What the Dims are all about

Why do I deserve that? And why did you bring up lies? I never said a word about lies
I write lies by the political class who promoted a wall and now do not. If I steer a little from a rant that is the way I am at times. To me this should not even be an issue and the elites have made it one. Drugs must be dealt with. In all ways it comes here. We can not handle all of the illegals because they are not being absorbed into the culture. There are to many of them.
The Dems are blocking Trump campaign for a wall because of the racist and divisive undertones that surround it. I actually don’t think that Trump intended to be racist, I think he was just trying to be tough, but once that ball started rolling he has done little to nothing to try and stop it. The Dems don’t oppose walls or border security, they oppose Trumps wall and what it symbolizes. Please understand the difference.

Lucky for you is that if you really care about drugs and illegals crossing the border the main pathway of entry for those groups are the ports of entry and we can do many things to beef up security in those place. That’s what the Dems will fund and that is something that can actually get done and make an impact:

Trump overplayed his hand with the wall rhetoric and now it just ain’t gonna fly. We will get it next round
What a load of crap.
Brilliant argument. But do you care to elaborate?
Liberals embrace radicals that spew racism. Even elect them to office and give them a platform to spew racism and bigotry.

They don’t oppose the wall because of Racism. They oppose it for nothing more than if it gets built Trump will be re elected. Period.
I agree. But many people see Trump and his rhetoric as extremely divisive and demeaning towards minorities. So the two are related
We are well over 20 TRILLION dollars in debt.

Your gubmint checks are not worth the paper they are printed on. . . . but nobody really cares about that.

The majority of debt racked up since Pelosi-schomuer won both houses 2006 and presided over the 2008 crash and drawn out costly fix.
This is a win for the American people and the only party that even half-assed cares about people who work for a living.

It's a win for foreign invaders, and those traitors who support them.

A win or the American people would have been a wall to protect us from these invaders.

At least any doubt has now been removed, as to whose side the Democraps are on.
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This is a win for the American people and the only party that even half-assed cares about people who work for a living.

Did you really just use the word "work"?

You do know your master Marx never worked a day in his life.
This is a win for the American people and the only party that even half-assed cares about people who work for a living.

Did you really just use the word "work"?

You do know your master Marx never worked a day in his life.
If democrats actually cared about the people who “ work “ they would stop trying to make them poor and unemployed.
This is a win for the American people and the only party that even half-assed cares about people who work for a living.

Did you really just use the word "work"?

You do know your master Marx never worked a day in his life.
If democrats actually cared about the people who “ work “ they would stop trying to make them poor and unemployed.

If only.... they don't give a shit about the people who provide them the means to live. In fact they hate them, which enables them to parasite society's resources with no remorse. By the "rich" they mean anyone who is productive.

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