What the F Obama , He wants to raise the debt ceiling again

Here's your problem you are making shit up as if I said them when did I say the fed loans money to the treasury? The only thing I have said is the fed exchanges FRN for U.S. Stocks . So stop saying shit I did not say.


What the fuck? Where is it or was it said?

Right here: http://www.usmessageboard.com/econo...se-the-debt-ceiling-again-10.html#post4595012

I gave you the link.

You need to produce evidence that the Fed lends directly to the Treasury.
The only person that has said anything about the fed lending money to the treasury is you so maybe you need to prove it.
You are dumber than a stump.

Yeah this is getting old.

Right here: http://www.usmessageboard.com/econo...se-the-debt-ceiling-again-10.html#post4595012

I gave you the link.

You need to produce evidence that the Fed lends directly to the Treasury.
The only person that has said anything about the fed lending money to the treasury is you so maybe you need to prove it.
You are dumber than a stump.

Yeah this is getting old.

Here's what I posted no where did I say the fed lends money to the treasury

If you will pull a dollar bill out and take a look at it, you will notice that it says "Federal Reserve Note" at the top.

It belongs to the Federal Reserve.

The U.S. government cannot simply go out and create new money whenever it wants under our current system.

Instead, it must get it from the Federal Reserve.

It's called an exchanged you fucking moron
So, when the U.S. government needs to borrow more money (which happens a lot these days) it goes over to the Federal Reserve and asks them for some more green pieces of paper called Federal Reserve Notes.

The Federal Reserve swaps these green pieces of paper for pink pieces of paper called U.S. Treasury bonds. The Federal Reserve either sells these U.S. Treasury bonds or they keep the bonds for themselves (which happens a lot these days).
What the fuck? Where is it or was it said?

Right here: http://www.usmessageboard.com/econo...se-the-debt-ceiling-again-10.html#post4595012

I gave you the link.

Yeah this is getting old.

Here's what I posted no where did I say the fed lends money to the treasury

So, when the U.S. government needs to borrow more money (which happens a lot these days) it goes over to the Federal Reserve and asks them for some more green pieces of paper called Federal Reserve Notes.

The Federal Reserve swaps these green pieces of paper for pink pieces of paper called U.S. Treasury bonds. The Federal Reserve either sells these U.S. Treasury bonds or they keep the bonds for themselves (which happens a lot these days).

You know that selling bonds is borrowing money, right? If I trade you a bond, that means you give me the $1 million (or whatever the face value is), and I pay you interest on that every six months up until the bond matures, when I give you back the whole $1 million. Bonds are the primary way organisations loan each other money. So when the Fed buys a
Treasury bond from somebody, that's the Fed loaning them money. So your claim that US Treasury goes to the Fed and swaps a bond for money is the Fed loaning the US Treasury money.

Here's what I posted no where did I say the fed lends money to the treasury

So, when the U.S. government needs to borrow more money (which happens a lot these days) it goes over to the Federal Reserve and asks them for some more green pieces of paper called Federal Reserve Notes.

The Federal Reserve swaps these green pieces of paper for pink pieces of paper called U.S. Treasury bonds. The Federal Reserve either sells these U.S. Treasury bonds or they keep the bonds for themselves (which happens a lot these days).

You know that selling bonds is borrowing money, right? If I trade you a bond, that means you give me the $1 million (or whatever the face value is), and I pay you interest on that every six months up until the bond matures, when I give you back the whole $1 million. Bonds are the primary way organisations loan each other money. So when the Fed buys a
Treasury bond from somebody, that's the Fed loaning them money. So your claim that US Treasury goes to the Fed and swaps a bond for money is the Fed loaning the US Treasury money.

What part of this are you confused about
The Federal Reserve swaps these green pieces of paper for pink pieces of paper called U.S. Treasury bonds.
A exchange or swap is not barrowing
Here's what I posted no where did I say the fed lends money to the treasury

You know that selling bonds is borrowing money, right? If I trade you a bond, that means you give me the $1 million (or whatever the face value is), and I pay you interest on that every six months up until the bond matures, when I give you back the whole $1 million. Bonds are the primary way organisations loan each other money. So when the Fed buys a
Treasury bond from somebody, that's the Fed loaning them money. So your claim that US Treasury goes to the Fed and swaps a bond for money is the Fed loaning the US Treasury money.

What part of this are you confused about
The Federal Reserve swaps these green pieces of paper for pink pieces of paper called U.S. Treasury bonds.
A exchange or swap is not barrowing

Hahah. So not only do you not know what a bond is, you didn't bother reading the explanation I gave you. Bonds are loans!!! The Treasury creating a bond and selling it to the Fed is just the Fed giving a loan to the Treasury.

But anyway, what was your explanation for the $79 billion the Fed gives to the Treasury again?
You know that selling bonds is borrowing money, right? If I trade you a bond, that means you give me the $1 million (or whatever the face value is), and I pay you interest on that every six months up until the bond matures, when I give you back the whole $1 million. Bonds are the primary way organisations loan each other money. So when the Fed buys a
Treasury bond from somebody, that's the Fed loaning them money. So your claim that US Treasury goes to the Fed and swaps a bond for money is the Fed loaning the US Treasury money.

What part of this are you confused about
The Federal Reserve swaps these green pieces of paper for pink pieces of paper called U.S. Treasury bonds.
A exchange or swap is not barrowing

Hahah. So not only do you not know what a bond is, you didn't bother reading the explanation I gave you. Bonds are loans!!! The Treasury creating a bond and selling it to the Fed is just the Fed giving a loan to the Treasury.

But anyway, what was your explanation for the $79 billion the Fed gives to the Treasury again?

Its a fucking exchange you jack ass I give you something you give me something in exchange
I will give you this___________ for this ___________
Borrowing is you coming to me asking for money or what ever you need.
What part of this are you confused about
The Federal Reserve swaps these green pieces of paper for pink pieces of paper called U.S. Treasury bonds.
A exchange or swap is not barrowing

Hahah. So not only do you not know what a bond is, you didn't bother reading the explanation I gave you. Bonds are loans!!! The Treasury creating a bond and selling it to the Fed is just the Fed giving a loan to the Treasury.

But anyway, what was your explanation for the $79 billion the Fed gives to the Treasury again?

Its a fucking exchange you jack ass I give you something you give me something in exchange
I will give you this___________ for this ___________
Borrowing is you coming to me asking for money or what ever you need.

So what the fuck do you think a bond is? A bond is the contract, the pink piece of paper as you put it, that says "You owe me $1 million on the 23rd of Jan 2020" and grants you a "coupon" of say, 5%, every six months. Seriously, what the fuck do you think a bond is? Obviously not just a fucking pink slip of paper. Who the fuck would want to buy pink paper from anybody? It's a debt obligation. In other words, it's a loan.
Hahah. So not only do you not know what a bond is, you didn't bother reading the explanation I gave you. Bonds are loans!!! The Treasury creating a bond and selling it to the Fed is just the Fed giving a loan to the Treasury.

But anyway, what was your explanation for the $79 billion the Fed gives to the Treasury again?

Its a fucking exchange you jack ass I give you something you give me something in exchange
I will give you this___________ for this ___________
Borrowing is you coming to me asking for money or what ever you need.

So what the fuck do you think a bond is? A bond is the contract, the pink piece of paper as you put it, that says "You owe me $1 million on the 23rd of Jan 2020" and grants you a "coupon" of say, 5%, every six months. Seriously, what the fuck do you think a bond is? Obviously not just a fucking pink slip of paper. Who the fuck would want to buy pink paper from anybody? It's a debt obligation. In other words, it's a loan.
What the fuck is an exchange?
Its a fucking exchange you jack ass I give you something you give me something in exchange
I will give you this___________ for this ___________
Borrowing is you coming to me asking for money or what ever you need.

So what the fuck do you think a bond is? A bond is the contract, the pink piece of paper as you put it, that says "You owe me $1 million on the 23rd of Jan 2020" and grants you a "coupon" of say, 5%, every six months. Seriously, what the fuck do you think a bond is? Obviously not just a fucking pink slip of paper. Who the fuck would want to buy pink paper from anybody? It's a debt obligation. In other words, it's a loan.
What the fuck is an exchange?

A loan is an exchange, retard. You give me money and I exchange for it a promise to pay it back with interest.
So what the fuck do you think a bond is? A bond is the contract, the pink piece of paper as you put it, that says "You owe me $1 million on the 23rd of Jan 2020" and grants you a "coupon" of say, 5%, every six months. Seriously, what the fuck do you think a bond is? Obviously not just a fucking pink slip of paper. Who the fuck would want to buy pink paper from anybody? It's a debt obligation. In other words, it's a loan.
What the fuck is an exchange?

A loan is an exchange, retard. You give me money and I exchange for it a promise to pay it back with interest.

If I give you something in return for something else what would that be?
The fed exchanged FRN for U.S. Bonds The fed did not loan the treasury anything. A swap is not a loan.
Dude you are idiot how many time must you repeat something out of context that I did not say?

Here's what I said

You do know what the meaning of an exchange is don't you?
Is it just your stupid hope that if you repeat something enough times there maybe a chance it will come true?

How would anyone pull out an FRN that hasn't been exchanged by the Fed? LOL!
Nice tap dancing, but a fail.
So why does the Fed give most of their profit to the Treasury?

How would anyone pull out an FRN that hasn't been exchanged by the Fed?
Did I god damn say that you dumb son of a bitch? If you have a federal reserve note in your wallet it has already been exchanged

So why does the Fed give most of their profit to the Treasury?

Do they? Why did the federal reserve buy 80% of the stock from AIG?

If the FRN in my wallet was already exchanged then your comment was just fucking useless, like you.

By the way, the Treasury bought 80% of AIG, not the Fed.

A loan is an exchange, retard. You give me money and I exchange for it a promise to pay it back with interest.

If I give you something in return for something else what would that be?
The fed exchanged FRN for U.S. Bonds The fed did not loan the treasury anything. A swap is not a loan.

What are they swapping? Money for bonds. And what's a bond?

Paper for paper
Maybe you should do some more research.
read this slowly

Normally, the Fed swaps green pieces of paper called Federal Reserve Notes for pink pieces of paper called U.S. bonds (the federal government’s I.O.U.s), in order to provide Congress with the dollars it cannot raise through taxes. Now, it seems, the government is issuing bonds, not for its own use, but for the use of the Fed! Perhaps the plan is to swap them with the banks’ dodgy derivatives collateral directly, without actually putting them up for sale to outside buyers. According to Wikipedia (which translates Fedspeak into somewhat clearer terms than the Fed’s own website):

"The Term Securities Lending Facility is a 28-day facility that will offer Treasury general collateral to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s primary dealers in exchange for other program-eligible collateral. It is intended to promote liquidity in the financing markets for Treasury and other collateral and thus to foster the functioning of financial markets more generally. . . . The resource allows dealers to switch debt that is less liquid for U.S. government securities that are easily tradable."
Who Owns The Federal Reserve?

Just saying the same thing over and over again doesn't make you win. You need to produce evidence that the Fed lends directly to the Treasury. I have already produced evidence, in the Federal Reserve Act, that they do not as it is highly illegal.

Now for your second paragraph, "Treasury general collateral" means Treasuries. It is not engaging in transactions with the US Treasury (as before, that's illegal). What they're doing is swapping less liquid assets for highly liquid Treasuries with banks. This transaction is between the Fed and banks.

We have already established that private banks must hold equity in the Fed. This is not a contentious point, so shut the fuck up about it. The fact that they hold equity means nothing, since monetary policy decisions are made by people appointed by the President. Ben Bernanke was not elected by a consortium of banks, he was appointed by the President of the United States and confirmed by the Senate. So produce actual evidence of the things you are asserting, don't just keep flogging the same irrelevant point.

You need to produce evidence that the Fed lends directly to the Treasury.

Here's your problem you are making shit up as if I said them when did I say the fed loans money to the treasury? The only thing I have said is the fed exchanges FRN for U.S. Stocks . So stop saying shit I did not say.

The Fed doesn't exchange FRNs for stocks or bonds, dimwit.
If I give you something in return for something else what would that be?
The fed exchanged FRN for U.S. Bonds The fed did not loan the treasury anything. A swap is not a loan.

What are they swapping? Money for bonds. And what's a bond?

Paper for paper
Maybe you should do some more research.

Just paper. Why is anybody buying bonds if they're just paper. What gives them value? Do people use them as office supplies? Is it blank paper? Or scented paper, what? Is there something written on it, like... i don't know, a debt contract?
Just saying the same thing over and over again doesn't make you win. You need to produce evidence that the Fed lends directly to the Treasury. I have already produced evidence, in the Federal Reserve Act, that they do not as it is highly illegal.

Now for your second paragraph, "Treasury general collateral" means Treasuries. It is not engaging in transactions with the US Treasury (as before, that's illegal). What they're doing is swapping less liquid assets for highly liquid Treasuries with banks. This transaction is between the Fed and banks.

We have already established that private banks must hold equity in the Fed. This is not a contentious point, so shut the fuck up about it. The fact that they hold equity means nothing, since monetary policy decisions are made by people appointed by the President. Ben Bernanke was not elected by a consortium of banks, he was appointed by the President of the United States and confirmed by the Senate. So produce actual evidence of the things you are asserting, don't just keep flogging the same irrelevant point.

Here's your problem you are making shit up as if I said them when did I say the fed loans money to the treasury? The only thing I have said is the fed exchanges FRN for U.S. Stocks . So stop saying shit I did not say.


So, when the U.S. government needs to borrow more money (which happens a lot these days) it goes over to the Federal Reserve and asks them for some more green pieces of paper called Federal Reserve Notes.

The Federal Reserve swaps these green pieces of paper for pink pieces of paper called U.S. Treasury bonds. The Federal Reserve either sells these U.S. Treasury bonds or they keep the bonds for themselves (which happens a lot these days).

He's an idiot and has poor memory. We should stop smacking him around.
What a fucking nimrod of a President

Here's what I posted no where did I say the fed lends money to the treasury

You know that selling bonds is borrowing money, right? If I trade you a bond, that means you give me the $1 million (or whatever the face value is), and I pay you interest on that every six months up until the bond matures, when I give you back the whole $1 million. Bonds are the primary way organisations loan each other money. So when the Fed buys a
Treasury bond from somebody, that's the Fed loaning them money. So your claim that US Treasury goes to the Fed and swaps a bond for money is the Fed loaning the US Treasury money.

What part of this are you confused about
The Federal Reserve swaps these green pieces of paper for pink pieces of paper called U.S. Treasury bonds.
A exchange or swap is not barrowing

Wow, your IQ is in the single digits, isn't it?
Here's your problem you are making shit up as if I said them when did I say the fed loans money to the treasury? The only thing I have said is the fed exchanges FRN for U.S. Stocks . So stop saying shit I did not say.


So, when the U.S. government needs to borrow more money (which happens a lot these days) it goes over to the Federal Reserve and asks them for some more green pieces of paper called Federal Reserve Notes.

The Federal Reserve swaps these green pieces of paper for pink pieces of paper called U.S. Treasury bonds. The Federal Reserve either sells these U.S. Treasury bonds or they keep the bonds for themselves (which happens a lot these days).

He's an idiot and has poor memory. We should stop smacking him around.

Yeah, I know. I tried leaving earlier and hate myself for coming back.:(
How would anyone pull out an FRN that hasn't been exchanged by the Fed? LOL!
Nice tap dancing, but a fail.
So why does the Fed give most of their profit to the Treasury?

Did I god damn say that you dumb son of a bitch? If you have a federal reserve note in your wallet it has already been exchanged

So why does the Fed give most of their profit to the Treasury?

Do they? Why did the federal reserve buy 80% of the stock from AIG?

If the FRN in my wallet was already exchanged then your comment was just fucking useless, like you.

By the way, the Treasury bought 80% of AIG, not the Fed.


god damn you are a fuck troll toad. No where did I say that
By the way, the Treasury bought 80% of AIG, not the Fed.


It seems the FED bought it then resold to the treasury
New York Fed repaid, Treasury owns 92% of stock: AIG

New York Fed repaid, Treasury owns 92% of stock: AIG | Business Insurance

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