What the Sessions Obsession Traches me about President Trump

Trump's treatment of Jeff Sessions is disgusting. It's abuse, plain and simple.

Man, my opinion of Canucks just keeps going down and down every time you post.

Sessions has proven he is weak, easily intimidated, has no initiative, and has to be kicked in the ass to get do his job.

It has been months since he was made US AG, and in that time he allowed himself to be bullied into un-necessarily recusing himself from a case / issue he should be supervising, failed to act on the deluge of criminal leaks coming out of Washington, sat back and did nothing - allowing the Keystone Capitol Cops take over and lead a federal Espionage / Blackmail case against the US involving Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Hillary Clinton, and potentially other Democrats in Congress.

What Trump has done is put Sessions on public notice. Instead of sitting back and keeping the American people in the dark about what he is thinking - as 'the most transparent President evuh' did - Trump is letting people know his thoughts on Sessions. So far Trump is 'spot on'. Sessions, again, has been a weak, timid, easily intimidated US AG whose decision-making has been extremely faulty / suspect.

Trump's public a$$-chewing of Sessions finally spurred Sessions into action...and it let Sessions know what happens from here on out is up to HIM (Sessions). If he continues to fail he will deservedly be gone. Though in a rough manner, Trump did Sessions the 'courtesy' of letting him know where he stands - consider it a public job performance review.

That's not your style? Too bad - you are not the President. Hell, you're not even an American.
Trump's treatment of Jeff Sessions is disgusting. It's abuse, plain and simple.

Man, my opinion of Canucks just keeps going down and down every time you post.

Sessions has proven he is weak, easily intimidated, has no initiative, and has to be kicked in the ass to get do his job.

It has been months since he was made US AG, and in that time he allowed himself to be bullied into un-necessarily recusing himself from a case / issue he should be supervising, failed to act on the deluge of criminal leaks coming out of Washington, sat back and did nothing - allowing the Keystone Capitol Cops take over and lead a federal Espionage / Blackmail case against the US involving Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Hillary Clinton, and potentially other Democrats in Congress.

What Trump has done is put Sessions on public notice. Instead of sitting back and keeping the American people in the dark about what he is thinking - as 'the most transparent President evuh' did - Trump is letting people know his thoughts on Sessions. So far Trump is 'spot on'. Sessions, again, has been a weak, timid, easily intimidated US AG whose decision-making has been extremely faulty / suspect.

Trump's public a$$-chewing of Sessions finally spurred Sessions into action...and it let Sessions know what happens from here on out is up to HIM (Sessions). If he continues to fail he will deservedly be gone. Though in a rough manner, Trump did Sessions the 'courtesy' of letting him know where he stands - consider it a public job performance review.

That's not your style? Too bad - you are not the President. Hell, you're not even an American.
There is an alternative theory, of course. President Trump probably had knowledge of the DOJ already doing investigations into Democratic gray area stuff. So now he, like you, can claim it was only the President's bluster that moved the ball. When in fact that is probably not accurate.
There is an alternative theory, of course. President Trump probably had knowledge of the DOJ already doing investigations into Democratic gray area stuff. So now he, like you, can claim it was only the President's bluster that moved the ball. When in fact that is probably not accurate.
Wow, you snowflakes have an un-provable conspiracy theory for everything Trump does to try to make him look bad. Bwuhahaha.... Do you guys just sit around in a circle thinking up those?

What exactly has Sessions done, until publicly kicked in the a$$, has sessions done to give you any indication that he is NOT timid, easily intimidated, etc. As I pointed out, that is all he has done - been timid, been intimidated into poor decisions, unmotivated, ignored crimes....
Trump's treatment of Jeff Sessions is disgusting. It's abuse, plain and simple.

Man, my opinion of Canucks just keeps going down and down every time you post.

Sessions has proven he is weak, easily intimidated, has no initiative, and has to be kicked in the ass to get do his job.

It has been months since he was made US AG, and in that time he allowed himself to be bullied into un-necessarily recusing himself from a case / issue he should be supervising, failed to act on the deluge of criminal leaks coming out of Washington, sat back and did nothing - allowing the Keystone Capitol Cops take over and lead a federal Espionage / Blackmail case against the US involving Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Hillary Clinton, and potentially other Democrats in Congress.

What Trump has done is put Sessions on public notice. Instead of sitting back and keeping the American people in the dark about what he is thinking - as 'the most transparent President evuh' did - Trump is letting people know his thoughts on Sessions. So far Trump is 'spot on'. Sessions, again, has been a weak, timid, easily intimidated US AG whose decision-making has been extremely faulty / suspect.

Trump's public a$$-chewing of Sessions finally spurred Sessions into action...and it let Sessions know what happens from here on out is up to HIM (Sessions). If he continues to fail he will deservedly be gone. Though in a rough manner, Trump did Sessions the 'courtesy' of letting him know where he stands - consider it a public job performance review.

That's not your style? Too bad - you are not the President. Hell, you're not even an American.

Hey hey hey there easyt65. I'm dual. Have mercy! The problems with Canucks are many and varied but mostly stem from ignorance of America; her history, her political system, and Americans in general.

They've never travelled to the US or if they have it's limited like Disney in Florida, golfing in Myrtle Beach, or the Folsom Street Fair in SF wearing their fave leather outfits. I had one friend who came back from Disneyland who actually said she hated it because it was "too commercial".


And from birth they have been taught that they are better than Americans just by being born Canadian. That's continually backed up by being addicted to CBC so they never get off sucking the "America is bad tit and we're great because we aren't American tit".

It's not complicated. Most in urban centers are no different than assholes in LA or NYC. When I came back up after living in Tennessee you should have heard the snide remarks over the state let alone the mocking of southern states that I've loved since childhood.

Like I said think of urban Canucks like you think of LA or SF or NYC people. Globalists. Elitist. Arrogant. And freaking bigoted as hell.

That's why I've chosen to live in the middle of nowhere Canada and I can see the border lights flashing at night just down the road. I have the best of rural Canada and the US just a couple of miles away.

That's why I'm such a happy camper :)
Immediately after the election President Trump, rightly in my opinion, dismissed the idea of following through on his campaign promise to lock her up as being "too divisive " for our country. Coupled with the massive distraction from getting policies in place, it made sense to think of the country first.

So what's changed now? The only thing that I can see is that he is angry about his family and himself being in the crosshairs. And because he is angry it now appears that he no longer cares about divisiveness. Put simply, in an effort to save his own family he is throwing the country into turmoil. For no good reason. No policies will get passed if the old crow Hillary is in jail. It will just create more division.

Not too noble if you asked me. It shows me the essence of what the man values before our country. And I am sickened by my vote.

It tells me that Trump is too much of a chickenshit to fire Sessions.

I worked with a guy like that. I had a Sales Manager who hired the assistants he needed, etc. He came to me one day & asked me to fire one of his assistants. I toid him that you hired then, you fire them.

Trump should fire Sessions or STFU.
Trump's treatment of Jeff Sessions is disgusting. It's abuse, plain and simple.

Man, my opinion of Canucks just keeps going down and down every time you post.

Sessions has proven he is weak, easily intimidated, has no initiative, and has to be kicked in the ass to get do his job.

It has been months since he was made US AG, and in that time he allowed himself to be bullied into un-necessarily recusing himself from a case / issue he should be supervising, failed to act on the deluge of criminal leaks coming out of Washington, sat back and did nothing - allowing the Keystone Capitol Cops take over and lead a federal Espionage / Blackmail case against the US involving Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Hillary Clinton, and potentially other Democrats in Congress.

What Trump has done is put Sessions on public notice. Instead of sitting back and keeping the American people in the dark about what he is thinking - as 'the most transparent President evuh' did - Trump is letting people know his thoughts on Sessions. So far Trump is 'spot on'. Sessions, again, has been a weak, timid, easily intimidated US AG whose decision-making has been extremely faulty / suspect.

Trump's public a$$-chewing of Sessions finally spurred Sessions into action...and it let Sessions know what happens from here on out is up to HIM (Sessions). If he continues to fail he will deservedly be gone. Though in a rough manner, Trump did Sessions the 'courtesy' of letting him know where he stands - consider it a public job performance review.

That's not your style? Too bad - you are not the President. Hell, you're not even an American.

Hey hey hey there easyt65. I'm dual. Have mercy! The problems with Canucks are many and varied but mostly stem from ignorance of America; her history, her political system, and Americans in general.

They've never travelled to the US or if they have it's limited like Disney in Florida, golfing in Myrtle Beach, or the Folsom Street Fair in SF wearing their fave leather outfits. I had one friend who came back from Disneyland who actually said she hated it because it was "too commercial".


And from birth they have been taught that they are better than Americans just by being born Canadian. That's continually backed up by being addicted to CBC so they never get off sucking the "America is bad tit and we're great because we aren't American tit".

It's not complicated. Most in urban centers are no different than assholes in LA or NYC. When I came back up after living in Tennessee you should have heard the snide remarks over the state let alone the mocking of southern states that I've loved since childhood.

Like I said think of urban Canucks like you think of LA or SF or NYC people. Globalists. Elitist. Arrogant. And freaking bigoted as hell.

That's why I've chosen to live in the middle of nowhere Canada and I can see the border lights flashing at night just down the road. I have the best of rural Canada and the US just a couple of miles away.

That's why I'm such a happy camper :)
Thank you for that, and my apologies for any offense to you.

(Just got back from Niagara Falls, the Canadian side - much more beautiful than the American side. Had a window over-looking the falls. Incredible. I have worked with and still work with some awesome Canucks in the military. Proud to serve with / fight beside them eh. :p)
Trump's treatment of Jeff Sessions is disgusting. It's abuse, plain and simple.

Man, my opinion of Canucks just keeps going down and down every time you post.

Sessions has proven he is weak, easily intimidated, has no initiative, and has to be kicked in the ass to get do his job.

It has been months since he was made US AG, and in that time he allowed himself to be bullied into un-necessarily recusing himself from a case / issue he should be supervising, failed to act on the deluge of criminal leaks coming out of Washington, sat back and did nothing - allowing the Keystone Capitol Cops take over and lead a federal Espionage / Blackmail case against the US involving Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Hillary Clinton, and potentially other Democrats in Congress.

What Trump has done is put Sessions on public notice. Instead of sitting back and keeping the American people in the dark about what he is thinking - as 'the most transparent President evuh' did - Trump is letting people know his thoughts on Sessions. So far Trump is 'spot on'. Sessions, again, has been a weak, timid, easily intimidated US AG whose decision-making has been extremely faulty / suspect.

Trump's public a$$-chewing of Sessions finally spurred Sessions into action...and it let Sessions know what happens from here on out is up to HIM (Sessions). If he continues to fail he will deservedly be gone. Though in a rough manner, Trump did Sessions the 'courtesy' of letting him know where he stands - consider it a public job performance review.

That's not your style? Too bad - you are not the President. Hell, you're not even an American.
There is an alternative theory, of course. President Trump probably had knowledge of the DOJ already doing investigations into Democratic gray area stuff. So now he, like you, can claim it was only the President's bluster that moved the ball. When in fact that is probably not accurate.

With all due respect even Senator Grassley had to fire off a letter to the DOJ asking them what the hell are they doing about the proven DNC/Ukrainian collusion. I love Sessions but he has dropped the ball on many issues.

Take the Democrat IT scandal. How the hell did the DOJ let the freaking Capitol Police investigate this. It's a massive scandal and not only were D's in Congress compromised but so are those in the DNC.

Sessions didn't investigate the Comey/Lynch link. Grassley and Feinstein fired up their own investigation and now the House is going to as well.

I understand why Trump and others in Congress and the Senate are too. It's a pity. I thought Sessions would be more of a pit bull on known crimes like all the leaks.

Trump's treatment of Jeff Sessions is disgusting. It's abuse, plain and simple.

Man, my opinion of Canucks just keeps going down and down every time you post.

Sessions has proven he is weak, easily intimidated, has no initiative, and has to be kicked in the ass to get do his job.

It has been months since he was made US AG, and in that time he allowed himself to be bullied into un-necessarily recusing himself from a case / issue he should be supervising, failed to act on the deluge of criminal leaks coming out of Washington, sat back and did nothing - allowing the Keystone Capitol Cops take over and lead a federal Espionage / Blackmail case against the US involving Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Hillary Clinton, and potentially other Democrats in Congress.

What Trump has done is put Sessions on public notice. Instead of sitting back and keeping the American people in the dark about what he is thinking - as 'the most transparent President evuh' did - Trump is letting people know his thoughts on Sessions. So far Trump is 'spot on'. Sessions, again, has been a weak, timid, easily intimidated US AG whose decision-making has been extremely faulty / suspect.

Trump's public a$$-chewing of Sessions finally spurred Sessions into action...and it let Sessions know what happens from here on out is up to HIM (Sessions). If he continues to fail he will deservedly be gone. Though in a rough manner, Trump did Sessions the 'courtesy' of letting him know where he stands - consider it a public job performance review.

That's not your style? Too bad - you are not the President. Hell, you're not even an American.

Hey hey hey there easyt65. I'm dual. Have mercy! The problems with Canucks are many and varied but mostly stem from ignorance of America; her history, her political system, and Americans in general.

They've never travelled to the US or if they have it's limited like Disney in Florida, golfing in Myrtle Beach, or the Folsom Street Fair in SF wearing their fave leather outfits. I had one friend who came back from Disneyland who actually said she hated it because it was "too commercial".


And from birth they have been taught that they are better than Americans just by being born Canadian. That's continually backed up by being addicted to CBC so they never get off sucking the "America is bad tit and we're great because we aren't American tit".

It's not complicated. Most in urban centers are no different than assholes in LA or NYC. When I came back up after living in Tennessee you should have heard the snide remarks over the state let alone the mocking of southern states that I've loved since childhood.

Like I said think of urban Canucks like you think of LA or SF or NYC people. Globalists. Elitist. Arrogant. And freaking bigoted as hell.

That's why I've chosen to live in the middle of nowhere Canada and I can see the border lights flashing at night just down the road. I have the best of rural Canada and the US just a couple of miles away.

That's why I'm such a happy camper :)
Thank you for that, and my apologies for any offense to you.

(Just got back from Niagara Falls, the Canadian side - much more beautiful than the American side. Had a window over-looking the falls. Incredible. I have worked with and still work with some awesome Canucks in the military. Proud to serve with / fight beside them eh. :p)

I think it boils down to no matter where you are on the planet, you will find that the majority of arrogant and bigoted people are urbanites and fly over country have folks like us.
Living in TO was hell on earth for me but for a long time my career in the music industry meant I had to live there. Don't get me wrong. You take away the people and it's a great city.


I'm eternally grateful though to be able to live where I do now in big sky country and away from the city. Cripes I'll never forget when we just got back from Tennessee. At the time I was still a smoker and I'm standing at a combo bus /subway terminal. I couldn't breathe over the fumes.

I lit up and a mother actually gave me a dirty look and moved her child away because of my cigarette. Meanwhile she had nooooooo problemo with her poor daughter being at tail pipe level breathing in diesel fumes. :)
Immediately after the election President Trump, rightly in my opinion, dismissed the idea of following through on his campaign promise to lock her up as being "too divisive " for our country. Coupled with the massive distraction from getting policies in place, it made sense to think of the country first.

So what's changed now? The only thing that I can see is that he is angry about his family and himself being in the crosshairs. And because he is angry it now appears that he no longer cares about divisiveness. Put simply, in an effort to save his own family he is throwing the country into turmoil. For no good reason. No policies will get passed if the old crow Hillary is in jail. It will just create more division.

Not too noble if you askled me. It shows me the essence of what the man values before our country. And I am sickened by my vote.
Turned Every Witch Way But Loose

That wasn't the deal. President Trump was holding the prosecution of hillary in reserve to counterattack with if the Demwits launched a paranoiac Russophobe witchhunt.
Does anyone think this stupid thread and thought is original. You can be assured that this is how these bloated stupid hypocrites are now being directed by the media to think. This is how they are preparing and how they will all shout.

Meanwhile, their half black skinny marxist is still on a world tour undermining all of the presidents actions and their kuuunt criminal is constantly saying shit too. Not to mention the daily barrage of fake news (all of them have been caught) regarding the so called collusion. Every fucking day and remember these jackals admitted it is all nothing burgers. They are committed to make sure Trump does not succeed, and even if he does, they report that he is a complete failure.

Just like they are doing. Deliberately ignoring the accomplishments and attacking him for perceived failures. The same press mind you that ignored nearly 100 of broken promises by their half black messiah. It is a concerted effort on part of the establishment as well the left wing media, along with the entire globalist movement.

Now, Trump is FINALLY fighting back, and they are instructing these pathetic scumbags like the OP to call him a divider?

BLACK LIVES MATTER? Go fucking yourselves you stupid left wing hypocritical morons. You are proven wrong over and over again. You are all fucking losers. You are all nothing but robots. You are nothing.

Get ready, cause it is going to get a lot worse for you.
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I am not a partisan. I'm a Canadian

Canadian - not even an American. That explains it - you don't know what the F* you're talking about.

Instead of reading 'world reports' you should have actually watched the Investigations. You should have seen the Obama administration officials testify under oath that they DID know about the threat of a Middle East-wide attack on US Embassies on 9/11/12, that they DID know about the AQ leader's call for an assassination of Stevens in retaliation for the death of a Benghazi AQ leader due to an Obama drone strike, they DID know of the 2 terrorist attacks leading up to 9/11/12, they DID know how Stevens asked for additional security more than 50 times, they DID reject all of those requests, they DID take away part of his security detail right before 9/11/12 and AFTER the 2 terrorist attacks, and they DID know about the other nations pulling their people out and refused to do so.

YOU claimed they did not know some of this until AFTER the investigation which is completely WRONG. You, like (UN-)American snowflakes claim Hillary was not a failure even though she allowed 4 Americans to NEEDLESSLY die. So, that is a measure of success for F*ed up Canuck snowflakes, too huh?!

I made no claims of what was learned in the investigations whatsoever. But I did read up on the reports as they were issued.

That you're STILL spouting FOX News talking points says that you didn't read the reports at all.

1. In advance of the 10th anniversary of 9/11, the State Department issued a warning to all US diplomatic outposts throughout the world, and in particular, they issued a strong warning those in the ME, to be on high alert.

2. Ambassador Stevens was warned NOT to go to Benghazi because of unrest and terrorist activity in the area - a warning HE chose to ignore.

3. In the months preceding the attack, numerous security upgrades were made to the compound, including stronger fencing, improved lighting, and other work. However, with Congress cutting the State Department security budget by 30%, not everything requested was completed.

4. US forces were too far away to effect a rescue once the attack started. There was no "stand down" order. One of the outcomes of this attack was that US military are now stationed closer to hot spot areas so that they can come to the aid of Americans under attack.

7 Benghazi investigations could find no fault with Obama or Clintons handling of this tragedy.

It is also to be noted that 80 people died in attacks on diplomatic outposts under George W. Bush and there wasn't one Congressional investigation to make sure it never happened again.
I am not a partisan. I'm a Canadian

Canadian - not even an American. That explains it - you don't know what the F* you're talking about.

Instead of reading 'world reports' you should have actually watched the Investigations. You should have seen the Obama administration officials testify under oath that they DID know about the threat of a Middle East-wide attack on US Embassies on 9/11/12, that they DID know about the AQ leader's call for an assassination of Stevens in retaliation for the death of a Benghazi AQ leader due to an Obama drone strike, they DID know of the 2 terrorist attacks leading up to 9/11/12, they DID know how Stevens asked for additional security more than 50 times, they DID reject all of those requests, they DID take away part of his security detail right before 9/11/12 and AFTER the 2 terrorist attacks, and they DID know about the other nations pulling their people out and refused to do so.

YOU claimed they did not know some of this until AFTER the investigation which is completely WRONG. You, like (UN-)American snowflakes claim Hillary was not a failure even though she allowed 4 Americans to NEEDLESSLY die. So, that is a measure of success for F*ed up Canuck snowflakes, too huh?!

I made no claims of what was learned in the investigations whatsoever. But I did read up on the reports as they were issued.

That you're STILL spouting FOX News talking points says that you didn't read the reports at all.

1. In advance of the 10th anniversary of 9/11, the State Department issued a warning to all US diplomatic outposts throughout the world, and in particular, they issued a strong warning those in the ME, to be on high alert.

2. Ambassador Stevens was warned NOT to go to Benghazi because of unrest and terrorist activity in the area - a warning HE chose to ignore.

3. In the months preceding the attack, numerous security upgrades were made to the compound, including stronger fencing, improved lighting, and other work. However, with Congress cutting the State Department security budget by 30%, not everything requested was completed.

4. US forces were too far away to effect a rescue once the attack started. There was no "stand down" order. One of the outcomes of this attack was that US military are now stationed closer to hot spot areas so that they can come to the aid of Americans under attack.

7 Benghazi investigations could find no fault with Obama or Clintons handling of this tragedy.

It is also to be noted that 80 people died in attacks on diplomatic outposts under George W. Bush and there wasn't one Congressional investigation to make sure it never happened again.


1. You admit the State Department knew about the attacks called for on 9/11/12 yet refused to pull Americans out of Benghazi while/after every other nation did so.

2. Stevens was warned? All Americans should have been pulled out by then. So Hillary and the Democrats are blaming the victim after they failed to protect the Americans by ORDERING them out. Damn....

3. In the WEEKS leading up to the final attack in Benghazi there were 2 terrorist attacks on the compound, the last one leaving a 4-foot hole in the wall. SECURITY UPGRADES? Testimony during the investigations revealed that as the Brits were leaving Stevens asked them if they could have / use their movable security walls and other equipment THE US DID NOT HAVE to use in case of the attack - this showed Stevens was expecting an attack and that he did not have the equipment he needed. (He obviously did not have what he needed because the compound was easily overrun, and he and 3 other Americans were killed!)

The State Department rejected over 50 requests for additional security and after those attacks they TOOK AWAY some of Stevens Security Team members.

Don't you DARE blame anyone else for Hillary and her State Department letting Stevens and 3 other Americans be murdered on 9/11/12. If they did not have the people to protect Americans they should have pulled them out. If Stevens is begging for more and you end up pulling more OUT, then you damn-well know they did not have enough to protect them. AGAIN, if Hillary would have pulled them out when everyone else pulled their people out money would not have been an issue and 4 Americans would still be dead.

You damn-well know if Hillary's daughter would have been in Benghazi at the time more security team members would have been sent in if she had not already been pulled out already! TOP TRYING TO BLAME OTHERS FOR HILLARY'S F* UP. SHE WAS RESPONSIBLE...SHE LET THEM GET KILLED.

4. Stevens and the Americans should never have still been there!
KNOWING there were going to be attacks on 9/11/12, forces should have been pre-positioned and ON ALERT! Not having this done is a major tactical F* UP, a complete failure to ensure your people are protected. The moment shit hits the fan is not the time to find out you failed to prepare and F*ed up.

YOU LIE AGAIN! A helluva a lot of failures and fault were uncovered during the Investigations...but nothing CRIMINAL was revealed.

Hillary LAUGHING when asked about Stevens' more than 50 requests for additional security, her claiming she thought he was JOKING, that she thought it was part of his SENSE OF HUMOR...even after 2 terrorist attacks on his compound, that last one again leaving a 4-foot hold in the compound wall...was F*ing GHOULISH and so wrong on so many levels.

I am not a partisan. I'm a Canadian

Canadian - not even an American. That explains it - you don't know what the F* you're talking about.

Instead of reading 'world reports' you should have actually watched the Investigations. You should have seen the Obama administration officials testify under oath that they DID know about the threat of a Middle East-wide attack on US Embassies on 9/11/12, that they DID know about the AQ leader's call for an assassination of Stevens in retaliation for the death of a Benghazi AQ leader due to an Obama drone strike, they DID know of the 2 terrorist attacks leading up to 9/11/12, they DID know how Stevens asked for additional security more than 50 times, they DID reject all of those requests, they DID take away part of his security detail right before 9/11/12 and AFTER the 2 terrorist attacks, and they DID know about the other nations pulling their people out and refused to do so.

YOU claimed they did not know some of this until AFTER the investigation which is completely WRONG. You, like (UN-)American snowflakes claim Hillary was not a failure even though she allowed 4 Americans to NEEDLESSLY die. So, that is a measure of success for F*ed up Canuck snowflakes, too huh?!

I made no claims of what was learned in the investigations whatsoever. But I did read up on the reports as they were issued.

That you're STILL spouting FOX News talking points says that you didn't read the reports at all.

1. In advance of the 10th anniversary of 9/11, the State Department issued a warning to all US diplomatic outposts throughout the world, and in particular, they issued a strong warning those in the ME, to be on high alert.

2. Ambassador Stevens was warned NOT to go to Benghazi because of unrest and terrorist activity in the area - a warning HE chose to ignore.

3. In the months preceding the attack, numerous security upgrades were made to the compound, including stronger fencing, improved lighting, and other work. However, with Congress cutting the State Department security budget by 30%, not everything requested was completed.

4. US forces were too far away to effect a rescue once the attack started. There was no "stand down" order. One of the outcomes of this attack was that US military are now stationed closer to hot spot areas so that they can come to the aid of Americans under attack.

7 Benghazi investigations could find no fault with Obama or Clintons handling of this tragedy.

It is also to be noted that 80 people died in attacks on diplomatic outposts under George W. Bush and there wasn't one Congressional investigation to make sure it never happened again.


1. You admit the State Department knew about the attacks called for on 9/11/12 yet refused to pull Americans out of Benghazi while/after every other nation did so.

2. Stevens was warned? All Americans should have been pulled out by then. So Hillary and the Democrats are blaming the victim after they failed to protect the Americans by ORDERING them out. Damn....

3. In the WEEKS leading up to the final attack in Benghazi there were 2 terrorist attacks on the compound, the last one leaving a 4-foot hole in the wall. SECURITY UPGRADES? Testimony during the investigations revealed that as the Brits were leaving Stevens asked them if they could have / use their movable security walls and other equipment THE US DID NOT HAVE to use in case of the attack - this showed Stevens was expecting an attack and that he did not have the equipment he needed. (He obviously did not have what he needed because the compound was easily overrun, and he and 3 other Americans were killed!)

The State Department rejected over 50 requests for additional security and after those attacks they TOOK AWAY some of Stevens Security Team members.

Don't you DARE blame anyone else for Hillary and her State Department letting Stevens and 3 other Americans be murdered on 9/11/12. If they did not have the people to protect Americans they should have pulled them out. If Stevens is begging for more and you end up pulling more OUT, then you damn-well know they did not have enough to protect them. AGAIN, if Hillary would have pulled them out when everyone else pulled their people out money would not have been an issue and 4 Americans would still be dead.

You damn-well know if Hillary's daughter would have been in Benghazi at the time more security team members would have been sent in if she had not already been pulled out already! TOP TRYING TO BLAME OTHERS FOR HILLARY'S F* UP. SHE WAS RESPONSIBLE...SHE LET THEM GET KILLED.

4. Stevens and the Americans should never have still been there!
KNOWING there were going to be attacks on 9/11/12, forces should have been pre-positioned and ON ALERT! Not having this done is a major tactical F* UP, a complete failure to ensure your people are protected. The moment shit hits the fan is not the time to find out you failed to prepare and F*ed up.

YOU LIE AGAIN! A helluva a lot of failures and fault were uncovered during the Investigations...but nothing CRIMINAL was revealed.

Hillary LAUGHING when asked about Stevens' more than 50 requests for additional security, her claiming she thought he was JOKING, that she thought it was part of his SENSE OF HUMOR...even after 2 terrorist attacks on his compound, that last one again leaving a 4-foot hold in the compound wall...was F*ing GHOULISH and so wrong on so many levels.


Again, you're just repeating FOX News talking points. Your assertions have no basis in fact.

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Warning of "holy hell" to pay if the president fires Attorney General Jeff Sessions, a top Senate Republican is working to prevent the potential end result, the dismissal of Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina is working on legislation that would block the firing of special counsels without judicial review. Democrats Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island and Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut said Thursday they are among the senators on the Senate Judiciary Committee who are working with Graham on the effort.

News from The Associated Press

I am not a partisan. I'm a Canadian who doesn't watch American news, I watch world reports.

You're the guy spouting the FOX News lies.

The Benghazi investigations, all 7 of them said that the Obama Administration did NOT LIE, DID NOT DECEIVE AND DID NOT COVER UP.
Just another inconvenient truth that republicans ignore.
Again, you're just repeating FOX News talking points. Your assertions have no basis in fact.
No, Canuck, I watched the investigations, I listened to the testimony, I read the reports, I did research...

I was actually working when that went down. I was with some of the SpecOps guys who worked for the General who was forced to step down, who belonged to the team that wanted to respond. (Whether you believe me or not, I really don't care.)

Let me educate you on something:

When such an event occurs as the Benghazi attack, military response teams do not wait until they get clear reports of exactly what is happening on the ground, especially not when there are several hours to get to the location. Events such as the Benghazi attack are fluid and will certainly change during the hours of flight on your way to the scene. Military teams GO, and they are briefed - given updates while in the air.

Even if there is no 100% clear picture of what's going on we know there are Americans on the ground being attacked, and it is our job to rescue them. EVEN if when you get to the location and Americans are dead, you secure the US compound and the bodies of Americans. A call was made telling the military not to go; otherwise, dead or not, the military would have arrived on-scene, secured the bodies and retaken the compound...no matter what!
I am not a partisan. I'm a Canadian

Canadian - not even an American. That explains it - you don't know what the F* you're talking about.

Instead of reading 'world reports' you should have actually watched the Investigations. You should have seen the Obama administration officials testify under oath that they DID know about the threat of a Middle East-wide attack on US Embassies on 9/11/12, that they DID know about the AQ leader's call for an assassination of Stevens in retaliation for the death of a Benghazi AQ leader due to an Obama drone strike, they DID know of the 2 terrorist attacks leading up to 9/11/12, they DID know how Stevens asked for additional security more than 50 times, they DID reject all of those requests, they DID take away part of his security detail right before 9/11/12 and AFTER the 2 terrorist attacks, and they DID know about the other nations pulling their people out and refused to do so.

YOU claimed they did not know some of this until AFTER the investigation which is completely WRONG. You, like (UN-)American snowflakes claim Hillary was not a failure even though she allowed 4 Americans to NEEDLESSLY die. So, that is a measure of success for F*ed up Canuck snowflakes, too huh?!

I made no claims of what was learned in the investigations whatsoever. But I did read up on the reports as they were issued.

That you're STILL spouting FOX News talking points says that you didn't read the reports at all.

1. In advance of the 10th anniversary of 9/11, the State Department issued a warning to all US diplomatic outposts throughout the world, and in particular, they issued a strong warning those in the ME, to be on high alert.

2. Ambassador Stevens was warned NOT to go to Benghazi because of unrest and terrorist activity in the area - a warning HE chose to ignore.

3. In the months preceding the attack, numerous security upgrades were made to the compound, including stronger fencing, improved lighting, and other work. However, with Congress cutting the State Department security budget by 30%, not everything requested was completed.

4. US forces were too far away to effect a rescue once the attack started. There was no "stand down" order. One of the outcomes of this attack was that US military are now stationed closer to hot spot areas so that they can come to the aid of Americans under attack.

7 Benghazi investigations could find no fault with Obama or Clintons handling of this tragedy.

It is also to be noted that 80 people died in attacks on diplomatic outposts under George W. Bush and there wasn't one Congressional investigation to make sure it never happened again.

Couple of points regarding the above.
Stand-down' story ignores critical facts about effort to save Americans in Benghazi
The above effort to white wash the Obama administration was done by the extremely well known BIASED Politifact.org which is owned by the non-profit
group Poynter Institute owner of the ST. Petersburg, FL Times known by those of us living here as Pravda West!
This will not alter Dragonlady's extremely biased and honestly uninformed position but there are several points she mentions ALL without any sourcing I might point out!

Evidence shows no Benghazi stand-down order to defy
For example.. semantics was the differential according to Politifact.
All the evidence suggests that if the phrase "stand down" was used by officials — and there's debate about that —
it was said only once in an effort to buy time to get intelligence information and equipment to a security team that was justifiably chomping at the bit to respond.
Testimony in the House Select Committee on Benghazi report shows there was no stand-down order to defy because there was never an order to not intervene in the unfolding disaster. The "stand-down" story contains some element of truth but ignores critical facts that would give a different impression. We rate it Mostly False.
The reality is there were troops ready to go BUT for political reasons ONLY... they were told to "WAIT"...
That's one differential Dragonlady won't agree with.
But here is one that NO ONE can dispute!
Susan Rice on 5 network shows blaming the video. All of this showing that Hillary and Obama think 100% all the time is this politically expedient...NOT what is best for America!
Her blaming a video telling a mother of one of the Benghazi dead Americans it was a video knowing full well it was a TERRORIST ATTACK!
Political expediency though (was just less then 8 weeks before re-election and remember Obama was counting on "Osama is dead" i.e. terrorism) no longer a
concern and with Benghazi identified BEFORE the election as a terrorist attack?
Would not be politically savvy. Hence the lie it was a video that had Susan Rice on 5 network shows blaming the video.
Hillary Clinton One night earlier, wrote an email at 11:12 pm to Chelsea Clinton reporting that two State Department officials had been killed in Benghazi by “an Al Queada-like group.”
Hillary Told Chelsea Truth About Benghazi, But Not American People

YET the proof is Hillary and Obama put the blame on in her words..
"Some have sought to justify this vicious behavior as a response to inflammatory material posted on the Internet"

Charles Woods, father of CIA operative Tyrone Woods, told talk show host Glenn Beck on Oct. 25, 2012, that Clinton said to him, "We will make sure that the person who made that film is arrested and prosecuted."

In 2015, three years later, Woods shared with Fox News diary notes he took after meeting Clinton, Obama and other officials. "I gave Hillary a hug and shook her hand. And she said we are going to have the filmmaker arrested who was responsible for the death of my son," the entry said in full.

And again what does Politifact do in calling the families liars and supporting Clinton/Obama's administration?
In conclusion

It is impossible to know with certainty what Clinton told these families in brief conversations at a private reception only three days after Benghazi. Some, but not all, family members who have spoken to the media said Clinton mentioned a video or protests in their meeting. Some said she didn’t mention a video.
Clinton says she did not.
If she did say something about the video, would it have been an intentional lie?
It’s very possible that this is one of the many conflicting pieces of intelligence that the administration was working with at the time.
There simply is not enough concrete information in the public domain for Rubio or anyone to claim as fact that Clinton did or did not lie to the Benghazi families.
What did Hillary Clinton tell families in Benghazi case?
And Obama further along with Susan Rice blamed the video for weeks... 8 weeks to be exact BEFORE the election as another "Trick" Tactic to fool voters!
Obama Has Touted Al Qaeda’s Demise 32 Times since Benghazi Attack By Fred Lucas | November 1, 2012 | 4:16 PM EDT
Obama Has Touted Al Qaeda’s Demise 32 Times since Benghazi Attack

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Warning of "holy hell" to pay if the president fires Attorney General Jeff Sessions, a top Senate Republican is working to prevent the potential end result, the dismissal of Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina is working on legislation that would block the firing of special counsels without judicial review. Democrats Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island and Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut said Thursday they are among the senators on the Senate Judiciary Committee who are working with Graham on the effort.

News from The Associated Press

Richard Nixon ordered the firing of independent special prosecutor Archibald Cox, which led to the resignations of the Attorney General and Deputy Attorney General William Ruckelshaus. We all know how that played out.
The Benghazi investigations, all 7 of them said that the Obama Administration did NOT LIE, DID NOT DECEIVE AND DID NOT COVER UP.

"The Obama administration knew attacks on the consulate were because of terrorism, but they knowingly changed the narrative to blame an “inflammatory” viral video — to escape any culpability of the attacks so close to a November election. In the 2012 campaign, Mr. Obama repeatedly spoke of not only killing Osama bin Laden, but how Al Qaeda had been “decimated” under his watch. Any word Benghazi was actually a terrorist attack would undermine this narrative.

In her first public comment on the attack on Sept. 11, 2012,
Mrs. Clinton’s first public statement released at 10:08 p.m. blamed the attack on a viral video.

“I condemn in the strongest terms the attack on our mission in Benghazi today,” said
Mrs. Clinton, then secretary of state. “Some have sought to justify this vicious behavior as a response to inflammatory material posted on the Internet.

Privately, in a summary of a call between Mrs. Clinton and the President of Libya Mohammad al Magariaf about three hours earlier, there was no talk of a viral video, only terrorism.

“[O]ur diplomatic mission was attacked[.] … [T]here is a gun battle ongoing, which I understand Ansar as-Sharia [sic] is claiming responsibility for,” a transcript of the call read.

After Mrs. Clinton made her public statements, blaming the video, she then emailed her daughter with the truth: “Two of our officers were killed in Benghazi by an al Qaeda like group.”

The lead Ambassador in Tripoli testified he called the State Department within minutes of the attack beginning and told them the attack was a terrorist attack.

The CIA testified that within an hour of the attack starting they sent a report to the WH WAR Room and to the State Department making it clear the attack was a TERRORIST attack - this report was proven to have been scrubbed over a dozen times, every reference to terrorism stripped from it before being released.

Hillary e-mailed the Egyptian ambassador telling him she KNEW it was a terrorist attack and that the video had nothing to do with it. She e-mailed/texted her daughter the same message...DMITTING SHE KNEW WHAT HAPPENED BUT LIED ABOUT A VIDEO.

Just stop - you're embarrassing yourself, Canuck.

Benghazi report points out Obama, Clinton lies

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