What the Sessions Obsession Traches me about President Trump

No Easy, no no and no...we do not prosecute people for breaking rules, we may punish them but we do not put them in jail for mistakes, especially people who have held very high positions within our govt and have dedicated their life to the government and Public Service....like Petraeus who was not simply careless, but committed the crime with intent, he knew he was doing wrong and CHOSE to do it anyway....and he got a misdemeanor charge for it even though it was a felony initially but plea bargained it down.... Now if what Petraeus did was just a misdemeanor then what Hillary did with breaking the rules and being careless, had to be less than Petraeus.... and that is precisely how it turn out....that is called Justice.

Petraus is a piker compared to what Hillary did!

We have a sailor serving a prison sentence for taking photographs of a treadmill on a submarine!
fortunately for civilians, military laws and code doesn't apply to them....they are different ya know?

Once again you prove what a dumbass you truly are!

That sailor was prosecuted under the exact same law that Hillary broke. There was no military law or code involved.
please back up your bogus claim that the sailor was prosecuted under the same law Hillary broke!

Why? You can never seem to back up any of the bullshit you try to peddle on this forum. It was all over the news! I can't help it if you are perpetually a dumbass!
it wasn't all over the news, it was only in the right wing's blogs and

it was debunked... the same laws did not apply to what the sailor did and what Hillary did....so please spare us this type of B.S. in the future before checking it out. ty!
Petraus is a piker compared to what Hillary did!

We have a sailor serving a prison sentence for taking photographs of a treadmill on a submarine!
fortunately for civilians, military laws and code doesn't apply to them....they are different ya know?

Once again you prove what a dumbass you truly are!

That sailor was prosecuted under the exact same law that Hillary broke. There was no military law or code involved.
please back up your bogus claim that the sailor was prosecuted under the same law Hillary broke!

Why? You can never seem to back up any of the bullshit you try to peddle on this forum. It was all over the news! I can't help it if you are perpetually a dumbass!
it wasn't all over the news, it was only in the right wing's blogs and

it was debunked... the same laws did not apply to what the sailor did and what Hillary did....so please spare us this type of B.S. in the future before checking it out. ty!

Read it and weep! I await your full retraction of your idiocy.

"Last July, Saucier was indicted on one felony count of unlawful retention of national defense information and another felony count of obstruction of justice. He pleaded guilty Friday to the classified information charge, which is part of the Espionage Act, a prosecution spokesman confirmed."

Sub sailor's photo case draws comparisons to Clinton emails

Take your own advice, you low-life POS!
there is no conflict of interest.
Do you ever get tired of being wrong?

No conflict of interest?

The Democrats loathe Trump, and Mueller's panel is filled with nothi g but Trump-hating Democrats.

One of his members is Hillary Clinton's lawyer.

Another is a lawyer whise boss / mentor / friend was fired by Trump.

Yeah, no conflict of interests to be found.

Reverse the situation - imagine Obama being investigated by a group of Republicans under the same circumstances...suddenly, I imagine, snowflakes would be screaming 'conflict of interest', 'witch hunt', 'racists', 'set-up', etc...

Obama and Clinton were investigated by a bunch of Republicans, a bunch of times. The Benghazi Investigations. You may remember them. They found nothing.

When Bill was President, the Clintons were involved with multiple investigations a bunch of times - all by Republicans. Ken Starr was the special prosecutor. You may remember that. Bill didn't fire anyone and the investigations proceeded and found nothing but a blow job.

You might want to remember this the next time you get your shirt in a knot about the Russian Investigation.
President Trump was willing to let the whole sordid Hillary affair go so the country could concentrate on higher priorities but liberals and the media instead decided to launch a witch hunt into Trump and his team. Trump is saying you want to have an investigation war fine its on!
some day you won't have Hillary to use as a punching bag, What will you all ever do without her? who's your next boogeyman and punching bag gonna be?

Say's the left who still foam at the mouth about Reagan here let me laugh at you :laugh:
fortunately for civilians, military laws and code doesn't apply to them....they are different ya know?

Once again you prove what a dumbass you truly are!

That sailor was prosecuted under the exact same law that Hillary broke. There was no military law or code involved.
please back up your bogus claim that the sailor was prosecuted under the same law Hillary broke!

Why? You can never seem to back up any of the bullshit you try to peddle on this forum. It was all over the news! I can't help it if you are perpetually a dumbass!
it wasn't all over the news, it was only in the right wing's blogs and

it was debunked... the same laws did not apply to what the sailor did and what Hillary did....so please spare us this type of B.S. in the future before checking it out. ty!

Read it and weep! I await your full retraction of your idiocy.

"Last July, Saucier was indicted on one felony count of unlawful retention of national defense information and another felony count of obstruction of justice. He pleaded guilty Friday to the classified information charge, which is part of the Espionage Act, a prosecution spokesman confirmed."

Sub sailor's photo case draws comparisons to Clinton emails

Take your own advice, you low-life POS!
I have....and get a grip macho man....

On a March day in 2012, the supervisor at the town dump in Hampton, Connecticut, saw an LG cellphone resting atop a dumpster. Deciding he needed a new cell phone, he powered it on … It was the beginning of an unlikely series of events that led to the Justice Department filing charges that could put Machinist Mate 1st Class Kristian Saucier behind bars for 20 years. Prosecutors say the 10-year Navy vet used his cell phone to snap pictures of the classified engineering spaces on the attack submarine Alexandria, raising questions about his intentions to share them.

It’s the latest case where sailors are accused of violating the submarine force’s ban on personal electronic devices; the ban was adopted to prevent sailors from photographing sensitive spaces … Saucier, a 28-year-old native of Arlington, Vermont, had been remodeling his home and making regular trips to the dump. When the supervisor opened the pictures on the phone, he discovered photos of Saucier, whom he recognized, along with several detailed pictures of what looked like a Navy ship.

The supervisor showed the photos to his buddy, a retired Navy chief, who took them to the Naval Criminal Investigative Service, who then looped in the FBI, and it was off to the races. The photos that raised red flags at NCIS and the FBI included images of various control panels, a panoramic view of the reactor compartment and a panel that showed the condition and exact location of the submarine at the time the photo was taken. The FBI alleged that “an engineer could determine significant design characteristics of a U.S. nuclear submarine” from the images on Saucier’s phone.

Investigators considered an intent of espionage, a charge Saucier’s lawyers strongly contested. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) further alleged Saucier had destroyed evidence in order to avoid prosecution, but the Bureau did not present any evidence he had attempted to disseminate the photographs (all captured while he was on duty) of classified equipment or spaces:

Saucier pleaded “not guilty” to charges he took and retained pictures of classified spaces and knowingly destroyed evidence to disrupt an ongoing investigation. Saucier’s attorney said his client denies any wrongdoing and is “vehemently denying the charge of espionage.” … Saucier told the FBI in an interview that the phone was his but that he didn’t take the pictures, according to the criminal complaint. The FBI alleges that after the interview, Saucier went home and smashed his laptop, a camera and an SD card.

Pieces of the laptop were found in the woods behind Saucier’s grandfather’s house in another part of the state, according to the criminal complaint filed by the FBI … So far, prosecutors have not presented any evidence that suggests Saucier tried or intended to share the photos to foreign agents.

Three witnesses attested to knowledge of Saucier’s possession of the images, and the FBI alleged Saucier attempted to destroy the evidence that he had taken them:

During the interview, the FBI asked him about his personal computer and other electronic devices he took with him on deployment, according to the complaint … Immediately following that interview, he returned to his home and, according to the witness at his home that day, he grabbed his camera and the laptop the FBI had asked about, took them to the basement and smashed them to bits inside a plastic bag.

Saucier then told the witness not to talk because the witness would be in trouble too for seeing the images.

At the time of that report, the case was still in its exploratory phases. On 27 May 2016, the Department of Justice (DOJ) issued a press release stating that Saucier had pled guilty to one count of unauthorized possession and retention of classified material. Espionage was not mentioned as an element of his plea, and Saucier was not court-martialed:

Kristian Saucier, 29, of Arlington, Vermont, pleaded guilty today before U.S. District Judge Stefan R. Underhill of the District of Connecticut to one count of unauthorized possession and retention of national defense information.

According to court documents and statements made in court, from September 2007 to March 2012, Saucier served as a machinist’s mate aboard the USS Alexandria … On at least three separate dates in 2009, Saucier used the camera on his personal cellphone to take photographs of classified spaces, instruments and equipment of the USS Alexandria, documenting the major technical components of the submarine’s propulsion system.

On Jan. 19, 2009, Saucier took two photos, one of the auxiliary steam plant panel and the other of the reactor compartment viewed through a portal. On March 22, 2009, Saucier took two photos that, when placed side by side, provided a panoramic array of the maneuvering compartment, the room from which the propulsion system of the boat is operated. On July 15, 2009, Saucier took two photos documenting the reactor head configuration of the nuclear reactor and a view of the reactor compartment from within that compartment.

Saucier had a secret clearance and knew that the photos depicted classified material and that he was not authorized to take them. He retained these photos and failed to deliver them to any officer or employee of the United States entitled to receive it … Judge Underhill scheduled sentencing for Aug. 19, 2016, at which time Saucier faces a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison and a fine of up to $250,000. He is released on a $100,000 bond.

The debate didn’t mark the first instance of Kristian Saucier’s charges and conviction being compared to Clinton’s private e-mail server investigation. At Saucier’s August 2016 sentencing hearing, his lawyers argued for a sentence of probation and maintained that Clinton’s contemporaneous FBI investigation and the Bureau’s ultimate decision not to indict her ought to be taken into account. Prosecutors argued the defense was “grasping … at straws” in drawing a comparison to Clinton, as well as to other sailors of similar rank punished less severely for taking photographs on the ship. Saucier’s attorneys pointed to uneven prosecution of offenses relating to classified information and cited specifics of the Clinton e-mail investigation, while several witnesses asserted Saucier was definitely aware his actions constituted a serious offense:

“The defendant is grasping at highly imaginative and speculative straws in trying to … draw a comparison to the matter of Sec. Hilary Clinton based upon virtually no understanding and knowledge of the facts involved, the information at issue, not to mention any issues if [sic] intent and knowledge,” prosecutors wrote [in a court filing].

Saucier’s defense attorney argued in a submission that it would be unfair to impose a prison sentence on his client when Clinton’s email account was found to contain eight chains with “Top Secret” information and 36 with “Secret” information. Prosecutors and the FBI closed that investigation without filing charges against Clinton or anyone else … The contrast is fueling longstanding complaints that senior officials accused of mishandling classified information often get little or no punishment, while more junior-ranking offenders can be hit with severe consequences … [T]he defense notes that two of the sailor’s shipmates took similar photos in the same sub and received far more modest punishment, including a $560 docking of pay and — in one instance — a one-grade reduction in rank. One of those sailors is expected to be commissioned as an officer soon.

However, prosecutors say those episodes involved sailors who each took a single “selfie” in the engine room “while Saucier methodically documented the entire propulsion system of the nuclear submarine, including the design of its nuclear compartment and its nuclear reactor.”

“They are not the type of photographs that one would take to commemorate one’s service,” prosecutors said.

Read the rest here Kristian Saucier
Immediately after the election President Trump, rightly in my opinion, dismissed the idea of following through on his campaign promise to lock her up as being "too divisive " for our country. Coupled with the massive distraction from getting policies in place, it made sense to think of the country first.

So what's changed now? The only thing that I can see is that he is angry about his family and himself being in the crosshairs. And because he is angry it now appears that he no longer cares about divisiveness. Put simply, in an effort to save his own family he is throwing the country into turmoil. For no good reason. No policies will get passed if the old crow Hillary is in jail. It will just create more division.

Not too noble if you asked me. It shows me the essence of what the man values before our country. And I am sickened by my vote.
It is the worst kind of leadership to publicly and incessantly chastise one of your own hires.

Truly bizarre behavior.
President Trump was willing to let the whole sordid Hillary affair go so the country could concentrate on higher priorities but liberals and the media instead decided to launch a witch hunt into Trump and his team. Trump is saying you want to have an investigation war fine its on!
some day you won't have Hillary to use as a punching bag, What will you all ever do without her? who's your next boogeyman and punching bag gonna be?

Say's the left who still foam at the mouth about Reagan here let me laugh at you :laugh:


Cuz I've never done Reagan bashing!
Obama and Clinton were investigated by a bunch of Republicans, a bunch of times. The Benghazi Investigations. You may remember them. They found nothing.
WHY do Democrats continue to LIE by making this statement? You would be right if you simply stated Nothing ILLEGAL was revealed, but it is a lie to say that 'Nothing' was found'. Hillary should just be thankful that INCOMPETENCE and STUPIDITY are not punishable legal offenses.

What was proven during the Benghazi Investigations were this:

  • The State Department acknowledged they knew about the attack called for on 9/11/12.

  • The State Department acknowledged they knew about the assassination of Ambassador Stevens called for by Al Qaeda in retaliation for an Al Qaeda leader from Benghazi having been killed a month earlier by an Obama drone strike.

  • The State Dept hired a local militia that was affiliated with Al Qaeda to protect Ambassador Stevens and the Americans in Benghazi

  • After Al Qaeda's presence in Benghazi began to rise, after increased violence and terrorist attacks in Benghazi, after it was deemed that Benghazi had become to dangerous for foreigners to remain in Benghazi - especially with a pending terrorist attack on 9/11/12, EVERY OTHER NATION PULLED THEIR PEOPLE OUT OF BENGHAZI...EXCEPT THE US, THANKS TO HILLARY'S STATE DEPT.

  • Ambassador Stevens warned the State Department of the growing presence and threat in Benghazi. He told them of the increased terrorist attacks, the growing numbers of Al Qaeda in Benghazi, about the Al Qaeda flags flying form govt buildings there, and the increased number of terrorist training camps in Benghazi. The State dept did not order its team to get out.

  • Al Qaeda perpetrated 2 terrorist attacks on the US Compound in Benghazi in the weeks prior to the final major attack on 9/11/12. The last attack left a 4 foot hole in the compound wall. Neither of these attacks were called 'protests'. (Experts testified these were 'trial runs', designed to test the defenses and monitor the reactions of the compound security team.

  • Ambassador Stevens made over 50 requests for additional security throughout all of this. He even warned that if Al Qaeda attacked a 3rd time, more organized with more people, he and others would die...and asked again for more security. He was denied...again. He was he denied more than 50 times...and AFTER THE 2 TERRORIST ATTACKS ON THE COMPOUND HILLARY'S STATE DEPARTMENT NOT ONLY DENIED HIM THE REQUESTED ADDITIONAL SECURITY - THEY TOOK AWAY SOME OF HIS SECURITY TEAM. BY DOING THIS, THE STATE DEPARTMENT SENTENCED STEVENS TO DIE.

  • Hillary was asked about the more than 50 (FIFTY) requests for additional security by Stevens which were all denied. HILLARY LAUGHED AND STATED SHE BELIEVED THE REQUESTS WERE PART OF HIS ODD SENSE OF HUMOR. No...they were PLEAS FOR HIS LIFE, as we can all see now.

  • Within minutes of the attack beginning, the lead Ambassador in Tripoli called the State Department where, as he testified, HE TALKED TO HILLARY and declared the Benghazi attack on 9/11/12 to be a TERRORIST ATTACK. In less than an hour after the attack began the CIA, as they testified, sent a report to the State Department and to the WH WAR Room declaring the event to indeed be a TERRORIST ATTACK. (To this day no one has proven where Obama was - just that he was not in the WAR Room. Some have offered the opinion that he was in the WH living quarters sleeping...and evidently could not be woken up for a terrorist attack and 4 Americans being murdered. It was reported, however, that the CIA report was modified 13 times before finally being released - every reference to terrorism had been stripped from the report.)

  • It was revealed that Hillary e-mails the Ambassador of Egypt, telling him 'WE KNOW THIS WAS A TERRORIST ATTACK, THAT THE VIDEO HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH IT'. It also proved she sent almost the identical message to her daughter. Hillary's defenders would later claim Hillary had no idea what was going on because of 'the fog of war'....despite what she texted being exactly what happened. (Funny - Comey said she was too stupid to know what she was doing when defending her on her e-mail scandal, and her Benghazi defender used that same defense.)

  • The FBI and CIA and Americans on the ground during the attack all testified that this was a terrorist attack, that there was never any indication or evidence a protest. After the attack the Obama administration would not let the press or anyone talk to anyone who had been there during the attack. NO ONE.

  • On 9/11/12, the anniversary of 9/11/01, 20+US Embassies and compounds were attacked as part of the Middle-East-Wide attacked called for on 9/11/12. 2 were overrun - Benghazi and the Embassy in Egypt. Only Americans in Benghazi were killed. The media was nearly silent on all other attacks but could not escape reporting on the 1st murder of a US Ambassador in over 30 years! EVEN BEING WARNED OF A COMING ATTACK ON THE ANNIVERSARY OF 9/11/01, BARRY AND HILLARY DID NOTHING TO PREPARE AND KEEP AMERICANS SAFE, TAKING AWAY SECURITY INSTEAD, AND FACILITATING THE MURDER OF 4 AMERICANS, TO INCLUDE AMBASSADOR STEVENS .


If Hillary and Barry had just come out and declared that 4 Americans had been killed in a terrorist attack they would not have been in trouble. Americans would have accepted it. For Obama's re-election and not to hurt Hillary's 2016 political chances, they lied.
Once again you prove what a dumbass you truly are!

That sailor was prosecuted under the exact same law that Hillary broke. There was no military law or code involved.
please back up your bogus claim that the sailor was prosecuted under the same law Hillary broke!

Why? You can never seem to back up any of the bullshit you try to peddle on this forum. It was all over the news! I can't help it if you are perpetually a dumbass!
it wasn't all over the news, it was only in the right wing's blogs and

it was debunked... the same laws did not apply to what the sailor did and what Hillary did....so please spare us this type of B.S. in the future before checking it out. ty!

Read it and weep! I await your full retraction of your idiocy.

"Last July, Saucier was indicted on one felony count of unlawful retention of national defense information and another felony count of obstruction of justice. He pleaded guilty Friday to the classified information charge, which is part of the Espionage Act, a prosecution spokesman confirmed."

Sub sailor's photo case draws comparisons to Clinton emails

Take your own advice, you low-life POS!
I have....and get a grip macho man....

On a March day in 2012, the supervisor at the town dump in Hampton, Connecticut, saw an LG cellphone resting atop a dumpster. Deciding he needed a new cell phone, he powered it on … It was the beginning of an unlikely series of events that led to the Justice Department filing charges that could put Machinist Mate 1st Class Kristian Saucier behind bars for 20 years. Prosecutors say the 10-year Navy vet used his cell phone to snap pictures of the classified engineering spaces on the attack submarine Alexandria, raising questions about his intentions to share them.

It’s the latest case where sailors are accused of violating the submarine force’s ban on personal electronic devices; the ban was adopted to prevent sailors from photographing sensitive spaces … Saucier, a 28-year-old native of Arlington, Vermont, had been remodeling his home and making regular trips to the dump. When the supervisor opened the pictures on the phone, he discovered photos of Saucier, whom he recognized, along with several detailed pictures of what looked like a Navy ship.

The supervisor showed the photos to his buddy, a retired Navy chief, who took them to the Naval Criminal Investigative Service, who then looped in the FBI, and it was off to the races. The photos that raised red flags at NCIS and the FBI included images of various control panels, a panoramic view of the reactor compartment and a panel that showed the condition and exact location of the submarine at the time the photo was taken. The FBI alleged that “an engineer could determine significant design characteristics of a U.S. nuclear submarine” from the images on Saucier’s phone.

Investigators considered an intent of espionage, a charge Saucier’s lawyers strongly contested. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) further alleged Saucier had destroyed evidence in order to avoid prosecution, but the Bureau did not present any evidence he had attempted to disseminate the photographs (all captured while he was on duty) of classified equipment or spaces:

Saucier pleaded “not guilty” to charges he took and retained pictures of classified spaces and knowingly destroyed evidence to disrupt an ongoing investigation. Saucier’s attorney said his client denies any wrongdoing and is “vehemently denying the charge of espionage.” … Saucier told the FBI in an interview that the phone was his but that he didn’t take the pictures, according to the criminal complaint. The FBI alleges that after the interview, Saucier went home and smashed his laptop, a camera and an SD card.

Pieces of the laptop were found in the woods behind Saucier’s grandfather’s house in another part of the state, according to the criminal complaint filed by the FBI … So far, prosecutors have not presented any evidence that suggests Saucier tried or intended to share the photos to foreign agents.

Three witnesses attested to knowledge of Saucier’s possession of the images, and the FBI alleged Saucier attempted to destroy the evidence that he had taken them:

During the interview, the FBI asked him about his personal computer and other electronic devices he took with him on deployment, according to the complaint … Immediately following that interview, he returned to his home and, according to the witness at his home that day, he grabbed his camera and the laptop the FBI had asked about, took them to the basement and smashed them to bits inside a plastic bag.

Saucier then told the witness not to talk because the witness would be in trouble too for seeing the images.

At the time of that report, the case was still in its exploratory phases. On 27 May 2016, the Department of Justice (DOJ) issued a press release stating that Saucier had pled guilty to one count of unauthorized possession and retention of classified material. Espionage was not mentioned as an element of his plea, and Saucier was not court-martialed:

Kristian Saucier, 29, of Arlington, Vermont, pleaded guilty today before U.S. District Judge Stefan R. Underhill of the District of Connecticut to one count of unauthorized possession and retention of national defense information.

According to court documents and statements made in court, from September 2007 to March 2012, Saucier served as a machinist’s mate aboard the USS Alexandria … On at least three separate dates in 2009, Saucier used the camera on his personal cellphone to take photographs of classified spaces, instruments and equipment of the USS Alexandria, documenting the major technical components of the submarine’s propulsion system.

On Jan. 19, 2009, Saucier took two photos, one of the auxiliary steam plant panel and the other of the reactor compartment viewed through a portal. On March 22, 2009, Saucier took two photos that, when placed side by side, provided a panoramic array of the maneuvering compartment, the room from which the propulsion system of the boat is operated. On July 15, 2009, Saucier took two photos documenting the reactor head configuration of the nuclear reactor and a view of the reactor compartment from within that compartment.

Saucier had a secret clearance and knew that the photos depicted classified material and that he was not authorized to take them. He retained these photos and failed to deliver them to any officer or employee of the United States entitled to receive it … Judge Underhill scheduled sentencing for Aug. 19, 2016, at which time Saucier faces a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison and a fine of up to $250,000. He is released on a $100,000 bond.

The debate didn’t mark the first instance of Kristian Saucier’s charges and conviction being compared to Clinton’s private e-mail server investigation. At Saucier’s August 2016 sentencing hearing, his lawyers argued for a sentence of probation and maintained that Clinton’s contemporaneous FBI investigation and the Bureau’s ultimate decision not to indict her ought to be taken into account. Prosecutors argued the defense was “grasping … at straws” in drawing a comparison to Clinton, as well as to other sailors of similar rank punished less severely for taking photographs on the ship. Saucier’s attorneys pointed to uneven prosecution of offenses relating to classified information and cited specifics of the Clinton e-mail investigation, while several witnesses asserted Saucier was definitely aware his actions constituted a serious offense:

“The defendant is grasping at highly imaginative and speculative straws in trying to … draw a comparison to the matter of Sec. Hilary Clinton based upon virtually no understanding and knowledge of the facts involved, the information at issue, not to mention any issues if [sic] intent and knowledge,” prosecutors wrote [in a court filing].

Saucier’s defense attorney argued in a submission that it would be unfair to impose a prison sentence on his client when Clinton’s email account was found to contain eight chains with “Top Secret” information and 36 with “Secret” information. Prosecutors and the FBI closed that investigation without filing charges against Clinton or anyone else … The contrast is fueling longstanding complaints that senior officials accused of mishandling classified information often get little or no punishment, while more junior-ranking offenders can be hit with severe consequences … [T]he defense notes that two of the sailor’s shipmates took similar photos in the same sub and received far more modest punishment, including a $560 docking of pay and — in one instance — a one-grade reduction in rank. One of those sailors is expected to be commissioned as an officer soon.

However, prosecutors say those episodes involved sailors who each took a single “selfie” in the engine room “while Saucier methodically documented the entire propulsion system of the nuclear submarine, including the design of its nuclear compartment and its nuclear reactor.”

“They are not the type of photographs that one would take to commemorate one’s service,” prosecutors said.

Read the rest here Kristian Saucier

Why should I read it? You cut and pasted it and never bothered to read it!

Where is the reference to his charges being under the Espionage Act? You do know what that is, don't you? It isn't a military regulation or code.

Thank you for once again proving that you are a dumbass, and a consistent one at that!
please back up your bogus claim that the sailor was prosecuted under the same law Hillary broke!

Why? You can never seem to back up any of the bullshit you try to peddle on this forum. It was all over the news! I can't help it if you are perpetually a dumbass!
it wasn't all over the news, it was only in the right wing's blogs and

it was debunked... the same laws did not apply to what the sailor did and what Hillary did....so please spare us this type of B.S. in the future before checking it out. ty!

Read it and weep! I await your full retraction of your idiocy.

"Last July, Saucier was indicted on one felony count of unlawful retention of national defense information and another felony count of obstruction of justice. He pleaded guilty Friday to the classified information charge, which is part of the Espionage Act, a prosecution spokesman confirmed."

Sub sailor's photo case draws comparisons to Clinton emails

Take your own advice, you low-life POS!
I have....and get a grip macho man....

On a March day in 2012, the supervisor at the town dump in Hampton, Connecticut, saw an LG cellphone resting atop a dumpster. Deciding he needed a new cell phone, he powered it on … It was the beginning of an unlikely series of events that led to the Justice Department filing charges that could put Machinist Mate 1st Class Kristian Saucier behind bars for 20 years. Prosecutors say the 10-year Navy vet used his cell phone to snap pictures of the classified engineering spaces on the attack submarine Alexandria, raising questions about his intentions to share them.

It’s the latest case where sailors are accused of violating the submarine force’s ban on personal electronic devices; the ban was adopted to prevent sailors from photographing sensitive spaces … Saucier, a 28-year-old native of Arlington, Vermont, had been remodeling his home and making regular trips to the dump. When the supervisor opened the pictures on the phone, he discovered photos of Saucier, whom he recognized, along with several detailed pictures of what looked like a Navy ship.

The supervisor showed the photos to his buddy, a retired Navy chief, who took them to the Naval Criminal Investigative Service, who then looped in the FBI, and it was off to the races. The photos that raised red flags at NCIS and the FBI included images of various control panels, a panoramic view of the reactor compartment and a panel that showed the condition and exact location of the submarine at the time the photo was taken. The FBI alleged that “an engineer could determine significant design characteristics of a U.S. nuclear submarine” from the images on Saucier’s phone.

Investigators considered an intent of espionage, a charge Saucier’s lawyers strongly contested. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) further alleged Saucier had destroyed evidence in order to avoid prosecution, but the Bureau did not present any evidence he had attempted to disseminate the photographs (all captured while he was on duty) of classified equipment or spaces:

Saucier pleaded “not guilty” to charges he took and retained pictures of classified spaces and knowingly destroyed evidence to disrupt an ongoing investigation. Saucier’s attorney said his client denies any wrongdoing and is “vehemently denying the charge of espionage.” … Saucier told the FBI in an interview that the phone was his but that he didn’t take the pictures, according to the criminal complaint. The FBI alleges that after the interview, Saucier went home and smashed his laptop, a camera and an SD card.

Pieces of the laptop were found in the woods behind Saucier’s grandfather’s house in another part of the state, according to the criminal complaint filed by the FBI … So far, prosecutors have not presented any evidence that suggests Saucier tried or intended to share the photos to foreign agents.

Three witnesses attested to knowledge of Saucier’s possession of the images, and the FBI alleged Saucier attempted to destroy the evidence that he had taken them:

During the interview, the FBI asked him about his personal computer and other electronic devices he took with him on deployment, according to the complaint … Immediately following that interview, he returned to his home and, according to the witness at his home that day, he grabbed his camera and the laptop the FBI had asked about, took them to the basement and smashed them to bits inside a plastic bag.

Saucier then told the witness not to talk because the witness would be in trouble too for seeing the images.

At the time of that report, the case was still in its exploratory phases. On 27 May 2016, the Department of Justice (DOJ) issued a press release stating that Saucier had pled guilty to one count of unauthorized possession and retention of classified material. Espionage was not mentioned as an element of his plea, and Saucier was not court-martialed:

Kristian Saucier, 29, of Arlington, Vermont, pleaded guilty today before U.S. District Judge Stefan R. Underhill of the District of Connecticut to one count of unauthorized possession and retention of national defense information.

According to court documents and statements made in court, from September 2007 to March 2012, Saucier served as a machinist’s mate aboard the USS Alexandria … On at least three separate dates in 2009, Saucier used the camera on his personal cellphone to take photographs of classified spaces, instruments and equipment of the USS Alexandria, documenting the major technical components of the submarine’s propulsion system.

On Jan. 19, 2009, Saucier took two photos, one of the auxiliary steam plant panel and the other of the reactor compartment viewed through a portal. On March 22, 2009, Saucier took two photos that, when placed side by side, provided a panoramic array of the maneuvering compartment, the room from which the propulsion system of the boat is operated. On July 15, 2009, Saucier took two photos documenting the reactor head configuration of the nuclear reactor and a view of the reactor compartment from within that compartment.

Saucier had a secret clearance and knew that the photos depicted classified material and that he was not authorized to take them. He retained these photos and failed to deliver them to any officer or employee of the United States entitled to receive it … Judge Underhill scheduled sentencing for Aug. 19, 2016, at which time Saucier faces a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison and a fine of up to $250,000. He is released on a $100,000 bond.

The debate didn’t mark the first instance of Kristian Saucier’s charges and conviction being compared to Clinton’s private e-mail server investigation. At Saucier’s August 2016 sentencing hearing, his lawyers argued for a sentence of probation and maintained that Clinton’s contemporaneous FBI investigation and the Bureau’s ultimate decision not to indict her ought to be taken into account. Prosecutors argued the defense was “grasping … at straws” in drawing a comparison to Clinton, as well as to other sailors of similar rank punished less severely for taking photographs on the ship. Saucier’s attorneys pointed to uneven prosecution of offenses relating to classified information and cited specifics of the Clinton e-mail investigation, while several witnesses asserted Saucier was definitely aware his actions constituted a serious offense:

“The defendant is grasping at highly imaginative and speculative straws in trying to … draw a comparison to the matter of Sec. Hilary Clinton based upon virtually no understanding and knowledge of the facts involved, the information at issue, not to mention any issues if [sic] intent and knowledge,” prosecutors wrote [in a court filing].

Saucier’s defense attorney argued in a submission that it would be unfair to impose a prison sentence on his client when Clinton’s email account was found to contain eight chains with “Top Secret” information and 36 with “Secret” information. Prosecutors and the FBI closed that investigation without filing charges against Clinton or anyone else … The contrast is fueling longstanding complaints that senior officials accused of mishandling classified information often get little or no punishment, while more junior-ranking offenders can be hit with severe consequences … [T]he defense notes that two of the sailor’s shipmates took similar photos in the same sub and received far more modest punishment, including a $560 docking of pay and — in one instance — a one-grade reduction in rank. One of those sailors is expected to be commissioned as an officer soon.

However, prosecutors say those episodes involved sailors who each took a single “selfie” in the engine room “while Saucier methodically documented the entire propulsion system of the nuclear submarine, including the design of its nuclear compartment and its nuclear reactor.”

“They are not the type of photographs that one would take to commemorate one’s service,” prosecutors said.

Read the rest here Kristian Saucier

Why should I read it? You cut and pasted it and never bothered to read it!

Where is the reference to his charges being under the Espionage Act? You do know what that is, don't you? It isn't a military regulation or code.

Thank you for once again proving that you are a dumbass, and a consistent one at that!
first, what is the law/statute that you claim he broke and Hillary broke as well? And as far as military code being stronger vs civilian....I could have used the wrong term, but I am not certain...? What I am saying is that the Military has stricter rules governing the Military guys behavior, like no pictures in the Nuclear reactor room etc type of things...

Hillary had emails that had classified information that she was given from an OUTSIDE PUBLIC source, that she and her staff did not know had been classified by another department head without the Clinton staff knowing it. You don't put senior officials in prison for that....

She did not take pictures of classified areas, she did not remove top secret info from it's proper govt place which the espionage law REQUIRES, and store it in an unsafe place as Petraeus... who only got a misdemeanor for his misdeeds, even though he also lied to the FBI several times....

there were 22 email chains in question, all but 4 of them, have been declassified....out there for you and me to see....the Clinton team believed it was a witch hunt the way it was presented about hundreds and thousands of classified emails and they were right....

the only 4 of the alleged 22 critical and top secret email chains were the original 4 emails that began the whole investigation near a year and a half earlier...

so you can take your garbage and put it where the sun don't shine!

Good Day!
Obama and Clinton were investigated by a bunch of Republicans, a bunch of times. The Benghazi Investigations. You may remember them. They found nothing.
WHY do Democrats continue to LIE by making this statement? You would be right if you simply stated Nothing ILLEGAL was revealed, but it is a lie to say that 'Nothing' was found'. Hillary should just be thankful that INCOMPETENCE and STUPIDITY are not punishable legal offenses.

What was proven during the Benghazi Investigations were this:

  • The State Department acknowledged they knew about the attack called for on 9/11/12.

  • The State Department acknowledged they knew about the assassination of Ambassador Stevens called for by Al Qaeda in retaliation for an Al Qaeda leader from Benghazi having been killed a month earlier by an Obama drone strike.

  • The State Dept hired a local militia that was affiliated with Al Qaeda to protect Ambassador Stevens and the Americans in Benghazi

  • After Al Qaeda's presence in Benghazi began to rise, after increased violence and terrorist attacks in Benghazi, after it was deemed that Benghazi had become to dangerous for foreigners to remain in Benghazi - especially with a pending terrorist attack on 9/11/12, EVERY OTHER NATION PULLED THEIR PEOPLE OUT OF BENGHAZI...EXCEPT THE US, THANKS TO HILLARY'S STATE DEPT.

  • Ambassador Stevens warned the State Department of the growing presence and threat in Benghazi. He told them of the increased terrorist attacks, the growing numbers of Al Qaeda in Benghazi, about the Al Qaeda flags flying form govt buildings there, and the increased number of terrorist training camps in Benghazi. The State dept did not order its team to get out.

  • Al Qaeda perpetrated 2 terrorist attacks on the US Compound in Benghazi in the weeks prior to the final major attack on 9/11/12. The last attack left a 4 foot hole in the compound wall. Neither of these attacks were called 'protests'. (Experts testified these were 'trial runs', designed to test the defenses and monitor the reactions of the compound security team.

  • Ambassador Stevens made over 50 requests for additional security throughout all of this. He even warned that if Al Qaeda attacked a 3rd time, more organized with more people, he and others would die...and asked again for more security. He was denied...again. He was he denied more than 50 times...and AFTER THE 2 TERRORIST ATTACKS ON THE COMPOUND HILLARY'S STATE DEPARTMENT NOT ONLY DENIED HIM THE REQUESTED ADDITIONAL SECURITY - THEY TOOK AWAY SOME OF HIS SECURITY TEAM. BY DOING THIS, THE STATE DEPARTMENT SENTENCED STEVENS TO DIE.

  • Hillary was asked about the more than 50 (FIFTY) requests for additional security by Stevens which were all denied. HILLARY LAUGHED AND STATED SHE BELIEVED THE REQUESTS WERE PART OF HIS ODD SENSE OF HUMOR. No...they were PLEAS FOR HIS LIFE, as we can all see now.

  • Within minutes of the attack beginning, the lead Ambassador in Tripoli called the State Department where, as he testified, HE TALKED TO HILLARY and declared the Benghazi attack on 9/11/12 to be a TERRORIST ATTACK. In less than an hour after the attack began the CIA, as they testified, sent a report to the State Department and to the WH WAR Room declaring the event to indeed be a TERRORIST ATTACK. (To this day no one has proven where Obama was - just that he was not in the WAR Room. Some have offered the opinion that he was in the WH living quarters sleeping...and evidently could not be woken up for a terrorist attack and 4 Americans being murdered. It was reported, however, that the CIA report was modified 13 times before finally being released - every reference to terrorism had been stripped from the report.)

  • It was revealed that Hillary e-mails the Ambassador of Egypt, telling him 'WE KNOW THIS WAS A TERRORIST ATTACK, THAT THE VIDEO HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH IT'. It also proved she sent almost the identical message to her daughter. Hillary's defenders would later claim Hillary had no idea what was going on because of 'the fog of war'....despite what she texted being exactly what happened. (Funny - Comey said she was too stupid to know what she was doing when defending her on her e-mail scandal, and her Benghazi defender used that same defense.)

  • The FBI and CIA and Americans on the ground during the attack all testified that this was a terrorist attack, that there was never any indication or evidence a protest. After the attack the Obama administration would not let the press or anyone talk to anyone who had been there during the attack. NO ONE.

  • On 9/11/12, the anniversary of 9/11/01, 20+US Embassies and compounds were attacked as part of the Middle-East-Wide attacked called for on 9/11/12. 2 were overrun - Benghazi and the Embassy in Egypt. Only Americans in Benghazi were killed. The media was nearly silent on all other attacks but could not escape reporting on the 1st murder of a US Ambassador in over 30 years! EVEN BEING WARNED OF A COMING ATTACK ON THE ANNIVERSARY OF 9/11/01, BARRY AND HILLARY DID NOTHING TO PREPARE AND KEEP AMERICANS SAFE, TAKING AWAY SECURITY INSTEAD, AND FACILITATING THE MURDER OF 4 AMERICANS, TO INCLUDE AMBASSADOR STEVENS .


If Hillary and Barry had just come out and declared that 4 Americans had been killed in a terrorist attack they would not have been in trouble. Americans would have accepted it. For Obama's re-election and not to hurt Hillary's 2016 political chances, they lied.

Bullshit! They knew all of that after the first investigation. There was no evidence of a cover-up and there was no "stupidity", and no lies so stop with the partisan lies.

The next 4 or 5 Benghazi Investigations were for the sole purpose of finding something, anything to discredit Clinton or Obama. To bring down Clinton's public popularity for the 2016 election. The very definition of a "witch hunt".
Bullshit! They knew all of that after the first investigation.
No, snowflake. All of this is FACT.

Are you seriously trying to say the State Department did not know about 2 terrorist attacjs on the compound before 9/11/12 until AFTER the investigation?

Are you trying to claim the State Dept did not know every other country pulled their people out before 9/11/12 until AFTER the unvestigation?

You are either delusional or a liar.
Bullshit! They knew all of that after the first investigation.
No, snowflake. All of this is FACT.

Are you seriously trying to say the State Department did not know about 2 terrorist attacjs on the compound before 9/11/12 until AFTER the investigation?

Are you trying to claim the State Dept did not know every other country pulled their people out before 9/11/12 until AFTER the unvestigation?

You are either delusional or a liar.

There was nothing learned in the 7th Benghazi Investigation that wasn't known after the first investigation was finished

The rest of the investigations were all about "getting something" on Obama and/or Clinton.

Nothing more.
Immediately after the election President Trump, rightly in my opinion, dismissed the idea of following through on his campaign promise to lock her up as being "too divisive " for our country. Coupled with the massive distraction from getting policies in place, it made sense to think of the country first.

So what's changed now? The only thing that I can see is that he is angry about his family and himself being in the crosshairs. And because he is angry it now appears that he no longer cares about divisiveness. Put simply, in an effort to save his own family he is throwing the country into turmoil. For no good reason. No policies will get passed if the old crow Hillary is in jail. It will just create more division.

Not too noble if you asked me. It shows me the essence of what the man values before our country. And I am sickened by my vote.
Trump problem with Sessions has nothing do with Hillary. It's all about Sessions lack of loyalty, the same as with Comey. Apparently, no one every told Trump that the AG and FBI director are sworn to uphold the law even if it threatens their boss.

I find it so amazing that Trump would expect such loyalty from his people when he has never been loyal to his party, his business partners, customers, or his lenders. He uses people and discards them. Slaps them on the back today and slides in the knife tomorrow. His loyalty to his supporters will last only until he discovers he can't win an election with only 37% of the voters.
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Trump, immediately after the swearing in should have turned around and ordered US Marshals to take the meat puppet faggot into custody and charge him with treason. Hitlery should have been in custody before the election after it was revealed she and the DNC waterhead conspired to undermine the voters and fucked Bernie in the primaries.

There has NEVER been real accountability or adequate consequences for the criminally insane sociopaths in both parties that undermine our sovereignty, enrich themselves in office through insider trading and acts that would put anyone else in a cell with Madoff. Trump should be pursuing criminal charges on every single political whore in DC that can be charged and truly drain the sewer.

There was nothing learned in the 7th Benghazi Investigation that wasn't known after the first investigation was finished. The rest of the investigations were all about "getting something" on Obama and/or Clinton. Nothing more.

Your head is filled with so much partisan mush that you have no idea what you are talking about....

You know why you hold investigations after terrorist attacks that result in the deaths of Americans, to include the 1st Ambassador murdered in over 30 years? you don't do it to play 'Pin the Tail On The Dumbass' - you do it so it never happens again.

YOU said 'they knew all this AFTER THE 1ST INVESTIGATION - AGAIN
- Are you seriously trying to say the State Department did not know about 2 terrorist attacjs on the compound before 9/11/12 until AFTER the investigation?

- Are you SERIOUSLY trying to claim the State Dept did not know every other country pulled their people out before 9/11/12 until AFTER the Investigation?

As I said, the Obama administration ADMITTED they knew about the MIDDLE EAST-WIDE call for terrorist attacks on the anniversary of 9/11/01. THE MEDIA reported the Mayor of Benghazi also warned the State Department of the Al Qaeda call to assassinate Stevens in retaliation for the Benghazi AQ Leader killed months earlier in an Obama drone strike - the Obama administration admitted they knew of this IN ADVANCE.


1. WHY were US Embassies throughout the Middle East not prepared for the attacks called for on 9/11/12 when we knew - had warnings - they were going to happen?
-- 20+ Embassies were attacked ON THE SAME DAY; 2 OVERRUN, & 4 AMERICANS NEEDLESSLY KILLED.

2. WHY were the Americans in Benghazi not ORDERED out...AFTER 2 TERRORIST ATTACKS ON THE COMPOUND IN THE WEEKS LEADING UP TO 9/11/12, the last attack leaving a 4-foot hole in the wall...especially after every other nation had pulled their people out because of the increased AQ presence, increased violence, and threat of the pending 9/11/12 attack?

3. WHY was an AQ-associated militia hired to help protect Americans in Benghazi when it was AQ who was calling for Middle East-wide attacks on 9/11/12...and it was AQ who was calling for the retaliatory assassination of Stevens?

4. WHY did the State Department turn down more than 50 requests for additional security from Ambassador Stevens, even after 2 terrorist attacks on the Benghazi compound?
-- (IN THE HEARING IN WHICH HILLARY ANSWERED QUESTIONS): WHY THE F* ARE YOU LAUGHING WHEN AMBASSADOR STEVENS AND 3 OTHER AMERICANS ARE DEAD? You seriously thought 50 requests for additional security, even after 2 terrorist attacks, was 'a running joke - just part of his sense of humor'?! WTF is wrong with you?!"

The Obama administration lied, deceived, refused to allow the committee to talk to the CIA agents or the survivors who were on the ground for the longest time. Again, instead of just coming out and admitting Benghazi was a terrorist attack from the start instead of attempting to pass Benghazi off as the only event out of 22 attacks that was a protest instead of a terrorist attack, Obama and Hillary poured gas on the fire and MADE IT a scandal.

And while I admire 'loyalty' there is no way you can look at any of what happened on 9/11/12 and say that Barry and Hillary did a 'good job'. 4 Americans died on their watch...needlessly...when it was their job to protect them. THAT is in no way a 'good job'. That's a clusterf*! A massive FAILURE! If they had just pulled the Americans out when every other nation did 4 Americans would still be alive. If they had given Stevens the additional security he asked for instead of taking away some of his security right after 2 terrorist attacks and right before the 9/11/12 attack 4 Americans would still be alive.

It is distasteful...disgusting...how snowflakes put loyalty to sh!tbags who failed in their jobs then lied about it....how snowflakes put loyalty to PARTY over TRUTH and the lives and memory of 4 good Americans who are now DEAD.

Here's a newsflash for you, too. I don't give a damn who it was who F*ed up - what party they belong to. I would be saying these things no matter who was in charge when it happened. The direct actions taken and NOT TAKEN before the attack ever took place sealed the fates of the 4 Americans who died that day. Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Socialist, Fascist, man, woman, transgender....IT DOESN'T MATTER. Benghazi was a royal F* up!
I am not a partisan. I'm a Canadian who doesn't watch American news, I watch world reports.

You're the guy spouting the FOX News lies.

The Benghazi investigations, all 7 of them said that the Obama Administration did NOT LIE, DID NOT DECEIVE AND DID NOT COVER UP.
I am not a partisan. I'm a Canadian

Canadian - not even an American. That explains it - you don't know what the F* you're talking about.

Instead of reading 'world reports' you should have actually watched the Investigations. You should have seen the Obama administration officials testify under oath that they DID know about the threat of a Middle East-wide attack on US Embassies on 9/11/12, that they DID know about the AQ leader's call for an assassination of Stevens in retaliation for the death of a Benghazi AQ leader due to an Obama drone strike, they DID know of the 2 terrorist attacks leading up to 9/11/12, they DID know how Stevens asked for additional security more than 50 times, they DID reject all of those requests, they DID take away part of his security detail right before 9/11/12 and AFTER the 2 terrorist attacks, and they DID know about the other nations pulling their people out and refused to do so.

YOU claimed they did not know some of this until AFTER the investigation which is completely WRONG. You, like (UN-)American snowflakes claim Hillary was not a failure even though she allowed 4 Americans to NEEDLESSLY die. So, that is a measure of success for F*ed up Canuck snowflakes, too huh?!
Trump's treatment of Jeff Sessions is disgusting. It's abuse, plain and simple. He's trying to bully Sessions into quitting.

If he doesn't want Sessions as his AG, grow a pair and fire him, Donnie. Stop humiliating on twitter. His behaviour shows just how spineless and venal Trump is.

Sessions was the first Senator who supported him. That Dumb Donald thinks his recusal is "disloyal" shows that Dumb Donald thinks Jeff's oath to uphold the Constitution doesn't matter.

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