What the CDC hotspot map reveals

The entire state of Florida is hot red. Come on Little trump....use your brain!
I live in the Florida panhandle and stopped by a hospital on Thursday to get some blood work done.

No panic. When I asked I was told a couple coronavirus patients had come in for treatment. The main entrance was closed because of the virus but the open emergency room had just a couple people waiting for treatment and it didn’t look like they had the virus.
Unvaccinated people are only a risk to other Unvaccinated people. If you have the vaccine, why care?
so unvaccinated person cant infect a vaccinated? or visa versa? where does this nonsense come from.


The entire state of Florida is hot red. Come on Little trump....use your brain!

CDC not above not above lying with graphs and manipulating the "pseudo-color" to crank up the emergency..

NEVER look at a pseudo-color graph without a LEGEND that explains the classifications of each color..

From the legend below the 2nd graphic..

Note: The CDC classifies transmission levels based on the following criteria:
■ High: At least 100 new cases per 100K residents over past week or 10%+ positivity rate
■ Substantial: 50-100 cases per 100K, 8-10% positivity rate
■ Moderate: 10-50 cases per 100K, 5-8% positivity rate
■ Low: 0-10 cases per 100K, 0-5% positivity rateSource: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. As of July 27, 2021.

So -- it's not linear.. It's compressed at the higher numbers. you get 5 times the transmission rate between low and moderate. You get only 2 times the trans rate between moderate and substantial.. And for HIGH -- EVERY other possible number above 10% is included..

Why is that deceptive? Because it does NOT tell you if Florida is TWICE as bad as an "orange zone" state. Maybe it's only 1.1% worse than most of the West Coast states.. With this "tool" I can make any Accuweather radar map make some scattered showers look like dangerous thunderstorms..

Why not go with ONE more color than you want to show and make the degradations linear? Because -- they are shaping a message.. Not INFORMING the public with the actual numbers..

Public Health is not about numbers or science -- it's about the MESSAGING...

The entire state of Florida is hot red. Come on Little trump....use your brain!

Even some leaders in the CDC dont trust CDC numbers. There's reason to believe they've screwed with the data AGAIN like they did 2 weeks ago when they DOUBLED the case number in Florida (by mistake) and later retracted.... DO THE DAMAGE and no one hears the apology... It's a famous POLITICAL tool...

No reason not to trust these independent numbers that have been updated every week thru July and August.. Totally DIFFERENT story looking at the RAW numbers..

Site says. "The information cited is from the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center. States are arranged in descending order of test positivity rates." John Hopkins has CONTINUOUSLY MORE RELIABLE than the CDC... Ranked by HIGHEST positivity RATES -- Here's the TOP few. Get the rest at the link..

Oklahoma: 52 percent

New daily cases: 2,468

Tests per 100,000: 100.2

Mississippi: 48.5

New daily cases: 4,412

Tests per 100,000: 198

Kansas: 38.5

New daily cases: 0

Tests per 100,000: 96.8

Idaho: 35.3

New daily cases: 751

Tests per 100,000: 73.2

Iowa: 30.7

New daily cases: 0

Tests per 100,000: 54.2

Georgia: 22

New daily cases: 7,016

Tests per 100,000: 249.5

Arkansas: 22

New daily cases: 2,318

Tests per 100,000: 345.2

Tennessee: 21.5

New daily cases: 5,507

Tests per 100,000: 261.1


JUST REALIZED.. There's another game afoot here. The testing positivity rates are NOT the same as transmission rates that the CDC graphs in the Opost graph..

NOTE -- from the numbers above, NO state is higher than 52% test positive rate. But the TRANSMISSION rate is a MODELED number taking into account population density and other factors.

Now 52% positive test rates ARE SERIOUS.. But does not represent # of new cases. And transmission rates certainly dont tell you about # of new cases either... Test positive rates are affected by the TYPE of test, the state/local testing mandates, and the number of times a person who is under medical supervision is tested while sick (and other things)..
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Even some leaders in the CDC dont trust CDC numbers. There's reason to believe they've screwed with the data AGAIN like they did 2 weeks ago when they DOUBLED the case number in Florida (by mistake) and later retracted.... DO THE DAMAGE and no one hears the apology... It's a famous POLITICAL tool...

No reason not to trust these independent numbers that have been updated every week thru July and August.. Totally DIFFERENT story looking at the RAW numbers..

Site says. "The information cited is from the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center. States are arranged in descending order of test positivity rates." John Hopkins has CONTINUOUSLY MORE RELIABLE than the CDC... Ranked by HIGHEST transmission RATES -- Here's the TOP few. Get the rest at the link..

Oklahoma: 52 percent

New daily cases: 2,468

Tests per 100,000: 100.2

Mississippi: 48.5

New daily cases: 4,412

Tests per 100,000: 198

Kansas: 38.5

New daily cases: 0

Tests per 100,000: 96.8

Idaho: 35.3

New daily cases: 751

Tests per 100,000: 73.2

Iowa: 30.7

New daily cases: 0

Tests per 100,000: 54.2

Georgia: 22

New daily cases: 7,016

Tests per 100,000: 249.5

Arkansas: 22

New daily cases: 2,318

Tests per 100,000: 345.2

Tennessee: 21.5

New daily cases: 5,507

Tests per 100,000: 261.1


JUST REALIZED.. There's another game afoot here. The testing positivity rates are NOT the same as transmission rates that the CDC graphs in the Opost graph..

NOTE -- from the numbers above, NO state is higher than 52% test positive rate. But the TRANSMISSION rate is a MODELED number taking into account population density and other factors.

Now 52% positive test rates ARE SERIOUS.. But does not represent # of new cases. And transmission rates certainly dont tell you about # of new cases either... Test positive rates are affected by the TYPE of test, the state/local testing mandates, and the number of times a person who is under medical supervision is tested while sick (and other things)..
Dont be stupid. Get the jab and stop trying to justify your selfishness.
Dont be stupid. Get the jab and stop trying to justify your selfishness.

So caring about truth in numbers or how folks lie/mislead with graphs is stupid? Dont think so.. It;s a lot happier world when you know how to read propaganda and in this case -- public health messaging. Otherwise, your life on-line becomes a stick fight in playground..
No thats not stupid. Whats stupid is seeing all these people die or wind up in ICU and over analyzing the situation because you dont want to get the jab.
You just want me to disclose my vax status publicly. Prettty clever,. But you first. I just sent you mine in PM.. Unlike MOST here -- I take all of this DEADLY serious. And what is the largest problem is no one is explaining the science/data like they're talking to adults.. And orgs and govt agencies/media are taking advantage of that to move MESSAGES -- not the knowledge.

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