what so bad about socialism

I asked for a list, not a fairy tale.

dear too stupid and liberal, If capitalism did not encourage the best products possible we would evolving toward the stone ago rather than toward the space age.

See why we have to be 100% positive that liberalism is based in pure ignorance?

I asked for a list, not unsubstantiated bullshit.
dear too stupid and liberal, If capitalism did not encourage the best products possible we would evolving toward the stone ago rather than toward the space age.

See why we have to be 100% positive that liberalism is based in pure ignorance?
I asked for a list, not a fairy tale.

dear too stupid and liberal, If capitalism did not encourage the best products possible we would evolving toward the stone ago rather than toward the space age.

See why we have to be 100% positive that liberalism is based in pure ignorance?

I asked for a list, not unsubstantiated bullshit.
dear too stupid and liberal, If capitalism did not encourage the best products possible we would evolving toward the stone ago rather than toward the space age.

See why we have to be 100% positive that liberalism is based in pure ignorance?

I'm waiting for the list.
You DO know how to use the Internet.
Actually, you probably don't.
If Ron or Rand Paul were President business would have no rules at all.
It would be a total catastrophe.

dear, the rule would be either produce the best products in the world to raise our standard of living at the fastest possible rate or go bankrupt.

Thats the best rule of all. Do you have the IQ to understand?
Are you going to tell me that conservatives are opposed to corporate welfare?

yes conservatives are for capitalism in general while liberals are for socialism or crony socialism like Obamacare..
What the fuck are you talking about now? Your thinking is so concrete, ridged and narrow that you can only understand capitalism vs. socialism and cannot fathom the concept that the two represent two ends of a continuum on which there are many variations and combinations of the two systems.

As far as Obama care goes, to call that socialism is ridiculous and shows how little that you understand about what socialism actually is.
As far as Obama care goes, to call that socialism is ridiculous and shows how little that you understand about what socialism actually is.

dear too stupid, Obamacare is the exact opposite of capitalism. Rather, it represents the violent liberal control of the heath care system which is about 20% of our entire economy.

Now do you understand?
As far as Obama care goes, to call that socialism is ridiculous and shows how little that you understand about what socialism actually is.

dear too stupid, Obamacare is the exact opposite of capitalism. Rather, it represents the violent liberal control of the heath care system which is about 20% of our entire economy.

Now do you understand?
I understand that you are too stupid to understand much. There, are you happy? You dragged me down to your level of discourse. My work is done here
As far as Obama care goes, to call that socialism is ridiculous and shows how little that you understand about what socialism actually is.

dear too stupid, Obamacare is the exact opposite of capitalism. Rather, it represents the violent liberal control of the heath care system which is about 20% of our entire economy.

Now do you understand?
I understand that you are too stupid to understand much. There, are you happy? You dragged me down to your level of discourse. My work is done here

dear too stupid, Obamacare is the exact opposite of capitalism. Rather, it represents violent libcommie control of our heath care system which is approaching 20% of our entire economy.

Now do you understand?
I've seen and experienced great things in countries that are more geared to socialism. The happiest rated countries in the world are all highly socialistic countries. Why can't we do what we already know that works?

One word answer - Conservatism.

con·ser·va·tism (the free dictionary)
1. The inclination, especially in politics, to maintain the existing or traditional order.
2. A political philosophy or attitude that emphasizes respect for traditional institutions and opposes the attempt to achieve social change though legislation or publicly funded programs.
3. Caution or moderation, as in behavior or outlook.

That's all right though, it's an age old tension. Progressivism has won many times on many issues. I hate to call it a war so I 'll call it a struggle. Eventually almost every struggle will be solved in a Progressive manner. That's just the way it's always worked.
Socialism is government ownership of the means of production and distribution. Twentieth century experience with socialism was failure. Twenty first century experience has been no different ie Venezuela. I am amazed that so many who espouse socialism have no idea what they are espousing.
Do you think that Bernie Sanders' form of socialism espouses is government ownership of the means of production and distribution. ? Or, could it be that all socialism is not the same? Why is it that you and so many others ignore the complexity of what socialism is or might be in different political contexts? Must you always just dumb it down for mass consumption? Either you do it deliberately or, more likely, it is you who has no idea what you are advocating.

You are trying to make a distinction which really isn't valid.

Socialism does not require ownership.

Herman Rauschning wrote a book called "Hitler Speaks" in which he wrote up discussions he had with the man. In one such, Hitler is to have said "We don't need to take your cow so long as we own you. Who cares about whether we actually own the firm in name? So long as we have complete control over the people running it, that's good enough."

Now some debate the validity of the book, but regardless the point made is 100% accurate.

If government has control..... it doesn't matter if they own it in law, or not.

If I give you $10... it's your $10... you own it $10. But then I dictate who you can give it to, what you can buy, and what you can't buy, and when you can spend it, and when you can't......... you own it... legally it's yours. But practically speaking, I have control. I don't need to own that $10, as long as I control, regulate, mandate, and limit you.

No Sanders does not yet advocate open direct government ownership of companies.

He does advocate control over companies, from how much they pay, to what they spend, to their investments, to who they fire, and who they hire. That is as socialist as it gets.

Let's see if I have this right " "We don't need to take your cow so long as we own you" quote from your post. Are you seriously proposing slavery? If Sanders proposal is to enslave the producers I can't imagine anything more heinous. I abhor socialism but I hate slavery and anyone who advocates it. Your vision is more heinous than Orwells'. I cannot believe that anyone would advocate slavery. In your world every producer would necessarily be the property of the state and you believe that to be good for people.
I hope you and all those who would enslave their fellow man die a slow and horrendously painful death. I have nothing further to say to you slaver.

Well again.....

If I give you $10... it's your $10... you own it $10. But then I dictate who you can give it to, what you can buy, and what you can't buy, and when you can spend it, and when you can't......... you own it... legally it's yours. But practically speaking, I have control. I don't need to own that $10, as long as I control, regulate, mandate, and limit you.

And it's not my vision dude... it's socialism. I'm against socialism, not for it.

I presume you enjoy driving on roads that destroy your tires and that you are your own crime and fire fighter.

There was no logical connection to the point I was making, and the response you gave. Try again, this time using 'intellect'.
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. Eventually almost every struggle will be solved in a Progressive manner. That's just the way it's always worked.

its true that all of human history worked that way until our genius Founders came along with the realization that govt change had been the source of evil in human history.
. Eventually almost every struggle will be solved in a Progressive manner. That's just the way it's always worked.

its true that all of human history worked that way until our genius Founders came along with the realization that govt change had been the source of evil in human history.

I agree with your Thomas Jefferson;

"I am certainly not an advocate for frequent and untried changes in laws and constitutions. I think moderate imperfections had better be borne with; because, when once known, we accommodate ourselves to them, and find practical means of correcting their ill effects. But I know also, that laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths disclosed, and manners and opinions change with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also, and keep pace with the times. We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy, as civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors...[it] will be said it is easier to find faults than to amend [the Constitution]. I do not think...amendment so difficult as is pretended. Only lay down true principles, and adhere to them inflexibly."

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