What the CDC hotspot map reveals

It's not honest to compare a small county in one of the largest states in the nation to an entire state.

The entire state of California isn't red.

The entire state of Florida IS red.

Most of California is in the red zone. So is all of Louisiana, all of Kansas, and just about all of Kentucky, North Carolina, and Nevada. All states with Democratic governors. Is that also DeSantis's fault?
Why? Florida is a giant peninsula.

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Mexicans got legs, don't they. I mean they's marchin right up to Texas, 'cross Lussiana inter Miss-sipee an' through our white rural Trumpland, infecting all of us who ain't got shots as'n they go, inter 'bama - which is'n perty black down south, and inter the cracker Gorgia counties - spreden their nasty third world desease raht inter Flerda.

How does it do that, professor? Use your big boy words.

Well gee, hoss. We see lots of people getting sick, but few are dying, and the illegals being transported all over the country are the vectors.

You really cant figure out why I would care about someone dying that cant be vaccinated as opposed to someone that wont be vaccinated? Maybe I'm weird but I hate seeing toddlers die.

A toddler has a better chance of dying from a lightning strike than covide.
Why? Florida is a giant peninsula.

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Vaccine resistant Republicans are the vectors

No, they don't travel, remember your talking points here, nimrod. But the tens of thousands of covid positive illegal aliens being trucked all over the country, THERE is your vector.

But that's called logical thinking and we all know you aren't capable of that.
No, they don't travel, remember your talking points here, nimrod. But the tens of thousands of covid positive illegal aliens being trucked all over the country, THERE is your vector.

But that's called logical thinking and we all know you aren't capable of that.
You are plowing out trump lies....you got nothing but conjectures and accusations.

What the CDC hotspot map reveals​

The entire state of Florida is hot red. Come on Little trump....use your brain!

Most of the country is a hotspot. Looks like the safest place to be is the central midwest in Trump Country!
C'mon little Jim . . . . use a brain (borrow one if you must).

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It's not honest to compare a small county in one of the largest states in the nation to an entire state.

The entire state of California isn't red.

The entire state of Florida IS red.

As I tried to tell you -- that pseudo-coloring is NOT positive test results.. NOT EVEN # of new cases. It's a modeling estimate of TRANSMISSION RATE.. Y'all are arguing over shit you didn't invest the time to study.. Transmission rates are NOT KNOWN, they are guessed at.. And THEN you choose colors for a fucking map to ACCENTUATE the message story that YOU WANT to tell..

I posted the test positivity numbers for the states from John Hopkins. They look NOTHING like the state rankings that those "heat maps" show.

Just 2 weeks ago -- the CDC MISREPORTED the Florida numbers. EXACTILY DOUBLED the test positivity number. Then they silently RETRACTED the "computer error".. Florida decided NOT to provide the CDC with any more data because that's TOO CLOSE to a PURPOSEFUL error..

And I dont blame them.. You dont make mistakes like that as the "lead pandemic lab"...
Most of California is in the red zone. So is all of Louisiana, all of Kansas, and just about all of Kentucky, North Carolina, and Nevada. All states with Democratic governors. Is that also DeSantis's fault?

Louisiana is the worst at govt Covid response. They have to deal with Cajun voodoo and corruption higher than the Illinois political machine..
Florida reacted to the numbers spiking by simply not reporting them.

The CDC stepped in and estimated numbers. Yea they estimated high. That forced Florida to begin posting numbers again (although erratically and with suspect numbers regarding deaths)

CDC estimated numbers in the 25,000 range...in line with the average that Fla has had for weeks now

So GUESSING is admirable? Dont think so. And your story sucks.. The CDC EXACTLY doubled the actual Florida numbers. Was NOT an estimate. And If i was Florida I'd report to John Hopkins and file NOTHING with the Feds right now also...
They opened two field hospitals today were I live. One for kids.

When's the last time you looked at hospitalization numbers? You seem to be working off the "fear reporting" here when you say "one for children" .. From the CDC site.. # of hospitalizations per 100,000.. I put the cursor at August 13 -- last reporting date..

Note 1: Number of hospitalizations is RAW DATA.. A kid could be in hospital for other reasons and REPORTED with covid.

Note 2: Compare that beige line for young ones with what we've gone thru already..

covid hospitalizations aug21.png

In December 2020 the 0 to 4 age group was 2.5 times HIGHER than it is now.. And 5 thru 17 line never gets off the Xaxis..
chance of kids being hospitalized RIGHT NOW for either 0 - 5 or 5 - 17 age group. Is about

0.0015% That's 15 per Million.. How many million 0-5 yr olds are in your state? bendog
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Because the rest are in the hospital. Duh. Sharp as a marble.
The emergency room is part of the hospital. It’s where you check in if you have a serious problem.

In this case the main entrance to the hospital was closed due to worry about the coronavirus but the hospital personnel I talked to said they were not being overrun by patients with COVID-19 or its variations.

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