Ukraine in NATO?!

You're the freaking retard thinking you can win an argument by simply taking out your magical wand and waving it. Everything I said is a fact and easily verifiable. The only reason I respond to your posts is for the sake of others who are seeking the truth, not you because you're a brain-dead zombie-liberal.
I don't have to debate you. The entire world outside of your little cult sees the maniac Putin invading his neighbors under an offensive nuclear threat.

You and your Russian God are spineless, vain sissy boys. The incompetent and weak Putin and his incompetent and weak army couldn't last 5 minutes against a NATO country.

And that's what we can expect from the kleptocrat that stole so much from his own country that now he is using Russian citizens as bullets and missiles.
I don't have to debate you. The entire world outside of your little cult sees the maniac Putin invading his neighbors under an offensive nuclear threat.

You and your Russian God are spineless, vain sissy boys. The incompetent and weak Putin and his incompetent and weak army couldn't last 5 minutes against a NATO country.

And that's what we can expect from the kleptocrat that stole so much from his own country that now he is using Russian citizens as bullets and missiles.
The Western world isn't "the entire world", you're delusional. The vast majority of countries are on the side of Russia and China, not the West and its baby, Israhell. You must be living on another planet.
The Western world isn't "the entire world", you're delusional.
The entire world sees what your nauseating dear Leader is doing.

Go peddle your embarrassing lies to someone dumb enough to believe them. I suggest Tucker Carlson or a lobotomized ferret.
The entire world sees what your nauseating dear Leader is doing.

Go peddle your embarrassing lies to someone dumb enough to believe them. I suggest Tucker Carlson or a lobotomized ferret.
The vast majority of people on Earth don't agree with you, you're obviously living on another planet. I'm done going back and forth with you, I have better things to do with my time and energy. If you want, have the last word, and delude yourself into thinking you've "won" something.
The vast majority of people on Earth don't agree with you,
A lie of course. Even Putin agrees with me. He is just lying to you morons. Putin knows full well his illegal wars of vanity are limited to weak neighbors, and that any moder army would end his incompetent and outdated army in short order. He knows he is lying about NATO, and he knows the only thing keeping him and his wars of vanity alive are the nukes that someone better than him put in place while he was murdering people for the USSR.
Ever notice that the same people who hate everything about the United States, it’s “systemically racist”, it’s white, it’s Christian, always support BIG government, the military industrial complex and US foreign policy?

Israel is the outlier because that conflict has beeen going on long enough that the liberals have had time to reconcile supporting the people who execute LGBT folks.
Ever notice that the same people who hate everything about the United States, it’s “systemically racist”, it’s white, it’s Christian, always support BIG government and the military industrial complex?

Israel is the outlier because that conflict has beeen going on long enough that the liberals have had time to reconcile supporting the people who execute LGBT folks.

You're so confused. Both the conservatives and the liberals support dumping trillions into the military-industrial complex, not just liberals. Hating America's foreign policy or bad laws isn't the equivalent of "hating EVERYTHING about the United States", that's a gross exaggeration. The right-wing conservatives also support BIG government, they just don't like the part of the government that serves the public, not to speak of their love for big corporations that function like tyrannical governments. At least the US government, created by the American people, holds elections. Private companies that run like governments don't. When was the last time you cast your vote in the workplace? Never.
You're so confused. Both the conservatives and the liberals support dumping trillions into the military-industrial complex, not just liberals. Hating America's foreign policy or bad laws isn't the equivalent of "hating EVERYTHING about the United States", that's a gross exaggeration. The right-wing conservatives also support BIG government, they just don't like the part of the government that serves the public, not to speak of their love for big corporations that function like tyrannical governments. At least the US government, created by the American people, holds elections. Private companies that run like governments don't. When was the last time you cast your vote in the workplace? Never.
No, you are confused. Conservatives didn’t fly Ukrainian flags when the media told them to. A commie rushing to defend the American political left is predictable. Get a job loser.
No, you are confused. Conservatives didn’t fly Ukrainian flags when the media told them to. A commie rushing to defend the American political left is predictable. Get a job loser.
You're the loser and pathetic punk. Some conservatives did fly Ukrainian flags along with the liberals. One foreign flag conservatives always fly regardless of what that country does is the Israeli flag. So you're no better than the liberals when it comes to warmongering. Here is Trump bragging about deploying troops in Syria and stealing their oil:

Both conservatives and liberals are full of crap.
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You're the loser and pathetic punk. Some conservatives did fly Ukrainian flags along with the liberals. One foreign flag conservatives always fly regardless of what that country does is the Israeli flag. So you're no better than the liberals when it comes to warmongering. Here is Trump bragging about deploying troops in Syria and stealing their oil:

Both conservatives and liberals are full of crap.

Blah blah blah. Let me guess, you support trans-ing the kids?
One foreign flag conservatives always fly regardless of what that country does is the Israeli flag.
I only fly one flag. But if I had to chose between flying an Israeli or a Palestinian flag…..


We understand. You view the Palestinians through the lens of critical races theory. Not as the patriarchal LGBT murderers, that they are.
I don't have to debate you. The entire world outside of your little cult sees the maniac Putin invading his neighbors under an offensive nuclear threat.

You and your Russian God are spineless, vain sissy boys. The incompetent and weak Putin and his incompetent and weak army couldn't last 5 minutes against a NATO country.

And that's what we can expect from the kleptocrat that stole so much from his own country that now he is using Russian citizens as bullets and missiles.
You Progs slap at people. And because no one is slapping back, does not make you tough. Real violence is not a video game. And the violence we see is away from most Progs. Contained to certain parts of the cities in certain communities and public areas. To clamor for it is suicidal. Humans are their own worst enemies. We just can't stand to have Camelot. We love strife and despair.
All of this crap was supported by the Republicans and the Democrats:

John McCain and other conservatives were fueling the fire in Ukraine, supporting all of the anti-Russian, neo-Nazi rhetoric. All of the Russophobia, the Russia hate in Ukraine, was sponsored by both American liberals and conservatives:

It's not just the liberals who are full of crap.

Im am referring to the rank and file voter. You are referring to the swamp.
Putin has made it clear that admitting Ukraine to NATO is a necessity

Just ask Sweden and Finland who were formerly neutral
Circular logic,

Russia told the US during the BUSH admin that admission of Ukraine into NATO was the reddest of their red lines. So we ran a coup, ousted the Democratically elected pro Russian leader and installed a pro western leader, and kept moving them toward NATO membership.

If Russia entered into an anti American alliance with Mexico and gave them arms, training. etc we would 100% not let that stand. Using your logic any intervention by the US would validate Mexico's alliance with Russia and Russia's meddling in Mexico.

We've moved the NATO borders closer to Russia not the other way around.

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