"What the hell do you have to lose"....GREAT "pick-up" line?

Black Americans workers are unionized. The more power you give Republicans, the worse it is for unionized labor.

Yes, I believe you might be right. And, we can all see the benefits black American workers, in unions, have had in Detroit Michigan and numerous other cities in the rust belt. We all know the benefits today of Unions in the railroads, airlines, steel workers. Like the horse and buggy, the unions were useful 100 years ago, today, like a horse and buggy on an interstate, they are a problem.
I'd still do it if I were him. It would make news and maybe shake some people up.

If the GOP wants to make inroads with Black voters, somebody has to be first to break down the wall. Why not him?

Trump has a choice to make......really attract black voters OR, piss off the white supremacy groups currently endorsing him.....

Your sentence makes no sense but I do get your foolish message.

Is this what you mean?

As many of us have often stated.....the BEST way to defeat Trump is to let him open his mouth.....

The thread's heading is a verbatim quote from Trump to garner the black vote (currently ONE percent of black voters are considering a vote for Trump) and, the orange clown "predicts" that in his second term (heaven forbid) he would corner 95% of the black vote (...and that would be higher than Obama ever got).....

So, "what the hell do you have to lose....." is the pick up line that Trump is using to woe black voters.

Perhaps someone convinced Trump that indeed, "Orange is the new Black."
Setting aside the idiocy of the statement itself, blacks in fact have a great deal to lose with Trump as president – Trump’s appointments to the Supreme Court alone could adversely affect the ability of blacks and other minorities to vote, most importantly of all.

Whaaat? Lol. Do explain this one.
That comment must have been related to voter ID. Lol. It is a LAW in some counties that you MUST have identification. It is only the right thing to do nowadays. This is 2016. Get with the program!
As many of us have often stated.....the BEST way to defeat Trump is to let him open his mouth.....

The thread's heading is a verbatim quote from Trump to garner the black vote (currently ONE percent of black voters are considering a vote for Trump) and, the orange clown "predicts" that in his second term (heaven forbid) he would corner 95% of the black vote (...and that would be higher than Obama ever got).....

So, "what the hell do you have to lose....." is the pick up line that Trump is using to woe black voters.

Perhaps someone convinced Trump that indeed, "Orange is the new Black."
Setting aside the idiocy of the statement itself, blacks in fact have a great deal to lose with Trump as president – Trump’s appointments to the Supreme Court alone could adversely affect the ability of blacks and other minorities to vote, most importantly of all.

As many of us have often stated.....the BEST way to defeat Trump is to let him open his mouth.....

The thread's heading is a verbatim quote from Trump to garner the black vote (currently ONE percent of black voters are considering a vote for Trump) and, the orange clown "predicts" that in his second term (heaven forbid) he would corner 95% of the black vote (...and that would be higher than Obama ever got).....

So, "what the hell do you have to lose....." is the pick up line that Trump is using to woe black voters.

Perhaps someone convinced Trump that indeed, "Orange is the new Black."
What a condescending pitch, that implies that all African-Americans live in abject poverty and whose lives could not get any worse. This is why Donald Trump will capture not more than a few percentage points of the black vote. He is completely out of touch. He must judge all blacks by pictures from the rioting in Ferguson and Milwaukee.

What do Blacks have to lose if Donald Trump is elected? A lot, just like all Americans. Trump's exaggeration, quick temper, playing lose with the facts, and putting his image above all else will hurt all Americans regardless of color.
Blacks have put their faith in liberals for nearly 60 years...and their plight is in many ways worse now. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results. Trump is right - they have nothing to lose, especially after thr DNC's hacked e-mails exposed libs as anti-Semitic, racist, sexist homophobes!
They have nothing to lose because their cities are shit, run by democrats for elites....so why not try something new...you can't do any worse than democrats.

Well, moron....you have TWO choices in "defending" the above......

Either you admit that Trump and the rest of you are full of shit.......OR
You are labeling blacks a bunch of idiots who don't believe the "benevolence" of Trumpsters

So, which is it ?

They have nothing to lose because their cities are shit, run by democrats for elites....so why not try something new...you can't do any worse than democrats.

Well, moron....you have TWO choices in "defending" the above......

Either you admit that Trump and the rest of you are full of shit.......OR
You are labeling blacks a bunch of idiots who don't believe the "benevolence" of Trumpsters

So, which is it ?

They do what the black clergy and elites tell them.
think for yourself.......and let's face it they are mad at milwaukee...it hasn't had a Republican mayor elected since 1908.........maybe, you ought to try apples slogan, think differrent.
As many of us have often stated.....the BEST way to defeat Trump is to let him open his mouth.....

The thread's heading is a verbatim quote from Trump to garner the black vote (currently ONE percent of black voters are considering a vote for Trump) and, the orange clown "predicts" that in his second term (heaven forbid) he would corner 95% of the black vote (...and that would be higher than Obama ever got).....

So, "what the hell do you have to lose....." is the pick up line that Trump is using to woe black voters.

Perhaps someone convinced Trump that indeed, "Orange is the new Black."
What a condescending pitch, that implies that all African-Americans live in abject poverty and whose lives could not get any worse. This is why Donald Trump will capture not more than a few percentage points of the black vote. He is completely out of touch. He must judge all blacks by pictures from the rioting in Ferguson and Milwaukee.

What do Blacks have to lose if Donald Trump is elected? A lot, just like all Americans. Trump's exaggeration, quick temper, playing lose with the facts, and putting his image above all else will hurt all Americans regardless of color.

What do Blacks have to gain by continuing this on for another four years?
Chicago homicides
The map below is based on around-the-clock reporting by the Chicago Tribune staff.

2016 homicides are marked on the map as blue circles.


JAN. 1, 2016 - PRESENT
JAN. 1, 2015 - DEC. 31, 2015
Crime in Chicago -- Chicago Tribune


Chicago shooting victims
Last updated Aug. 20, 2016

The map below shows where people were shot in Chicago, broken down by community area. Darker shades of blue indicate greater numbers of victims in those community areas.

This data is compiled from reporting done by the Chicago Tribune Breaking News staff and is typically updated more than once per week. Therefore, the most recent shootings may not be displayed immediately.


JAN. 1, 2016 - AUG. 20, 2016
shooting victims
JAN. 1, 2015 - DEC. 31, 2015
shooting victims

Crime in Chicago -- Chicago Tribune
PLEASE tell me I'm wrong.

You are.......bitch all you want, but blacks will NEVER support the tacit racism of most ultra conservatives.
Translation...We get our handouts or we riot.

We change this by 1. more education, and 2. allow(enforcing anti-trust laws) for more competition in this country. The big boys won't move into the innercity so educated blacks need to start a new business without fear of being screwed out of the market.

Well, fifty years ago following the passage - despite strong Democrat opposition - of the Civil Rights Act, blacks were in the ghetto, though better educated and more civilized than today.

Now, they are still in the ghetto after fifty years of voting for Democrats, except they are comparatively more indigent, less educated, and have a subculture of "super predators", to use Hillary's terminology.

Realistically speaking, what DO they have to lose?

Thinly veiled racism, there, Billy.......

Bottom line is this: You and most Trump acolytes must think that blacks are DUMB, for NOT taking your word that the GOP is their "friend".......

Trump promises to make jobs available to all races. Those blacks that want a job may be interested in what Trump is offering.
Are you really so dense to believe Trump can "make jobs"? He knows NOTHING about economic policy. I mean okay, we could argue all day about him being a shitty businessman of not, but him creating jobs in his company is not even close to the same thing when it comes to stimulating economic growth across the country. How about you tell me, specifically, what policy ideas of Trump will create jobs?

I don't know what he could do or what any president could really do. It is what it is, IMO. He has talked about our free trade agreements, and that might help America's overall economy. I don't claim to be an expert in economics or Trump's policies, but I do feel like "what do I have to lose?" Really, what DO I have to lose? Even though I personally don't care for the man, I think he is probably a more moderate type of republican. I don't think he is overly religious or fanatical about that in any way, so at least he's more or less realistic in some regards. Lol. I think he is also pro choice and doesn't really care one way or the other about gays being married (and he really shouldn't given his own track record when it comes to the "sanctity of marriage.") I honestly feel like . . . WTF? Why not? Although as it stands right now, I am planning on voting for Gary Johnson. I may change my mind before the election though. Who knows what might happen between now and then?
Ok that is just tragic. Putting aside him flip flopping on almost all of this politics, he lacks the emotional maturity and intelligence to be president.

Hillary Clinton has not flip flopped...on her VOTES with what she says today?
Thinly veiled racism, there, Billy.......

Bottom line is this: You and most Trump acolytes must think that blacks are DUMB, for NOT taking your word that the GOP is their "friend".......

Trump promises to make jobs available to all races. Those blacks that want a job may be interested in what Trump is offering.
Are you really so dense to believe Trump can "make jobs"? He knows NOTHING about economic policy. I mean okay, we could argue all day about him being a shitty businessman of not, but him creating jobs in his company is not even close to the same thing when it comes to stimulating economic growth across the country. How about you tell me, specifically, what policy ideas of Trump will create jobs?

I don't know what he could do or what any president could really do. It is what it is, IMO. He has talked about our free trade agreements, and that might help America's overall economy. I don't claim to be an expert in economics or Trump's policies, but I do feel like "what do I have to lose?" Really, what DO I have to lose? Even though I personally don't care for the man, I think he is probably a more moderate type of republican. I don't think he is overly religious or fanatical about that in any way, so at least he's more or less realistic in some regards. Lol. I think he is also pro choice and doesn't really care one way or the other about gays being married (and he really shouldn't given his own track record when it comes to the "sanctity of marriage.") I honestly feel like . . . WTF? Why not? Although as it stands right now, I am planning on voting for Gary Johnson. I may change my mind before the election though. Who knows what might happen between now and then?
Ok that is just tragic. Putting aside him flip flopping on almost all of this politics, he lacks the emotional maturity and intelligence to be president.

Hillary Clinton has not flip flopped...on her VOTES with what she says today?
Of course she has flip flopped. Trump however has not only flip flopped from his liberal days of supporting Hillary, he has also flip flopped many times within this campaign alone. He's been the most inconsistent candidate we have ever had.
Trump promises to make jobs available to all races. Those blacks that want a job may be interested in what Trump is offering.
Are you really so dense to believe Trump can "make jobs"? He knows NOTHING about economic policy. I mean okay, we could argue all day about him being a shitty businessman of not, but him creating jobs in his company is not even close to the same thing when it comes to stimulating economic growth across the country. How about you tell me, specifically, what policy ideas of Trump will create jobs?

I don't know what he could do or what any president could really do. It is what it is, IMO. He has talked about our free trade agreements, and that might help America's overall economy. I don't claim to be an expert in economics or Trump's policies, but I do feel like "what do I have to lose?" Really, what DO I have to lose? Even though I personally don't care for the man, I think he is probably a more moderate type of republican. I don't think he is overly religious or fanatical about that in any way, so at least he's more or less realistic in some regards. Lol. I think he is also pro choice and doesn't really care one way or the other about gays being married (and he really shouldn't given his own track record when it comes to the "sanctity of marriage.") I honestly feel like . . . WTF? Why not? Although as it stands right now, I am planning on voting for Gary Johnson. I may change my mind before the election though. Who knows what might happen between now and then?
Ok that is just tragic. Putting aside him flip flopping on almost all of this politics, he lacks the emotional maturity and intelligence to be president.

Hillary Clinton has not flip flopped...on her VOTES with what she says today?
Of course she has flip flopped. Trump however has not only flip flopped from his liberal days of supporting Hillary, he has also flip flopped many times within this campaign alone. He's been the most inconsistent candidate we have ever had.

Hillary Clinton flip-flopped in this campaign simply by what she has said about her emails much less anything else. But, since you asked, she has flip-flopped due to being pushed toward Socialism by Bernie Sanders.
Blacks have put their faith in liberals for nearly 60 years...and their plight is in many ways worse now. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results. Trump is right - they have nothing to lose, especially after thr DNC's hacked e-mails exposed libs as anti-Semitic, racist, sexist homophobes!
So they have nothing to lose putting their faith in a guy who claims 56% of blacks are unemployed and are responsible for 80% of white homicides. To top if off, Trump just hired Stephen Bannon who ran Breitbart News, a far right wing news outlet that has taken so many anti-black positions, one would swear they're a white supremacist organization. Trump has a better chance by sticking with his anti-black, anti-Muslim, anti-Hispanic, xenophobia, misogynist rhetoric that has becoming the hallmark of his campaign. It's too lake to play the nice guy.
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To be quite honest, Trump is the ONLY candidate with an R next to his name that has any intention of actually helping Blacks get off the plantation.

This Democrat slave plantation is not all that a of a bad deal for American Blacks. They get their free chitlins, Colt Malt Liquor and watermelon and all they have to do is go out and vote for Democrats every two years or so. It is not like they have to pick cotton or anything.


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