What The New January 6 Videos Will Show

there is video evidence of vote fraud. there is computer evidence of vote fraud. Not one case was ever presented to a court or jury. Not one case had evidence shown. Every one of them was dismissed before being heard on flimsy legal arguments like lack of standing. But fear not, the truth is coming out now and soon everyone will know that senile Joe did not win legitimately.

There is no such evidence which is why Trump lost every single claim of fraud in court.
there is no evidence that it did happen. it is a story created by the dems and repeated by the lying media. and you idiots bought it like the mindless sheep that you are.

You're fucked in the head, con. :cuckoo:

There's video of Officer Fanone being dragged into that mob and beat up.
those are not my opinions, they are facts.
These exchanges with the good poster 'Redfish' are beginning to move the ball down the field.
Redfish tells us he knows of 'facts' on these issues.

Which, if he knows them.....he can easily direct us to them.
Or alternatively, he can post 'em up here on the USMB gossipboard.

Let's do that one, poster Redfish.
Post up your 'facts' here. Let the board do its' due diligence, tire-kicking, smell-test, vetting.....of the facts you present to the forum.

Saddle up, Skippy.
Show us what your pony can do.
These exchanges with the good poster 'Redfish' are beginning to move the ball down the field.
Redfish tells us he knows of 'facts' on these issues.

Which, if he knows them.....he can easily direct us to them.
Or alternatively, he can post 'em up here on the USMB gossipboard.

Let's do that one, poster Redfish.
Post up your 'facts' here. Let the board do its' due diligence, tire-kicking, smell-test, vetting.....of the facts you present to the forum.

Saddle up, Skippy.
Show us what your pony can do.
already been done by me and others, the fact that you refuse to comprehend that which is obvious is your issue, not ours.
Damn..why do you guys have to lie?? They are NOT sitting in jail without hearings. Simply are not. They were all arraigned--probable cause was found..bail was discussed for those eligible. Status hearings are held from time to time. The long wait time is more about the defense. You do know that this is business as usual--for the courts in the US?

But the no hearing thing..I can't believe how stupid some are..to not only believe that..but to continue to tell that lie..no matter how many times they are corrected~
Aint no one lying. No one is talking about arraignment hearings and you damn well know it.

I'm referring to their actual hearings. They have been sitting in jail now, some for 2 years awaiting a trial, for a penalty that in most cases is 6 months.
They certainly ran their way through the high profile cases of people who were there. You know the ones they could make news on, but the others are still rotting away with no cases being heard. And to blame this on the Defense team? Seriously?
already been done by me and others
We ain't discussing what 'others' have alleged.
We are talking you.
Your allegations.
If you have "already done" it......then prove it. Should be easy. After all, you've done it.
Show us what you have 'already' done.

Without you bringing some vetting to your allegations.....I cannot believe you. Will not believe you.
My avatar ain't calling your avatar a liar.
Rather, 'unwilling or unable'.....works just find.

So which is it poster Redfish?
You don't have the proof?
Or you have it but don't want to show it?

The forum does not WANT to think of you as a fake or a phony, but.....
......but that is mostly up to your next move.
Or go.
Same as at the poker table.
It's Adult Swim, you know.
We ain't discussing what 'others' have alleged.
We are talking you.
Your allegations.
If you have "already done" it......then prove it. Should be easy. After all, you've done it.
Show us what you have 'already' done.

Without you bringing some vetting to your allegations.....I cannot believe you. Will not believe you.
My avatar ain't calling your avatar a liar.
Rather, 'unwilling or unable'.....works just find.

So which is it poster Redfish?
You don't have the proof?
Or you have it but don't want to show it?

The forum does not WANT to think of you as a fake or a phony, but.....
......but that is mostly up to your next move.
Or go.
Same as at the poker table.
It's Adult Swim, you know.
the proof is available to anyone who looks for it. I am not here to educate your silly ass. Others have posted lots of proof, I am not going to copy their posts. your stupidity is unwelcome on this board, go find an all lib board to mutually masterbate on with your left wing cohorts.
Aint no one lying. No one is talking about arraignment hearings and you damn well know it.

I'm referring to their actual hearings. They have been sitting in jail now, some for 2 years awaiting a trial, for a penalty that in most cases is 6 months.
They certainly ran their way through the high profile cases of people who were there. You know the ones they could make news on, but the others are still rotting away with no cases being heard. And to blame this on the Defense team? Seriously?
I'm going to go out on a limb here..and assume you mean Trial..when you say Hearing? Yes, usually, waiving time is a Defense thing--not that the Prosecution does not take advantage. You see, the Prosecution is assumed to have an advantage, given that they have already conducted an investigation, and have already shown probable cause. The Defense always is playing catch-up, investigating, trolling through Discovery and that sort of thing. They need time.
As a matter of law, any one of those defendants could have refused to waive time..and been tried within the statutory limits.
I'm pretty sure that their attorneys advised against it..to the point of refusing to take a case if time was not waived.
Again, this is business as usual in the American Criminal Justice system.

Here is a summary as of Jan. 6, this year.

I'm going to go out on a limb here..and assume you mean Trial..when you say Hearing? Yes, usually, waiving time is a Defense thing--not that the Prosecution does not take advantage. You see, the Prosecution is assumed to have an advantage, given that they have already conducted an investigation, and have already shown probable cause. The Defense always is playing catch-up, investigating, trolling through Discovery and that sort of thing. They need time.
As a matter of law, any one of those defendants could have refused to waive time..and been tried within the statutory limits.
I'm pretty sure that their attorneys advised against it..to the point of refusing to take a case if time was not waived.
Again, this is business as usual in the American Criminal Justice system.

Here is a summary as of Jan. 6, this year.

Time magazine???????????? fake news, geez dude stop being a sheep.
Time magazine???????????? fake news, geez dude stop being a sheep.
LOL! Deflection noted..and laughed at~

It's just too difficult to rebut, ain't it? The only thing that can counter facts..are facts..and you have none.
You are so bereft of cogent argument that you literally cannot address the post and its contents.

That you call me a sheep...is irony worthy of Shakespeare.
LOL! Deflection noted..and laughed at~

It's just too difficult to rebut, ain't it? The only thing that can counter facts..are facts..and you have none.
You are so bereft of cogent argument that you literally cannot address the post and its contents.

That you call me a sheep...is irony worthy of Shakespeare.
"tis a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing" The bard explained the dem party very well long before it existed.
LOL! Deflection noted..and laughed at~

It's just too difficult to rebut, ain't it? The only thing that can counter facts..are facts..and you have none.
You are so bereft of cogent argument that you literally cannot address the post and its contents.

That you call me a sheep...is irony worthy of Shakespeare.
the left wing media lies, what rock do you live under?
the left wing media lies, what rock do you live under?
All media slants. Stats are stats though...thus the numbers regarding the Jan 6 defendants are correct, no matter what, or who, publishes them. That seem to be a sticking point for you Q-berts--although, I gotta admit, it is a nice go-to..the 'Fake News' thing..when you have no supporting facts.

You lie and support lies..constantly and not all that well. You've lied several times in this very thread..and when called on it..you bloviate about the source, rather than address the content/topic.

do continue....
"....the proof is available to anyone who looks for it."

That may be; however, it appears NOT to be available to the one-- i.e. poster Redfish ---who alleged it.
That is curious.
But, truth be told, I suspected as much.
Actually, I suspect most all of the thinking posters on this chatroom expected as much from your avatar.
It's sort of a 'reputation'-thingy your avatar has hung around your neck.
You can, and do, allege all kinds of RWNJ tropes on this chatroom.
But you seem never able to offer credible proof.

A TDS'r....to the bone. Some may think.

That may be; however, it appears NOT to be available to the one-- i.e. poster Redfish ---who alleged it.
That is curious.
But, truth be told, I suspected as much.
Actually, I suspect most all of the thinking posters on this chatroom expected as much from your avatar.
It's sort of a 'reputation'-thingy your avatar has hung around your neck.
You can, and do, allege all kinds of RWNJ tropes on this chatroom.
But you seem never able to offer credible proof.

A TDS'r....to the bone. Some may think.
do your own research, you might learn something, but maybe not since you seem to have the brain of a toad. your attempts at insults are juvenile at best and foolish at worst. your credibility is below zero, but you are quite proficient at repeating the left wing talking points of the day. Are you a parrot?
"...do your own research,..."

Ummm, poor poster Redfish.....news flash.....it ain't my job to prove your allegations can be properly vetted and proven to be true.
That be your job. Duh!!
You can better comprehend that concept by watching a Captain Obvious TEDTalk on YouTube.

But, in the meantime, the CliffsNotes explanation kinda goes like this:

  1. You assert it.
  2. You prove it.

    It's the Adult Swim thing to do.
    Not he Kiddie Wading Pool thing.
    I'm mildly sure you can come to understand the concept.
Good luck.
Ummm, poor poster Redfish.....news flash.....it ain't my job to prove your allegations can be properly vetted and proven to be true.
That be your job. Duh!!
You can better comprehend that concept by watching a Captain Obvious TEDTalk on YouTube.

But, in the meantime, the CliffsNotes explanation kinda goes like this:

  1. You assert it.
  2. You prove it.

    It's the Adult Swim thing to do.
    Not he Kiddie Wading Pool thing.
    I'm mildly sure you can come to understand the concept.
Good luck.

If he could, he would.

He doesn't, because he can't.

No one is fooled.
Ummm, poor poster Redfish.....news flash.....it ain't my job to prove your allegations can be properly vetted and proven to be true.
That be your job. Duh!!
You can better comprehend that concept by watching a Captain Obvious TEDTalk on YouTube.

But, in the meantime, the CliffsNotes explanation kinda goes like this:

  1. You assert it.
  2. You prove it.

    It's the Adult Swim thing to do.
    Not he Kiddie Wading Pool thing.
    I'm mildly sure you can come to understand the concept.
Good luck.
LOL,,, its you that has made the unproven assertions, not me. What I posted has been reported on
by the media many times. You are making shit up, either prove your assertations or go away.
Here is a summary as of Jan. 6, this year.
2 years later and people are still waiting trial. You can believe that its the Defense taking 2 years to try a case where they are charged with trespass (as most were) where the penalty is usually a 6 month suspended sentence.
And NO court is going to hold you without trial for longer than the sentence for your crime because they are backed up. Bull squeeze.
I can agree that there are some that are more serious and are taking more time. But for 99.9% of these simple trespassers who were / are being held way too long without trial is plain wrong.

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