What, specifically, do you think Obama has done wrong in terms of the economy?

Why do YOU blame (or don't blame) Obama for the high unemployment rate? What policies of his (or lack thereof) have been detrimental in your opinion?

Support your answer with outside sources. Otherwise, don't waste your time answering. The same ole Republican/Democratic rhetoric isn't going to fly this time. I want hard data and analysis.

I wouldn't count on in depth analysis from this crowd, Billy.

But I'll chime in.

I believe of the things that this admin failed to do was make the stimulus large enough to have the impact it might have had.

$780 billion minus about 40% of it which came in form of tax breaks, just wasn't enough money to have a signficcant impact a fibrilating 14 trillion dollar GDP.

The stimulus should have been larger, but could he have gotten more money?

No, probably not.

However, had he POLITICALLY tied a stimuluis package to the BANSTERS bailout happening at the same time? -- now hovering around 26 TRILLION biucks and still counting -- he might have had more political persuasion.

Of course Obama does NOT control the FED, so I suppose it is reasonable to object to that theory and suggest that he couldn't make the connection, right?

Okay that's where the president's BILLY PULPIT comes in.

He needed to EXPLAIN to the American public the TRUE NATURE of what this nation was facing, how much we had to bail out the banksters and how much more we also needed to bail out the other 299,900,000 citizens in this nation who are not insiders of the wall street bailouts.

What I am really saying is the DEMCRACTIC PARTY needs to grow a set of balls.

But of course how can they?

Obama's party is no less in bed with BANSTERS than the GOP. Maybe even more so, really.
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The stimulus should have been larger, but could he have gotten more money?

Because clearly the administration hasn't been involved in enough corruption distributing stimulus funds to campaign supporters.
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When you spend a trillion dollars of borrowed money and the situation doesn't improve I find it hard to define that as a success. When you say that you have hundreds of thousands of "shovel ready" jobs and then admit a year later that the jobs didn't actually exist I find it hard to define that as a success. When you have to come back two years later and ask for further funds because without them you will have to lay off public sector workers and cease unemployment benefits I find it hard to define that as a success.

Not to mention it's difficult to take you seriously as caring about jobs when you demand trillions of dollars and just had it out to campaign donors, while you can authorize a project that wont cost the tax payers any money but actually generate jobs and revenue with a stroke of a pen and wont do it.
No, you said in another thread: the stimulus created jobs. So everything is really OK. What you see on the news is just right wing spin. Right?

Obama has been the most anti business president in history. From his demonizing BP, to subverting the rule of law in the Chrysler/GM bankruptcies, to his Health Dept going after insurers for speaking the truth his administraiton has shown itself no friend of business. All of that has a chilling effect. WHo wants to hire more employess when the bill to do so is unknown? Who wants to expand when environmental regs will suddenly change and put the company out of business? Who wants to be the next guy highlighted by the WH for "special treatment" because he made one bad decision?
The result of all of these, plus other policies and laws, has been to make business hunker down and wait for better times. Thus job creation is miserable. This is the worst recovery on record since the Depression.

BP killed 11 Americans.

Memorial service honors 11 dead oil rig workers - USATODAY.com

Memorial service honors 11 dead oil rig workers
Attendees leave Tuesday's memorial service at the Jackson Convention Center in Mississippi.


Jason C. Anderson, 35, Midfield, Texas, father of two.

Aaron Dale Burkeen, 37, Philadelphia, Miss., married, father of two (14-year-old daughter Aryn and 6-year-old son Timothy), died four days before his 38th birthday.

Donald Clark, 49, Newellton, La., married to Sheila Clark.

Stephen Ray Curtis, 39, Georgetown, La., married and had two teenagers. Taught his son to hunt and play baseball and was active in his church.

Roy Wyatt Kemp, 27, Jonesville, La., married to Courtney Kemp.

Karl D. Kleppinger Jr., 38, Natchez, Miss., U.S. Army veteran of Operation Desert Storm, enjoyed NASCAR and cooking barbecue. Married with one son, Aaron.

Gordon L. Jones, 28, Baton Rouge. Wife Michelle Jones was nine months pregnant with their second son when he died.

Keith Blair Manuel, 56, Gonzales, La., father of three (Kelli Taquino, Jessica Manchester and Ashley Jo Manuel). Engaged to Melinda Becnel. Had season tickets to Louisiana State University baseball and football games.

Dewey A. Revette, 48, State Line, Miss., married with two daughters. Had been with Transocean for 29 years.

Shane M. Roshto, 22, Liberty, Miss., married to Natalie Roshto, father of 3-year-old Blain Michael.

Adam Weise, 24, Yorktown, Texas. During time off, the former high school football star spent time with his girlfriend, hunted deer and fished from his boat.

Sources: Transocean, Associated Press, (Opelousas, La.) Daily World

By William M. Welch and Chris Joyner, USA TODAY
JACKSON, Miss. — They sometimes seem to be forgotten victims as the nation focuses on efforts to stop the massive oil spill fouling the Gulf of Mexico.
But the 11 men who died in the rig explosion off the Louisiana coast were remembered Tuesday in a somber memorial service here, where hundreds of family and friends gathered.

Guess it's not something you really care about.

Do you know how many Americans are killed by illegals every year? Guess it's not something you really care about hey?

Link it.

In any case..I don't like or support crime. Especially if people wind up dying.

Unlike you and your ilk. And by crime..I mean any crime. Whether the guy committing that crime is an illegal gang banger..or an American President with the last name of Bush.
It's not reading issues that are the problem here. It's honest issues.

So, you think an entire group should be demonized over the actions of a few?

Wow. That's F'ed up.
No, you're fucked up because you're fucking stupid and/or dishonest.
Do you think illegals don't commit crimes?

Not sure how this relates to the topic at hand, but I'll give you some slack.

I think some people who are here undocumented commit crimes and some don't. Just like some who are here documented do and just like some citizens do and just like some corporations do. I see nothing wrong with talking about any of that, or pointing at specific examples. Apparently though, many here think we should not point out examples of corporations committing crimes. Why is that? And how does that relate to Obama's record on job creation?
So, you think an entire group should be demonized over the actions of a few?

Wow. That's F'ed up.
No, you're fucked up because you're fucking stupid and/or dishonest.
Do you think illegals don't commit crimes?

Not sure how this relates to the topic at hand, but I'll give you some slack.

I think some people who are here undocumented commit crimes and some don't. Just like some who are here documented do and just like some citizens do and just like some corporations do. I see nothing wrong with talking about any of that, or pointing at specific examples. Apparently though, many here think we should not point out examples of corporations committing crimes. Why is that? And how does that relate to Obama's record on job creation?

No one has said corporations don't commit crimes. Look at Enron.
But BP did not commit crimes. They did not kill people, any more than GM/Chrysler kill people on the highways every year. That was the point of this digression.
No, you're fucked up because you're fucking stupid and/or dishonest.
Do you think illegals don't commit crimes?

Not sure how this relates to the topic at hand, but I'll give you some slack.

I think some people who are here undocumented commit crimes and some don't. Just like some who are here documented do and just like some citizens do and just like some corporations do. I see nothing wrong with talking about any of that, or pointing at specific examples. Apparently though, many here think we should not point out examples of corporations committing crimes. Why is that? And how does that relate to Obama's record on job creation?

No one has said corporations don't commit crimes. Look at Enron.
But BP did not commit crimes. They did not kill people, any more than GM/Chrysler kill people on the highways every year. That was the point of this digression.

Your attempt at comparison is laughable.

And no. The point of your digression was that you "conservatives" don't want to talk about the fact that Obama has helped the economy and helped job creation.
Not sure how this relates to the topic at hand, but I'll give you some slack.

I think some people who are here undocumented commit crimes and some don't. Just like some who are here documented do and just like some citizens do and just like some corporations do. I see nothing wrong with talking about any of that, or pointing at specific examples. Apparently though, many here think we should not point out examples of corporations committing crimes. Why is that? And how does that relate to Obama's record on job creation?

No one has said corporations don't commit crimes. Look at Enron.
But BP did not commit crimes. They did not kill people, any more than GM/Chrysler kill people on the highways every year. That was the point of this digression.

Your attempt at comparison is laughable.

And no. The point of your digression was that you "conservatives" don't want to talk about the fact that Obama has helped the economy and helped job creation.

There was no comparison, dipshit.
Go back and read the thread. All of it.

Obama has hurt the economy, not helped it. Can you not make the distinction?
Obama's "crime" is that he failed to do a good enough job at fixing the "worst of both worlds" that he inherited from the Bush Administration.

Not only did Obama inherit a worldwide financial crisis, but 2 wars and a federal debt that was over 84% of the nation's GDP.

Faced with massive debt and tax cut policies that severely limited the government's ability to raise revenue, Obama was left with few options.
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Obama's "crime" is that he failed to do a good enough job at fixing the "worst of both worlds" that he inherited from the Bush Administration.

Not only did Obama inherit a worldwide financial crisis, but 2 wars and a federal debt that was over 84% of the nation's GDP.

Faced with massive debt and tax cut policies that severely limited the government's ability to raise revenue, Obama was left with few options.

His solution was to increase the debt even further and expand the war in Afghanistan while losing the peace in Iraq.
Way to go.
No one has said corporations don't commit crimes. Look at Enron.
But BP did not commit crimes. They did not kill people, any more than GM/Chrysler kill people on the highways every year. That was the point of this digression.

Your attempt at comparison is laughable.

And no. The point of your digression was that you "conservatives" don't want to talk about the fact that Obama has helped the economy and helped job creation.

There was no comparison, dipshit.
Go back and read the thread. All of it.

Obama has hurt the economy, not helped it. Can you not make the distinction?

You clearly compare BP, Chrysler and GM, as if criminal negligence that results in the death of workers is some how the same as consumers mis-using a product. But hey, anything to protect your gods in big oil, right?

His solution was to increase the debt even further and expand the war in Afghanistan while losing the peace in Iraq.
Way to go.
Absolutely, totally and utterly false. I would ask for you to prove any of this mythical rant, but we all know you won't bother trying.
The stimulus should have been larger, but could he have gotten more money?
How large should it have been? It grew relentlessly as it was discussed, until they passed about the largest stimulus that had been talked about.
And it still failed.

There are absolutely zero studies showing the stimulus failed. At best you could find a study that shows a small positive, but you cannot find one that says it failed, because it did not fail.

Repeating that for the Perry fans: the stimulus did NOT fail.

The stimulus should have been closer to $2T and should have been all spending projects with no tax cuts. Had it been that size, we would not be having this conversation.

Please read:
How large should it have been? It grew relentlessly as it was discussed, until they passed about the largest stimulus that had been talked about.
And it still failed.

There are absolutely zero studies showing the stimulus failed. At best you could find a study that shows a small positive, but you cannot find one that says it failed, because it did not fail.

Repeating that for the Perry fans: the stimulus did NOT fail.

The stimulus should have been closer to $2T and should have been all spending projects with no tax cuts. Had it been that size, we would not be having this conversation.

Please read:

I stand corrected. There are absolutely zero credible studies showing the stimulus failed.
There are absolutely zero studies showing the stimulus failed. At best you could find a study that shows a small positive, but you cannot find one that says it failed, because it did not fail.

Repeating that for the Perry fans: the stimulus did NOT fail.

The stimulus should have been closer to $2T and should have been all spending projects with no tax cuts. Had it been that size, we would not be having this conversation.

Please read:

I stand corrected. There are absolutely zero credible studies showing the stimulus failed.

Credible=Agrees with my POV.

I stand corrected. There are absolutely zero credible studies showing the stimulus failed.

Credible=Agrees with my POV.

From the article:

President Obama said the stimulus bill would put nearly 400,000 people back to work rebuilding America. But over the next two-and-a-half years, the U.S. construction industry shed about 900,000 jobs or 14 percent of the building workforce.

First off, no source cited. How can we check their numbers if they don't tell us where they got the numbers? Second, assuming the numbers are true, they don't conflict. 1,300,000 jobs would have been lost instead of 900,000. That means we were better off, which means the stimulus didn't fail. The article is trying to set a standard such that if ANY job anywhere was lost, the stimulus failed. That was not the goal of the stimulus nor should it be the criteria by which we judge it.

Seriously, you will not find a credible source saying the plan failed, because it did not fail.
He's copied every play from the FDR Depression and has gotten the exact same results: mistrust of free enterprise and capitalism in favor of heavy handed Soviet style central planning has terrorized us businesses into riding out the storm which is causing long term chronic unemployment and anemic growth.

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