What the hell happened to the Democrats?

The Democrat Party is political cult that is based on hate and greed.
Their politicization of the DOJ and the FBI is dangerous.
They are creating a one party police state.
You are lost lady. 😂😂
Don't listen to this idiot. ^^^

You're right on target MaryL .

Even I, a lowly libertarian who's never won an election in his whole life, can see how badly these progtards are screwing up.

And that's going to change. We'll put a little fear back into these emboldened punks. Get them to respect the boundaries. We can't make em play fair, but we can sure as hell make em respect the boundaries

Right now the Democraps are abusing the law as an instrument of partisan plunder, and no American is going to stand for that. That's so totally un-American it's down right Stalinist. That's what Stalin did, it's what he HAD to do to retain power.

The Democrats have lost their way. They're putting on dog and pony shows at taxpayer expense, to nail someone who isn't even there anymore. These people are miserable human beings, they're vicious little slimeballs and they need to be slapped down. Hard. A lot.
They have lost the any democratic support, they have lost any claim to the name of democrat. They are shills for wealthy investment groups. Yin yang or blackwater. Europeans and the Chinees. Funding this weirdo fringe groups and supplanting the majority, I left the democrats over this.
I quit supporting the DNC gang after the Jimma Da' Carter fiasco. I then supported the GOP but jumped ship when prez Reagan went into debt $pending mode. The Libertarian party USA came along & pulled me out of the water & I was with them for 31 years as a supporting member. As the desk top computer came of age I stumped for our LP by trolling the various message boards for potential Libertarian party recruits. I was finally fired by Yahoo Answers for being too aggressive/biased against the taliban butchers & islam in general.

Eventually I found out about USMB & married up with USMB like best message board ever! I finally got my revenge against Yahoo Answers when they had to throw the towel in due to a lack of popularity & dropped their Yahoo Answers MB. Yahoo Answers lost popularity: for political bias & OVER MODERATION! I was already married up to USMB when Y/A went tits up so I take a "little" credit for the downfall of Yahoo Answers last year as our USMB was the MB that drove the stake into the heart of the politically correct Y/A message board in my opinion.

USMB has got the most active & informed MB crew on the entire world wide web. Our Moderators are simply the best in class as they are NOT politically correct censor happy puppets which makes USMB the ONLY REAL message board on the entire world wide web, as far as I know anyway. If a MB does not allow its members to speak their minds then that MB becomes just becomes a repetitious propaganda drone. Just the way it is.
I quit supporting the DNC gang after the Jimma Da' Carter fiasco. I then supported the GOP but jumped ship when prez Reagan went into debt $pending mode. The Libertarian party USA came along & pulled me out of the water & I was with them for 31 years as a supporting member. As the desk top computer came of age I stumped for our LP by trolling the various message boards for potential Libertarian party recruits. I was finally fired by Yahoo Answers for being too aggressive/biased against the taliban butchers & islam in general.

Eventually I found out about USMB & married up with USMB like best message board ever! I finally got my revenge against Yahoo Answers when they had to throw the towel in due to a lack of popularity & dropped their Yahoo Answers MB. Yahoo Answers lost popularity: for political bias & OVER MODERATION! I was already married up to USMB when Y/A went tits up so I take a "little" credit for the downfall of Yahoo Answers last year as our USMB was the MB that drove the stake into the heart of the politically correct Y/A message board in my opinion.

USMB has got the most active & informed MB crew on the entire world wide web. Our Moderators are simply the best in class as they are NOT politically correct censor happy puppets which makes USMB the ONLY REAL message board on the entire world wide web, as far as I know anyway. If a MB does not allow its members to speak their minds then that MB becomes just becomes a repetitious propaganda drone. Just the way it is.
You're a Libertarian with a big L. Good you.

I'm a libertarian with a little l. I was always too lazy to get much involved. :p

Until lately. The commies woke me up. So I spent a few months hardening the family and the facility, and now I got involved with some non partisan and anti partisan stuff, like parents' groups.

People here are well informed. Some better than others - some evidently know how to do research.
Our parties are a disgrace, and they are killing us in real time.

But that's what our current system incentivizes and rewards.

All kidding aside, the Old Money families are using the Democrat party to gain power because the DemonRats are the party of stupids ( migrants, Hood Rats, Karens). You wont get Republicans to Riot and jump in front of cars. The billionaires co opted the party years ago and it is their FRONT in the Culture War to herald in the NWO. When the country is destroyed, the USEFUL IDIOTS will be stunned to find that what they FOUGHT FOR IS SCREWING THEM.

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