What the Hell Happened to the Left?

Liberal from the Napoleonic era?
That fucked him from the start.....

Psssst..Napoleon was no liberal, duh!!

Now the age of revolution could be construed as a little liberal, but it depends what country, and which rebel leader....
Pssssst 2.... the US became a nation during the romantic era....And it was a bunch of members of the lunatic fringe(per King George), liberal philosophy..
Hey, the Trumptards have to run from all the real issues somehow. Spamming the board with these endless "liberals are poopyheads" threads is how they do that.
Hey, the Trumptards have to run from all the real issues somehow. Spamming the board with these endless "liberals are poopyheads" threads is how they do that.
It's a small variation of the "snowflake" blow they inflicted after waiting 75 years to come back into power...It was also the great panty in a wad era...
Liberal from the Napoleonic era?
That fucked him from the start.....

Psssst..Napoleon was no liberal, duh!!

Now the age of revolution could be construed as a little liberal, but it depends what country, and which rebel leader....
Pssssst 2.... the US became a nation during the romantic era....And it was a bunch of members of the lunatic fringe(per King George), liberal philosophy..
So you zeroed in on one statement about Napoleon and used that to discount every valid point he brought up?
Liberal from the Napoleonic era?
That fucked him from the start.....

Psssst..Napoleon was no liberal, duh!!

Now the age of revolution could be construed as a little liberal, but it depends what country, and which rebel leader....
Pssssst 2.... the US became a nation during the romantic era....And it was a bunch of members of the lunatic fringe(per King George), liberal philosophy..
So you zeroed in on one statement about Napoleon and used that to discount every valid point he brought up?
If you be so smert you record yourself...You better cover your editing ass with some revealing factoids that make you look at least somewhat smert...
I would like to add my two cents into this. I've always considered myself a neither but more liberal than conservative in my thinking. I didn't really care is someone else was gay and I didn't care if someone else wanted to think that the earth was created in seven days. I just looked at it as something that really didn't affect me at all but then sometime during the Bush administration I realized that there were two kinds of liberals. The snowflake ones who couldn't stand anything conservative and constantly labeled anyone who happen to agree with any part of the GOP platform a conservative. It was just kind of weird how intolerant and unaccepting of other people's opinions they were sometimes. I kind of grew up thinking that liberals wanted to make sure there was no censorship on the internet which is something I agreed with or the people who opposed video game labeling because it might hinder creativity.
That was a
Liberal from the Napoleonic era?
That fucked him from the start.....

Psssst..Napoleon was no liberal, duh!!

Now the age of revolution could be construed as a little liberal, but it depends what country, and which rebel leader....
Pssssst 2.... the US became a nation during the romantic era....And it was a bunch of members of the lunatic fringe(per King George), liberal philosophy..
So you zeroed in on one statement about Napoleon and used that to discount every valid point he brought up?
If you be so smert you record yourself...You better cover your editing ass with some revealing factoids that make you look at least somewhat smert...
Translation please :uhh:
That was a
Liberal from the Napoleonic era?
That fucked him from the start.....

Psssst..Napoleon was no liberal, duh!!

Now the age of revolution could be construed as a little liberal, but it depends what country, and which rebel leader....
Pssssst 2.... the US became a nation during the romantic era....And it was a bunch of members of the lunatic fringe(per King George), liberal philosophy..
So you zeroed in on one statement about Napoleon and used that to discount every valid point he brought up?
If you be so smert you record yourself...You better cover your editing ass with some revealing factoids that make you look at least somewhat smert...
Translation please :uhh:
Cover thy ass..

This guy completely hit it out of the park and explained with absolute simplicity. He's got any 21st century Liberal who can still be rational and apply a little logic rethinking their direction. Of course the twenty or so freak shows who frequent here consistently defy all logic and reason.
Their moral decline started with their defense of Racism and Slavery at the very origin of their beginnings.

They tried to co-opt The GOP Civil Rights Movement that started with Emancipation on through The Civil Rights Act of 1875 and again GOP lead Civil Rights Act in 1964 as well as the GOP Constitutional amendmendments to stop The Slave Master Party from openly abusing minorities.

But this was never a reform, it was a change in strategy for a party losing their grip on the whip. They went underground and today use illegals and Muslims as their Mules to carry their weapons payload of divisiveness and deconstruction of America.

The final death spiral of the Dem party began to advance and continue on it's deteriorating state the second Bill Clinton was nominated as their Presidential Candidate and it's been downhill ever since then.

They have no virtue, and with no virtue there is no vision.

Without vision, a people perish.
I never broad brush hard working middle class Democrats as liberals or progressives. Conservatives have much in common with blue collar Democrats. Liberals and progressives have more in common with GOP RINO establishment assholes.

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