What the Sessions Obsession Traches me about President Trump

If he didn't do anything wrong, he should just let the investigations proceed.

Investigations into what?

There was never a crime to investigate. There was never any evidence of any crime to investigate.

Snowflakes demanded an investigation into their false accusations to which they have never had proof to support.
Why were members of Trump's campaign having contact with Russian operatives? This was reported by allied intelligence from several countries before your so-called "tainted" FBI got wind of it.
Were the operatives looking to "play" the campaign or were there existing relationships? So many, so many, Easy. Too many not to at least take a look.
Investigations never have evidence of what took place or they wouldn't have to do an investigation.
No Easy, no no and no...we do not prosecute people for breaking rules, we may punish them but we do not put them in jail for mistakes, especially people who have held very high positions within our govt and have dedicated their life to the government and Public Service....like Petraeus who was not simply careless, but committed the crime with intent, he knew he was doing wrong and CHOSE to do it anyway....and he got a misdemeanor charge for it even though it was a felony initially but plea bargained it down.... Now if what Petraeus did was just a misdemeanor then what Hillary did with breaking the rules and being careless, had to be less than Petraeus.... and that is precisely how it turn out....that is called Justice.

Petraus is a piker compared to what Hillary did!

We have a sailor serving a prison sentence for taking photographs of a treadmill on a submarine!
fortunately for civilians, military laws and code doesn't apply to them....they are different ya know?
'Breaking Rules'? WTF is wrong with you, C4A? The FOIA and Federal Records Act are LAWS, not 'Rules'. Violating them are CRIMES. Violating them, as specified in the laws I posted a while back are punishable by heavy fines and PRISON TIME.

Stop your bullshit already. You damn-well know Hillary broke the law....or I gave you way too much credit, and you are an idiot.
Folks on the right keep telling the left to "get over it; you lost." Well, it seems to me that you are having the same issue yourself. Hillary was investigated up the ass and the FBI director, who was NOT on anyone's "side" determined that the case could not be SUCCESSFULLY prosecuted. That is what they do over there, collect evidence and see if it's enough to prosecute. Lynch had already stepped back from making that decision because of the meeting on the tarmac (I swear to God she pulled that stupid meeting in order to get out of the hot seat on this one). Comey explained and it was perfectly understandable although disappointing.

You LOST. It's OVER. So get over it.
Why do you keep denying what you know is fact?

Hillary shared classified with her maid. Do you think that is legal? Yes or no?
You LOST. It's OVER. So get over it.
there is no conflict of interest.
Do you ever get tired of being wrong?

No conflict of interest?

The Democrats loathe Trump, and Mueller's panel is filled with nothi g but Trump-hating Democrats.

One of his members is Hillary Clinton's lawyer.

Another is a lawyer whise boss / mentor / friend was fired by Trump.

Yeah, no conflict of interests to be found.

Reverse the situation - imagine Obama being investigated by a group of Republicans under the same circumstances...suddenly, I imagine, snowflakes would be screaming 'conflict of interest', 'witch hunt', 'racists', 'set-up', etc...
Why do you lie so much? You do know God throws ALL liars in to the Lake of Fire don't you?

Donating money to a political party is never a conflict of interest for prosecutors....

if these prosecutors worked on a campaign, like Sessions did on the Trump campaign, then they would legally have to recuse themselves...but not simply by donating to the DNC in the past....

And only 7 of the 15 investigators hired donated to the DNC in the past, 8 of them did not....how is that unbalanced in any way if your assertion is even considered?

if a prosecutor is a Republican and I am a Democrat being charged for a crime by him....can I get the charges dropped because he is a Republican and I am a Democrat? :cuckoo:
Petraus is a piker compared to what Hillary did!

We have a sailor serving a prison sentence for taking photographs of a treadmill on a submarine!
fortunately for civilians, military laws and code doesn't apply to them....they are different ya know?
'Breaking Rules'? WTF is wrong with you, C4A? The FOIA and Federal Records Act are LAWS, not 'Rules'. Violating them are CRIMES. Violating them, as specified in the laws I posted a while back are punishable by heavy fines and PRISON TIME.

Stop your bullshit already. You damn-well know Hillary broke the law....or I gave you way too much credit, and you are an idiot.
Folks on the right keep telling the left to "get over it; you lost." Well, it seems to me that you are having the same issue yourself. Hillary was investigated up the ass and the FBI director, who was NOT on anyone's "side" determined that the case could not be SUCCESSFULLY prosecuted. That is what they do over there, collect evidence and see if it's enough to prosecute. Lynch had already stepped back from making that decision because of the meeting on the tarmac (I swear to God she pulled that stupid meeting in order to get out of the hot seat on this one). Comey explained and it was perfectly understandable although disappointing.

You LOST. It's OVER. So get over it.
Why do you keep denying what you know is fact?

Hillary shared classified with her maid. Do you think that is legal? Yes or no?
You LOST. It's OVER. So get over it.
if only that nugget of wisdom worked on liberals on this last presidential race.

or every single trump attack attempt/smear that fell short of its intended goal. those are piling up in the "you lost, it's over, so get over it" category quickly.
No Easy, no no and no...we do not prosecute people for breaking rules, we may punish them but we do not put them in jail for mistakes, especially people who have held very high positions within our govt and have dedicated their life to the government and Public Service....like Petraeus who was not simply careless, but committed the crime with intent, he knew he was doing wrong and CHOSE to do it anyway....and he got a misdemeanor charge for it even though it was a felony initially but plea bargained it down.... Now if what Petraeus did was just a misdemeanor then what Hillary did with breaking the rules and being careless, had to be less than Petraeus.... and that is precisely how it turn out....that is called Justice.

Petraus is a piker compared to what Hillary did!

We have a sailor serving a prison sentence for taking photographs of a treadmill on a submarine!
fortunately for civilians, military laws and code doesn't apply to them....they are different ya know?
'Breaking Rules'? WTF is wrong with you, C4A? The FOIA and Federal Records Act are LAWS, not 'Rules'. Violating them are CRIMES. Violating them, as specified in the laws I posted a while back are punishable by heavy fines and PRISON TIME.

Stop your bullshit already. You damn-well know Hillary broke the law....or I gave you way too much credit, and you are an idiot.
Folks on the right keep telling the left to "get over it; you lost." Well, it seems to me that you are having the same issue yourself. Hillary was investigated up the ass and the FBI director, who was NOT on anyone's "side" determined that the case could not be SUCCESSFULLY prosecuted. That is what they do over there, collect evidence and see if it's enough to prosecute. Lynch had already stepped back from making that decision because of the meeting on the tarmac (I swear to God she pulled that stupid meeting in order to get out of the hot seat on this one). Comey explained and it was perfectly understandable although disappointing.

You LOST. It's OVER. So get over it.
Why do you keep denying what you know is fact?

Hillary shared classified with her maid. Do you think that is legal? Yes or no?
so you actually believed that propaganda garbage, eh? why even ask...OF COURSE YOU DID! :lol:
so you actually believed that propaganda garbage, eh? why even ask...OF COURSE YOU DID! :lol:
The FBI just recently released over 400 official e-mails from Hillary's server that had never been turned over to the State Department...according to the State Department. That's over 400 criminal violations of the FOIA and over 4oo criminal violations of the Federal Records Act, and you are trying to defend Hillary from these, talking about how she should not be punished for 'breaking RULES'.

Are you a Hillary-ass-kissing snowflake, or are you really as stupid as you make yourself look?
fortunately for civilians, military laws and code doesn't apply to them....they are different ya know?
'Breaking Rules'? WTF is wrong with you, C4A? The FOIA and Federal Records Act are LAWS, not 'Rules'. Violating them are CRIMES. Violating them, as specified in the laws I posted a while back are punishable by heavy fines and PRISON TIME.

Stop your bullshit already. You damn-well know Hillary broke the law....or I gave you way too much credit, and you are an idiot.
Folks on the right keep telling the left to "get over it; you lost." Well, it seems to me that you are having the same issue yourself. Hillary was investigated up the ass and the FBI director, who was NOT on anyone's "side" determined that the case could not be SUCCESSFULLY prosecuted. That is what they do over there, collect evidence and see if it's enough to prosecute. Lynch had already stepped back from making that decision because of the meeting on the tarmac (I swear to God she pulled that stupid meeting in order to get out of the hot seat on this one). Comey explained and it was perfectly understandable although disappointing.

You LOST. It's OVER. So get over it.
Why do you keep denying what you know is fact?

Hillary shared classified with her maid. Do you think that is legal? Yes or no?
You LOST. It's OVER. So get over it.
if only that nugget of wisdom worked on liberals on this last presidential race.

or every single trump attack attempt/smear that fell short of its intended goal. those are piling up in the "you lost, it's over, so get over it" category quickly.
So you are going to take a reverse tu quoque argument and turn it back on itself a third time? I don't think that's allowed. It is certainly making me dizzy. LOL
Easy is taking his disappointment in not seeing Hillary in orange to stellar heights. He is playing Crown Prosecutor and Supreme Court Justice and Philadelphia Lawyer and Breitbart spin artist all in one. It's bull. And he's deflecting all arguments to his annoying pet peeve. I didn't like her either and if the truth be known, she probably did a lot of stuff she shouldn't. But she is one smart lawyer and she's had decades of experience in how to walk the legal tightrope. She won. Easy needs to get over it and start worrying about Trump or some of his team wearing orange. This argument is not going to help.
so you actually believed that propaganda garbage, eh? why even ask...OF COURSE YOU DID! :lol:
The FBI just recently released over 400 official e-mails from Hillary's server that had never been turned over to the State Department...according to the State Department. That's over 400 criminal violations of the FOIA and over 4oo criminal violations of the Federal Records Act, and you are trying to defend Hillary from these, talking about how she should not be punished for 'breaking RULES'.

Are you a Hillary-ass-kissing snowflake, or are you really as stupid as you make yourself look?
She's not SOS anymore.
She's not SOS anymore.
I am extremely disappointed with your Intellectual Honesty and lack of Integrity this morning. You know damn-well that those documents being released now, showing more than 800 criminal counts total of violations of the FOIA and Federal Records Act occurred while she was Sect of State and that even though she is no longer SoS they still constitute punishable crimes.

I actually had more respect for you...until this.
Ah, the snowflake wants to play the favorite game of all snowflakes, the 'Stupid' game.

Hillary used an un-authorized personal laptop that was not encrypted as required by the law and was not secured properly as required by the law...
- All of these are individual criminal counts.

Hillary had both unclassified information and classified information on the same hard-drive and treated it as if it was unclassified. All items on a hard-drive will be classified according to the highest classification level of an item on the hard drive. That means an unclassified document on a classified SECRET server must be treated as a SECRET document.
- Each violation is a criminal count

Hillary gave persons who had no security clearances (or who had clearances but not high enough to have access to her information) access to classified information...people such as her lawyers, her IT tech, the IT company that illegally stored her server in their bathroom, and her MAID.
- This is a CRIME...a serious one.

Every official document found that she refused to turn into the State Department is a violation of both the FOIA AND The Federal Records Act. 1 document constitutes 2 criminal counts for violating the FOIA and the Federal Record Act.
-- Not counting the documents founds found before now, the FBI just released over 400 new official documents Hillary never turned over to the State Department ACCORDING TO THE STATE DEPARTMENT.


let me stop you right from the beginning...Hillary and her team, did not know they syd Blumenthal emails sent to them, had classified information in them...these emails from an outside source had information that the CIA felt should be classified information and they classified this information when they discovered it.... the State department who got this same information from Blumenthal, did not believe it was classified information by our government because they never got this information from our government...they only received it from the outside the gvt source. This is why none of the 4 critical email chains were never marked classified...they didn't come from our top secret govt files.

you can not prosecute a person of any level for that....period.

You had to take the files from government top secret files in order for it to be a crime.... her and her staff never did that.... end of story.
None of what you stated is supported by actual LAW.

Hillary was warned not to have her own personal server, She chose to. Comey testified not only did she have classified on her server she did indeed send Classified.

None of what you stayed erases the other crimes:
- Illegal handling
- Illegal Storage
- Illegal sharing of classified
- Hundreds of criminal violations of the FOIA
- Hundreds ofciolations of the Federal Records Act

She also committed Criminal Obstruction of Justice - the FBI orderedher to save and turn in EVERYTHING on her server and devices
- She criminally disobeyed an order from the FBI by destroying thousands of e-mails/ documents

- She criminally disobeyed an order from the FBI by further destroying more evidence by using BleachBit wipe her hard drive

- She criminally disobeyed an order from the FBI by her staff illegally destroying devices with a hammer; all of the devices were never recovered, and those turned in WERE MISSING THEIR SIM CARDS

"You had to take the files from government top secret files in order for it to be a crime.... "
Being in / coming from a Top Secret File is NOT what makes something Top Secret.


Again, ANYONE whoever worked with classified, a 1st year law student, could tell you HULLARY BROKE HUNDREDS OF LAWS!

I got it - Hillary is a Democrat and is yo gurl...I understand LOYALTY...but not at the expense of honesty and integrity.
No Easy, no no and no...we do not prosecute people for breaking rules, we may punish them but we do not put them in jail for mistakes, especially people who have held very high positions within our govt and have dedicated their life to the government and Public Service....like Petraeus who was not simply careless, but committed the crime with intent, he knew he was doing wrong and CHOSE to do it anyway....and he got a misdemeanor charge for it even though it was a felony initially but plea bargained it down.... Now if what Petraeus did was just a misdemeanor then what Hillary did with breaking the rules and being careless, had to be less than Petraeus.... and that is precisely how it turn out....that is called Justice.

Petraus is a piker compared to what Hillary did!

We have a sailor serving a prison sentence for taking photographs of a treadmill on a submarine!
fortunately for civilians, military laws and code doesn't apply to them....they are different ya know?

Once again you prove what a dumbass you truly are!

That sailor was prosecuted under the exact same law that Hillary broke. There was no military law or code involved.
The only obsession concerning Sessions is in the media. Hardly anybody noticed when Obama's A.G. was replaced.
Maybe that's because Obama wasn't being investigated by three committees in Congress and a Special Counsel at the time. Trump would love to shut down Mueller. Sessions is in his way at the moment, and we learned yesterday that a lot of Senate Republicans are on Sessions' side. It will not go well if Trump persists in this. If he didn't do anything wrong, he should just let the investigations proceed.

With a special counsel in place, Congress should not even be involved.
None of what you stated is supported by actual LAW.

Hillary was warned not to have her own personal server, She chose to. Comey testified not only did she have classified on her server she did indeed send Classified.

None of what you stayed erases the other crimes:
- Illegal handling
- Illegal Storage
- Illegal sharing of classified
- Hundreds of criminal violations of the FOIA
- Hundreds ofciolations of the Federal Records Act

She also committed Criminal Obstruction of Justice - the FBI orderedher to save and turn in EVERYTHING on her server and devices
- She criminally disobeyed an order from the FBI by destroying thousands of e-mails/ documents

- She criminally disobeyed an order from the FBI by further destroying more evidence by using BleachBit wipe her hard drive

- She criminally disobeyed an order from the FBI by her staff illegally destroying devices with a hammer; all of the devices were never recovered, and those turned in WERE MISSING THEIR SIM CARDS

"You had to take the files from government top secret files in order for it to be a crime.... "
Being in / coming from a Top Secret File is NOT what makes something Top Secret.


Again, ANYONE whoever worked with classified, a 1st year law student, could tell you HULLARY BROKE HUNDREDS OF LAWS!

I got it - Hillary is a Democrat and is yo gurl...I understand LOYALTY...but not at the expense of honesty and integrity.
No Easy, no no and no...we do not prosecute people for breaking rules, we may punish them but we do not put them in jail for mistakes, especially people who have held very high positions within our govt and have dedicated their life to the government and Public Service....like Petraeus who was not simply careless, but committed the crime with intent, he knew he was doing wrong and CHOSE to do it anyway....and he got a misdemeanor charge for it even though it was a felony initially but plea bargained it down.... Now if what Petraeus did was just a misdemeanor then what Hillary did with breaking the rules and being careless, had to be less than Petraeus.... and that is precisely how it turn out....that is called Justice.

Petraus is a piker compared to what Hillary did!

We have a sailor serving a prison sentence for taking photographs of a treadmill on a submarine!
fortunately for civilians, military laws and code doesn't apply to them....they are different ya know?
'Breaking Rules'? WTF is wrong with you, C4A? The FOIA and Federal Records Act are LAWS, not 'Rules'. Violating them are CRIMES. Violating them, as specified in the laws I posted a while back are punishable by heavy fines and PRISON TIME.

Stop your bullshit already. You damn-well know Hillary broke the law....or I gave you way too much credit, and you are an idiot.
Folks on the right keep telling the left to "get over it; you lost." Well, it seems to me that you are having the same issue yourself. Hillary was investigated up the ass and the FBI director, who was NOT on anyone's "side" determined that the case could not be SUCCESSFULLY prosecuted. That is what they do over there, collect evidence and see if it's enough to prosecute. Lynch had already stepped back from making that decision because of the meeting on the tarmac (I swear to God she pulled that stupid meeting in order to get out of the hot seat on this one). Comey explained and it was perfectly understandable although disappointing.

You LOST. It's OVER. So get over it.

That is not the job of the FBI.
Petraus is a piker compared to what Hillary did!

We have a sailor serving a prison sentence for taking photographs of a treadmill on a submarine!
fortunately for civilians, military laws and code doesn't apply to them....they are different ya know?
'Breaking Rules'? WTF is wrong with you, C4A? The FOIA and Federal Records Act are LAWS, not 'Rules'. Violating them are CRIMES. Violating them, as specified in the laws I posted a while back are punishable by heavy fines and PRISON TIME.

Stop your bullshit already. You damn-well know Hillary broke the law....or I gave you way too much credit, and you are an idiot.
Folks on the right keep telling the left to "get over it; you lost." Well, it seems to me that you are having the same issue yourself. Hillary was investigated up the ass and the FBI director, who was NOT on anyone's "side" determined that the case could not be SUCCESSFULLY prosecuted. That is what they do over there, collect evidence and see if it's enough to prosecute. Lynch had already stepped back from making that decision because of the meeting on the tarmac (I swear to God she pulled that stupid meeting in order to get out of the hot seat on this one). Comey explained and it was perfectly understandable although disappointing.

You LOST. It's OVER. So get over it.
Why do you keep denying what you know is fact?

Hillary shared classified with her maid. Do you think that is legal? Yes or no?
You LOST. It's OVER. So get over it.

As Yogi Berra once said, " It ain't over 'til it's over!"
'Breaking Rules'? WTF is wrong with you, C4A? The FOIA and Federal Records Act are LAWS, not 'Rules'. Violating them are CRIMES. Violating them, as specified in the laws I posted a while back are punishable by heavy fines and PRISON TIME.

Stop your bullshit already. You damn-well know Hillary broke the law....or I gave you way too much credit, and you are an idiot.
Folks on the right keep telling the left to "get over it; you lost." Well, it seems to me that you are having the same issue yourself. Hillary was investigated up the ass and the FBI director, who was NOT on anyone's "side" determined that the case could not be SUCCESSFULLY prosecuted. That is what they do over there, collect evidence and see if it's enough to prosecute. Lynch had already stepped back from making that decision because of the meeting on the tarmac (I swear to God she pulled that stupid meeting in order to get out of the hot seat on this one). Comey explained and it was perfectly understandable although disappointing.

You LOST. It's OVER. So get over it.
Why do you keep denying what you know is fact?

Hillary shared classified with her maid. Do you think that is legal? Yes or no?
You LOST. It's OVER. So get over it.
if only that nugget of wisdom worked on liberals on this last presidential race.

or every single trump attack attempt/smear that fell short of its intended goal. those are piling up in the "you lost, it's over, so get over it" category quickly.
So you are going to take a reverse tu quoque argument and turn it back on itself a third time? I don't think that's allowed. It is certainly making me dizzy. LOL
Easy is taking his disappointment in not seeing Hillary in orange to stellar heights. He is playing Crown Prosecutor and Supreme Court Justice and Philadelphia Lawyer and Breitbart spin artist all in one. It's bull. And he's deflecting all arguments to his annoying pet peeve. I didn't like her either and if the truth be known, she probably did a lot of stuff she shouldn't. But she is one smart lawyer and she's had decades of experience in how to walk the legal tightrope. She won. Easy needs to get over it and start worrying about Trump or some of his team wearing orange. This argument is not going to help.
it's all bull.

it's annoying when you press on hillary and get RUSSIA. it's annoying when you press on trump and get HILLARY.

to me - hillary won cause of the apathy from her side in what she did or has done. i know of no one who's had to handle confidential information that would have been given the pass she was given.

no one.

spin that as her mad skills, knowledge of the legal system, whatever you'd like the end result is still "no one" would have gotten away with it but she did and there's a ton of guilty people behind her with smoking guns all over and instead of looking there we seem to keep wanting to put smoking guns into trumps pockets and going LOOK WE FOUND IT!

every accusation against trump to date has fallen short and died on the vine. every "THIS BULLET WILL DO IT" turned out to be less than a BB but *trumps side* is supposed to get upset at Trump and join in the anti-trump parade when the left didn't and still don't care about what hillary did in fact get away with.

you say she likely did some of those things and they were illegal - how come we don't press that as hard as the potential of trump illegalities? where is the passion for punishing people who commit crimes regardless of their political affiliation?

it's not there. until "the middle" stops this insanity and shoves the extremes back to their extreme sides we will continue to "deflect, rationalize and reason" why our side should be able to get away with something the other side shouldn't. i see no value there and i see no value in dismissing one over the other as then you fall deep into hypocrisy and find a way to let one go so you can rage at the other.

so again - i don't defend trump regardless of how many times people say i do. i defend the base right or wrong and want the same standards used on both sides. the same passion to punish all people for crimes and stop the micro-analysis of why it's "ok" in a given instance when it's not.

yep. i get frustrated a lot cause taking one turd over the other makes zero sense to me. in effect you're asking people to forget that hillary, in their eyes, got away with some amazing shit, but they should get furious at trump, who still to this date is *not* under investigation himself. or a "matter" if you'd prefer.
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Hillary was investigated up the ass and the FBI director, who was NOT on anyone's "side" determined that the case could not be SUCCESSFULLY prosecuted.
Comey declared Hillary was too stupid to know she was breaking the law and that Hillary could not be prosecuted, IN HIS OPINION, because she did not INTENT to break the law.

Ignorance of the law and / or breaking the law but not meaning to ARE NOT LEGALLY ACCEPTABLE DEFENSES FOR BREAKING THE LAW.

Comey KNOWS that. 1st year Law Students know that.
let me stop you right from the beginning...Hillary and her team, did not know they syd Blumenthal emails sent to them, had classified information in them...these emails from an outside source had information that the CIA felt should be classified information and they classified this information when they discovered it.... the State department who got this same information from Blumenthal, did not believe it was classified information by our government because they never got this information from our government...they only received it from the outside the gvt source. This is why none of the 4 critical email chains were never marked classified...they didn't come from our top secret govt files.

you can not prosecute a person of any level for that....period.

You had to take the files from government top secret files in order for it to be a crime.... her and her staff never did that.... end of story.
None of what you stated is supported by actual LAW.

Hillary was warned not to have her own personal server, She chose to. Comey testified not only did she have classified on her server she did indeed send Classified.

None of what you stayed erases the other crimes:
- Illegal handling
- Illegal Storage
- Illegal sharing of classified
- Hundreds of criminal violations of the FOIA
- Hundreds ofciolations of the Federal Records Act

She also committed Criminal Obstruction of Justice - the FBI orderedher to save and turn in EVERYTHING on her server and devices
- She criminally disobeyed an order from the FBI by destroying thousands of e-mails/ documents

- She criminally disobeyed an order from the FBI by further destroying more evidence by using BleachBit wipe her hard drive

- She criminally disobeyed an order from the FBI by her staff illegally destroying devices with a hammer; all of the devices were never recovered, and those turned in WERE MISSING THEIR SIM CARDS

"You had to take the files from government top secret files in order for it to be a crime.... "
Being in / coming from a Top Secret File is NOT what makes something Top Secret.


Again, ANYONE whoever worked with classified, a 1st year law student, could tell you HULLARY BROKE HUNDREDS OF LAWS!

I got it - Hillary is a Democrat and is yo gurl...I understand LOYALTY...but not at the expense of honesty and integrity.
No Easy, no no and no...we do not prosecute people for breaking rules, we may punish them but we do not put them in jail for mistakes, especially people who have held very high positions within our govt and have dedicated their life to the government and Public Service....like Petraeus who was not simply careless, but committed the crime with intent, he knew he was doing wrong and CHOSE to do it anyway....and he got a misdemeanor charge for it even though it was a felony initially but plea bargained it down.... Now if what Petraeus did was just a misdemeanor then what Hillary did with breaking the rules and being careless, had to be less than Petraeus.... and that is precisely how it turn out....that is called Justice.

Petraus is a piker compared to what Hillary did!

We have a sailor serving a prison sentence for taking photographs of a treadmill on a submarine!
fortunately for civilians, military laws and code doesn't apply to them....they are different ya know?

Once again you prove what a dumbass you truly are!

That sailor was prosecuted under the exact same law that Hillary broke. There was no military law or code involved.
please back up your bogus claim that the sailor was prosecuted under the same law Hillary broke!
None of what you stated is supported by actual LAW.

Hillary was warned not to have her own personal server, She chose to. Comey testified not only did she have classified on her server she did indeed send Classified.

None of what you stayed erases the other crimes:
- Illegal handling
- Illegal Storage
- Illegal sharing of classified
- Hundreds of criminal violations of the FOIA
- Hundreds ofciolations of the Federal Records Act

She also committed Criminal Obstruction of Justice - the FBI orderedher to save and turn in EVERYTHING on her server and devices
- She criminally disobeyed an order from the FBI by destroying thousands of e-mails/ documents

- She criminally disobeyed an order from the FBI by further destroying more evidence by using BleachBit wipe her hard drive

- She criminally disobeyed an order from the FBI by her staff illegally destroying devices with a hammer; all of the devices were never recovered, and those turned in WERE MISSING THEIR SIM CARDS

"You had to take the files from government top secret files in order for it to be a crime.... "
Being in / coming from a Top Secret File is NOT what makes something Top Secret.


Again, ANYONE whoever worked with classified, a 1st year law student, could tell you HULLARY BROKE HUNDREDS OF LAWS!

I got it - Hillary is a Democrat and is yo gurl...I understand LOYALTY...but not at the expense of honesty and integrity.
No Easy, no no and no...we do not prosecute people for breaking rules, we may punish them but we do not put them in jail for mistakes, especially people who have held very high positions within our govt and have dedicated their life to the government and Public Service....like Petraeus who was not simply careless, but committed the crime with intent, he knew he was doing wrong and CHOSE to do it anyway....and he got a misdemeanor charge for it even though it was a felony initially but plea bargained it down.... Now if what Petraeus did was just a misdemeanor then what Hillary did with breaking the rules and being careless, had to be less than Petraeus.... and that is precisely how it turn out....that is called Justice.

Petraus is a piker compared to what Hillary did!

We have a sailor serving a prison sentence for taking photographs of a treadmill on a submarine!
fortunately for civilians, military laws and code doesn't apply to them....they are different ya know?

Once again you prove what a dumbass you truly are!

That sailor was prosecuted under the exact same law that Hillary broke. There was no military law or code involved.
please back up your bogus claim that the sailor was prosecuted under the same law Hillary broke!

Why? You can never seem to back up any of the bullshit you try to peddle on this forum. It was all over the news! I can't help it if you are perpetually a dumbass!

Here! I wasted my time because you are a dumbass!

"Last July, Saucier was indicted on one felony count of unlawful retention of national defense information and another felony count of obstruction of justice. He pleaded guilty Friday to the classified information charge, which is part of the Espionage Act, a prosecution spokesman confirmed."

Sub sailor's photo case draws comparisons to Clinton emails
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No Easy, no no and no...we do not prosecute people for breaking rules, we may punish them but we do not put them in jail for mistakes, especially people who have held very high positions within our govt and have dedicated their life to the government and Public Service....like Petraeus who was not simply careless, but committed the crime with intent, he knew he was doing wrong and CHOSE to do it anyway....and he got a misdemeanor charge for it even though it was a felony initially but plea bargained it down.... Now if what Petraeus did was just a misdemeanor then what Hillary did with breaking the rules and being careless, had to be less than Petraeus.... and that is precisely how it turn out....that is called Justice.

Petraus is a piker compared to what Hillary did!

We have a sailor serving a prison sentence for taking photographs of a treadmill on a submarine!
fortunately for civilians, military laws and code doesn't apply to them....they are different ya know?
'Breaking Rules'? WTF is wrong with you, C4A? The FOIA and Federal Records Act are LAWS, not 'Rules'. Violating them are CRIMES. Violating them, as specified in the laws I posted a while back are punishable by heavy fines and PRISON TIME.

Stop your bullshit already. You damn-well know Hillary broke the law....or I gave you way too much credit, and you are an idiot.
Folks on the right keep telling the left to "get over it; you lost." Well, it seems to me that you are having the same issue yourself. Hillary was investigated up the ass and the FBI director, who was NOT on anyone's "side" determined that the case could not be SUCCESSFULLY prosecuted. That is what they do over there, collect evidence and see if it's enough to prosecute. Lynch had already stepped back from making that decision because of the meeting on the tarmac (I swear to God she pulled that stupid meeting in order to get out of the hot seat on this one). Comey explained and it was perfectly understandable although disappointing.

You LOST. It's OVER. So get over it.

That is not the job of the FBI.
comey simply stated what the prosecutors working with the FBI relayed to the FBI investigators.

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