are served with our support of Ukraine? I.E., where's the gain for us? It sure looks like naked aggression on Russia's part to rebuild the old USSR, but are we the world's policeman? Are we going to step in whenever one country invades another, or pick and choose who we support and who we don't? And if so, what is our criteria?
Hi Tasky; I agree that there is not much for the US to gain so there's that.; But I am a son of a refugee from Bulgaria and the Russians (Soviets: KGB and hence Putin) murdered many of my extended family and their friends. Hence ANY return to Russia/KGB control of Eastern Europe is anathema to me. Biden folded at the start like the wanker he is, but the Euros actually took the lead in assisting the Ukes and imo Biden saw the opportunity to make his 10% and cover his dirty corrupt tracks. That does bother me BUT not as much as the Ukes being utterly defeated.

So where it goes from here? Blood and death; but the US must NOT get directly involved other than being an ammo/money bags.

As I have said in other places; my family is now in Oz and we are even now still finding relatives who survived the Soviet Era. When the Jews say "never again" I have an idea of what they mean. Of course their experience was even worse by a large factor.

Europe is getting bolder. Europe, in a criminal conspiracy with the imperialists of China and Moscow, denies the American order, it puts forward the anti-American principle of “Preserving state integrity”, and this must be stopped IMMEDIATELY!

As heartless as it may appear, I want to know what US national interests are served with our support of Ukraine? I.E., where's the gain for us? It sure looks like naked aggression on Russia's part to rebuild the old USSR, but are we the world's policeman? Are we going to step in whenever one country invades another, or pick and choose who we support and who we don't? And if so, what is our criteria?
if we don't counter the territorial and other agression from BRICS nations, then they will usurp us.
Europe does not have the right to decide anything in NATO. Europe should be under NATO control and do what they are told from the US (according to the Monroe Doctrine)
well, i'm very happy that you get to decide only your own fate. good luck with that btw.
If Europe does not submit to the US, the US must attack Europe. Europe does not have the strength to resist the United States.
What for? If Europe does not 'submit' to the US, the US can say 'okay, guys, you are on your own'. And I am not sure that Europe will cope well after that.
What for? If Europe does not 'submit' to the US, the US can say 'okay, guys, you are on your own'. And I am not sure that Europe will cope well after that.
The Europeans send their agents into the US government, they act in a roundabout way. They use the United States for their own purposes, expanding their powers. They should not be given freedom to make decisions in NATO; they must understand that NATO is an instrument of control of Europe by the United States.
The Europeans send their agents into the US government, they act in a roundabout way. They use the United States for their own purposes, expanding their powers. They should not be given freedom to make decisions in NATO; they must understand that NATO is an instrument of control of Europe by the United States.
NATO is an alliance that designed to protect Europe. For the US, it is mostly a 'burden'.
NATO is an alliance that designed to protect Europe. For the US, it is mostly a 'burden'.
This was invented by modern European scammers. After the collapse of imperialism, the United States sent its troops into the lands of the imperialists - Europe and the Near East, and established control over the villainous governments.
The United States has no need to create an “alliance” with the Europeans, who have brothels instead of armies, and the United States does not need the support of European fagots. This is simply a “politically correct” excuse for the military occupation of Europe and the containment of Eurocentrism.
This was invented by modern European scammers. After the collapse of imperialism, the United States sent its troops into the lands of the imperialists - Europe and the Near East, and established control over the villainous governments.
And they forgot about their own backyard - Mexico and the Central America. Who knows, had they spent these money on poor Central American nations, maybe the US wouldn't have some problems it has now.
And they forgot about their own backyard - Mexico and the Central America. Who knows, had they spent these money on poor Central American nations, maybe the US wouldn't have some problems it has now.
Latin America is united with the USA. They suffer because of the dirty policies of Europeans and European agents in the United States. Mexican States must unite with the United States again.
Here is my suggestion for U.S. policy towards the Ukraine conflict:
1. Offer Russia a cease fire agreement. If they agree, we will stop further military aid to Ukraine and will oppose its membership in NATO.
2. If Russia does not agree, we will start placing nuclear missiles all along its borders with NATO countries.

What say you?
I say you are bonkers, Russia would not tolerate the nukes.
That is why it would agree to a cease-fire. Duh.
No it isn't, what planet are you on, the Russians will continue until their objectives are met, that could be taking all the coast and land up to the Dnieper River, we shall see, the ceasefire train left the station months ago in Turkey after the Reich told Zelenskey to carry on with the war, since then he has lost more of his Country and will lose a lot more before this is over.

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