What the CDC hotspot map reveals

So on the one hand you have a few thousand kids and families who have been tested, quarantined, and vaccinated...and on the other you have tens of MILLIONS of unvaccinated Republicans..


Unvaccinated who by your admission don't travel all over. Thus you have to find an infected group that DOES travel.

Illegals are being flown all over the country. Viola, there's your vector. So simple a moron could figure it out.

Morons are about all that xidens handlers allow in his admin.
Here's an idea...YOU stop supporting ignorant Trumpers who refuse to get vaccinated

I want every at risk person with co-morbities and chronic med conditions to get vaccinated. I RECOMMEND getting vaccinated even if you dont.. But I'm not a tyrannical power mad politico... So if folks want to assume the risks -- OK by me..

And youre a complete ass wart.. Because BY THE NUMBERS -- it's the BLACK population that are the largest vax hold outs.

People over 50 were both more likely to vote for former President Donald Trump last year and be fully vaccinated.

The disparities between political leanings are even greater when race is taken into account.

New York City data shows about 60 percent of residents have gotten at least one dose, including 35 percent of black New Yorkers and 47 percent of Hispanics.

You waste so much time here just making squeaky noises and showing how uninformed you are and not EMBARRASSED by your ignorance. It would be amusing if I didn't feel sorry for you...

And now potentially with Big Bird DeBlasio asking for Covid papers to buy a newspaper, 64% of NYC blacks will face the systemic racism of the disparate effects of his mandates.. I think they will figure that out pretty soon and SHOW their displeasure. And then the Biden Admin can label THEM as domestic terror threats. AMIRITE????

Your side is dysfunctional and dangerous anywhere NEAR power..
So on the one hand you have a few thousand kids and families who have been tested, quarantined, and vaccinated...and on the other you have tens of MILLIONS of unvaccinated Republicans..
What's WORSE them being terminally ignorant and a politico parrott is IGNORING THE FACTS..

Just TOLD YOU that about 64% of BLACKS IN NYCity are unvaccinated.. And you ignore that at your peril.. Because as soon as they recognize more of the "woking dead" left's systemic racism that Big Bird DeBlasio is about to unleash on them -- THEY WILL BE CONSIDERED national security threats. Ask DHS.. New national security alert for 9/11 says that vaccine deniers are the PRIMARY THREAT for that alert.. NOT the Taliban. NOT the open Southern border. But DEMOCRATICS in NY City..
And BTW with American blacks I RESPECT their decision not to trust MANDATED govt medication that isn't fully tested and authorized for general use.. It's not smart in this case. Is a matter of life/death but folks should "never forget" past govt fatal abuses..
What's WORSE them being terminally ignorant and a politico parrott is IGNORING THE FACTS..

Just TOLD YOU that about 64% of BLACKS IN NYCity are unvaccinated.. And you ignore that at your peril.. Because as soon as they recognize more of the "woking dead" left's systemic racism that Big Bird DeBlasio is about to unleash on them -- THEY WILL BE CONSIDERED national security threats. Ask DHS.. New national security alert for 9/11 says that vaccine deniers are the PRIMARY THREAT for that alert.. NOT the Taliban. NOT the open Southern border. But DEMOCRATICS in NY City..
You "tell me" or sorts of shit.

Now prove it
And BTW with American blacks I RESPECT their decision not to trust MANDATED govt medication that isn't fully tested and authorized for general use.. It's not smart in this case. Is a matter of life/death but folks should "never forget" past govt fatal abuses..
You of course...have been vaccinated??

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