"What the hell do you have to lose"....GREAT "pick-up" line?

What a condescending pitch, that implies that all African-Americans live in abject poverty and whose lives could not get any worse. This is why Donald Trump will capture not more than a few percentage points of the black vote. He is completely out of touch. He must judge all blacks by pictures from the rioting in Ferguson and Milwaukee.

What do Blacks have to lose if Donald Trump is elected? A lot, just like all Americans. Trump's exaggeration, quick temper, playing lose with the facts, and putting his image above all else will hurt all Americans regardless of color.

Well stated......and don't ever forget that Trump was the "funder" of the birther movement.......One of the most blatant of racist attempts in this last decade that conservatives now want to be forgotten..
Blacks have put their faith in liberals for nearly 60 years...and their plight is in many ways worse now. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results. Trump is right - they have nothing to lose, especially after thr DNC's hacked e-mails exposed libs as anti-Semitic, racist, sexist homophobes!

Which party, tried to label Obama's presidency as illegitimate because of doubts that a black could rise to the oval office????

W, hat about the tacit racism of most blacks?

if YOU were a tiny bit smarter, you'd see that with the above you ARE admitting that conservatives are racists by simply retorting, "well, since blacks are 'racists' we can be too."
"Hey, once I send all the Latinos back across the border, the Blacks can have all of their low-paying jobs."

EXACTLY.........Trump is trying to tell blacks, you can pick tomatoes and mow lawns once i kick out the Latinos........"great" message, don't you think?
Well, fifty years ago following the passage - despite strong Democrat opposition - of the Civil Rights Act, blacks were in the ghetto, though better educated and more civilized than today.

Now, they are still in the ghetto after fifty years of voting for Democrats, except they are comparatively more indigent, less educated, and have a subculture of "super predators", to use Hillary's terminology.

Realistically speaking, what DO they have to lose?

Thinly veiled racism, there, Billy.......

Bottom line is this: You and most Trump acolytes must think that blacks are DUMB, for NOT taking your word that the GOP is their "friend".......

Trump promises to make jobs available to all races. Those blacks that want a job may be interested in what Trump is offering.
Are you really so dense to believe Trump can "make jobs"? He knows NOTHING about economic policy. I mean okay, we could argue all day about him being a shitty businessman of not, but him creating jobs in his company is not even close to the same thing when it comes to stimulating economic growth across the country. How about you tell me, specifically, what policy ideas of Trump will create jobs?

There is a difference between 'make jobs' and 'make jobs available.' Lowering corporate taxes will not only give them more money to hire and expand, many small businesses exist to sell to and serve big businesses.
There are several trillion dollars sitting in corporations off shore accounts that would be brought back to the US at a lower tax rate and used to expand and hire.
Lower taxes on middle class workers gives them more buying power.
If you had been listening, you would have heard Trump say this.
Blacks have put their faith in liberals for nearly 60 years...and their plight is in many ways worse now. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results. Trump is right - they have nothing to lose, especially after thr DNC's hacked e-mails exposed libs as anti-Semitic, racist, sexist homophobes!

Which party, tried to label Obama's presidency as illegitimate because of doubts that a black could rise to the oval office????

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That would have been Bill and Hillary Clinton during the 2008 primary. It is one of the few things that they got right.
There is a difference between 'make jobs' and 'make jobs available.' Lowering corporate taxes will not only give them more money to hire and expand,

Name ONE large corporation that is actually PAYING the high corporate tax? Go ahead,....Is it GE? Is it Apple? Is it Fox?

The bullshit about having the highest corporate tax rate in the world (which is also untrue) is just that....bullshit, since these corporations.have also paid to include in the tax code hundreds of loop holes......Just ask Trump to show his taxes to see clearly the bullshit that his corporation is OVER-taxed.
The most telling aspect of this thread is that every coherent logical argument against Neo-Conservatism has been posted on the first 22 pages and the Neo-Conservatives here are still posting proven Neo-Conservative nonsense.
There is a difference between 'make jobs' and 'make jobs available.' Lowering corporate taxes will not only give them more money to hire and expand,

Name ONE large corporation that is actually PAYING the high corporate tax? Go ahead,....Is it GE? Is it Apple? Is it Fox?

The bullshit about having the highest corporate tax rate in the world (which is also untrue) is just that....bullshit, since these corporations.have also paid to include in the tax code hundreds of loop holes......Just ask Trump to show his taxes to see clearly the bullshit that his corporation is OVER-taxed.

I am always amused when stupid Moon Bats complain about corporate taxes as if it was some greedy "tax the rich" Left Wing obsession.

Every cent that is paid in corporate taxes comes from the revenue of selling goods and services. Corporate taxes are nothing than pass alongs from the rank and file that buy the goods and services.

In an internal market if you have high corporate taxation then you have high cost of goods and services.

However, in a global market the high cost can make a corporation noncompetitive when competitors have a lower tax rate. That is why American companies like Johnson Controls says fuck the US with its high corporate taxes and goes to Ireland with one third the tax rate.

It would really be nice if you stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats would take a course in economics every once in awhile. Then you wouldn't look like fools whenever you posted your ignorant dribble on the internet.

By the way Moon Bat, if you don't like the tax code as you indicated in your post above then vote for Trump because he is running on a platform not only to lower taxes but to simply the tax code.
I am always amused when stupid Moon Bats complain about corporate taxes as if it was some greedy "tax the rich" Left Wing obsession.

Every cent that is paid in corporate taxes comes from the revenue of selling goods and services. Corporate taxes are nothing than pass alongs from the rank and file that buy the goods and services.

In an internal market if you have high corporate taxation then you have high cost of goods and services.

However, in a global market the high cost can make a corporation noncompetitive when competitors have a lower tax rate. That is why American companies like Johnson Controls says fuck the US with its high corporate taxes and goes to Ireland with one third the tax rate.

It would really be nice if you stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats would take a course in economics every once in awhile. Then you wouldn't look like fools whenever you posted your ignorant dribble on the internet.

How did the GWB tax cuts worked out for you....Mindful that when Bush finally left office, we had 700,000 to 750,000 NEW unemployment people PER MONTH.......

Ten Years of the Bush Tax Cuts Benefiting the Rich

On June 7, 2001, President George W. Bush signed into law the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act, the first of two "Bush tax cuts." That measure reduced the top income tax rate from 39.6 percent to 35 percent, and reduced capital gains and estate taxes. In the 10 years since the first Bush tax cut went into effect:

The richest Americans received the most benefit from the Bush tax cuts.
  • $520,000: The average tax cut received by the top 0.1 percent of Americans, those making more than $3 million a year. That is over 450 times the tax cut received by an average middle-class family.
I am always amused when stupid Moon Bats complain about corporate taxes as if it was some greedy "tax the rich" Left Wing obsession.

Every cent that is paid in corporate taxes comes from the revenue of selling goods and services. Corporate taxes are nothing than pass alongs from the rank and file that buy the goods and services.

In an internal market if you have high corporate taxation then you have high cost of goods and services.

However, in a global market the high cost can make a corporation noncompetitive when competitors have a lower tax rate. That is why American companies like Johnson Controls says fuck the US with its high corporate taxes and goes to Ireland with one third the tax rate.

It would really be nice if you stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats would take a course in economics every once in awhile. Then you wouldn't look like fools whenever you posted your ignorant dribble on the internet.

How did the GWB tax cuts worked out for you....Mindful that when Bush finally left office, we had 700,000 to 750,000 NEW unemployment people PER MONTH.......

Ten Years of the Bush Tax Cuts Benefiting the Rich

On June 7, 2001, President George W. Bush signed into law the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act, the first of two "Bush tax cuts." That measure reduced the top income tax rate from 39.6 percent to 35 percent, and reduced capital gains and estate taxes. In the 10 years since the first Bush tax cut went into effect:

The richest Americans received the most benefit from the Bush tax cuts.
  • $520,000: The average tax cut received by the top 0.1 percent of Americans, those making more than $3 million a year. That is over 450 times the tax cut received by an average middle-class family.

You are really an ignorant Moon Bat.

The Bush tax cuts benefited everybody in the proportion that they paid in taxes. If you paid in a lot of taxes you got a lot of benefit. If you didn't pay in much taxes then tough shit. Bush even took million of welfare queens off the tax rolls so stop your bitching.

The Bush tax cuts is what saved the US economy after 911 until Barney Queerboy, Tits Peloski, Dirty Harry and Hussein Obama and that filthy ass Democrat Party took over the Congress in 2007 and fucked everything up.

Not only did those jackasses screw up the the economy but they ran up the debt to astronomical levels.

Only you stupid uneducated low information mentally deranged Moon Bats think it is better for the government to spend the money that you make instead of yourselves.

Of course you really don't want to pay taxes, do you? What you greedy socialist assholes really want is for somebody else besides yourselves to pay the tax bill.
"Hey, once I send all the Latinos back across the border, the Blacks can have all of their low-paying jobs."

EXACTLY.........Trump is trying to tell blacks, you can pick tomatoes and mow lawns once i kick out the Latinos........"great" message, don't you think?

The fact of the matter is that there are a lot of black people (and not just black people, but they are the hardest hit STATISTICALLY speaking) out of work who could use those jobs making minimum wage or more, but since these businesses hire illegals at UNDER minimum wage, they are taking jobs away from others.
"Hey, once I send all the Latinos back across the border, the Blacks can have all of their low-paying jobs."

EXACTLY.........Trump is trying to tell blacks, you can pick tomatoes and mow lawns once i kick out the Latinos........"great" message, don't you think?

The fact of the matter is that there are a lot of black people (and not just black people, but they are the hardest hit STATISTICALLY speaking) out of work who could use those jobs making minimum wage or more, but since these businesses hire illegals at UNDER minimum wage, they are taking jobs away from others.

But what good are those jobs going to do those people when they still can't make ends meet because the wage is so low? Get assistance from the government? Did you know that generally speaking, unless a person has kids, the amount of assistance a person loses by working a minimum wage job ends up equally the amount of money they make? So a person then ends up working to make up for the same amount of assistance they lose. Seems odd doesn't it? To punish someone for working to provide a living for themselves.
"Hey, once I send all the Latinos back across the border, the Blacks can have all of their low-paying jobs."

EXACTLY.........Trump is trying to tell blacks, you can pick tomatoes and mow lawns once i kick out the Latinos........"great" message, don't you think?

The fact of the matter is that there are a lot of black people (and not just black people, but they are the hardest hit STATISTICALLY speaking) out of work who could use those jobs making minimum wage or more, but since these businesses hire illegals at UNDER minimum wage, they are taking jobs away from others.

But what good are those jobs going to do those people when they still can't make ends meet because the wage is so low? Get assistance from the government? Did you know that generally speaking, unless a person has kids, the amount of assistance a person loses by working a minimum wage job ends up equally the amount of money they make? So a person then ends up working to make up for the same amount of assistance they lose. Seems odd doesn't it? To punish someone for working to provide a living for themselves.

Yes, that's a shame, but those jobs might not be so low paying and our wages may not be so stagnant if it weren't for our careless policies and our corporotacracy.
The fact of the matter is that there are a lot of black people (and not just black people, but they are the hardest hit STATISTICALLY speaking) out of work who could use those jobs making minimum wage or more, but since these businesses hire illegals at UNDER minimum wage, they are taking jobs away from others.

Want to venture a guess as to WHO those businesses that prefer to hire illegals would support? If you ever wondered WHY republicans in congress refuse to pass ANY immigration laws, you've just stumbled into the answer.
Not only do they not pay them even minimum wage, they also don't provide health insurance or any of the other goody packages the rest of us get! Supporting illegal immigration is supporting the corporotacracy!

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