What The New January 6 Videos Will Show

"But for 99.9% of these simple trespassers who were / are being held way too long without trial is plain wrong."
And these are only 'tresspass' prisoners held for two years.....you allege?
How many prisoners are you talking about?
Do you have or can you provide sourcing on these particular "trespass" prisoners?
Where are they being held?
Any other charges on them?

I ask, poster Imnuk because I am skeptical of your assertion.
Doesn't mean I am calling you a fibber......it means simply that your assertion doesn't have a ring of credibility in my opinion.

But, I am open minded and willing to read what you can provide the forum.
And these are only 'tresspass' prisoners held for two years.....you allege?
How many prisoners are you talking about?
Do you have or can you provide sourcing on these particular "trespass" prisoners?
Where are they being held?
Any other charges on them?

I ask, poster Imnuk because I am skeptical of your assertion.
Doesn't mean I am calling you a fibber......it means simply that your assertion doesn't have a ring of credibility in my opinion.

But, I am open minded and willing to read what you can provide the forum.
Ok, rather than investigate for yourself and actually learn something, you want someone to do the work for you....which I do not mind at all.

How about an article from Time;
Jan. 6 Capitol Rioters Arrests and Sentences So Far June 2022 (8 months ago)
More than 840 people have been arrested for storming the U.S. Capitol building on Jan. 6, 2021, with charges ranging from obstruction of an official proceeding to assault. But 17 months after the attempted insurrection, a significant number of rioters are still awaiting their sentencing.

Only around a quarter of those arrested—185 individuals—have received criminal sentences, while the rest are waiting for their trials or haven’t yet reached plea agreements. According to the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia

185 people out of 840 have had trials.

And this from the Left leaning Insider. com
It since has been updated to 978 arrests - some arrests were of people who were not in the building. They were outside the building, per the charges. Here is a link so you can see all 978 people, their charges.

Read the charges, most are simple trespass (in longer wording) on a government property. Sitting in jail rotting without trial...some for almost 2 years, with a max penalty of what? A couple hundred dollars and a few months suspended sentence? Maybe a little more if you get a pissy judge.

Now take the time to read, research and educate yourself on the truth of whats going on rather than trying to defend the indefensible.
Ok, rather than investigate for yourself and actually learn something, you want someone to do the work for you....which I do not mind at all.

Well, there is little reason for such snark, but we won't fuss about lack of diplomacy.

Rather, my avatar would regret that he may have been unclear in asking any poster to validate their assertions made on this chatroom. The intention...plain and simple....is that if a poster made an allegation, a charge, a claim, then they be able to back up such claim.

Specifically, my avatar queried those posters who have alleged that multitudes of J6 insurrectionists were sitting in jail with no charges. Or still sitting in jail due to minimal or just misdemeanor charges.

I personally am skeptical of such claims, and have asked those who make 'em to back 'em up. Show us they know what they are talking about. I want for them to do so because.....well, that adds to knowledge. And people seldom grow by knowing less.

So, at this point, we are disappointed that few who make these claims about the insurrectionists sitting in jail with no charges....ever back it up.

For example, in the quote below a poster, ' kingfutz', seemingly claims that some insurrectionists have sat in jail for "almost 2 years" for minor offenses.

We ask him to prove it.
He did not in the Time Magazine link he offered us.

So we ask him to offer the forum a better source that will validate this claim.
To wit:

Read the charges, most are simple trespass (in longer wording) on a government property. Sitting in jail rotting without trial...some for almost 2 years, with a max penalty of what? A couple hundred dollars and a few months suspended sentence?
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This wasn't a transfer of power, this was the installation of a corrupted brain dead meat puppet in a dirty diaper by the ones behind the massive fraud of an "election".

If there are videos of assaults, let the public see them all, including the cops beating the shit out of protestors.
Let's release the videos of the cops firing non-lethal rounds, tear gas canisters, chemical balls, flash bangs & smashing people with clubs.
Let's see the bad guys, including the govt assets, tearing down the barriers & instigating the conflicts.

Let's release it all so we can make up our own minds
Ok, rather than investigate for yourself and actually learn something, you want someone to do the work for you....which I do not mind at all.

How about an article from Time;
Jan. 6 Capitol Rioters Arrests and Sentences So Far June 2022 (8 months ago)
More than 840 people have been arrested for storming the U.S. Capitol building on Jan. 6, 2021, with charges ranging from obstruction of an official proceeding to assault. But 17 months after the attempted insurrection, a significant number of rioters are still awaiting their sentencing.

Only around a quarter of those arrested—185 individuals—have received criminal sentences, while the rest are waiting for their trials or haven’t yet reached plea agreements. According to the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia

185 people out of 840 have had trials.

And this from the Left leaning Insider. com
It since has been updated to 978 arrests - some arrests were of people who were not in the building. They were outside the building, per the charges. Here is a link so you can see all 978 people, their charges.

Read the charges, most are simple trespass (in longer wording) on a government property. Sitting in jail rotting without trial...some for almost 2 years, with a max penalty of what? A couple hundred dollars and a few months suspended sentence? Maybe a little more if you get a pissy judge.

Now take the time to read, research and educate yourself on the truth of whats going on rather than trying to defend the indefensible.
You should know that not all of those awaiting trail are in custody, most are on O.R. or bail.

Lake said defendants were being held in "prison" without being charged, but defendants are held pre-trial in jails. The majority of defendants awaiting trial have been released from jail pending the outcome of their case. The number of defendants detained pretrial is between 75 and 85 at any given time, according to the U.S. Attorney's Office.
As of March 6, more than 775 defendants had been arrested in connection with the Capitol attack.
The U.S. Attorney’s Office in Washington, D.C., summarized the charges in a recent update. More than 245 individuals have been charged with assaulting, resisting, or impeding police officers or employees, with over 80 of those charged with using a deadly or dangerous weapon or causing serious bodily injury to an officer.

Approximately 224 individuals have pleaded guilty to federal charges, including 29 for felonies. More than 110 defendants have been sentenced.
Specifically, my avatar queried those posters who have alleged that multitudes of J6 insurrectionists were sitting in jail with no charges. Or still sitting in jail due to minimal or just misdemeanor charges.

I personally am skeptical of such claims, and have asked those who make 'em to back 'em up. Show us they know what they are talking about. I want for them to do so because.....well, that adds to knowledge. And people seldom grow by knowing less.

So, at this point, we are disappointed that few who make these claims about the insurrectionists sitting in jail with no charges....ever back it up.
I do not believe the assertion you claim above is truthful. No one is claiming they are sitting in jail with no charges. My claim, Time's claim and Insider's claim (All of which were linked) is that a total of 978 people have been charged so far, many of which are still being held in jail without a trial yet. If you took the time, you can see what each and every one of those 978 people were charged with. Most were charged with trespass on a closed government property. A misdemeanor.

The claims of - its the defense postponing, Bull squeeze, no one would EVER postpone a hearing for over 2 years for a crime that carries a 6 month sentence at best, maybe a fine.
The claim of - the courts are so backed up, Bull squeeze, no court can hold you longer for a trial than the sentence would be.

You should know that not all of those awaiting trail are in custody, most are on O.R. or bail.

Lake said defendants were being held in "prison" without being charged, but defendants are held pre-trial in jails. The majority of defendants awaiting trial have been released from jail pending the outcome of their case. The number of defendants detained pretrial is between 75 and 85 at any given time, according to the U.S. Attorney's Office.
As of March 6, more than 775 defendants had been arrested in connection with the Capitol attack.
The U.S. Attorney’s Office in Washington, D.C., summarized the charges in a recent update. More than 245 individuals have been charged with assaulting, resisting, or impeding police officers or employees, with over 80 of those charged with using a deadly or dangerous weapon or causing serious bodily injury to an officer.

Approximately 224 individuals have pleaded guilty to federal charges, including 29 for felonies. More than 110 defendants have been sentenced.
Most of them arent in jail while they wait trial. According to The Guardian through court records, roughly 70% have been released.
That still leaves 30% held to await trial. Some deserve it, most do not. Some who deserve it most weren't ever talked to or charged. Some held for over 2 years. Are you saying that a person being charged with trespass is more dangerous than a drug dealer, or a murderer, or a rapist that was let go that they need to be held until trial?

And its 978 people charged as of December 2022, I posted that link in a previous post.
"....total of 978 people have been charged so far, many of which are still being held in jail without a trial yet."

I am quite skeptical of your claim above. Albeit you have built a back-door to duck out ...with your rather vague adjective of "many".

'Many'...... can have, ummm, ....'many' interpretations.

Regardless, without solid numbers to back up my suspicion, I will nonetheless assert that there aren't as many still held in jail without trial as some may think.

And, again without numbers to back my suspicion.....I still believe that those who have been in jail a long-time without trial are likely there because of trial-delays or their bad behavior, or the perception they are a flight-risk.
Speaking of the J6Jackasses still in the news, well, this bloke made headlines here in Florida today: 'Milkshake' Scott.

Here's what one FL paper reported:

"Daniel Lyons Scott, 29, could face up to 28 years in prison for charges of "obstruction of an official proceeding and aiding and abetting" and "assaulting, resisting, or impeding certain officers".

Scott, who is also know by the nickname "Milkshake," is a self-identified member of the Proud Boys.

Scott helped lead a charge against law enforcement that ultimately led to the rioters gaining access to the interior of the Capitol building, the U.S. Attorney's Office said."

Milkshake has plead guilty.
Most of them arent in jail while they wait trial. According to The Guardian through court records, roughly 70% have been released.
That still leaves 30% held to await trial. Some deserve it, most do not. Some who deserve it most weren't ever talked to or charged. Some held for over 2 years. Are you saying that a person being charged with trespass is more dangerous than a drug dealer, or a murderer, or a rapist that was let go that they need to be held until trial?

And its 978 people charged as of December 2022, I posted that link in a previous post.
If you checked, you would find that many of those still being held have Probation/Parole holds on them..thus cannot be bailed..except to another jurisdiction. Some others are in jail because they simply could not abide by the terms of their release. Going on-line to Social media, making problematic posts, having access to firearms, drinking/drugging or Failure to Appear.

This IS the U.S. system of justice. if you cannot afford bail..you WILL sit is jail..the severity of the charge notwithstanding.
Happens every day.
I am quite skeptical of your claim above. Albeit you have built a back-door to duck out ...with your rather vague adjective of "many".

'Many'...... can have, ummm, ....'many' interpretations.

Regardless, without solid numbers to back up my suspicion, I will nonetheless assert that there aren't as many still held in jail without trial as some may think.

And, again without numbers to back my suspicion.....I still believe that those who have been in jail a long-time without trial are likely there because of trial-delays or their bad behavior, or the perception they are a flight-risk.
I dont think the number of people still being held is the important thing...if its 1 or 100 it doesnt matter. Holding people without trial for a length of time greater than their punishment would be is wrong. I dont care what political ideology you have. You can suspect, think, believe, have a good hunch...doesnt matter. a government that is willing to hold anyone without trial for longer than the punishment would have been is wrong. Period.
If you checked, you would find that many of those still being held have Probation/Parole holds on them..thus cannot be bailed..except to another jurisdiction. Some others are in jail because they simply could not abide by the terms of their release. Going on-line to Social media, making problematic posts, having access to firearms, drinking/drugging or Failure to Appear.

This IS the U.S. system of justice. if you cannot afford bail..you WILL sit is jail..the severity of the charge notwithstanding.
Happens every day.
NEVER in the history of the country have people been held political prisoners because of their political ideology, and thats what this is broken down to. Being held longer than their punishment would be just to have a trial heard is unheard of and unimaginable...until this regime took over. Now if you arent the right political alignment, you sit and rot until they feel like getting around to you.

Of course the Libtards dont mind it...until it happens to them.
"Holding people without trial for a length of time greater than their punishment would be is wrong."

OK, but is that the case here?
If, in fact, as you seemingly suggest ----that there ARE some J6 suspects in jail, well, how many? who are they? and what are the circumstances of they being jail? What are they accused of doing on J6? Are they a flight risk? Did they assault anyone while they were incarcerated? Have they continued to break laws despite being behind bars?

And importantly for our discussion.....if there is one or many.....just who are they?
So you want to jail everyone over the actions of a few bad eggs? How about the moron that murdered the unarmed woman in the capitol building? I suppose he is a hero in your twisted mind.
Have you seen the video of that shooting? The officer was behind a barricaded door shooting blindly into the crowd. That officer should be brought up on murder charges.
I dont think the number of people still being held is the important thing...if its 1 or 100 it doesnt matter. Holding people without trial for a length of time greater than their punishment would be is wrong. I dont care what political ideology you have. You can suspect, think, believe, have a good hunch...doesnt matter. a government that is willing to hold anyone without trial for longer than the punishment would have been is wrong. Period.
Interesting. Once again, most are being held because they are not eligible for release. Some were released and broke the conditions of their bail, others have parole and probation holds.
However, let's say, for the sake of argument, that a guy is incarcerated on a charge that carries 1 year max. He's been in detention for that length of time. All he would have to do is plead guilty and his release would be instant.
I'm not convinced that there is anyone actually being held under these circumstance, but if there is, the only thing keeping them in jail...is their own decision.

I applaud your outrage at the bail system. It favors the rich and is not even-handed by any stretch of the imagination. But for a defendant who has failed to appear in the past, or has failed to abide by the conditions of his bail, sitting in jail is the only recourse.

No one is being held because of their political ideology. They are suspected of committing crimes, many of them serious.

Can't speak to "Libtards" But the majority of people who cannot make bail are poor...and not white~

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"NEVER in the history of the country have people been held political prisoners because of their political ideology, and thats what this is broken down to."
To the best of my knowledge....and I stand ready to be better informed.....but to my knowledge the J6 suspects who have been arrested or are still being sought .... are suspects because of alleged, or witnessed criminal behavior.

Look, poster Imnuk, spraying MACE in the face of a uniformed Federal police officer is a thing.
Stomping on him after your cohorts have dragged him down concrete stairs.....is a thing.
So is tasering him in the skull.
Breaking and entering into the Capitol of the United States of America.....is a thing.

So, if you know of any purely "political" prisoners arrested for activities at the J6 insurrection/riot/sedition......well, now is a good time, and appropriate venue to name 'em.

  • Tell us who they are.
  • Tell us what their actual charges are.
  • Tell us where they are incarcerated.
  • And tell us how you know.....meaning, share with us your sourcing so we, ourselves, can vet your claims.

Thanx, in advance.
The officer was behind a barricaded door shooting blindly into the crowd.

Ashli Babbitt? Again?
That woman's poor family. The MAGA/QAnon world just keep draggin' and draggin' her bloodied corpse across the internet in their pursuit of making some imaginary point. It is insensitive, and shameful. Demonstrating no respect for the poor grieving family.

So, regrettably, addressing their imaginary points gets to be like Whack-A-Mole.

Here's the deal, poster Imnu'.....the officer(s) instructed all of those attackers who were violently battering down the barricade to back off, to go away, to leave, to not enter. Yet, they persisted in destroying the integrity of the barrier specifically erected to bar their entry. And they breached that purpose-built barrier.

And one of the attackers leaped towards the officer who was pointing a gun that she was warned about. She leaped into that very breach.....towards the officers. It was Babbitt, of course. She did NOT..... go away, or back off, or leave. Instead, she leapt towards the armed officer. The officer shot the warned intruder that he was aiming at. He hit only the MAGAMob's tip-of-the-spear, Babbitt.

And his true aim did what was critically needed at that moment......it reduced the threat to the officers and the elected Representatives behind them that they took a solemn oath to protect. It reduced the threat of not only the individual point-man attacker, Babbitt; but also the rest of the mob that was urging her forward. They then dispersed and quit their point of attack. (in my opinion, any of those attackers who urged or helped Babbitt to breach that barrier are complicit in her death.....and should be held accountable as such. They participated in a felony where one of their co-conspirators was killed. )

The officer made a good.....and needed.....and approriate....shot.

May Babbitt's family find peace.
Cool story bro. Do you agree the rioters in the BLM riots should be charged?
Anyone who commits a crime should be charged

and these crimes were caught on video so no one can say Lack of evidence (but they say it anyway because they are morally and ethically [and otherwise] retarded)
And, again without numbers to back my suspicion.....I still believe that those who have been in jail a long-time without trial are likely there because of trial-delays or their bad behavior, or the perception they are a flight-risk.
I thought you liberal Democrats supported the right to protest?

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