What the CDC hotspot map reveals

1500 covid positive illegals dumped in McAllen TX in one week isn't conjecture, dumbass.
Lots of talk and no links. Doctors all agree that the unvaccinated Americans are the reason we are in COVID Hell. You are an annoying human being...BYE!
Lots of talk and no links. Doctors all agree that the unvaccinated Americans are the reason we are in COVID Hell. You are an annoying human being...BYE!

of course. The thousands of covid cases coming over the border haven't percolated YET.. But the messaging from the Admin and state/local govts are MUM over the effects of putting UNTESTED and unvaccinated migrants on planes, buses and minivans and dropping them all over the country..

Probably getting two or three NEW variants introduced by the ghastly irresponsible open border policy... And America rarely tests for new variants, so there's gonna be a huge lag in discovering them..

If you think WWall is annoying, how about an opinionated jerk who has to ASK for links to Covid coming across the open southern border?? NOTE -- the 7500 number is JUST McCallen Tx sector. And that 50% of the crossings are illegal and NEVER documented. So it's extremely likely that this year -- Biden allowed WAY over 15,000 covid positive border crashers to enter. And they LEFT the TESTING and quarantine up to PRIVATE orgs like Catholic Charities.

In the days of Ellis Island, EVERY PERSON was subjected to medical exam and vaccinations.. The mental midgets in charge are criminally insane today.. That's a PRIMARY CONSTITUTIONAL DUTY to protect the borders from disease..

Those 10,000 or so with the MORE CONTAGIOUS delta variant or unknown variants could easily infect 20 or 30,000.. In fact the officers at front lines of CBPatrol have a Covid rate of over 15% just among THAT group..
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Most of California is in the red zone. So is all of Louisiana, all of Kansas, and just about all of Kentucky, North Carolina, and Nevada. All states with Democratic governors. Is that also DeSantis's fault?

No California isn't mostly red. Your first sentence is a lie. It's got a few red spots but it's mostly yellow and orange.

As for those other states, they are a mess too. Why don't their governors do something about it? Missouri, Arkansas Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama and most of the south is all deep red.

Those states being a mess too doesn't excuse the mess that desantis has created in Florida.

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Like DeSantis said -- dont you DARE unleash the DHS against me for speaking out and calling me a "domestic threat" when your incompetent MORONS are flooding the borders with Covid positive entries..
It is easy to make unfounded claims with only opinions of partisans supporting those claims...but this is the fact and the truth.
No California isn't mostly red. Your first sentence is a lie. It's got a few red spots but it's mostly yellow and orange.

As for those other states, they are a mess too. Why don't their governors do something about it? Missouri, Arkansas Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama and most of the south is all deep red.

Those states being a mess too doesn't excuse the mess that desantis has created in Florida.

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The stupidity of desantis, little trump, is the cause of the Florida surge....not immigrants. Mexico has a lower infection rate than the US.
The stupidity of desantis, little trump, is the cause of the Florida surge....not immigrants. Mexico has a lower infection rate than the US.

All a person has to do is look at that map.

If immigrants were causing this then every state along the US Mexico boarder would be red.

They aren't.

California, Arizona and New Mexico aren't all red.

While states that aren't anywhere near Mexico are all red.

I will also add, how are school children being infected by immigrants? School children don't interact with immigrants. They interact with their family and friends.

It's a lie that immigrants are causing this.
No California isn't mostly red. Your first sentence is a lie. It's got a few red spots but it's mostly yellow and orange.

As for those other states, they are a mess too. Why don't their governors do something about it? Missouri, Arkansas Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama and most of the south is all deep red.

Those states being a mess too doesn't excuse the mess that desantis has created in Florida.
Perhaps you can explain why Oregon and Hawaii are now in the top five?

Why didn't their governors do something about that?

Maybe you can explain why cases are shooting up in NYC? Why didn't Cuomo do something about that?

I'm still waiting for you to explain why southern California, most of Nevada, all of Louisiana, and most of Kentucky are experiencing the same surge. Uncanny how all you do is focus on the states with Republican governors, but completely ignore the problems in your own as if they are mutually exclusive.
Perhaps you can explain why Oregon and Hawaii are now in the top five?

Why didn't their governors do something about that?

Maybe you can explain why cases are shooting up in NYC? Why didn't Cuomo do something about that?

Cuomovirus is back ?
It is easy to make unfounded claims with only opinions of partisans supporting those claims...but this is the fact and the truth.

The "surge" hasn't happened YET.. That's why it's mostly driven by the UN-vaxxed for NOW>>

But the SURGE IS REAL., 400 border agents quarantined right now.. Dozens have died since February. It IS COMING to a neighborhood near you.. It's got to.. And who KNOWS what NEW variants are coming in.. Did those doctors assure you that no NEW variants are coming across that border?
I like when our healthcare systems aren’t being ground to a pulp unnecessarily. Why don’t you?

Didn't apparently see the hospitalization chart I posted.. OR -- you cannot read a graph.. We are NOWHERE NEAR the Nov-Dec 2020 peaks.. AND if you look closely, the last 2 weeks of reporting show hospitalizations platued in some fashion.

Skip the media parroting and hype.. Check the numbers before you crap your pants..
All a person has to do is look at that map.

If immigrants were causing this then every state along the US Mexico boarder would be red.

They aren't.

California, Arizona and New Mexico aren't all red.

While states that aren't anywhere near Mexico are all red.

I will also add, how are school children being infected by immigrants? School children don't interact with immigrants. They interact with their family and friends.

It's a lie that immigrants are causing this.
The Biden Crime Family administration is providing transportation for those illegal aliens to any place in the US they want to go...except maybe for Delaware.
And quarantined in hotels. Newsflash… McAllen Texas isn’t Florida

Who HOLDS them in hotels? Catholic Charities? Do they have guns and police powers? Local texas towns complaining that your "quarantined" are coming to the Mickey D's with their kids for burgers and Happy Meals..

Why dont you STOP SUPPORTING a cluster fucked Open Border policy during a pandemic BAD ENOUGH to make it illegal for a lot of citizens to go the gym or go to school.. You're defending the indefensible and endangering the entire country with your political games..

US Govt does not even test them.. SHOULD be vaccinating them all.. Why are they not doing that? Besides being retarded CHe Guevera wannabees?
Who HOLDS them in hotels? Catholic Charities? Do they have guns and police powers? Local texas towns complaining that your "quarantined" are coming to the Mickey D's with their kids for burgers and Happy Meals..

Why dont you STOP SUPPORTING a cluster fucked Open Border policy during a pandemic BAD ENOUGH to make it illegal for a lot of citizens to go the gym or go to school.. You're defending the indefensible and endangering the entire country with your political games..

US Govt does not even test them.. SHOULD be vaccinating them all.. Why are they not doing that? Besides being retarded CHe Guevera wannabees?
Here's an idea...YOU stop supporting ignorant Trumpers who refuse to get vaccinated
Here's an idea...YOU stop supporting ignorant Trumpers who refuse to get vaccinated

You are so brain dead, the non vaccinated aren't the problem. The millions of illegals pouring in are the problem. But you bury your vacuous head in xidens ass, and spew lies.
You are so brain dead, the non vaccinated aren't the problem. The millions of illegals pouring in are the problem. But you bury your vacuous head in xidens ass, and spew lies.
So on the one hand you have a few thousand kids and families who have been tested, quarantined, and vaccinated...and on the other you have tens of MILLIONS of unvaccinated Republicans..


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