What the Hell Is a "White Nationalist" ?

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I'm just telling you what it looked like but if I'm mistaken then my apologies.
"Looked like" TO YOU maybe.
Apparently you never learned how to be gracious and accept an apology. Let me guess, blue collar worker who never learned the social graces...........
well stupoid, that isn't what you said at all. Are you trying to walk back your post? tell me which part said I apologize? you said looked like, and that would be to 'you'. nothing more and nothing of an apology stupoid!
I wasn't talking to you g2000. Oh damnit, I get you two confused...... :eusa_whistle:
no, but you posted it on a message board where we can all see what you posted, and sorry flake, you didn't apologize. again, what part was it that was the apology exactly?
White Nationalists, simply put, are Nazis.

Some of them will deny it, even though they have "88" tattoos and use the Nazi color scheme in their avatars on Stormfront. :lol:

To save time, they most often call themselves WNs.
I would love to see one of these tards tell the WNs on Stormfront that liberals made up the term White Nationalist.

Man, that would be priceless. :lol:
Whoever made it up seems to be racist against Whites, and bigoted against nationalists, which is = to sedition and/or treason.

Anyone who is not a nationalist, should leave the country they're in.
Are we still debating whether the term 'white nationalist' is made up by the left?

Stormfront White Nationalism FAQ
you just confirmed it was the libturds, thanks.

Are we going to pretend Stormfront is a liberal site now?
I would love to see one of these tards tell the WNs on Stormfront that liberals made up the term White Nationalist.

Man, that would be priceless. :lol:
Hey, I'm here every day kicking you Nazi fucks in the nuts.

You're damn right you ain't hard to find. I can smell the stench of a WN from a mile away.
You're another one who doesn't know who a Nazi is. I asked earlier who the guys in the Charlottesville protest waving Nazi flags were. I don't recall getting any answer to that from you.
Well now at least you've made a good argument for how you have made reparations and you've decided it's time for the program to end. You control the government go for it.
The "reparations$$ need to begin now. And you and all your soulless A supporters need to pay it - to the hundreds of millions of Whites you've victimized.
I think ending those programs is your reward. And don't worry the white rich are about to get huge reparations. Maybe they'll share with you NOT
People in the media are throwing the words "White Nationailst" around as if we all had a clear understanding of this phrase. I have a full college education, and I never once heard that word mentioned in college. By the context being used, it appears that the media chatterboxes are defining this phrase as representing racism and/or bigotry.

One moment please. How did being white and being a nationalist somehow get to be racist or bigoted ? Something wrong with being White ? ...Or being a nationalist ? I'm 75% White and 100% nationalist, and I don't have a racist or bigoted bone in my body.

As for the questionable and rather mysterious term "white nationalist", my dictionary (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th edition) lists many double words the first of which is the word "white". It starts with "white admiral" (a species of butterfly), and continues alphabetically, through 103 phrases beginning with "white", all the way to to "white wine". No mention of white nationalist.

Is this another one of those odd words invented by liberals (like gay & Islamaphobe), to create a particular political notion that they deem useful to them ? Note to liberals: We normal people don't generally speak liberalese, so you'll have to explain (Translate)
Have you ever heard of Apartheid? Although I assume you've probably never heard of foreign countries from your post, much less politics or history.
A fucking Nazi..so stop sugar coating with bullshit names like "alt right" and "white nationalist"

but without using "alt-right" you wouldn't be able to lump all conservatives and libertarians in with them.

I didn't come up with the name. Liberals didn't come up with the name. Nazis that didn't like being called Nazis came up with it.
You've squashed nothing. You claimed ignorance, I provided a gateway into the world of white nationalists. You ignored it to play dumb. Now you're suggesting some left wing conspiracy to make Nazis, of all people, look bad.

You've dug yourself into a hopelessly impotent position. For what? A foolish attempt to create a counter narrative that Nazis aren't as bad as liberals make them out to be.

How insanely dumb.
Your alleged "gateway: is nothing but a pile of liberal gobbedegook, as usually is the case when lierals try to say they have shown "evidence". Definition of evidence from a liberal - liberal professors, liberal universities, liberal think tanks, liberal media, ad nauseum. Consider yourself squashed AGAIN.

"Suggesting ? " HA HA HA. When you show some real evidence of WHO these Nazi flag wavers are, THEN you can talk about this. Up to now, you've brought nothing to this table.

And trying to put idiotic words in my mouth, doesn't work for you either. I never said "Nazis aren't as bad as liberals make them out to be" YOUR words. Not mine.

You suggested the liberals were dressed as Nazis. The only reason they would do that is to what? Make them look like fools?

There are links to the actual sites of these groups that state very clearly what they are all about. You can play dumb all you like. In the end though, you will just remain dumb.
Maybe it's this guy?
View attachment 143628
Or this chic?

Or this Really Old Guy?

Or maybe this Hot Vixen!

Or maybe this other really old guy?

or maybe this quack?

Or this Rabble Rouser?

Or this other really old old Coot?

Maybe it's this guy with the goofy voice?

Or this guy who thinks he is some kind of promoter?

Or this guy who thinks he knows what The Law is?

Maybe it's this Uppity American Citizen who dared to Tell Us What Justice Was?

You'd be wrong on all accounts. They are all Black Nationalists and Republicans, because they considered themselves Americans, and loved America and the ideas of America above all other things, including the color of their own skin, or anyone else's.
Just because this needs to be said again.
You've squashed nothing. You claimed ignorance, I provided a gateway into the world of white nationalists. You ignored it to play dumb. Now you're suggesting some left wing conspiracy to make Nazis, of all people, look bad.

You've dug yourself into a hopelessly impotent position. For what? A foolish attempt to create a counter narrative that Nazis aren't as bad as liberals make them out to be.

How insanely dumb.
Your alleged "gateway: is nothing but a pile of liberal gobbedegook, as usually is the case when lierals try to say they have shown "evidence". Definition of evidence from a liberal - liberal professors, liberal universities, liberal think tanks, liberal media, ad nauseum. Consider yourself squashed AGAIN.

"Suggesting ? " HA HA HA. When you show some real evidence of WHO these Nazi flag wavers are, THEN you can talk about this. Up to now, you've brought nothing to this table.

And trying to put idiotic words in my mouth, doesn't work for you either. I never said "Nazis aren't as bad as liberals make them out to be" YOUR words. Not mine.

You suggested the liberals were dressed as Nazis. The only reason they would do that is to what? Make them look like fools?

There are links to the actual sites of these groups that state very clearly what they are all about. You can play dumb all you like. In the end though, you will just remain dumb.
Maybe that's the plan. If the white nationalists post to make themselves appear dumber than a box of rocks, people won't realize they can actually plan stuff and commit acts of terrorism.
Well now at least you've made a good argument for how you have made reparations and you've decided it's time for the program to end. You control the government go for it.
The "reparations$$ need to begin now. And you and all your soulless A supporters need to pay it - to the hundreds of millions of Whites you've victimized.
Sorry it was your government that implemented AA. You gonna sue? Maybe the right leaning scotus will side with you.

And I'm white so I want in on those reparations. Even though I was able to succeed despite how unfair things are for us whites.
Maybe it's this guy?
View attachment 143628
Or this chic?

Or this Really Old Guy?

Or maybe this Hot Vixen!

Or maybe this other really old guy?

or maybe this quack?

Or this Rabble Rouser?

Or this other really old old Coot?

Maybe it's this guy with the goofy voice?

Or this guy who thinks he is some kind of promoter?

Or this guy who thinks he knows what The Law is?

Maybe it's this Uppity American Citizen who dared to Tell Us What Justice Was?

You'd be wrong on all accounts. They are all Black Nationalists and Republicans, because they considered themselves Americans, and loved America and the ideas of America above all other things, including the color of their own skin, or anyone else's.
Just because this needs to be said again.
That's what we told the white blue collar out of work Trump voters last year. You know those discouraged workers who gave up looking for work. Remember those whites you were talking about last year when you were trying to win an election?

Interesting that all it took was the bush 2007 great recession to get so many whites to just give up. How dare you pussies preach to blacks. Glass houses
Maybe it's this guy?
View attachment 143628
Or this chic?

Or this Really Old Guy?

Or maybe this Hot Vixen!

Or maybe this other really old guy?

or maybe this quack?

Or this Rabble Rouser?

Or this other really old old Coot?

Maybe it's this guy with the goofy voice?

Or this guy who thinks he is some kind of promoter?

Or this guy who thinks he knows what The Law is?

Maybe it's this Uppity American Citizen who dared to Tell Us What Justice Was?

You'd be wrong on all accounts. They are all Black Nationalists and Republicans, because they considered themselves Americans, and loved America and the ideas of America above all other things, including the color of their own skin, or anyone else's.
Just because this needs to be said again.
That's what we told the white blue collar out of work Trump voters last year. You know those discouraged workers who gave up looking for work. Remember those whites you were talking about last year when you were trying to win an election?

Interesting that all it took was the bush 2007 great recession to get so many whites to just give up. How dare you pussies preach to blacks. Glass houses
Da fuq you talking about?
People in the media are throwing the words "White Nationailst" around as if we all had a clear understanding of this phrase. I have a full college education, and I never once heard that word mentioned in college. By the context being used, it appears that the media chatterboxes are defining this phrase as representing racism and/or bigotry.

One moment please. How did being white and being a nationalist somehow get to be racist or bigoted ? Something wrong with being White ? ...Or being a nationalist ? I'm 75% White and 100% nationalist, and I don't have a racist or bigoted bone in my body.

As for the questionable and rather mysterious term "white nationalist", my dictionary (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th edition) lists many double words the first of which is the word "white". It starts with "white admiral" (a species of butterfly), and continues alphabetically, through 103 phrases beginning with "white", all the way to to "white wine". No mention of white nationalist.

Is this another one of those odd words invented by liberals (like gay & Islamaphobe), to create a particular political notion that they deem useful to them ? Note to liberals: We normal people don't generally speak liberalese, so you'll have to explain (Translate)
People in the media are throwing the words "White Nationailst" around as if we all had a clear understanding of this phrase. I have a full college education, and I never once heard that word mentioned in college. By the context being used, it appears that the media chatterboxes are defining this phrase as representing racism and/or bigotry.

One moment please. How did being white and being a nationalist somehow get to be racist or bigoted ? Something wrong with being White ? ...Or being a nationalist ? I'm 75% White and 100% nationalist, and I don't have a racist or bigoted bone in my body.

As for the questionable and rather mysterious term "white nationalist", my dictionary (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th edition) lists many double words the first of which is the word "white". It starts with "white admiral" (a species of butterfly), and continues alphabetically, through 103 phrases beginning with "white", all the way to to "white wine". No mention of white nationalist.

Is this another one of those odd words invented by liberals (like gay & Islamaphobe), to create a particular political notion that they deem useful to them ? Note to liberals: We normal people don't generally speak liberalese, so you'll have to explain (Translate)

Being nationalistic does not equate to racism but It has been the Lefts' attempt in controlling the dialogue to push the marker down the road. So if a person is a Nationalist they want to assume that means already he is bigoted or a racist before any dialogue begins. It couldn't possibly mean it's ok for a person to be proud or have love for his country. Of course they might assume if you are white you are automatically excluding people of other races, which I think they assume because it has been repeated over and over again for so long it has become their reality.
What is a white nationalist? maybe just a white guy who doesn't want to be everybodys' punching bag anymore.
Maybe it's this guy?
View attachment 143628
Or this chic?

Or this Really Old Guy?

Or maybe this Hot Vixen!

Or maybe this other really old guy?

or maybe this quack?

Or this Rabble Rouser?

Or this other really old old Coot?

Maybe it's this guy with the goofy voice?

Or this guy who thinks he is some kind of promoter?

Or this guy who thinks he knows what The Law is?

Maybe it's this Uppity American Citizen who dared to Tell Us What Justice Was?

You'd be wrong on all accounts. They are all Black Nationalists and Republicans, because they considered themselves Americans, and loved America and the ideas of America above all other things, including the color of their own skin, or anyone else's.
Just because this needs to be said again.
That's what we told the white blue collar out of work Trump voters last year. You know those discouraged workers who gave up looking for work. Remember those whites you were talking about last year when you were trying to win an election?

Interesting that all it took was the bush 2007 great recession to get so many whites to just give up. How dare you pussies preach to blacks. Glass houses
Da fuq you talking about?
Think about the contradictions in your arguments. Last year you blamed Obama for out of work whites. You literally blamed the government for them giving up. Remember the real unimployment number? The poor poor whites. And Trump was gonna bring those jobs back. Remember?

But you don't believe blacks have been wronged? I don't think you're being intellectually honest
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