What the CDC hotspot map reveals

What do people look like when they have the virus?
Everybody looked as healthy as me. They probably were waiting for an appointment for testing. Nobody was sneezing or coughing.
Everybody looked as healthy as me. They probably were waiting for an appointment for testing. Nobody was sneezing or coughing.
When I caught it I wasnt sneezing or coughing either. Just had a hell of a time climbing steps without getting winded but thats probably because I played basketball with 20 yr olds everyday so I was in shape. I'd hate to think what it would have been like if I wasnt in such good shape.
So is Los Angeles county. Is that DeSantis’s fault too?

It's not honest to compare a small county in one of the largest states in the nation to an entire state.

The entire state of California isn't red.

The entire state of Florida IS red.
It's not honest to compare a small county in one of the largest states in the nation to an entire state.

The entire state of California isn't red.

The entire state of Florida IS red.
Hopefully Florida will STAY red. If we get too many democrats in our state government and a democrat Governor they will push for a state income tax so they can steal the taxes generated through corruption. Democrats excel at corruption.
That isn't keeping Joe from stopping most Cubans from getting in, is it? You people are literally cheering for the collapse of America and I really hope that when it comes, you pay more than those who fought against it. No one deserves those consequences more than your crowd. Your communities should be filled with violence, economic collapse, and health issues galore. When all that arrives, tell us how helpful your Trump hate is in keeping you safe and fed.

damn, you are dumb. Florida is not having the dem riots. Florida's economy is rocking it right now............and I am not seeing people drop dead of the virus like you like to imply.

Now the dem controlled areas are having the riots, the bad economy as they shut down, and isn't dem controlled counties and cities that catching the covid and dying from the vaccines.
That map is the dumbest thing I've ever seen. I clicked on my county and it tells me how many cases per 100k people. My county doesn't have 100k people, so every new case counts as greater than one. What a fraud.
Since we clearly have a large segment of the population that is determined to exercise their freedom and liberty to get sick, cram hospitals, and spread a deadly virus to others, I just hope that we're putting effort into finding treatments.

Maybe we can all at least agree on THAT.
Encouraging words from our governor here.

Time and again, Maine people have risen to the challenges put in front of us. We have survived blizzards, ice storms, depressions, booms and busts. We’ve suffered loss — as a state and as families. We have conquered them because we are a strong, resilient people – borne of the western foothills; the northern potato fields; the bold, rocky coasts; and the tall, pine forests. We have been lifted up by the courage, conviction and resilience that comes from loving a place and its people. Let us continue to prepare, take every precaution, remain both careful and compassionate. We will get through this.
So caring about truth in numbers or how folks lie/mislead with graphs is stupid? Dont think so.. It;s a lot happier world when you know how to read propaganda and in this case -- public health messaging. Otherwise, your life on-line becomes a stick fight in playground..
Florida reacted to the numbers spiking by simply not reporting them.

The CDC stepped in and estimated numbers. Yea they estimated high. That forced Florida to begin posting numbers again (although erratically and with suspect numbers regarding deaths)

CDC estimated numbers in the 25,000 range...in line with the average that Fla has had for weeks now
That map is the dumbest thing I've ever seen. I clicked on my county and it tells me how many cases per 100k people. My county doesn't have 100k people, so every new case counts as greater than one. What a fraud.
Jesus christ that was a stupid comment

Math is tough huh?
Where the fuck have you been? They've been bussing illegals every day to Florida.
Show your math. The case numbers. The numbers of people. Show us this idiotic white wing talking point is something more than a vapid, childish appeal to xenophobia and stupidity. You wont be able to do that, but it will be hilarious to watch you try.
Jesus christ that was a stupid comment

Math is tough huh?
They are extrapolating the data to fit 100k. Otherwise feel free to give us the formula they are using to determine the variable necessary to convert county populations to reach the per 100k. That variable changes for every county based on there actual population. I'll wait.

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