What the Oligarchy has Forgotten - they depend on Us

The oligarchy is not left or right. It uses the left/right paradigm to divide the masses, so they can continue to enrich and empower themselves.
And John Galt was an elitist, as was Ayn Rand.

Sad deflection. This thread is about what individuals can do to undermine the Globalist takeover of the U.S.
I thought this thread was about "What the Oligarchy has Forgotten - they depend on Us ". This is a fact DJT and the Republicans in general and especially those arrested supporting the trump insurrection, are being reminded of daily and will be continually if they do not give up on destroying the country, free elections, rule of law and the constitution. The country was founded on the constitution, free elections and the rule of law and the oligarchy of the trumpians might as well get used to it. We that support the founding fathers have had this country under those norms for over two hundred years and we are keeping it! Go get your own country. This one is taken.

Oh blah blah blah so sleepy.....zzzzzz

The ones destroying this country are you and your brownshirted chump comrades.
Ignoring what they did at the Capital building (or tried to do) will do you no good. It just shows you have no standards, support no laws and support overturning free elections. Were you one of the guys shouting to hang the vice president or do you just support it? That is not sleepy, just un American.

View attachment 449735
You think those are the same. They are not. Those local officials should be held accountable for their ignoring the violence in their streets, hoping it would just go away if they ignored it long enough. The majority of Americans have no intention of ignoring the trumpian attack on our capital. Dream on, anarchist.

Chewbaca guy is his Cosplay outfit waving a flag is not an Insurrectionist. Taking Selfies is not the equivalent of burning and looting.
The oligarchy is not left or right. It uses the left/right paradigm to divide the masses, so they can continue to enrich and empower themselves.
And John Galt was an elitist, as was Ayn Rand.

Sad deflection. This thread is about what individuals can do to undermine the Globalist takeover of the U.S.
I thought this thread was about "What the Oligarchy has Forgotten - they depend on Us ". This is a fact DJT and the Republicans in general and especially those arrested supporting the trump insurrection, are being reminded of daily and will be continually if they do not give up on destroying the country, free elections, rule of law and the constitution. The country was founded on the constitution, free elections and the rule of law and the oligarchy of the trumpians might as well get used to it. We that support the founding fathers have had this country under those norms for over two hundred years and we are keeping it! Go get your own country. This one is taken.

Oh blah blah blah so sleepy.....zzzzzz

The ones destroying this country are you and your brownshirted chump comrades.
Ignoring what they did at the Capital building (or tried to do) will do you no good. It just shows you have no standards, support no laws and support overturning free elections. Were you one of the guys shouting to hang the vice president or do you just support it? That is not sleepy, just un American.
Why are you ignoring the fact that some federal employees, antifa and BLM were all also involved in going into that capital building?

The people that were actually there for and with Trump did not go into the capital.

And Who Killed Ashli Babbitt? If it were a "rightwinger", the MSM would be blaring the name across the country.
I don't give a fuck who killed her lawbreaking rioting insurrectionist ass. I don't really care who gets killed while willingly being in a Portland riot. I do care if the cops choke someone to death or shoot some poor sob in the back while he's running away.
I'm sort of at a loss for what the OP proposes as a solution, and frankly even what the "problem" is. Yes, compared to 1787 and even Jacksonian democracy, we are an oligarchy. It is no longer possible to simply pack a wagon, move west, steal land from Indians (intended) and seek to live. But even then, a failure of credit like we saw in 2016 meant starvation on a national scale. However, I accept for discussion that none of us can work for our daily bread and shelter but for the oligarchy that controls global corporatism. Even in Russia, the State exists to me simply the face, or middle man, for corporate globalism.

Trump the shill populist ran on being the people's champion, but really his trade war just raised tax revenues that he parceled out as largesse to his rural loyal supporters. Not to pick on the gullible Trumpians … but what is the alternative?

White may have been saying "we have an alternative to vote the bastards out" but the alternative may be the oligarchy as well. John Galt never was a valid alternative, and he was fiction created by a poor writer and lousy philospher who lived on social security which is benefit derived from an oligarchical govt.

Try reading for comprehension and retention. The OP is about non-cooperation with the people who are trying to destroy the middle and working classes.
Well yes, ms. smarty pants, but who are these people?
The oligarchy is not left or right. It uses the left/right paradigm to divide the masses, so they can continue to enrich and empower themselves.
And John Galt was an elitist, as was Ayn Rand.

Sad deflection. This thread is about what individuals can do to undermine the Globalist takeover of the U.S.
I thought this thread was about "What the Oligarchy has Forgotten - they depend on Us ". This is a fact DJT and the Republicans in general and especially those arrested supporting the trump insurrection, are being reminded of daily and will be continually if they do not give up on destroying the country, free elections, rule of law and the constitution. The country was founded on the constitution, free elections and the rule of law and the oligarchy of the trumpians might as well get used to it. We that support the founding fathers have had this country under those norms for over two hundred years and we are keeping it! Go get your own country. This one is taken.

Oh blah blah blah so sleepy.....zzzzzz

The ones destroying this country are you and your brownshirted chump comrades.
Ignoring what they did at the Capital building (or tried to do) will do you no good. It just shows you have no standards, support no laws and support overturning free elections. Were you one of the guys shouting to hang the vice president or do you just support it? That is not sleepy, just un American.
Why are you ignoring the fact that some federal employees, antifa and BLM were all also involved in going into that capital building?

The people that were actually there for and with Trump did not go into the capital.
The flags they carried inside, the video and audio recorded and the words of those arrested do not support your position. This is like the lie of a stolen election. You ask people to believe without proof and wish them to investigate that, which you have failed to prove time and time again.
This is why the Fascist Oligarchy Coup is doomed to fail. They depend on the people they are trying to destroy.

The point is that the left has taught us something very important this last decade: the power of being petty. Because they are. And they’re not afraid of using it.
And when one side insists on being fair and above board while the other side is petty, the petty side wins.

So, you’re going to say “but we can’t get down to their level!”
Why not? Because you want to lose? And you want to lose to the most detached, cultist bunch of cosplayers since the Aztecs thought they needed to kill all the people to keep the sun going?
Like hell. You’ll be petty and like it. And after that, we can rebuild and make sure the left learns to play fair. But until that day fairplay is death.

They’re going to run it off every site their control. Their HR is going to run off anyone to the right of Lenin. Their marketing managers are going to disadvantage our products. They’re going to do their best to obliterate us. And they dream of executions and prison camps.

So put fair n the box for a while. Be petty. Learn to be petty. Dare to be petty.

Because the truth is, though they’ve managed to control most institutions of power. But where the ability meets the real world? They’ve got nothing. Our side is the one that keeps things working.

It's time to be petty. Our freedom depends on it.

The oligarchy just lost the election, in case you haven't noticed.
The oligarchy is not left or right. It uses the left/right paradigm to divide the masses, so they can continue to enrich and empower themselves.

You know I keep hearing this refrain from libertarians, but for the life of me I can't make out what it means, precisely, in terms of a solution.

Well, first you have to understand the nature of the "enemy". Opting out as much as possible is a first step. Exercising one's first amendment right to describe REALITY is another.

I'm still confused. :D

I can't compensate for your lack of cognitive ability.

I don't lack in cognitive ability. I lack in making out precisely what this oligarchy that's neither left nor right is and how it uses the left/right paradigm, whatever that is, to divide the masses. It all strikes me as esoteric speak. But mostly I don't follow what the implied solution to this problem, whatever it is, is.

What I do know is that a cadre of sociopolitical elites and their useful idiots, the unwashed among the masses, want to take my stuff, and I ain't fixin' to be divided from my stuff without a fight.

Kumbaya. I also recommend throwing a monkey wrench into their gears when you have the opportunity to do so.

Well, if this oligarchy comprises the assholes trying to take my stuff, I'm prepared to throw more than just a monkey wrench into their gears.
This is why the Fascist Oligarchy Coup is doomed to fail. They depend on the people they are trying to destroy.

The point is that the left has taught us something very important this last decade: the power of being petty. Because they are. And they’re not afraid of using it.
And when one side insists on being fair and above board while the other side is petty, the petty side wins.

So, you’re going to say “but we can’t get down to their level!”
Why not? Because you want to lose? And you want to lose to the most detached, cultist bunch of cosplayers since the Aztecs thought they needed to kill all the people to keep the sun going?
Like hell. You’ll be petty and like it. And after that, we can rebuild and make sure the left learns to play fair. But until that day fairplay is death.

They’re going to run it off every site their control. Their HR is going to run off anyone to the right of Lenin. Their marketing managers are going to disadvantage our products. They’re going to do their best to obliterate us. And they dream of executions and prison camps.

So put fair n the box for a while. Be petty. Learn to be petty. Dare to be petty.

Because the truth is, though they’ve managed to control most institutions of power. But where the ability meets the real world? They’ve got nothing. Our side is the one that keeps things working.

It's time to be petty. Our freedom depends on it.

The oligarchy just lost the election, in case you haven't noticed.

well sort of. But Obamacare is a creation of the oligarchy in response to the oligarchy no longer covering people with medical as part of their job working for the oligarchy.

the quasi-libertarians think they have some market power on their individualism to bring back employer based for us all.
This is why the Fascist Oligarchy Coup is doomed to fail. They depend on the people they are trying to destroy.

The point is that the left has taught us something very important this last decade: the power of being petty. Because they are. And they’re not afraid of using it.
And when one side insists on being fair and above board while the other side is petty, the petty side wins.

So, you’re going to say “but we can’t get down to their level!”
Why not? Because you want to lose? And you want to lose to the most detached, cultist bunch of cosplayers since the Aztecs thought they needed to kill all the people to keep the sun going?
Like hell. You’ll be petty and like it. And after that, we can rebuild and make sure the left learns to play fair. But until that day fairplay is death.

They’re going to run it off every site their control. Their HR is going to run off anyone to the right of Lenin. Their marketing managers are going to disadvantage our products. They’re going to do their best to obliterate us. And they dream of executions and prison camps.

So put fair n the box for a while. Be petty. Learn to be petty. Dare to be petty.

Because the truth is, though they’ve managed to control most institutions of power. But where the ability meets the real world? They’ve got nothing. Our side is the one that keeps things working.

It's time to be petty. Our freedom depends on it.

The oligarchy just lost the election, in case you haven't noticed.

No, the Oligarchy STOLE the Presidential Election, bub.
The oligarchy is not left or right. It uses the left/right paradigm to divide the masses, so they can continue to enrich and empower themselves.
And John Galt was an elitist, as was Ayn Rand.

Sad deflection. This thread is about what individuals can do to undermine the Globalist takeover of the U.S.
I thought this thread was about "What the Oligarchy has Forgotten - they depend on Us ". This is a fact DJT and the Republicans in general and especially those arrested supporting the trump insurrection, are being reminded of daily and will be continually if they do not give up on destroying the country, free elections, rule of law and the constitution. The country was founded on the constitution, free elections and the rule of law and the oligarchy of the trumpians might as well get used to it. We that support the founding fathers have had this country under those norms for over two hundred years and we are keeping it! Go get your own country. This one is taken.

Oh blah blah blah so sleepy.....zzzzzz

The ones destroying this country are you and your brownshirted chump comrades.
Ignoring what they did at the Capital building (or tried to do) will do you no good. It just shows you have no standards, support no laws and support overturning free elections. Were you one of the guys shouting to hang the vice president or do you just support it? That is not sleepy, just un American.

View attachment 449735
You think those are the same. They are not. Those local officials should be held accountable for their ignoring the violence in their streets, hoping it would just go away if they ignored it long enough. The majority of Americans have no intention of ignoring the trumpian attack on our capital. Dream on, anarchist.

Chewbaca guy is his Cosplay outfit waving a flag is not an Insurrectionist. Taking Selfies is not the equivalent of burning and looting.
QAnon is a conspiracy oriented organization supported by trump, supported by his retweets and failure to denounce. Q Shaman is the poster boy for that group, caught and videoed in the Capital. His lawyer says he was there because of trump as his defense. The trump and his radical movement are stuck with him. Be careful of who you march with and flag followed as it will be assumed you support those figureheads. It has always been so.
Ignoring what they did at the Capital building (or tried to do) will do you no good. It just shows you have no standards, support no laws and support overturning free elections. Were you one of the guys shouting to hang the vice president or do you just support it? That is not sleepy, just un American.

"They" took selfies at the capitol.

YOUR REICH has spent 10 months on a violent Kristalnacht, killing 40 and maiming thousands.

Were you one of the guys who tore down the white house fence and attempted to assassinate the President of the United States?
The oligarchy is not left or right. It uses the left/right paradigm to divide the masses, so they can continue to enrich and empower themselves.
And John Galt was an elitist, as was Ayn Rand.

Sad deflection. This thread is about what individuals can do to undermine the Globalist takeover of the U.S.
I thought this thread was about "What the Oligarchy has Forgotten - they depend on Us ". This is a fact DJT and the Republicans in general and especially those arrested supporting the trump insurrection, are being reminded of daily and will be continually if they do not give up on destroying the country, free elections, rule of law and the constitution. The country was founded on the constitution, free elections and the rule of law and the oligarchy of the trumpians might as well get used to it. We that support the founding fathers have had this country under those norms for over two hundred years and we are keeping it! Go get your own country. This one is taken.

Oh blah blah blah so sleepy.....zzzzzz

The ones destroying this country are you and your brownshirted chump comrades.
Ignoring what they did at the Capital building (or tried to do) will do you no good. It just shows you have no standards, support no laws and support overturning free elections. Were you one of the guys shouting to hang the vice president or do you just support it? That is not sleepy, just un American.

View attachment 449735
You think those are the same. They are not. Those local officials should be held accountable for their ignoring the violence in their streets, hoping it would just go away if they ignored it long enough. The majority of Americans have no intention of ignoring the trumpian attack on our capital. Dream on, anarchist.

Chewbaca guy is his Cosplay outfit waving a flag is not an Insurrectionist. Taking Selfies is not the equivalent of burning and looting.
QAnon is a conspiracy oriented organization supported by trump, supported by his retweets and failure to denounce. Q Shaman is the poster boy for that group, caught and videoed in the Capital. His lawyer says he was there because of trump as his defense. The trump and his radical movement are stuck with him.
Seriously, boedecca has built this house on Trump's invasion of the capitol?
The oligarchy is not left or right. It uses the left/right paradigm to divide the masses, so they can continue to enrich and empower themselves.
And John Galt was an elitist, as was Ayn Rand.

Sad deflection. This thread is about what individuals can do to undermine the Globalist takeover of the U.S.
I thought this thread was about "What the Oligarchy has Forgotten - they depend on Us ". This is a fact DJT and the Republicans in general and especially those arrested supporting the trump insurrection, are being reminded of daily and will be continually if they do not give up on destroying the country, free elections, rule of law and the constitution. The country was founded on the constitution, free elections and the rule of law and the oligarchy of the trumpians might as well get used to it. We that support the founding fathers have had this country under those norms for over two hundred years and we are keeping it! Go get your own country. This one is taken.

Oh blah blah blah so sleepy.....zzzzzz

The ones destroying this country are you and your brownshirted chump comrades.
Ignoring what they did at the Capital building (or tried to do) will do you no good. It just shows you have no standards, support no laws and support overturning free elections. Were you one of the guys shouting to hang the vice president or do you just support it? That is not sleepy, just un American.
Why are you ignoring the fact that some federal employees, antifa and BLM were all also involved in going into that capital building?

The people that were actually there for and with Trump did not go into the capital.
The flags they carried inside, the video and audio recorded and the words of those arrested do not support your position. This is like the lie of a stolen election. You ask people to believe without proof and wish them to investigate that, which you have failed to prove time and time again.
I know, I know. It was just a celebration that got a little out of hand, notwithstanding the 7 people who died because of it, the damage, yes? A little fun. No harm, no foul
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The oligarchy is not left or right. It uses the left/right paradigm to divide the masses, so they can continue to enrich and empower themselves.
And John Galt was an elitist, as was Ayn Rand.

Sad deflection. This thread is about what individuals can do to undermine the Globalist takeover of the U.S.
I thought this thread was about "What the Oligarchy has Forgotten - they depend on Us ". This is a fact DJT and the Republicans in general and especially those arrested supporting the trump insurrection, are being reminded of daily and will be continually if they do not give up on destroying the country, free elections, rule of law and the constitution. The country was founded on the constitution, free elections and the rule of law and the oligarchy of the trumpians might as well get used to it. We that support the founding fathers have had this country under those norms for over two hundred years and we are keeping it! Go get your own country. This one is taken.

Oh blah blah blah so sleepy.....zzzzzz

The ones destroying this country are you and your brownshirted chump comrades.
Ignoring what they did at the Capital building (or tried to do) will do you no good. It just shows you have no standards, support no laws and support overturning free elections. Were you one of the guys shouting to hang the vice president or do you just support it? That is not sleepy, just un American.

View attachment 449735
You think those are the same. They are not. Those local officials should be held accountable for their ignoring the violence in their streets, hoping it would just go away if they ignored it long enough. The majority of Americans have no intention of ignoring the trumpian attack on our capital. Dream on, anarchist.

Chewbaca guy is his Cosplay outfit waving a flag is not an Insurrectionist. Taking Selfies is not the equivalent of burning and looting.
QAnon is a conspiracy oriented organization supported by trump, supported by his retweets and failure to denounce. Q Shaman is the poster boy for that group, caught and videoed in the Capital. His lawyer says he was there because of trump as his defense. The trump and his radical movement are stuck with him. Be careful of who you march with and flag followed as it will be assumed you support those figureheads. It has always been so.

Now do the fringe elements on the left and how the Dems are associated with them.
This is why the Fascist Oligarchy Coup is doomed to fail. They depend on the people they are trying to destroy.

The point is that the left has taught us something very important this last decade: the power of being petty. Because they are. And they’re not afraid of using it.
And when one side insists on being fair and above board while the other side is petty, the petty side wins.

So, you’re going to say “but we can’t get down to their level!”
Why not? Because you want to lose? And you want to lose to the most detached, cultist bunch of cosplayers since the Aztecs thought they needed to kill all the people to keep the sun going?
Like hell. You’ll be petty and like it. And after that, we can rebuild and make sure the left learns to play fair. But until that day fairplay is death.

They’re going to run it off every site their control. Their HR is going to run off anyone to the right of Lenin. Their marketing managers are going to disadvantage our products. They’re going to do their best to obliterate us. And they dream of executions and prison camps.

So put fair n the box for a while. Be petty. Learn to be petty. Dare to be petty.

Because the truth is, though they’ve managed to control most institutions of power. But where the ability meets the real world? They’ve got nothing. Our side is the one that keeps things working.

It's time to be petty. Our freedom depends on it.

The oligarchy just lost the election, in case you haven't noticed.

An illegitimate president says the oligarchy won. And they bought the Nazis with them.
This is why the Fascist Oligarchy Coup is doomed to fail. They depend on the people they are trying to destroy.

The point is that the left has taught us something very important this last decade: the power of being petty. Because they are. And they’re not afraid of using it.
And when one side insists on being fair and above board while the other side is petty, the petty side wins.

So, you’re going to say “but we can’t get down to their level!”
Why not? Because you want to lose? And you want to lose to the most detached, cultist bunch of cosplayers since the Aztecs thought they needed to kill all the people to keep the sun going?
Like hell. You’ll be petty and like it. And after that, we can rebuild and make sure the left learns to play fair. But until that day fairplay is death.

They’re going to run it off every site their control. Their HR is going to run off anyone to the right of Lenin. Their marketing managers are going to disadvantage our products. They’re going to do their best to obliterate us. And they dream of executions and prison camps.

So put fair n the box for a while. Be petty. Learn to be petty. Dare to be petty.

Because the truth is, though they’ve managed to control most institutions of power. But where the ability meets the real world? They’ve got nothing. Our side is the one that keeps things working.

It's time to be petty. Our freedom depends on it.

The oligarchy just lost the election, in case you haven't noticed.

An illegitimate president says the oligarchy won.

Indeed. Nothing says Free and Fair "Erection" like an Inauguration enclosed in 12 foot barbed wire fences, guarded by 26,000 troops, with no audience, and with the Elite wearing body armor.
QAnon is a conspiracy oriented organization supported by trump,

That's a lie.

supported by his retweets and failure to denounce. Q Shaman is the poster boy for that group, caught and videoed in the Capital. His lawyer says he was there because of trump as his defense. The trump and his radical movement are stuck with him. Be careful of who you march with and flag followed as it will be assumed you support those figureheads. It has always been so.

ANTIFA are armed insurrectionists supported by you and your filthy Reich.
The oligarchy is not left or right. It uses the left/right paradigm to divide the masses, so they can continue to enrich and empower themselves.
And John Galt was an elitist, as was Ayn Rand.

Sad deflection. This thread is about what individuals can do to undermine the Globalist takeover of the U.S.
I thought this thread was about "What the Oligarchy has Forgotten - they depend on Us ". This is a fact DJT and the Republicans in general and especially those arrested supporting the trump insurrection, are being reminded of daily and will be continually if they do not give up on destroying the country, free elections, rule of law and the constitution. The country was founded on the constitution, free elections and the rule of law and the oligarchy of the trumpians might as well get used to it. We that support the founding fathers have had this country under those norms for over two hundred years and we are keeping it! Go get your own country. This one is taken.

Oh blah blah blah so sleepy.....zzzzzz

The ones destroying this country are you and your brownshirted chump comrades.
Ignoring what they did at the Capital building (or tried to do) will do you no good. It just shows you have no standards, support no laws and support overturning free elections. Were you one of the guys shouting to hang the vice president or do you just support it? That is not sleepy, just un American.
Why are you ignoring the fact that some federal employees, antifa and BLM were all also involved in going into that capital building?

The people that were actually there for and with Trump did not go into the capital.
The flags they carried inside, the video and audio recorded and the words of those arrested do not support your position. This is like the lie of a stolen election. You ask people to believe without proof and wish them to investigate that, which you have failed to prove time and time again.
I know, I know. It was just a celebration that got a little out of hand, notwithstanding the 7 people who died because of it, the damage, yes? A little fun.

5, Herr Himmler.

And 40 have died during your 10 month long insurrection.

Plus your Brown Shirts raped a homeless man, how sick is that shit?
What the Oligarchy has Forgotten - they depend on Us
What the oligarchy has not forgotten, and we would do well to remember, is that the oligarchy has indeed made society dependent. We need an alternative to it, one with the logistical and infrastructure know-how to assume those essential functions as the ol(d)igarchy is dismantled. Chaos would be the result of doing otherwise.
The transition could be technocratic.
The oligarchy is not left or right. It uses the left/right paradigm to divide the masses, so they can continue to enrich and empower themselves.
And John Galt was an elitist, as was Ayn Rand.

Sad deflection. This thread is about what individuals can do to undermine the Globalist takeover of the U.S.
I thought this thread was about "What the Oligarchy has Forgotten - they depend on Us ". This is a fact DJT and the Republicans in general and especially those arrested supporting the trump insurrection, are being reminded of daily and will be continually if they do not give up on destroying the country, free elections, rule of law and the constitution. The country was founded on the constitution, free elections and the rule of law and the oligarchy of the trumpians might as well get used to it. We that support the founding fathers have had this country under those norms for over two hundred years and we are keeping it! Go get your own country. This one is taken.

Oh blah blah blah so sleepy.....zzzzzz

The ones destroying this country are you and your brownshirted chump comrades.
Ignoring what they did at the Capital building (or tried to do) will do you no good. It just shows you have no standards, support no laws and support overturning free elections. Were you one of the guys shouting to hang the vice president or do you just support it? That is not sleepy, just un American.
Why are you ignoring the fact that some federal employees, antifa and BLM were all also involved in going into that capital building?

The people that were actually there for and with Trump did not go into the capital.
The flags they carried inside, the video and audio recorded and the words of those arrested do not support your position. This is like the lie of a stolen election. You ask people to believe without proof and wish them to investigate that, which you have failed to prove time and time again.
I know, I know. It was just a celebration that got a little out of hand, notwithstanding the 7 people who died because of it, the damage, yes? A little fun.

5, Herr Himmler.

And 40 have died during your 10 month long insurrection.

Plus your Brown Shirts raped a homeless man, how sick is that shit?

[Progtards]But but but ...reasons, feelz and JUST SHUT UP racist![/Progtards]

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