What The Hell Does A Normal American Need An Army Assault Weapon For.....Target Practice?

The problem is progressive statists see police as their new knights, there to keep the plebes in place.

I think it is imperative that we properly identify liberals for what they are - regressives. They desperately want to take us back to the days of a monarchy. They want government deciding everything for everyone and they want all power concentrated not only in the hands of the executive branch - but in the hands of one man. The U.S. President.
The same thing with the executive branch of the federal government. They can't feed enough money and unconstitutional power to it when a libtard sits in the Oval Office. But then, when a George Bush occupies it, they lose their fuck'n minds.

They are just too stupid to realize that a Republican will sit in that office just as much as a Dumbocrat will and so it is suicide to keep feeding that branch unlimited power and money.

Remember how the Republicans threatened the "Nuclear option" under Bush and the Democrats bitched about it? Then, a couple years later, the situation reversed under Obama with the Republicans floating the "Nuclear option" idea, and the Democrats bitching about it. In the end, smarter minds prevailed to avoid setting a precedent because both sides knew what would happen if either of them were in Congressional minority at a future date.
This idea of the NRA governing the types of weapons available in gun shops is rank bull shit! Why is it that we're the only industrialized nation in the world which feels the necessity of a ordinary citizen to go armed with a military style killing machine?
No military issues 'assault weapons' to its troops.
Rational, knowledgeable people will not be swayed by your fallacious appeals to emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
The problem is progressive statists see police as their new knights, there to keep the plebes in place.

I think it is imperative that we properly identify liberals for what they are - regressives. They desperately want to take us back to the days of a monarchy. They want government deciding everything for everyone and they want all power concentrated not only in the hands of the executive branch - but in the hands of one man. The U.S. President.

I don't even call them liberals anymore. they are authoritarian progressives, or progressive statists.
Last weekend, I hung out with a friend who is a target shooter. He uses a single bolt action rifle. I asked him if an AR-15 would be a good gun to use for that. He laughed and said, "No. You can shoot things with it, but it's not a gun a target shooter would choose."
Last weekend, I hung out with a friend who is a target shooter. He uses a single bolt action rifle. I asked him if an AR-15 would be a good gun to use for that. He laughed and said, "No. You can shoot things with it, but it's not a gun a target shooter would choose."

You're friend is an idiot.

More likely, your story is a fabrication.
What The Hell Does A Normal American Need An Army Assault Weapon For.....Target Practice?

What the Hell do you think gives you a right to demand a reason?
it does. the problem is progressive statists see police as their new knights, there to keep the plebes in place.

You have to give the left kudos for patience. They have waited 500 years for the opportunity to roll back the enlightenment. But they are well on the way to the reestablishment of feudalism.
Nah, they don't want that. The serfs paid lower tax rates.
Argumentum ad absurdum. The real question is why shouldn't a lawful american citizen be able to own a semi automatic rifle, which is the proper name for an "Assault weapon".

It seems reasonable to me that citizens should have access to the same arms as are used by our civilian peace officers.

it does. the problem is progressive statists see police as their new knights, there to keep the plebes in place.
True, but they are schizophrenic about it: they want to give all the power to police and the military, but they hate both.


Easier to control the police and military and order them to stand down. The public is an unknown for them.
And another flaw in the liberal "smart gun" fantasy....

“This [smart gun policy] could compel someone to incriminate themselves,” Greenlee told The Daily Signal. “The Fifth Amendment prevents someone from being compelled. But it seems smart gun owners might have to give up that right.”

The point would be that if only the owner of the gun could use the gun, and police could compel him to identify the weapon, then—so the argument goes—you are requiring him to incriminate himself.

“A good argument here is that you can catch more criminals. But the system is not set up just to catch as many criminals as possible. It’s also to protect the rights of the accused,” Greenlee said.

Smart Gun Push Could Conflict With Constitutional Rights
it does. the problem is progressive statists see police as their new knights, there to keep the plebes in place.

You have to give the left kudos for patience. They have waited 500 years for the opportunity to roll back the enlightenment. But they are well on the way to the reestablishment of feudalism.

exactly.......they want to reinstate windmills.....they want the serfs unarmed, and they want their own private forces to keep them safe....
Last weekend, I hung out with a friend who is a target shooter. He uses a single bolt action rifle. I asked him if an AR-15 would be a good gun to use for that. He laughed and said, "No. You can shoot things with it, but it's not a gun a target shooter would choose."

A bolt action rifle has fewer parts that move....so it is a more stable, long distance firing platform.......that is why snipers use them....
Here is why we need "assault weapons" - because libtards resort to violence day in and day out whenever conservatives attempt to hold politics rallies or even speak...

10 Hospitalized in Violent Clash Between Right-Wing Protesters, Counterprotesters at California Capitol

There were no right winger there....you had left wing neo nazis....and some other types........there may have been conservatives there but the emphasis on the article seems to have been the left wing nazis....
Interesting enough, 26 of the infamous 'Kumbaya Circle' protesting Dems in the House were GUN OWNERS! (These are the people the DHS and Obama claim are the REAL threats to America....I would agree with him on these people.)

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