What the Hell Is a "White Nationalist" ?

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I'm just telling you what it looked like but if I'm mistaken then my apologies.
"Looked like" TO YOU maybe.
Apparently you never learned how to be gracious and accept an apology. Let me guess, blue collar worker who never learned the social graces...........
well stupoid, that isn't what you said at all. Are you trying to walk back your post? tell me which part said I apologize? you said looked like, and that would be to 'you'. nothing more and nothing of an apology stupoid!
I wasn't talking to you g2000. Oh damnit, I get you two confused...... :eusa_whistle:
no, but you posted it on a message board where we can all see what you posted, and sorry flake, you didn't apologize. again, what part was it that was the apology exactly?
Could you possibly be any more pathetic? I'll wait and see........
People in the media are throwing the words "White Nationailst" around as if we all had a clear understanding of this phrase. I have a full college education, and I never once heard that word mentioned in college. By the context being used, it appears that the media chatterboxes are defining this phrase as representing racism and/or bigotry.

One moment please. How did being white and being a nationalist somehow get to be racist or bigoted ? Something wrong with being White ? ...Or being a nationalist ? I'm 75% White and 100% nationalist, and I don't have a racist or bigoted bone in my body.

As for the questionable and rather mysterious term "white nationalist", my dictionary (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th edition) lists many double words the first of which is the word "white". It starts with "white admiral" (a species of butterfly), and continues alphabetically, through 103 phrases beginning with "white", all the way to to "white wine". No mention of white nationalist.

Is this another one of those odd words invented by liberals (like gay & Islamaphobe), to create a particular political notion that they deem useful to them ? Note to liberals: We normal people don't generally speak liberalese, so you'll have to explain (Translate)
/----/ It's a made-up lib term like "assault rifle" and "alt right" they use to demonized anyone who disagrees with their agenda.
Maybe it's this guy?
View attachment 143628
Or this chic?

Or this Really Old Guy?

Or maybe this Hot Vixen!

Or maybe this other really old guy?

or maybe this quack?

Or this Rabble Rouser?

Or this other really old old Coot?

Maybe it's this guy with the goofy voice?

Or this guy who thinks he is some kind of promoter?

Or this guy who thinks he knows what The Law is?

Maybe it's this Uppity American Citizen who dared to Tell Us What Justice Was?

You'd be wrong on all accounts. They are all Black Nationalists and Republicans, because they considered themselves Americans, and loved America and the ideas of America above all other things, including the color of their own skin, or anyone else's.
Just because this needs to be said again.
That's what we told the white blue collar out of work Trump voters last year. You know those discouraged workers who gave up looking for work. Remember those whites you were talking about last year when you were trying to win an election?

Interesting that all it took was the bush 2007 great recession to get so many whites to just give up. How dare you pussies preach to blacks. Glass houses
Da fuq you talking about?
Think about the contradictions in your arguments. Last year you blamed Obama for out of work whites. You literally blamed the government for them giving up. Remember the real unimployment number? The poor poor whites. And Trump was gonna bring those jobs back. Remember?

But you don't believe blacks have been wronged? I don't think you're being intellectually honest
/---/ yes Blacks were wronged and I witnessed it growing up in the South but some Blacks are milking it for all they can get. Slavery ended, segregation ended now get on with your life.
Maybe it's this guy?
View attachment 143628
Or this chic?

Or this Really Old Guy?

Or maybe this Hot Vixen!

Or maybe this other really old guy?

or maybe this quack?

Or this Rabble Rouser?

Or this other really old old Coot?

Maybe it's this guy with the goofy voice?

Or this guy who thinks he is some kind of promoter?

Or this guy who thinks he knows what The Law is?

Maybe it's this Uppity American Citizen who dared to Tell Us What Justice Was?

You'd be wrong on all accounts. They are all Black Nationalists and Republicans, because they considered themselves Americans, and loved America and the ideas of America above all other things, including the color of their own skin, or anyone else's.
Just because this needs to be said again.
That's what we told the white blue collar out of work Trump voters last year. You know those discouraged workers who gave up looking for work. Remember those whites you were talking about last year when you were trying to win an election?

Interesting that all it took was the bush 2007 great recession to get so many whites to just give up. How dare you pussies preach to blacks. Glass houses
Da fuq you talking about?
Think about the contradictions in your arguments. Last year you blamed Obama for out of work whites. You literally blamed the government for them giving up. Remember the real unimployment number? The poor poor whites. And Trump was gonna bring those jobs back. Remember?

But you don't believe blacks have been wronged? I don't think you're being intellectually honest
/---/ yes Blacks were wronged and I witnessed it growing up in the South but some Blacks are milking it for all they can get. Slavery ended, segregation ended now get on with your life.
Especially now that Republicans control everything. They should have voted like AA counted on it, because it did. It's over. No need to convince us the elections are over
White English ruling class people needed cheap labor for this new land America. ( except for Indians now called native Americans did not want the Indians don't no why?). pack them off to the bad lands.
black slaves no rights cheap labor. Chinese people cheap labor, no rights. the Irish little rights(bond slaves) Jews. all called bad, lazy dumb
gave them all the shit jobs,
. till most of the out casts got smart & demanded more & more so who is left for the rich white man to use for cheap labor?
you guessed it, the poor, working class man. and now the white working man is mad. we have been well trained to think we are better,
not rich, not high skilled, no union backing, you get the shit jobs & the shit pay.
A fucking Nazi..so stop sugar coating with bullshit names like "alt right" and "white nationalist"

but without using "alt-right" you wouldn't be able to lump all conservatives and libertarians in with them.

I didn't come up with the name. Liberals didn't come up with the name. Nazis that didn't like being called Nazis came up with it.

And progressives then extended the definition to mean anyone to the right of Mitt Romney.

This isn't an argument over the name of Alt-right, its an argument over who gets classified as such.
I think ending those programs is your reward. And don't worry the white rich are about to get huge reparations. Maybe they'll share with you NOT
I'm not interested in the "white rich" I'm interested in white victims of AA. As for the programs I don't see them ending. Do you ?

And if they did end. that doesn't make up for 56 years of discrimination, and losses$$$$ therefrom.
You suggested the liberals were dressed as Nazis. The only reason they would do that is to what? Make them look like fools?

There are links to the actual sites of these groups that state very clearly what they are all about. You can play dumb all you like. In the end though, you will just remain dumb.
Obviously, to give the statue-supporter protestors a bad name, dum dum. Did you really not know that ? Could you be THAT dumb ? o_O
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Maybe that's the plan. If the white nationalists post to make themselves appear dumber than a box of rocks, people won't realize they can actually plan stuff and commit acts of terrorism.
Liberal gone off the deep end. Is there a doctor in the house ? :rolleyes:
Sorry it was your government that implemented AA. You gonna sue? Maybe the right leaning scotus will side with you.

And I'm white so I want in on those reparations. Even though I was able to succeed despite how unfair things are for us whites.
Sure. I'll sue. And you shouldn't GET reparations$$, you should PAY them. You supported AA.
That's what we told the white blue collar out of work Trump voters last year. You know those discouraged workers who gave up looking for work. Remember those whites you were talking about last year when you were trying to win an election?

Interesting that all it took was the bush 2007 great recession to get so many whites to just give up. How dare you pussies preach to blacks. Glass houses
Due to AA, whites have been giving up for decades. No newspapers in the cave you'fve been living in ?
Think about the contradictions in your arguments. Last year you blamed Obama for out of work whites. You literally blamed the government for them giving up. Remember the real unimployment number? The poor poor whites. And Trump was gonna bring those jobs back. Remember?

But you don't believe blacks have been wronged? I don't think you're being intellectually honest
How are blacks "wronged" when, for the past 56 years, they are the beneficiaries of Affirmative Action discrimination against whites.? Consequently, they get first shot at jobs, job promotions, college admissions, college financial aid, business loans, etc etc. And you are calling them "wronged" ? Whaaaat ???
People in the media are throwing the words "White Nationailst" around as if we all had a clear understanding of this phrase. I have a full college education, and I never once heard that word mentioned in college. By the context being used, it appears that the media chatterboxes are defining this phrase as representing racism and/or bigotry.

One moment please. How did being white and being a nationalist somehow get to be racist or bigoted ? Something wrong with being White ? ...Or being a nationalist ? I'm 75% White and 100% nationalist, and I don't have a racist or bigoted bone in my body.

Yes. It's a subtle concept. You can be white. And you can be a nationalist. And - while you may be a thorough-going douchebag authoritarian - still not be a "white nationalist". It's a compound phrase that implies something different that a simple combination of the two concepts. It refers to ...

Oh hell, why I'm bothering? Your question isn't serious is it? Are you really this stupid?
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Yes. It's a subtle concept. You can be white. And you can be a nationalist. And - while you may be a thorough-going douchebag authoritarian - still not be a "white nationalist". It's a compound phrase that implies something different that a simple combination of the two concepts. It refers to ...

Oh hell, why I'm bothering? Your question isn't serious is it? Are you really this stupid?
Maybe you don't realize that "white nationalist" is merely an invention of the left, and is a term accepted by those gullible enough to fall for the left's verbage trickery. Just Google "white nationalist: and see what you get. A stack of URLs of liberal media.
People in the media are throwing the words "White Nationailst" around as if we all had a clear understanding of this phrase. I have a full college education, and I never once heard that word mentioned in college. By the context being used, it appears that the media chatterboxes are defining this phrase as representing racism and/or bigotry.

One moment please. How did being white and being a nationalist somehow get to be racist or bigoted ? Something wrong with being White ? ...Or being a nationalist ? I'm 75% White and 100% nationalist, and I don't have a racist or bigoted bone in my body.

As for the questionable and rather mysterious term "white nationalist", my dictionary (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th edition) lists many double words the first of which is the word "white". It starts with "white admiral" (a species of butterfly), and continues alphabetically, through 103 phrases beginning with "white", all the way to to "white wine". No mention of white nationalist.

Is this another one of those odd words invented by liberals (like gay & Islamaphobe), to create a particular political notion that they deem useful to them ? Note to liberals: We normal people don't generally speak liberalese, so you'll have to explain (Translate)
White Nationalism is an umbrella comprised primarily of white separatists and white supremacists. The real problem in definition is where the left, for purely political and social reasons lump all white conservatives as white nationalist in an attempt to demonize the entire right, just like you and those like you do when you demonize the entire left as socialist. It's a common political tactic.
Who groups all conservatives with white nationalists? Only recently did conservatives begin openly welcoming these Ilk.. don't get me wrong they have been quietly welcoming them for quite some time ...
Like you before recently I'd never heard it. Just like alt right.

The left needs a box to put everyone in who don't think (emote) like them.
Sorry pal, nationalism is not a liberal created concept

You wackos really do need to learn how to read. The thread is white nationalist not nationalism. Same with topics like illegal immigrants, not the same as immigrants.
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