What Terrifies Brutal MS-13? La Sombra Negra - 'The Black Shadow'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"MS-13 doesn't fear prison, President Trump or even death. But there is one thing that scares the hell out of tattooed members of the murderous Central American gang: La Sombra Negra.

Spanish for "The Black Shadow," La Sombra Negra is a mysterious paramilitary organization that is part death squad, part vigilante group, and dedicated to responding in extreme kind to MS-13's ruthlessness. MS-13 members captured by La Somba Negra purportedly have been sexually tortured and dismembered before being dispatched with a bullet, their bodies left to be discovered by family or fellow gang members.

While La Somba Negra, believed to be made up of police and military members, is not active in the U.S., where President Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions have declared war on MS-13, they have proven a major deterrent to the gang's activities in its homeland."

La Sombra Negra is believed to be one of the reason MS-13 has flocked to the US, as Obama's near open-border policy, refusal to enforce US Immigration Law, and protection of Sanctuary Cities has proved to be better 'hunting grounds' for them.

La Sombra Negra’s heightened publicity seemed to empower these ruthless "Robin Hoods" to continue their “social cleansing.”

The fear the group has instilled in MS-13 has become so pronounced that gang members have been covering or removing their infamous tattoos, cutting down on using gang signs and, in some extreme cases, asking judges in the U.S. to grant them asylum because they fear for their lives if they return to their home country."

'Grant them asylum'?! Instead of importing violent illegals and granting MS-13 members asylum, perhaps the US needs to import members of 'La Sombra Negra...'dumping' them in cities where gang / gun violence is out of control, cities like L.A. and Chicago, like Obama used to dump illegals all over the US without giving state and local officials notice they were coming.
Rhambo has certainly he can not curb the insane increasing gang / gun violence in Chicago.

MS-13 doesn't fear Trump, rival gangs or the police - but they are terrified of La Sombra Negra
They sound like Columbia's Los Pepes during Escobar's reign of terror.
Sexually tortured, like having sex with Rosie O'Donnell?
Paramilitary that has brutal MS-13 running scared? I am thinking pliers, acetylene torches, broom handles....things that would even make having relations with Rosie O'Donnell seem pleasant...
Bullies, even vicious criminal 'bullies' like MS-13 don't like it when the tables are turned and suddenly they find themselves the hunted / victims of a larger predatory group.
Bullies, even vicious criminal 'bullies' like MS-13 don't like it when the tables are turned and suddenly they find themselves the hunted / victims of a larger predatory group.
The world is becoming a Mad Max movie because of the lack of true leadership in the world.
The world is becoming a Mad Max movie because of the lack of true leadership in the world.
...and unbelievably STUPID decisions by our world leaders. Open borders, piss-poor vetting, allowing violent criminals, extremists, and terrorists into the country? We have not seen it just in Europe. We have seen it here!

Some of our own leaders have just been criminally naïve, and Americans have paid for it with their lives.

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